Modeling of transients after faults in LV network


Cilj ovog završnog rada je prikaz raznih mogućih kvarova i zaštitnih mjera na niskonaponskoj mreži. U radu se nalazi teorijsko objašnjenje kratkog spoja, te razne vrste kratkih spojeva, moguće zaštitne mjere ovisno o naponskom iznosu, načinu izvedbe mreže i mjestu nastanka kvara. Prikazana je simulacija jedne niskonaponske mreže, te analiza struje kratkog spoja na osnovu zadanih parametara mreže. Prilikom simuliranja koristišten je računalni program Easy Power.The aim of this paper is the display of different failures and safeguard measurements on electrical grids. This paper contains theoretical explanations of short circuits and their kinds, possible safeguard measurements depending on the voltage amount, grid performance and last but not least, the failure point. A simulation of an electrical grid has been depicted, as well as the analysis of short circuit electricity based on the given grid (network) parameters. A computer program Easy Power has been used during the simulation

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