206 research outputs found

    Modelling the impact of Next Generation Access (NGA) on voice termination cost

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    Termination of a telephone call can only be realized by the network operator of the receiving party. For this reason, the markets for fixed and mobile call termination are regulated ex-ante including price control. To determine the costs of call termination the current regulatory regime considers only those parts of the network where customers compete for jointly used resources (mainly bandwidth). Therefore, the critical border is the "demarcation point" between the end customer dedicated access network and the aggregation network where customers compete for bandwidth. In addition to the extent of the overall network cost to be considered (depending on the location of the demarcation point) the traffic share of the voice termination service (which determines how much of the relevant cost is borne by voice termination) compared to all the other services sharing the same NGN/ NGA network needs to be taken into account. We analyse the cost effects with a cost model, which considers the part of the access network from the MPoP to the demarcation point, where the dedicated (access) network begins, in detail. This allows us to compare the impact of different demarcation points and service scenarios on the level of voice termination rates for three NGA architectures (FTTH/P2P, FTTH/PON and FTTC). We considered double and triple play service packages and ran sensitivities on data usage. In addition, we calculated termination cost for three different demarcation point locations in the case of FTTH/PON. --Voice Termination,Next Generation Access,FTTH,price regulation,termination monopoly,cost modelling

    Academics perception of public areas video surveillance in smart cities

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    The growing trend of the urban population looks for the formation of the concept of Smart Cities, based on the principles of sustainable development, which will meet the needs of people who live in them. The city must develop its public service infrastructure to provide all the requirements for the population. One of the requirements, people living in cities is the security of public areas managed by the city. The system of video surveillance, public areas should contribute to the personal safety of citizens, children and traffic, reducing the rate of crime and more efficient operation of public services. This research aims to examine academics' opinions (perceptions) about the impact of security cameras on increasing security within the concept of Smart Cities. The research had conducted on the territory of Serbia through an online survey. The obtained data were processed statistically by Chi-square and T-test, ANOVA method, multiple regression and correlation using SPSS application. The research indicates that academics much more believe in the contribution of video surveillance, reducing the crime rate, than studies of the effectiveness of the use of video surveillance shows. Video camera monitoring accelerates the reactions of competent services, but video camera recordings have not always been accepted as evidence in court


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    Digital transformation (DT) is a change in the business model of the company by applying new digital technologies. New digital technologies related to the application of automation, robotics, artificial intelligence and contemporary information and communication technology (ICT). The consequence of the application of DT will be the replacement of routine tasks with automation, which is controlled by artificial intelligence. Greater flexibility and efficiency of work will be achieved in terms of place of work, time of work and ways of engaging people. The changes will be felt by all companies, regardless of size or activity. Due to that, DT will also change the labour requirements. Automation of routine jobs will lead to large layoffs. Many professions will almost disappear as the technology they worked with becomes obsolete. It is envisaged to create new job profiles following the requirements of new technologies. Since the application of DT requires new skills and knowledge, it is necessary to educate workers and managers to successfully apply new technologies

    Influence of the magnetic field on microorganisms in the oral cavity

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    Since the beginning of their lives, all living organisms are exposed to the influence of geomagnetic fields. Objectives : With respect to the positive effects that magnetic fields have on human tissues, especially the bactericidal effect, this investigation aimed to assess their influence on the reduction of oral microorganisms. Material and Methods : In order to obtain adequate specimens of dental plaque deposit, microbes such as Streptococcus parasanguinis, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Rhodococcus equi and Candida albicans were isolated from the human mouth. To establish the intensity of microbial growth on the basis of the modified optical density (OD) of agar turbidimetry assay, microbial count and spectrophotometry were applied. The study was carried out with two microbial concentrations (1 and 10 CFU/ml) after periods of incubation of 24 and 48 h and using micromagnets. Results : A positive effect of the magnetic field, resulting in the reduction of dental plaque microbes in vitro, was found. In the first 24 hours of exposure to the magnetic field, the number of all isolated microbes was significantly reduced. The most potent influence of magnets and the most intensified reduction after 24 hours were evident in Candida albicans colonies. The decrease in the influence of magnets on microbes in vitro was also detected. Conclusions : Magnets reduce the number of microbes and might be recommended as a supplement in therapy for reduced periodontal tissues. This is important because periodontal tissues that are in good conditions provide prolonged support to the oral tissues under partial and supradental denture


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    This paper aims to research the main characteristics and trends of the freelancer’s market in temporary and occasional jobs in the Digital economy. The research was conducted by analyzing the content of reports of companies that hire freelancers, consulting companies and blogs of experts. The Digital economy is one of the results of the widespread application of information and communication technologies (ICT) that have influenced the transformation of the business model. Widespread application of ICT increased the flexibility of the work environment from the perspective of the place and time of work, as well as the way of engagement of the workforce. The application of ICT has expanded the scope and range of services available in today's market of temporary and occasional jobs. Contemporary companies in the Digital economy are increasingly focusing on their core competencies, leaving other jobs to external associates. The Gig economy refers to the engagement of labour in temporary and occasional jobs. Of the total number of employees in the USA during 2020, 36% worked as freelancers. Freelancers, during 2020, generated total revenue of US$ 1.2 trillion. Also, it is important to point out that a certain percentage of freelancers, currently, realize additional jobs in this way, but that there is a noticeable increase in the number of freelancers who accept this model of employment as the only way of permanent employment. Also, further growth in the number of freelancers in the world is predicted


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    This paper aims to research the main characteristics and trends of the freelancer’s market in temporary and occasional jobs in the Digital economy. The research was conducted by analyzing the content of reports of companies that hire freelancers, consulting companies and blogs of experts. The Digital economy is one of the results of the widespread application of information and communication technologies (ICT) that have influenced the transformation of the business model. Widespread application of ICT increased the flexibility of the work environment from the perspective of the place and time of work, as well as the way of engagement of the workforce. The application of ICT has expanded the scope and range of services available in today's market of temporary and occasional jobs. Contemporary companies in the Digital economy are increasingly focusing on their core competencies, leaving other jobs to external associates. The Gig economy refers to the engagement of labour in temporary and occasional jobs. Of the total number of employees in the USA during 2020, 36% worked as freelancers. Freelancers, during 2020, generated total revenue of US$ 1.2 trillion. Also, it is important to point out that a certain percentage of freelancers, currently, realize additional jobs in this way, but that there is a noticeable increase in the number of freelancers who accept this model of employment as the only way of permanent employment. Also, further growth in the number of freelancers in the world is predicted

    Brain drain: Propulsive factors and consequences

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    When speaking about the total number of highly educated individuals’ migration, it is easy to spot that it is rapidly increasing. The brain drain issues should be taken very seriously especially in under developed and in the developing countries, knowing that the human capital is globally mobile and that highly educated individuals can without any issues market their knowledge around the globe. Dealing with it requires a carefully tailored strategy for these countries, which are suffering from severe human capital losses on annual basis. Since the labor markets of today are highly competitive, it is necessary for these countries to secure good advancement and doing business opportunities. The purpose of this research is to provide an insight into the key propulsive factors and potential consequences caused by the brain drain. The method used in order to conduct the research was a carefully designed questionnaire taken by the date subject enrolled at the third and fourth years of state governed and privately owned universities. This research shows that one of the key reasons for brain drain in underdeveloped and in the developing countries is shortage of further educational advancement opportunities

    The Thermal Behaviour of a Cylindrical Air Layer Enclosed between Double Fabric Roof Membranes

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    Objects covered by fabric roof membranes are specific in terms of energy consumption, primarily because of the negligible thickness of the material and its good thermal conduction properties. One of the ways of improving the energy efficiency of these objects is the implementation of a double fabric roof membrane structure with an enclosed non ventilated air layer. This paper analyzes the thermal-insulation behaviour of the air layer enclosed between tensile fabric roof membranes which are used for structural purposes. The compilation of the necessary data was carried out by measuring a real object covered by a double fabric roof membrane, semi-cylindrical in shape. The surface temperatures of each membrane were measured, as were the outside and inside air temperature and the air temperature between the membranes during the summer months. In addition, the solar irradiance during the same period was also measured. The analysis of the measured data took into consideration all the present forms of energy transmittance (convection, conduction and radiation), as well as the shape of the air layer and the thermal-physical specific features of border surfaces. The results of the study indicate that thermal behaviour of a closed semi-cylindrical air layer depends on the real outer conditions in the summer months. A methodological approach to the thermal modelling of these structures has accordingly been proposed

    Voluntary corporate climate initiatives and regulatory loom: Batten down the hatches

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    King and Lenox (2001) argued that “when does it pay to be green” might be a more important question for firms than whether it pays at all. We present an event study that suggests that it pays in the tangible presence of regulatory pressure, depending on how well the chosen scheme to become green fits with the threatened regulatory design. To this end, we exploit the unexpected passage of the Waxman-Markey Bill in 2009. This bill came as a surprise and brought the US economy on the brink of a nationwide CO2 emission trading system. We use this event to study whether firms with memberships in two well-known voluntary environmental programs to curb carbon emission, the Chicago Climate Exchange and the Climate Leaders, were rewarded by the stock market when the likelihood of federal legislation targeting carbon emissions suddenly increased. To complement the picture, we examine the prior market response to membership announcements. As yet, empiricalevidence on both issues does not present a coherent picture. We unravel the intricacies by standardizing the statistical methods and integrating the datasets. Our results suggest that only membership in tailored programs is considered beneficial. Crucially, a substantial part of the market reaction consists of industry-wide effects. In contrast to previous findings, we find no evidence that mere membership announcements triggers a market reaction. Our findings shed light on investors’ expectations of climate change policies and their value perception of voluntary carbon reduction programs
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