90 research outputs found

    A hybrid-chiral soliton model with broken scale invariance for nuclear matter

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    We present a model for describing nuclear matter at finite density based on quarks interacting with chiral fields, sigma and pion. The chiral Lagrangian also includes a logarithmic potential, associated with the breaking of scale invariance. We provide results for the soliton in vacuum and at finite density, using the Wigner-Seitz approximation. We show that the model can reach higher densities respect to the Linear-sigma model, up to approximately 3 rho_0 for m_sigma=1200 MeV.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, Proceedings of Cortona 2011 XIII Convegno su Problemi di Fisica Nucleare Teoric

    A chiral quark-soliton model with broken scale invariance for nuclear matter

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    We present a model for describing nuclear matter at finite density based on quarks interacting with chiral fields, \sigma and \pi and with vector mesons introduced as massive gauge fields. The chiral Lagrangian includes a logarithmic potential, associated with the breaking of scale invariance. We provide results for the soliton in vacuum and at finite density, using the Wigner-Seitz approximation. We show that the model can reach higher densities respect to the linear-\sigma model and that the introduction of vector mesons allows to obtain saturation. This result was never obtained before in similar approaches.Comment: 14 pages, 15 figures, 7 tables. Enlarged version including vector meson

    The baryon number two system in the Chiral Soliton Model

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    We study the interaction between two B = 1 states in a Chiral Soliton Model where baryons are described as non-topological solitons. By using the hedgehog solution for the B = 1 states we construct three possible B = 2 configurations to analyze the role of the relative orientation of the hedgehog quills in the dynamics. The strong dependence of the intersoliton interaction on these relative orientations reveals that studies of dense hadronic matter using this model should take into account their implications.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Proceedings for the Conference Few-Body Systems (APFB2011

    Dynamic QuantiFERON Response in Psoriasis Patients Taking Long-Term Biologic Therapy

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    INTRODUCTION: The risk of active tuberculosis is increased in psoriasis patients receiving biologic drug therapy. The QuantiFERON-TB Gold In-Tube assay (QFT) is used for latent tuberculosis screening in these patients. This study presents a retrospective analysis on repeated QFT assays, investigating the influence of biologic drugs and isoniazid therapy on the outcome of the assay. METHODS: Serial QFTs of 58 psoriasis patients, who received biologic drug therapy, were evaluated at baseline and after 12 months of treatment. Patients were retrospectively divided in four groups according to QFT results at baseline and at follow-up: patients having a QFT reversion (from positive to negative results); patients with a conversion (from negative to positive); patients confirming the baseline results, either positive or negative. RESULTS: At the end of the 12-months period, 11.1% of patients with a negative QFT result at baseline presented a conversion, showing low interferon (IFN)-gamma values, whereas 6.9% of positive patients presented a QFT reversion. When the test was repeated after 2–3 months without isoniazid chemoprophylaxis, patients with QFT conversion showed negative results. No patient developed active tuberculosis. CONCLUSIONS: In patients undergoing biologic therapy, a positive QFT assay needs to be further confirmed, as false-positive results may occur after long-term therapy. Repeating QFT tests in patients with low IFN-gamma values could reduce the incidence of false-positive latent tuberculosis infection diagnosis, thus preventing unnecessary tuberculosis chemoprophylaxis. In conclusion, a dynamic QFT response is possible in psoriasis patients undergoing biologic therapy

    Microarray Analysis on Human Neuroblastoma Cells Exposed to Aluminum, β1–42-Amyloid or the β1–42-Amyloid Aluminum Complex

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    BACKGROUND: A typical pathological feature of Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the appearance in the brain of senile plaques made up of β-amyloid (Aβ) and neurofibrillary tangles. AD is also associated with an abnormal accumulation of some metal ions, and we have recently shown that one of these, aluminum (Al), plays a relevant role in affecting Aβ aggregation and neurotoxicity. METHODOLOGY: In this study, employing a microarray analysis of 35,129 genes, we investigated the effects induced by the exposure to the Aβ(1-42)-Al (Aβ-Al) complex on the gene expression profile of the neuronal-like cell line, SH-SY5Y. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The microarray assay indicated that, compared to Aβ or Al alone, exposure to Aβ-Al complex produced selective changes in gene expression. Some of the genes selectively over or underexpressed are directly related to AD. A further evaluation performed with Ingenuity Pathway analysis revealed that these genes are nodes of networks and pathways that are involved in the modulation of Ca(2+) homeostasis as well as in the regulation of glutamatergic transmission and synaptic plasticity. CONCLUSIONS AND SIGNIFICANCE: Aβ-Al appears to be largely involved in the molecular machinery that regulates neuronal as well as synaptic dysfunction and loss. Aβ-Al seems critical in modulating key AD-related pathways such as glutamatergic transmission, Ca(2+) homeostasis, oxidative stress, inflammation, and neuronal apoptosis

    Behavioural and neurochemical changes induced by stress-related conditions are counteracted by the neurokinin-2 receptor antagonist saredutant.

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    Abstract These experiments were undertaken to assess the mechanisms underlying the antidepressant-like effects of the neurokinin-2 (NK2) receptor antagonist saredutant (SR48968) in rats tested in the forced swim test (FST), by analysing hippocampal brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and plasma corticosterone [as index of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activity]. Male Wistar rats received three intraperitoneal injections over 24 h of vehicle, saredutant (5 mg/kg), citalopram (15 mg/kg), clomipramine (50 mg/kg). Rats were subjected to restraint stress (4 h) 24 h prior to the FST procedure. This stress procedure increased immobility and decreased swimming behaviour in the FST; furthermore, it lowered hippocampal BDNF protein expression and increased plasma corticosterone levels. Saredutant and clomipramine or citalopram, used here as positive controls, reduced the immobility time in the FST both under basal conditions and after stress exposure. This effect was not attributable to changes in locomotion, because locomotor activity was unchanged when assessed in the open field test. Pretreatment with para-cholorophenylalanine (150 mg/kg, 72 h and 48 h prior to FST) abolished the effect of citalopram and saredutant on immobility time. At neurochemical level, saredutant attenuated activation of HPA axis in stressed animals more than clomipramine or citalopram. The behavioural effects of saredutant support the hypothesis that NK2 receptor activity is involved in stress-related disorders. These effects of saredutant may be related to normalization of the HPA axis. Moreover, saredutant increases BDNF expression in the hippocampus, confirming the role of NK2 receptor blockade in BDNF activation following stressor application

    Mouth gape determines the response of marine top predators to long-term fishery-induced changes in food web structure

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    Here, we analyse changes throughout time in the isotopic niche of the Franciscana dolphin (Pontoporia blainvillei), the South American fur seal (Arctocephalus australis) and the South American sea lion(Otaria flavescens) from the RĂ­o de la Plata estuary and adjacent Atlantic Ocean to test the hypothesis that fishing may modify the diet of small-gape predators by reducing the average size of prey. The overall evidence, from stable isotope and stomach contents analyses, reveals major changes in resource partitioning between the three predators considered, mainly because of an increased access of Franciscana dolphins to juvenile demersal fishes. These results are consistent with the changes in the length distribution of demersal fish species resulting from fishing and suggest that Franciscana dolphin has been the most benefited species of the three marine mammal species considered because of its intermediate mouth gape. In conclusion, the impact of fishing on marine mammals goes beyond the simple reduction in prey biomass and is highly dependent on the mouth gape of the species involved

    CaracterĂ­sticas reolĂłgicas de mayonesa de ensalada con la yema de los huevos de gallina y codorniz

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    U ovom radu istraživan je utjecaj pojedinih sastojaka (uljne faze, vrste ugljikohidrata, mliječne komponente, graška u prahu, visokokoncentriranih proteina soje u prahu, žumanjka jajeta kokoši i prepelice) na reološke karakteristike salatne majoneze. Uljnu fazu majoneze (60%) čini rafinirano suncokretovo ulje (linolni tip, visokooleinski tip). Od ugljikohidrata korišteni su glukoza, laktoza, saharoza i inulin HD. Za mliječnu komponentu majoneze korišteno je punomasno mlijeko, obrano mlijeko, sirutka u prahu, sojin napitak, visokokoncentrirani proteini soje i grašak u prahu. Uzorci majoneze pripremljeni su sa žumanjkom jajeta kokoši i prepelice (svježi, pasterizirani, granule). Mehanički proces homogenizacije majoneze proveden je kod 10 000 o/min i vremena pripreme 1,5 minute, pri sobnoj temperaturi. Mjerenje reoloških svojstava provedeno je na rotacijskom viskozimetru s koncentričnim cilindrima pri temperaturama 10 ˚C i 25 ˚C. Ispitivan je i utjecaj žumanjka jajeta kokoši i prepelice na promjenu boje salatne majoneze instrumentalnom metodom. Iz dobivenih podataka izračunati su reološki parametri koeficijent konzistencije, indeks tečenja i prividna viskoznost. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da pojedini sastojci salatne majoneze utječu na njena reološka svojstva. Korištenjem mješavine rafiniranog suncokretovog ulja (linolni tip i visokooleinski tip 50:50), laktoze, mješavine punomasnog mlijeka u prahu i graška u prahu (50:50) te granula žumanjka jajeta (kokoši, prepelice) dobivene su veće vrijednosti reoloških parametara koeficijenta konzistencije i prividne viskoznosti, a manji indeks tečenja. Mjerenjem boje salatne majoneze kolorimetrom primjenom L*a*b sustava, zapaženo je da se žumanjkom jajeta kokoši postiže veća vrijednost parametra b koji opisuje intenzitet žute boje, u odnosu na žumanjak prepelice.In this paper. the influence of certain ingredients (oil phase. types of carbohydrates. milk components. peas powder. highly concentrated soy protein powder. hens and quail egg yolks) on the rheological characteristics of the salad mayonnaise were investigated. The oil phase of mayonnaise (60%) seems refined sunflower oil (linoleic type. high oleic type). Of carbohydrates used are glucose. lactose. sucrose and inulin HD. For dairy component of mayonnaise whole milk. skim milk. whey powder. soy drink. highly concentrated soy protein and peas powder were used. Samples of mayonnaise were prepared with hens and quail egg yolks (fresh. pasteurized. granules). Mechanical homogenization process of mayonnaise was conducted in 10 000 rpm and the preparation time was 1.5 minutes. at room temperature. Measuring rheological properties was conducted on a rotational viscometer with concentric spindles at 10 ˚C and 25 ˚C. Effect of hens and quail egg yolks on change of color salad mayonnaise was studied with instrumental method. From the obtained data. rheological parameters. consistency coefficient. flow behavior index and apparent viscosity were calculated. The results showed that certain ingredients salad mayonnaise affect its rheological properties. By using a mixture of refined sunflower oil (linoleic type. and high oleic type 50:50). lactose. mixtures of whole milk powder and peas powder (50:50) and yolk granules (hens. quail) obtained higher values of rheological parameters. consistency coefficient. apparent viscosity and lower flow behavior index were obtained. By measuring of salad mayonnaise color with colorimeter using the L * a * b system. it is observed that hens egg yolks results a higher value of the observed parameter b which is describing the intensity of yellow color. compared to the quail egg yolks.In dieser wissenschaftlichen Arbeit wurde der Einfluss einzelner Inhaltsstoffe (Ölphase, diverse Kohlenhydrate, Milchkomponente, Erbsenpulver, hochkonzentriertes Sojaproteinpulver, Hühnerei- und Wachteileidotter) auf die rheologischen Eigenschaften von Salatmayonnaise untersucht. Die Ölphase der Mayonnaise (60%) besteht aus raffiniertem Sonnenblumenöl (mit hohem Linolsäuregehalt, mit hohem Ölsäuregehalt). Von den Kohlenhydraten wurden Glukose, Laktose, Saccharose und Inulin HD verwendet. Für die Milchkomponente der Mayonnaise wurden Vollmilch, fettarme Milch, Molkenpulver, Sojagetränkt, hochkonzentriertes Sojaprotein und Erbsenpulver verwendet. Die Mayonnaiseproben wurden aus Hühnerei- und Wachteleidotter zubereitet (frisch, pasteurisiert, Granulat). Das mechanische Verfahren der Homogenisierung der Mayonnaise wurde bei 10 000 o/min in 1,5 Minuten bei Zimmertemperatur durchgeführt. Die Messung der rheologischen Eigenschaften erfolgte auf einem Rotationsviskosimeter mit konzentrischen Zylindern bei Temperaturen von 10 ˚C und 25 ˚C. Anhand der instrumentellen Methode wurde auch die Auswirkung des Eidotters des Hühner- und Wachteleis auf die Änderung der Farbe der Salatmayonnaise untersucht. Aus den gewonnenen Daten wurden folgende rheologische Parameter errechnet: Konzistenzfaktor, Fließindex und scheinbare Viskosität. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse haben gezeigt, dass sich einzelne Inhaltsstoffe der Salatmayonnaise auf ihre rheologischen Eigenschaften auswirken. Durch Verwendung einer Mischung aus raffiniertem Sonnenblumenöl (Sonnenblumenöl mit hohem Linolsäuregehalt und Sonnenblumenöl mit hohem Ölsäuregehalt 50:50), Laktose, Mischung aus Vollmilchpulver und Erbsenpulver (50:50) sowie Eidottergranulat (Huhn, Wachtel) wurden höhere Werte der rheologischen Parameter bei dem Konzistenzfaktor und der scheinbaren Viskosität sowie ein niedrigerer Fließindex erreicht. Bei der Messung der Farbe der Salatmayonnaise anhand eines Kolorimeters durch Anwendung des L*a*b Systems wurde beobachtet, dass das Eigelb des Hühnereis im Vergleich zum Wachtelei einen höheren Wert des b Parameters aufweist.In questo studio è stata esaminata l’influenza di singoli ingredienti (fase oleosa, tipi di carboidrati, componenti del latte, piselli in polvere, proteine concentrate della soia in polvere, tuorli delle uova di gallina e quaglia) sulle caratteristiche reologiche della maionese da insalata. La fase oleosa della maionese (60%) è composta di olio di girasole (ad alto contenuto di acido linoleico, tipo “alto oleico”). Per quanto riguarda i carboidrati, sono stati impiegati il glucosio, il lattosio, il saccarosio e l’inulina HD. Per quanto concerne le componenti del latte, sono stati utilizzati latte intero, latte scremato, siero in polvere, latte di soia, proteine concentrate della soia in polvere e piselli in polvere. I campioni di maionese sono stati preparati con i tuorli delle uova di gallina e quaglia (freschi, pastorizzati, in granuli). Il processo meccanico dell’omogeneizzazione della maionese è stato eseguito a 100000 °/min, tempo di preparazione 1,5 minuti e a temperatura ambiente. La misurazione delle caratteristiche reologiche è stata eseguita nel rotoviscosimetro a cilindri concentrici alle temperature di 10 °C e 25 °C. Con il metodo strumentale è stata esaminata anche l’incidenza dei tuorli delle uova di gallina e quaglia sul mutamento del colore della maionese da insalata. Dai dati ottenuti sono stati calcolati i parametri reologici, il coefficiente di consistenza, l’indice di liquidità e la viscosità apparente. I risultati della ricerca hanno dimostrato che singoli ingredienti della maionese da insalata incidono sulle sue caratteristiche reologiche. Utilizzando una miscela di olio di girasole raffinato (ad alto contenuto di acido linoleico e tipo “alto oleico” 50:50), lattosio, una miscela di latte intero in polvere e piselli in polvere (50:50) e granuli dei tuorli di uova (di gallina, di quaglia) s’ottengono maggiori valori relativamente ai parametri reologici del coefficiente di consistenza e della viscosità apparente, ed inferiori rispetto all’indice di liquidità. Misurando il colore della maionese da insalata con un colorimetro ed applicando il sistema L*a*b, è stato osservato che, impiegando i tuorli delle uova di gallina, il valore del parametro b, che descrive l’intensità del colore giallo, risulta maggiorato rispetto ai tuorli delle uova di quaglia.En este trabajo fue investigada la influencia de algunos ingredientes (las fases aceite, tipos de carbohidratos, componentes lácteos, gisante en polvo, proteinas de soya en polvo altamente concentrados, yemas de los huevos de gallina y de codorniz) sobre las características reológicas de mayonesa de ensalada. La fase aceite de la mayonesa (60%) etsá hecha de aceite de girasol (tipo linoleico, tipo alto oleico). Los carbohidratos usados son glucosa, lactosa, sacarosa e inulina HD. Como componente lácteo fue usada la leche entera, leche desnatada, suero de leche en polvo, leche de soya, proteinas de soya altamente concentrados y gisante en polvo. Las muestras de mayonesa fueron hechas de la yema de los huevos de gallina y de codorniz (frescas, pasteurizadas, gránulos). El proceso mecánico de la homogeneización de la mayonesa fue realizada en 10 000 o/min y con tiempo de preparación de 1,5 minutos, en temperatura de comfort. La medición de las características reológicas fue hecha en el viscosímetro de rotación con cilindros concéntricos bajo temperaturas de 10 °C y 25 °C. La influencia de la yema de los huevos de gallina y codorniz sobre el cambio del color de la mayonesa de ensalada fue probada con el método instrumental. Los párametros reológicos calculados usando los datos obtenidos fueron el coeficiente de consistencia, el índice de fluidez y la viscosidad aparente. Los resultados de la investigación mostraron que algunos ingredientes de la mayonesa de ensalada influyen sobre sus características reológicas. Usando la mezcla del aceite de girasol refinado (tipo linoleico y tipo alto oleico 50:50), lactosa, la mezcla de la leche entera en polvo y gisante en polvo (50:50) y gránulos de la yema de huevo (gallinas, codornices) fueron obtenidos los valores más altos de los parámetros reológicos: el coeficiente de consistencias y la viscosidad aparente, y el ídice de fluidez más bajo. Mediendo el color de la mayonesa de ensalada con el colorímetro aplicando el sistema L*a*b, fue notado que con el uso de la yema del huevo de gallina se obtiene el valor más alto del parámetro b que describe la intensidad del color amarillo, con respecto a la yema del huevo de codorniz
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