79 research outputs found

    Neočekivana snježna oluja 13–14. siječnja 2002. u Zagrebu

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    The purpose of this paper is to present the causes of an unusual event of local snowstorm which lasted continuously for 28 hours resulting in 23 cm of snow. It was poorly forecasted since it occurred under a steady surface anticyclone in south-eastern Europe, east of the Alps. In the troposphere the most noteworthy feature was the middle-upper tropospheric front in an environment marked by sinking motion presented by the Q vectors field. It formed upstream from an intensifying cold trough in less than half a day. Another extraordinary feature was a low tropopause with a breaking region exchanging tropospheric and stratospheric air just above the area of Zagreb. The processes which mainly characterised this event in synoptic scale were advections of potential vorticity in the stratosphere and troposphere along the tropospheric cold trough. The interactions of orographically induced polar air upsloping clouds by synoptic scale in westerlies and the low level mesoscale saturated air, influenced by the terrain in the area of Zagreb by easterly flow, were considered the causes of the snowfall. Such an event leads to the “feeder-seeder” process in which large scale ascent generating higher level seeder clouds containing ice droplets large enough to efficiently washout precipitation to interact with the lower level (feeder) moisture area and cause precipitation. This is considered one of the few significant mesoscale precipitation processes that is essentially entirely microphysical in nature.Cilj je ovog rada da prikaže pojave koje prate snježnu oluju u Zagrebu i kaos u prometu grada s kontinuiranim oborinom od 28 sati i 23 cm debljine snijega. Oluja nije dobro prognozirana jer je bila pod utjecajem dugotrajne prizemne anticiklone u jugoistočnoj Europi istočno od Alpa. U troposferi je najizrazitija bila visinska fronta srednje troposfere, karakterizirana silaznim gibanjima prikazanim poljem Q-vektora. Ova se fronta formirala uzlazno od hladne doline u troposferi, i ojačala u razdoblju manjem od pola dana. Druga izvanredna pojava je bio lom tropopauze iznad Zagreba, označen razmjenom troposferskog i stratosferskog zraka na tom području. Pojava koja je najviše utjecala na razvoj ove situacije je bila advekcija potencijalne vrtložnosti duž troposferske hladne doline. Ovakav intenzivni razvoj sinoptičke situacije već ukazuje i na mogućnost obilnijih snježnih oborina. Pokazano je da je tu bitnu ulogu imala uzlazna komponenta gibanja uz obronke planina, kako u makro tako i u mezorazmjerima. Stvaranje oblaka u makrorazmjerima u navjetrini Alpa i njihovo gibanje u zapadnoj struji do zavjetrine, dovelo ih je iznad niskog vlažnog područja nastalog na obroncima gorja (gore Medvednice) na području Zagreba. Ovdje nastaje međudjelovanje visokih i niskih oblaka do nastalih oborina, a očituje se u procesu opisanom koncepcijskim modelom ispiranja. Visoki hladni oblaci sadrže ledene čestice koje zasiju nisko područje velike vlage i time uzrokuju oborinu. To je fenomen »sijač-primač«, što je jedan od malobrojnih značajnih mezoskalnih procesa koji su u biti potpuno mikrofizikalni

    Potential of different insect meals as an alternative protein sources in animal nutrition

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    U okviru ove doktorske disertacije istraživanja su bazirana na optimizaciji uslova uzgoja različitih vrsta insekata u cilju proizvodnje visoko nutritivnog brašna od insekata, kao alternativne sirovine u ishrani životinja. Istraživanja su spovedena na tri vrste insekata- crvu brašnaru, super crvu i popcima. Praćen je uticaj supstrata i vreme uzgoja insekata na nutrtitivna svojstva insekatskog brašna poput opštih hemijskih analiza, aminokiselinskog, masnokiselinskog i mineralnog sastava. U drugoj fazi, istraživanja su bazirana na izolacij proteina i unapređenju procesa ekstrakcije i čistoće proteina. U ovoj fazi dobijeni proteini su iskarakterisani u pogledu funkcionalnih i bioloških osobina. U trećoj fazi ove doktorske disertacije sprovedena je enzimska hidroliza proteinskog izolata. Dobijeni hidrolizati su ispitani kroz različite testove na antimikrobnu aktivnost. Rezultati prikazani u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji čine naučno saznanje o uslovima uzgoja insekata, nutritivnom sastavu različitih vrsta insekatskog brašna, kao i njihovim proteinima, koji mogu naći široku primenu u industriji hrane za životinje i prehrambenoj industriji.  The research of this doctoral dissertation, was based on the optimization of insect rearing conditions with the aim of high nutrition insect meals production as an alternative feedstuffs. Research was conducted on three different insect specie - yellow meal worm, super worm and house cricket. It was investigated the influence of different substrates and time of rearing on nutritional properties of insect meals, such as proximate analysis, amino acid, fatty acid and mineral composition. In the second phase, research was based on protein isolation and improvement of protein extraction and purity. In this phase obtained proteins were characterized in terms of functional and biological properties. In the third phase of this doctoral thesis enzymatic hydrolysis of protein isolates was obtained. Acquired hydrolisates were investigated on the different antimicrobial tests. The results presented in this doctoral dissertation constitute scientific knowledge of the conditions of insect rearing, the nutritional composition of different insect meals, as well as their proteins which can be widely used in the feed and food production


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    Criminal acts of a computer crime are no longer a new social and legal phenomenon. In addition to the execution of criminal acts that fall within the domain of a computer crime, computers have found their application in the execution of the so-called classic criminal acts, giving them a different modus operandi. A spatial distance between the action taken and the resulting consequences during the execution of criminal acts of a computer crime, led to the strengthening of the transnational crime. Initially, the international community tried to intervene in this area, with the idea of regulating the criminal prosecution of the perpetrators of the cross-border criminal acts of a computer crime. However, to date, there has been adopted no normative framework regulating the issue of prosecuting the perpetrators of these criminal acts at the universal level. In this sense, the paper analyzes the existing international standards with regard to the normative arrangement of jurisdiction for the prosecution of perpetrators of transnational computer crimes. In addition, the paper contains a presentation of the normative arrangement of this issue in domestic legislation

    Modeling of transients after faults in LV network

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    Cilj ovog završnog rada je prikaz raznih mogućih kvarova i zaštitnih mjera na niskonaponskoj mreži. U radu se nalazi teorijsko objašnjenje kratkog spoja, te razne vrste kratkih spojeva, moguće zaštitne mjere ovisno o naponskom iznosu, načinu izvedbe mreže i mjestu nastanka kvara. Prikazana je simulacija jedne niskonaponske mreže, te analiza struje kratkog spoja na osnovu zadanih parametara mreže. Prilikom simuliranja koristišten je računalni program Easy Power.The aim of this paper is the display of different failures and safeguard measurements on electrical grids. This paper contains theoretical explanations of short circuits and their kinds, possible safeguard measurements depending on the voltage amount, grid performance and last but not least, the failure point. A simulation of an electrical grid has been depicted, as well as the analysis of short circuit electricity based on the given grid (network) parameters. A computer program Easy Power has been used during the simulation

    Potential of different insect meals as an alternative protein sources in animal nutrition

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    U okviru ove doktorske disertacije istraživanja su bazirana na optimizaciji uslova uzgoja različitih vrsta insekata u cilju proizvodnje visoko nutritivnog brašna od insekata, kao alternativne sirovine u ishrani životinja. Istraživanja su spovedena na tri vrste insekata- crvu brašnaru, super crvu i popcima. Praćen je uticaj supstrata i vreme uzgoja insekata na nutrtitivna svojstva insekatskog brašna poput opštih hemijskih analiza, aminokiselinskog, masnokiselinskog i mineralnog sastava. U drugoj fazi, istraživanja su bazirana na izolacij proteina i unapređenju procesa ekstrakcije i čistoće proteina. U ovoj fazi dobijeni proteini su iskarakterisani u pogledu funkcionalnih i bioloških osobina. U trećoj fazi ove doktorske disertacije sprovedena je enzimska hidroliza proteinskog izolata. Dobijeni hidrolizati su ispitani kroz različite testove na antimikrobnu aktivnost. Rezultati prikazani u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji čine naučno saznanje o uslovima uzgoja insekata, nutritivnom sastavu različitih vrsta insekatskog brašna, kao i njihovim proteinima, koji mogu naći široku primenu u industriji hrane za životinje i prehrambenoj industriji.  The research of this doctoral dissertation, was based on the optimization of insect rearing conditions with the aim of high nutrition insect meals production as an alternative feedstuffs. Research was conducted on three different insect specie - yellow meal worm, super worm and house cricket. It was investigated the influence of different substrates and time of rearing on nutritional properties of insect meals, such as proximate analysis, amino acid, fatty acid and mineral composition. In the second phase, research was based on protein isolation and improvement of protein extraction and purity. In this phase obtained proteins were characterized in terms of functional and biological properties. In the third phase of this doctoral thesis enzymatic hydrolysis of protein isolates was obtained. Acquired hydrolisates were investigated on the different antimicrobial tests. The results presented in this doctoral dissertation constitute scientific knowledge of the conditions of insect rearing, the nutritional composition of different insect meals, as well as their proteins which can be widely used in the feed and food production

    Интегрисани модел менаџмента ризиком и вишекритеријумске оптимизације производног програма предузећа

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    У докторској дисертацији изложено је истраживање интеграције менаџмента ризиком и вишекритеријумске оптимизације производног програма. Истраживање је базирано на хипотези да је могуће интегрисати два наведена приступа као и да се њиховом интеграцијом могу постићи бољи пословни резултати у смислу повећања ефикасности пословања, смањења ризика од производних губитака и сл. Развијена је методологија у којој су селектоване адекватне методе из области менаџмента ризиком и методе из вишекритеријумске оптимизације. Истраживањем је утврђено да примена квантитативних метода за оцену ризика односно примена Бајесових мрежа у прорачуну укупног ризика даје резултате који прецизније описују стварно стање система у односу на друге методе за оцену ризика. У даљем истраживању развијен је алгоритам за менаџмент ризиком у оптимизацији производног програма који путем повратне спреге омогућава корекцију екстерних и интерних извора ризика у складу с прихватљивим нивоом посматраног извора ризика. Теоријски модел за менаџмент ризиком у оптимизацији производног програма примењен је експериментално у пилот фабрици. За конкретно предузеће идентификовани су извори ризика и могуће (у конкретном случају четири) варијанте производног програма. За сваку варијанту производног програма прорачунат је профит и укупан ризик, на основу чега је закључно изабрана варијанта с највећим приходом и најмањим ризиком по појаву производних губитака. Научни допринос дисертације огледа се у методолошком приступу решавању проблема вишекритеријумске оптимизације, где се поред функција циља за максимизацију производних ресурса уводи компонента која се односи на минимизацију ризика од производних губитака, чиме се ова методологија издваја у односу на постојеће које су занемаривале овај утицај. Идентификација интерних и екстерних извора ризика у оптимизацији производног програма обухвата читав низ утицајних фактора на процес имплементације и реализације одабраног производног програма, а узимањем ових фактора у обзир приликом избора производног програма, повећава се ниво одлучивања као и сâм квалитет одлука донетих на овај начин.This doctoral dissertation emphasizes research integration of risk management and multi-criteria optimization of production program. The study was based on the hypothesis that it is possible to integrate the two approaches and that their integration can indicate better results in terms of business efficiency increase, reduction of the risk of losses in production process and the like. Methodology is developed in which appropriate methods of risk management and multi-criteria optimization are determined. The study finds that the application of quantitative methods for risk assessment and specifically Bayes networks gives more accurate data which describe the real status of the system when compared to other methods for risk assessment. In further research the algorithm is developed which optimizes risk management for production program, which through feedback enables correction of external and internal sources of risk in accordance to an acceptable level of risk. The theoretical model of risk management for optimization of the production program was applied experimentally in selected – pilot factory. In the particular company several sources of risk were identified and for that specific case four variants of production program. For each variant of production program profit and the overall risk were calculated. On that preasumptions option that reflects highest income and lowest risk for production losses is determined. The scientific contribution of the dissertation is reflected in the methodological approach for problem solving of multi-criteria optimization. Consequetly, the objective for maximization of production resources implies component related to minimization of risk of production losses. It is that this fact stands out methodology from all previsus ones that have neglected this important factor. Identification of internal and external sources of risk in the optimization of the production program implies also wide range of relevant factors which affect production program portfolio. Consideration of those factors during selection of production program portfolio significiatly contributes to decision making as well as improves quality of decision made


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    It is undeniable that the minors represent a particularly sensitive group of the modern society. Criminal acts have a particularly hard impact on the minors, especially children. For this reason, the domestic legislator almost always incriminates an act committed against a minor and/or a child as the most serious or heaviest form of a criminal act. However, in addition to prescribing special, more serious forms of criminal offenses when they are directed against a minor, and in addition to punishing such offenses much more severely, the domestic legislator also intervenes from another angle, guided by the best interest of a child as an absolute imperative, so he prescribes special rules under which the minors can participate in a criminal proceedings for criminal acts directed against them. This paper, starting from the general rules on the position of the injured party, provides an overview of the special rules referring to the minors as the injured parties

    Охридска архиепископија у хијерархијском поретку великих хришћанских цркава

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    L'Archevêché d'Ohrid, fondé au début du XIe siècle, n'est devenu l'Eglise proprement indépendante que vers le milieu du XII* siècle. C'est alors que les archevêques d'Ohrid assistent aux conciles de l'Eglise orientale à Constantinople, portant le titre de l'archevêque de Justiniana Prima et de toute la Bulgarie

    Morphological and functional aspects of cardiac adaptation to training and detraining in rats of different sexes

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    Uvod: Dok su mehanizmi odgovorni za blagotvorno dejstvo aerobnog treninga na funkciju kardiovaskularnog sistema dobro poznati, uticaj prestanka treninga na parametre srčane funkcije nisu dovoljno razjašnjeni. Osim toga, uloga oksidativnog stresa u efektima koje na kardiovaskularni sistem ostavlja trening i prestanak trenažnog procesa su takođe malo poznati. Na kraju, polne razlike u dobijenim efektima su dodatna nepoznanica Cilj: Studija je imala za cilj da utvrdi pojavu i brzinu reverzibilnosti srčane adaptacije nakon prestanka aerobnog treninga, kao i da otkrije postojanje razlike među polovima prilikom treninga/prestanka treninga. Uloga oksidacionog stresa u dobijenim efektima je takođe ispitivana. Metode: Wistar albino pacovi (ženke i mužjaci) su svrstani u sledeće grupe: kontrolna, trening i dve detrening grupe. Trenažni proces je podrazumevao programirani trening plivanja u sepcijalno konstruisanom bazenu za plivanje pacova. Izolovana srca su perfundovana po Langendorff tehnici pri čemu su praćeni sledeći kardiodinamski parametri: maksimalna i minimalna stopa razvoja pritiska u levoj komori (dp/dt max, dp/dt min), sistolni i dijastolni pritisak u levoj komori (SLVP, DLVP), frekvenca srca (HR) i koronarni protok (CF). U uzorcima krvi i koronarnog venskog efluenta su određivani markeri oksidacionog stresa: indeks lipidne peroksidacije meren u formi TBARS, azot monoksid u obliku nitrita - NO2 - , superoksid anjon radikal - O2 - , vodonik peroksid - H2O2, superoksid dizmutaza – SOD, katalata – CAT, redukovani glutation – GSH. Rezultati: Ovim istraživanjem smo na modelu izolovanog srca pacova potvrdili postojanje treningom izazvanih promena srčane funkcije. Prestanak treninga je bio praćen gubitkom tih adaptacija, koji je bio brži kod mužjaka nego kod ženki. Primenjeii tip treninga je uzrokovao pozitivne adaptacione promene antioksidacionog zaštitnog sistema koje su se manifestovale povećanom enzimskom aktivnošću. Nakon prekida treninga uočen je parcijalni gubitak ovih treningom izazvanih adaptacija. Povećanje antioksidacionog kapaciteta se duže zadržalo kod mužjakaIntroduction: While the mechanisms responsible for the beneficial effects of aerobic training on cardiovascular function are well known, the impact of training cessation on cardiac function parameters has not been sufficiently elucidated. In addition, the role of oxidative stress in the effects on the cardiovascular system that training and cessation of the training process achieve, are also little known. In the end, the gender differences in the obtained effects are additionally unknown Objective: The study aimed to determine the occurrence and rate of reversibility of cardiac adaptation after cessation of aerobic training, as well as to detect the existence of gender differences during training / cessation of training. The role of oxidative stress in the obtained effects was also investigated. Methods: Wistar albino rats (females and males) were classified into the following groups: control, training and two detraining groups. The training process involved programmed swimming training in a specially constructed rat swimming pool. Isolated hearts were perfused according to the Langendorff technique, where the following cardiodynamic parameters were monitored: maximum and minimum rate of left ventricular pressure development (dp / dt max, dp / dt min), systolic and diastolic left ventricular pressure (SLVP, DLVP), heart frequency (HR) and coronary flow (CF). Markers of oxidative stress were determined in blood and coronary venous effluent samples: index of lipid peroxidation measured in the form of TBARS, nitric oxide in the form of nitrite - NO2 -, superoxide anion radical - O2-, hydrogen peroxide - H2O2, superoxide disatutase - SOD, catalase CAT, reduced glutathione - GSH. Results: In this study, we confirmed the existence of training - induced changes in cardiac function in a model of an isolated rat heart. Cessation of training was followed by loss of these adaptations, which was faster in males than in females. The application of this type of training caused positive adaptive changes in the antioxidant defense system, which were manifested by increased enzyme activity. After the interruption of training, a partial loss of these training-induced adaptations was observed. The increase in antioxidant capacity lasted longer in males


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    When we speak about the potential influence of computer use the most vulnerable segment of the population in particular is that of pupils that go through the process of socialization and who are most susceptible to different influences. The influence of parents on a young person will, in this respect, depend on a serious of characteristics such as the parents’ child-rearing practices, their competence to provide timely and adequate intervention, their personality etc.51 The goals of this work are directed towards detecting the differences for the purpose of which computers are most frequently used and the characteristics of the parents in groups of pupils that perpetrated criminal acts (N=100) treated by the Centre for social care Pula in the period from 01/04/2004 until 31/3/2007. The purpose of the research is to determine precise indicators for the interpretation of this phenomenon, to provide guidelines for prevention and treatment of pupils that perpetrated various criminal acts and their parents. The results indicate that the groups of pupils that perpetrated various criminal acts have almost the same characteristics of the parents. There are differences between groups for the purpose of which computers are most frequently used.Kada govorimo o potencijalnom utjecaju uporabe računala najranjiviji dio populacije su upravno učenici koji prolaze kroz proces socijalizacije i u toj su dobi najpodložniji različitim utjecajima. Utjecaji roditelja na mladu osobu će u ovom pogledu ovisiti o nisu obilježja kao što su njihovi odgojni postupci, kompetencije da pravovremeno i odgovarajuće interveniraju, njihova osobnost i sl. Ciljevi ovog rada usmjereni su ka utvrđivanju razlika u obilježjima roditelja između skupina učenika počinitelja različitih kaznenih djela i u svrsi najčešće njihove uporabe računala (N=100) koji su bili u tretmanu Centra za socijalu skrb Pula tijekom tri godine. Svrha istraživanja ukazala bi na preciznije tumačenje pojave, određivanje preventivnih i tretmanskih smjernica za učenike počinitelje različitih kaznenih djela i njihove roditelje. Rezultati pokazuju da promatrane skupine učenika počinitelja različitih kaznenih djela imaju gotovo ista obilježja roditelja, dok se razlikuju u svrsi uporabe računala