Morphological and functional aspects of cardiac adaptation to training and detraining in rats of different sexes


Uvod: Dok su mehanizmi odgovorni za blagotvorno dejstvo aerobnog treninga na funkciju kardiovaskularnog sistema dobro poznati, uticaj prestanka treninga na parametre srčane funkcije nisu dovoljno razjašnjeni. Osim toga, uloga oksidativnog stresa u efektima koje na kardiovaskularni sistem ostavlja trening i prestanak trenažnog procesa su takođe malo poznati. Na kraju, polne razlike u dobijenim efektima su dodatna nepoznanica Cilj: Studija je imala za cilj da utvrdi pojavu i brzinu reverzibilnosti srčane adaptacije nakon prestanka aerobnog treninga, kao i da otkrije postojanje razlike među polovima prilikom treninga/prestanka treninga. Uloga oksidacionog stresa u dobijenim efektima je takođe ispitivana. Metode: Wistar albino pacovi (ženke i mužjaci) su svrstani u sledeće grupe: kontrolna, trening i dve detrening grupe. Trenažni proces je podrazumevao programirani trening plivanja u sepcijalno konstruisanom bazenu za plivanje pacova. Izolovana srca su perfundovana po Langendorff tehnici pri čemu su praćeni sledeći kardiodinamski parametri: maksimalna i minimalna stopa razvoja pritiska u levoj komori (dp/dt max, dp/dt min), sistolni i dijastolni pritisak u levoj komori (SLVP, DLVP), frekvenca srca (HR) i koronarni protok (CF). U uzorcima krvi i koronarnog venskog efluenta su određivani markeri oksidacionog stresa: indeks lipidne peroksidacije meren u formi TBARS, azot monoksid u obliku nitrita - NO2 - , superoksid anjon radikal - O2 - , vodonik peroksid - H2O2, superoksid dizmutaza – SOD, katalata – CAT, redukovani glutation – GSH. Rezultati: Ovim istraživanjem smo na modelu izolovanog srca pacova potvrdili postojanje treningom izazvanih promena srčane funkcije. Prestanak treninga je bio praćen gubitkom tih adaptacija, koji je bio brži kod mužjaka nego kod ženki. Primenjeii tip treninga je uzrokovao pozitivne adaptacione promene antioksidacionog zaštitnog sistema koje su se manifestovale povećanom enzimskom aktivnošću. Nakon prekida treninga uočen je parcijalni gubitak ovih treningom izazvanih adaptacija. Povećanje antioksidacionog kapaciteta se duže zadržalo kod mužjakaIntroduction: While the mechanisms responsible for the beneficial effects of aerobic training on cardiovascular function are well known, the impact of training cessation on cardiac function parameters has not been sufficiently elucidated. In addition, the role of oxidative stress in the effects on the cardiovascular system that training and cessation of the training process achieve, are also little known. In the end, the gender differences in the obtained effects are additionally unknown Objective: The study aimed to determine the occurrence and rate of reversibility of cardiac adaptation after cessation of aerobic training, as well as to detect the existence of gender differences during training / cessation of training. The role of oxidative stress in the obtained effects was also investigated. Methods: Wistar albino rats (females and males) were classified into the following groups: control, training and two detraining groups. The training process involved programmed swimming training in a specially constructed rat swimming pool. Isolated hearts were perfused according to the Langendorff technique, where the following cardiodynamic parameters were monitored: maximum and minimum rate of left ventricular pressure development (dp / dt max, dp / dt min), systolic and diastolic left ventricular pressure (SLVP, DLVP), heart frequency (HR) and coronary flow (CF). Markers of oxidative stress were determined in blood and coronary venous effluent samples: index of lipid peroxidation measured in the form of TBARS, nitric oxide in the form of nitrite - NO2 -, superoxide anion radical - O2-, hydrogen peroxide - H2O2, superoxide disatutase - SOD, catalase CAT, reduced glutathione - GSH. Results: In this study, we confirmed the existence of training - induced changes in cardiac function in a model of an isolated rat heart. Cessation of training was followed by loss of these adaptations, which was faster in males than in females. The application of this type of training caused positive adaptive changes in the antioxidant defense system, which were manifested by increased enzyme activity. After the interruption of training, a partial loss of these training-induced adaptations was observed. The increase in antioxidant capacity lasted longer in males

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