45 research outputs found

    The effect of temperature and turbidity on spawning chokka squid, loligo reynaudii, in Eastern Cape waters

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    Several studies suggest the environment influences chokka squid catches which are mostly based on the successful formation of inshore spawning aggregations. None of the evidence, however, is direct observation. Acoustic telemetry offers a means to determine the response of spawners to changes in the environment and insight into the behaviour of spawning squid. A hexagonal array of VR2 receivers deployed 500 m apart was deemed to be ideal to monitor the movement patterns of squid on the spawning sites. In isothermic conditions, an area up to 1.28 km2 could be monitored as there was an approximate 50 m overlap in individual VR2 receiver range. In thermocline conditions however, “acoustic dead zones” as wide as 350 m may have existed between VR2 receivers, limiting the performance of this configuration. Similarly benthic turbidity events would also decrease detection range and limit performance. A hexagonal array of VR2 receivers was moored in Kromme Bay on and around active spawning aggregations during the squid fishery closed seasons of November 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006. Squid were caught on jigs and tagged with V9 acoustic pressure telemetry transmitters. A total of 45 animals were tagged. Presence-absence analysis identified three general behaviours: (1) arrival at dawn and departure after dusk, (2) a continuous and uninterrupted presence for a number of days and (3) presence interrupted by frequent but short periods of absence. Overall, the data suggests frequent migrations between spawning aggregations and offshore feeding grounds. The pressure sensor data showed both males and females stayed persistently near the seabed during the day, but at night, this pattern was broken with common activity higher up in the water column. The squid did not remain exclusively in the water column and regularly made excursions to the seabed. CTD and temperature data indicated the intrusion of a cold bottom layer due to upwelling at the monitored spawning sites on a number of occasions. The formation of spawning aggregations appears to be triggered by upwelling events and spawning behaviour, once initiated, disrupted by upwelling events with a rapid onset, possibly due to an inability to adapt physiologically over such a short time period

    The role of the deep spawning grounds in chokka squid (Loligo reynaudi d'orbigny, 1845) recruitment

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    It was previously thought that the South African chokka squid Loligo reynaudi is exclusively an inshore, shallow water spawner. Although spawning mostly within shallow bays (<60 m) the presence of squid eggs in trawls at depths up to 130 m indicates this species frequently makes use of deeper spawning areas on the mid-shelf. The extent of mid-shelf spawning (referred to as deep spawning) and the contribution to recruitment has yet to be assessed. Studies have shown mid-shelf bottom temperature to vary considerably from those inshore, suggesting chokka squid spawn in two very different oceanographic environments. Considering these apparent environmental differences, what leads to the mid-shelf environment becoming a suitable spawning habitat? Does a suitable benthic habitat, required for the attachment of egg pods, occur on the mid-shelf? These questions are not only important for determining the extent of deep spawning, but also to the understanding of factors “driving” deep spawning. The fate of deep spawned hatchlings is another unknown. It has been proposed that the main chokka squid inshore spawning grounds are positioned to exploit the net westward currents on the Eastern Agulhas Bank, i.e. paralarvae would be transported west from the hatching site to the cold ridge, an area of high primary and secondary productivity on the Central Agulhas Bank. This concept has come to be known as the Western Transport Hypothesis. Lagrangian ROMS-IBMs (regional ocean model system – individual-based model) predict the net westward transport of paralarvae from both the inshore and deep spawning grounds, to the cold ridge. These simulations were used to investigate the transport of hatchlings to the cold ridge feeding grounds before the exhaustion of yolk reserves. The fate of paralarvae on reaching the feeding grounds has not yet been investigated. This work has contributed new knowledge to our understanding of deep spawning and its role in recruitment. Specific aims of this study were to (1) determine the extent, range and importance of the deep spawning grounds relative to those inshore; (2) investigate the deep spawning ground habitat (Agulhas Bank mid-shelf) morphology and oceanographic environment; (3) determine the transport and survival of deep spawned hatchlings; and (4) investigate the origin and distribution of chokka squid paralarvae on the Agulhas Bank. The extent, depth range and importance of the deep spawning grounds, relative to those inshore was assessed using 23 years of demersal trawl survey data. Data for both the west and south coasts of South Africa were examined for egg capsules. No spawning was found on the west coast. Data showed that chokka squid preferred the Eastern Agulhas Bank for spawning. Spawning occurred not only inshore but also on the mid-shelf extending to depths of 270 m near the shelf edge. The majority of deep spawned eggs however, were found in the depth range 71-130 m. Squid egg density markedly decreased beyond 70 m, suggesting delineation between the inshore and deep spawning grounds. Total egg biomass calculations for depths shallower and deeper than 70 m indicated the coastal area to be strongly favoured, i.e. 82 vs. 18%. These results contest the commonly accepted notion that chokka squid is an inshore spawner and redefine the spawning grounds to extend across the shelf. Apart from an initial study investigating bottom temperature on the mid-shelf, very little is known about the deep spawning habitat. St Francis Bay, a commonly used spawning location, was chosen as a demonstration area for further study. The deep spawning grounds (71-130 m) were mapped and benthic habitat described from underwater video footage. A study investigating cross-shelf bottom conditions was undertaken off Thys Bay. CTD data were used to compare seasonal bottom temperature and oxygen on the St Francis Bay inshore and deep spawning grounds. Squid movement between the two spawning habitats was assessed using filament tagging. Predation and fishing pressure across the spawning grounds was reviewed. The mid-shelf benthic habitat was found to be similar to that inshore and available for spawning. Despite the generally colder bottom temperatures on the mid-shelf, this study showed that bottom temperature in deeper waters can at times be warmer than inshore. Although mid-shelf warming events lasted from a few hours to a number of days, they resulted in similar conditions to those on the inshore spawning grounds. It is likely these events act to expand or shift spawning habitat. The movement of squid between the two spawning habitats makes it possible for them to seek patches of warm bottom water with appropiate substrate. This suggests they are spawning habitat opportunists. Predation and fishing pressure appear to be higher on the inshore spawning grounds. It is feasible that this also forces spawners to seek out more favourable habitat offshore. An individual-based model was used to predict the fate of mid-shelf and inshore hatched paralarvae. Within the model, both the highly productive cold ridge and inshore spawning grounds were considered feeding or nursery areas. Paralarvae were released from six inshore and six deep spawning sites, spanning the coast between Port Alfred and Knysna. All paralarvae not reaching the feeding areas before the exhaustion of yolk-reserves (≀5 days), not retained within the feeding grounds (≄14 days), and not retained on the Agulhas Bank after exiting the feeding grounds were considered lost. This work illustrated the dependence of paralarval transport success on both spawning location and time of hatching, as established in earlier studies. The current IBM has expanded on initial work, emphasizing the importance of the cold ridge and inshore spawning grounds as nursery areas for deep and inshore spawned paralarvae, respectively. This work has highlighted the complex interactions between processes influencing recruitment variability for chokka squid. Possible relationships between periods of highest recruitment success and spawning peaks were identified for both spawning habitats. Based on the likely autumn increase in deep spawning off Tsitsikamma, and the beneficial currents during this period, it can be concluded deep spawning may at times contribute significantly to recruitment. This is particularly true for years where the cold ridge persists into winter. Data on chokka squid paralarval distribution are scarce. Paralarval distribution and abundance, in relation to Agulhas Bank oceanography, was investigated using bongo caught paralarvae and corresponding oceanographic data. Individual-based models (IBMs) were used to predict the origin or spawning site of the wild caught paralarvae, with reference to inshore versus deep spawning. Although failing to predict realistic points of origin, this study provided evidence to support a number of scenarios previously assumed to influence chokka squid recruitment. First is the possible influence of coastal upwelling on the retention, and hence spatial distribution, of paralarvae on the inshore spawning grounds. The second factor thought to impact recruitment is the loss of paralarvae from the Agulhas Bank ecosystem. This study confirmed the removal of paralarvae from the Eastern Agulhas Bank due to Agulhas Current boundary phenomena and resultant offshelf leakage. In addition, data suggested that the formation of the cold ridge could enhance retention on the Central Agulhas Bank, and so prevent offshelf leakage from the Central and Western Agulhas Bank. A synthesis of the main conclusions is presented. Implications of the findings and directions for future research are discussed

    Behaviour change practices in exercise referral schemes: developing realist programme theory of implementation

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    Abstract: Background: Exercise Referral Schemes have been delivered worldwide in developed countries to augment physical activity levels in sedentary patients with a range of health issues, despite their utility being questioned. Understanding the implementation mechanisms of behaviour change practices is important to avoid inappropriate decommissioning and support future service planning. The aim of this study was to develop initial theories to understand what influences the behaviour change practices of Exercise Referral practitioners within the United Kingdom. Methods: An eight-month focused ethnography was undertaken, to carry out the first phase of a realist evaluation, which included participant observation, interviews, document analysis, and reflexive journaling. A comprehensive implementation framework (Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research) was adopted providing an extensive menu of determinants. Mechanisms were categorised based on the Theoretical Domains Framework (within the Capability, Opportunity, Motivation, Behaviour model) providing an explanatory tool linking the levels of the framework. Results: Three programme theories are proposed. Firstly, motivation and capability are influenced when behaviour change oriented planning and training are in place. Secondly, motivation is influenced if leadership is supportive of behaviour change practice. Lastly, integration between health professionals and practitioners will influence motivation and capability. The conditions necessary to influence motivation and capability include a person-centred climate, cognizant practitioners, and established communities of practice. Conclusions: The findings are the first to articulate the necessary elements for the implementation of behaviour change practices in Exercise Referral services. These results outline emerging theories about the conditions, resources, and explanations of behaviour change implementation that can inform service development

    Comparative study of skipjack tuna Katsuwonus pelamis (Scombridae) fishery stocks from the South Atlantic and western Indian oceans

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    Temporal and spatial fluctuations in the abundance of oceanic pelagic populations spread geographically around the globe are common (Cushing 1975). The causes of these fluctuations may be exogenous (environmental or anthropogenic) or endogenous to the organism (e.g. ontogenetic drivers) (Ricker 1954). This scenario applies to some tuna stocks, including the skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis (Linnaeus, 1758), known as bonito-listrado in Brazil, katunkel, or ocean bonito in South Africa, and godhaa (bigger) or kadumas (smaller) skipjack in the Maldives. The skipjack belongs to the family Scombridae and inhabits tropical and subtropical areas of the globe. On average, 85% of skipjack catch occurs in waters warmer than 24°C (Fonteneau 2003). This resource is of particular importance, accounting for 57% of the global industrial tuna catch in 2016, and is mainly processed by the canning industry. Skipjack catches totaled 2.79 million t in 2016 (ISSF 2018), and currently 8.5% of worldwide catches are made by the pole-and line fleet. In Brazil and the Maldives, the resource is well-known. Catches in Brazil were seen to increase until 2014, while in the Maldives, 2006 marked the beginning of a strong and unsettling decline that continued until recent years. Off South Africa, skipjack catches are 1000 to 10000 times lower than those from Brazil and the Maldives, and the highest catches were recorded in 2012

    Diagnostic Accuracy of Monitoring Tests of Fellow Eyes in Patients with Unilateral Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration : Early Detection of Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration Study

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    Funding Information: The author(s) have made the following disclosure(s): R.G.: Personal fees ? Heidelberg Engineering.S.S.: Grants and personal fees ? Bayer, during the conduct of the study; Grants and personal fees ? Novartis, Boehringer Ingleheim; Grants ? Allergan, Roche; Personal fees ? Apellis, Oxurion, Heidelberg Engineering, Optos, outside the submitted work; Funded by the Moorfields Biomedical Research Centre and Clinical Research Facility.The project was funded by the National Institute for Health Research Health Technology Assessment Programme (Project Number: 12/142/07) and will be published in full in Health Technology Assessment. The Health Services Research Unit and the Health Economics Research Unit are core funded by the Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Government Health and Social Care Directorate. F.G.: Grants ? NIHR, during the conduct of the study; Grants and personal fees ? Novartis, Roche, Bayer; Personal fees ? Allergan, Alimera; Grants ? Chengdu Pharma; Grants and nonfinancial support ? NIHR, outside the submitted work. J.A.C.: Study grant ? NIHR. K.B.: Grants ? NIHR HTA Programme, during the conduct of the study. Obtained funding: Chakravarthy, Ramsay, Sivaprasad, Scotland, Azuara-Blanco, Heiman and Cook Publisher Copyright: © 2021Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Effects of chewing gum on nitric oxide metabolism, markers of cardiovascular health and neurocognitive performance after a nitrate-rich meal

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    Objectives: Cardiovascular and neurocognitive responses to chewing gum have been reported, but the mechanisms are not well understood. Chewing gum after a nitrate-rich meal may upregulate the reduction of oral nitrate to nitrite and increase nitric oxide (NO), a molecule important to cardiovascular and neurocognitive health. We aimed to explore effects of chewing gum after a nitrate-rich meal on nitrate metabolism (through the enterosalivary nitrate-nitrite-NO pathway), endothelial function, blood pressure (BP), neurocognitive performance, mood and anxiety. Methods: Twenty healthy men (n=6) and women (n=14) with a mean age of 48 years (range: 23-69) were recruited to a randomized controlled cross-over trial. After consumption of a nitrate-rich meal (180 mg of nitrate), we assessed the acute effects of chewing gum, compared to no gum chewing, on (i) salivary nitrate, nitrite and the nitrate reductase ratio (100 x [nitrite] / ([nitrate] + [nitrite]); (ii) plasma nitrite, S-nitrosothiols and other nitroso species (RXNO); (iii) endothelial function (measured by flow mediated dilatation); (iv) BP; (v) neurocognitive performance; (vi) mood; and (vii) anxiety. Results: Consumption of the nitrate-rich meal resulted in a significant increase in markers of nitrate metabolism. A significantly higher peak flow mediated dilatation was observed with chewing compared to no chewing (baseline adjusted mean difference: 1.10%, 95% CI: 0.06, 2.14; p=0.038) after the nitrate-rich meal. A significant small increase in systolic BP, diastolic BP and heart rate were observed with chewing compared to no chewing after the nitrate-rich meal. The study did not observe increased oral reduction of nitrate to nitrite and NO, or improvements in neurocognitive performance, mood or anxiety with chewing compared to no chewing. Conclusion: Chewing gum after a nitrate-rich meal resulted in an acute improvement in endothelial function and a small increase in BP but did not result in acute effects on neurocognitive function, mood or anxiety

    Near infrared spectroscopy and hyperspectral imaging for non-destructive quality assessment of cereal grains

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    Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) combines spectroscopy and imaging, providing information about the chemical properties of a material and their spatial distribution. It represents an advance of traditional Near-Infrared (NIR) spectroscopy. The present work reviews the most recent applications of NIR spectroscopy for cereal grain evaluation, then focused on the use of HSI in this field. The progress of research from ground material to whole grains and single kernels is detailed. The potential of NIR-based methods to predict protein content, sprout damage and α-amylase activity in wheat and barley is shown, in addition to assessment of quality parameters in other cereals such as rice, maize and oats, and the estimation of fungal infection. This analytical technique also offers the possibility to rapidly classify grains based on properties such as variety, geographical origin, kernel hardness, etc. Further applications of HSI are expected in the near future, for its potential for rapid single-kernel analysis