100 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh rendahnya sikap rasa ingin tahu dan hasil belajar peserta didik pada Subtema Makananku Sehat dan Bergizi yang pencapaiannya hanya 35% peserta didik yang tuntas memenuhi nilai KKM. Selain itu pendidik masih menggunakan metode atau model pembelajaran yang bersifat teacher centered, yaitu model ceramah.Pelaksanaan yang dilakukan peneiti yaitu dua siklus dan setiap siklus terdiri dari 3 pembelajaran.Model Pembelajaran yang digunakan peneliti yaitu inkuiri terbimbing, pengertian dari inkuiri terbimbing merupakan model pembelajaran yang memberikan kesempatan kepada peserta didik untuk aktif terlibat dalam proses pembelajaran dengan melakukan penyelidikan dan pemecahan masalah secara mandiri namum tetap dengan bimbingan pendidik agar peserta didik lebih mudah dalam memahami konsep pelajaran. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswakelas IV D SDN Leuwipanjang dengan jumlah peserta didik sebanyak 35 orang. Instrument pembelajaran yang digunakan adalah berupa tes, lembar observasi (observasi pendidik dan observasi peserta didik), LKPD (Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik) dan lembar angket. Hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing ditunjukan dengan perencanaan setiap siklusnya yang mengalami perbaikan berdasarkan hasil refleksi di siklus sebelumnya. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing dapat dilihat dari aktivitas pendidik dan peserta didik pada setiap siklusnya yang mengalami peningkatan. Pencapaian hasil belajar afektif mencapai 44% pada siklus II mencapai 80% dan kognitif peserta didik pada siklus I mencapai rata-rata 35% Siklus II ketuntasan 80%. Adapun hasil belajar psikomotor peserta didik di siklus I mencapai ketuntasan 36%. Siklus II mencapai mencapai ketuntasan 88%. Ambatan yang dilami oleh peneiti yaitu alokasi waktu dan pengelolaan kelas, Upaya yang dilakukan peneliti adalah mengatur pelaksannaan pembelajaran sesuai dengan rencana yang kita persiapkan dengan baik dan mengatur suasana kelas dengan menyenangkan yaitu membuat media pembelajaran yang baik sehingga daapat menarik minat belajar peserta didik. Kata Kunci : Inkuiri Terbimbing, rasa ingin tahu, hasil belajar peserta didik, hambatan pelaksanaan, upaya peningkata

    Metaphoric coherence: Distinguishing verbal metaphor from `anomaly\u27

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    Theories and computational models of metaphor comprehension generally circumvent the question of metaphor versus “anomaly” in favor of a treatment of metaphor versus literal language. Making the distinction between metaphoric and “anomalous” expressions is subject to wide variation in judgment, yet humans agree that some potentially metaphoric expressions are much more comprehensible than others. In the context of a program which interprets simple isolated sentences that are potential instances of cross‐modal and other verbal metaphor, I consider some possible coherence criteria which must be satisfied for an expression to be “conceivable” metaphorically. Metaphoric constraints on object nominals are represented as abstracted or extended along with the invariant structural components of the verb meaning in a metaphor. This approach distinguishes what is preserved in metaphoric extension from that which is “violated”, thus referring to both “similarity” and “dissimilarity” views of metaphor. The role and potential limits of represented abstracted properties and constraints is discussed as they relate to the recognition of incoherent semantic combinations and the rejection or adjustment of metaphoric interpretations

    The Norwegian Earth System Model, NorESM1-M – Part 1: Description and basic evaluation of the physical climate

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    The core version of the Norwegian Climate Center's Earth System Model, named NorESM1-M, is presented. The NorESM family of models are based on the Community Climate System Model version 4 (CCSM4) of the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, but differs from the latter by, in particular, an isopycnic coordinate ocean model and advanced chemistry–aerosol–cloud–radiation interaction schemes. NorESM1-M has a horizontal resolution of approximately 2° for the atmosphere and land components and 1° for the ocean and ice components. NorESM is also available in a lower resolution version (NorESM1-L) and a version that includes prognostic biogeochemical cycling (NorESM1-ME). The latter two model configurations are not part of this paper. Here, a first-order assessment of the model stability, the mean model state and the internal variability based on the model experiments made available to CMIP5 are presented. Further analysis of the model performance is provided in an accompanying paper (Iversen et al., 2013), presenting the corresponding climate response and scenario projections made with NorESM1-M

    A genome-wide association study with 1,126,563 individuals identifies new risk loci for Alzheimer's disease

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    Late-onset Alzheimer’s disease is a prevalent age-related polygenic disease that accounts for 50–70% of dementia cases. Currently, only a fraction of the genetic variants underlying Alzheimer’s disease have been identified. Here we show that increased sample sizes allowed identification of seven previously unidentified genetic loci contributing to Alzheimer’s disease. This study highlights microglia, immune cells and protein catabolism as relevant to late-onset Alzheimer’s disease, while identifying and prioritizing previously unidentified genes of potential interest. We anticipate that these results can be included in larger meta-analyses of Alzheimer’s disease to identify further genetic variants that contribute to Alzheimer’s pathology

    Acromegaly caused by growth hormone-releasing hormone-producing tumors: long-term observational studies in three patients

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    We report on three newly diagnosed patients with extracranial ectopic GHRH-associated acromegaly with long-term follow-up after surgery of the primary tumor. One patient with a pancreatic tumor and two parathyroid adenomas was the index case of a large kindred of MEN-I syndrome. The other two patients had a large bronchial carcinoid. The first patient is still in remission now almost 22 years after surgery. In the two other patients GHRH did not normalize completely after surgery and they are now treated with slow-release octreotide. IGF-I normalized in all patients. During medical treatment basal GH secretion remained (slightly) elevated and secretory regularity was decreased in 24 h blood sampling studies. We did not observe development of tachyphylaxis towards the drug or radiological evidence of (growing) metastases. We propose life-long suppressive therapy with somatostatin analogs in cases with persisting elevated serum GHRH concentrations after removal of the primary tumor. Independent parameters of residual disease are elevated basal (nonpulsatile) GH secretion and decreased GH secretory regularity

    Deleting edges to restrict the size of an epidemic: a new application for treewidth

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    Motivated by applications in network epidemiology, we consider the problem of determining whether it is possible to delete at most k edges from a given input graph (of small treewidth) so that the resulting graph avoids a set FF of forbidden subgraphs; of particular interest is the problem of determining whether it is possible to delete at most k edges so that the resulting graph has no connected component of more than h vertices, as this bounds the worst-case size of an epidemic. While even this special case of the problem is NP-complete in general (even when h=3h=3 ), we provide evidence that many of the real-world networks of interest are likely to have small treewidth, and we describe an algorithm which solves the general problem in time 2O(|F|wr)n2O(|F|wr)n  on an input graph having n vertices and whose treewidth is bounded by a fixed constant w, if each of the subgraphs we wish to avoid has at most r vertices. For the special case in which we wish only to ensure that no component has more than h vertices, we improve on this to give an algorithm running in time O((wh)2wn)O((wh)2wn) , which we have implemented and tested on real datasets based on cattle movements