979 research outputs found

    Spitzer Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy of Infrared Luminous Galaxies at z~2 III: Far-IR to Radio Properties and Optical Spectral Diagnostics

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    We present the far-IR, millimeter, and radio photometry as well as optical and near-IR spectroscopy of a sample of 48 z~1-3 Spitzer-selected ULIRGs with IRS mid-IR spectra. Our goals are to compute their bolometric emission, and to determine both the presence and relative strength of their AGN and starburst components. We find that strong-PAH sources tend to have higher 160um and 1.2mm fluxes than weak-PAH sources. The depth of the 9.7um silicate feature does not affect MAMBO detectability. We fit the far-IR SEDs of our sample and find an average ~7x10^{12}Lsun for our z>1.5 sources. Spectral decomposition suggests that strong-PAH sources typically have ~20-30% AGN fractions. Weak-PAH sources by contrast tend to have >~70% AGN fractions, with a few sources having comparable contributions of AGN and starbursts. The optical line diagnostics support the presence of AGN in the bulk of the weak-PAH sources. With one exception, our sources are narrow-line sources, show no obvious correspondence between the optical extinction and the silicate feature depth, and, in two cases, show evidence for outflows. Radio AGN are present in both strong-PAH and weak-PAH sources. This is supported by our sample's far-IR-to-radio ratios (q) being consistently below the average value of 2.34 for local star-forming galaxies. We use survival analysis to include the lower-limits given by the radio-undetected sources, arriving at =2.07+/-0.01 for our z>1.5 sample. In total, radio and, where available, optical line diagnostics support the presence of AGN in 57% of the z>1.5 sources, independent of IR-based diagnostics. For higher-z sources, the AGN luminosities alone are estimated to be >10^{12}Lsun, which, supported by the [OIII] luminosities, implies that the bulk of our sources host obscured quasars.Comment: 22 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Causal inference in multi-cohort studies using the target trial approach

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    Longitudinal cohort studies provide the opportunity to examine causal effects of complex exposures on long-term health outcomes. Utilizing data from multiple cohorts has the potential to add further benefit by improving precision of estimates through data pooling and allowing examination of effect heterogeneity across contexts. However, the interpretation of findings can be complicated by biases that may be compounded when pooling data or may contribute to discrepant findings when analyses are replicated across cohorts. Here we extend the target trial framework, already well established as a powerful tool for causal inference in single-cohort studies, to address the specific challenges that can arise in the multi-cohort setting. The approach considers the target trial as a central point of reference, as opposed to comparing one study to another. This enables clear definition of the target estimand and systematic consideration of sources of bias within each cohort and additional sources of bias arising from data pooling. Consequently, analyses can be designed to reduce these biases and the resulting findings appropriately interpreted. We use a case study to demonstrate the approach and its potential to strengthen causal inference in multi-cohort studies through improved analysis design and clarity in the interpretation of findings.Comment: 34 pages, 3 figure

    A study of the X-rayed outflow of APM 08279+5255 through photoionization codes

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    We present new results from our study of the X-rayed outflow of the z = 3.91 gravitationally lensed broad absorption line (BAL) quasar APM 08279+5255. These results are based on spectral fits to all the long exposure observations of APM 08279+5255 using a new quasar-outflow model. This model is based on cloudy simulations of a near-relativistic quasar outflow. The main conclusions from our multi-epoch spectral re-analysis of Chandra, XMM-Newton and Suzaku observations of APM 08279+5255 are: 1) In every observation we confirm the presence of two strong features, one at rest-frame energies between 1-4 keV, and the other between 7-18 keV. 2) We confirm that the low-energy absorption (1-4 keV rest-frame) arises from a low-ionization absorber with logNH~23 and the high-energy absorption (7-18 keV rest-frame) arises from highly ionized (3>log xi>4; where xi is the ionization parameter) iron in a near-relativistic outflowing wind. Assuming this interpretation, we find that the velocities on the outflow could get up to ~0.7c. 3) We confirm a correlation between the maximum outflow velocity and the photon index and find possible trends between the maximum outflow velocity and the X-ray luminosity, and between the total column density and the photon index. We performed calculations of the force multipliers of material illuminated by absorbed power laws and a Mathews-Ferland SED. We found that variations of the X-ray and UV parts of the SEDs and the presence of a moderate absorbing shield will produce important changes in the strength of the radiative driving force. These results support the observed trend found between the outflow velocity and X-ray photon index in APM 08279+5255. If this result is confirmed it will imply that radiation pressure is an important mechanism in producing quasar outflows.Comment: Paper accepted in the Astrophysical journa

    Imaging Carbon Monoxide Emission in the Starburst Galaxy NGC 6000

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    We present measurements of carbon monoxide emission in the central region of the nearby starburst NGC 6000 taken with the Submillimeter Array. The J=2-1 transition of 12CO, 13CO, and C18O were imaged at a resolution of ~3''x2'' (450x300 pc). We accurately determine the dynamical center of NGC 6000 at R.A(J2000.0)=15h49m49.5s and dec(J2000.0)=-29d23'13'' which agrees with the peak of molecular emission position. The observed CO dynamics could be explained in the context of the presence of a bar potential affecting the molecular material, likely responsible for the strong nuclear concentration where more than 85% of the gas is located. We detect a kinematically detached component of dense molecular gas at relatively high velocity which might be fueling the star formation. A total nuclear dynamical mass of 7x10^9 Msun is derived and a total mass of gas of 4.6x10^8 Msun, yielding a Mgas/Mdyn~6%, similar to other previously studied barred galaxies with central starbursts. We determined the mass of molecular gas with the optically thin isotopologue C18O and we estimate a CO-to-H2 conversion factor X(CO)=0.4x10^20 cm-2/(K km s-1) in agreement with that determined in other starburst galaxies.Comment: 31 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomical Journal

    Morphology and Size Differences between Local & High Redshift Luminous Infrared Galaxies

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    We show that the star-forming regions in high-redshift luminous and ultraluminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs and ULIRGs) and submillimeter galaxies (SMGs) have similar physical scales to those in local normal star-forming galaxies. To first order, their higher infrared (IR) luminosities result from higher luminosity surface density. We also find a good correlation between the IR luminosity and IR luminosity surface density in starburst galaxies across over five orders of magnitude of IR luminosity from local normal galaxies to z ~ 2 SMGs. The intensely star-forming regions of local ULIRGs are significantly smaller than those in their high-redshift counterparts and hence diverge significantly from this correlation, indicating that the ULIRGs found locally are a different population from the high-redshift ULIRGs and SMGs. Based on this relationship, we suggest that luminosity surface density should serve as a more accurate indicator for the IR emitting environment, and hence the observable properties, of star-forming galaxies than their IR luminosity. We demonstrate this approach by showing that ULIRGs at z ~ 1 and a lensed galaxy at z ~ 2.5 exhibit aromatic features agreeing with local LIRGs that are an order of magnitude less luminous, but have similar IR luminosity surface density. A consequence of this relationship is that the aromatic emission strength in star-forming galaxies will appear to increase at z > 1 for a given IR luminosity compared to their local counterparts.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal; 13 pages, 7 figures; Online materials available at http://inthanon.as.arizona.edu/~wiphu/Rujopakarn_2010

    From single cells to tissues: interactions between the matrix and human breast cells in real time.

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    International audienceMammary gland morphogenesis involves ductal elongation, branching, and budding. All of these processes are mediated by stroma--epithelium interactions. Biomechanical factors, such as matrix stiffness, have been established as important factors in these interactions. For example, epithelial cells fail to form normal acinar structures in vitro in 3D gels that exceed the stiffness of a normal mammary gland. Additionally, heterogeneity in the spatial distribution of acini and ducts within individual collagen gels suggests that local organization of the matrix may guide morphogenesis. Here, we quantified the effects of both bulk material stiffness and local collagen fiber arrangement on epithelial morphogenesis. The formation of ducts and acini from single cells and the reorganization of the collagen fiber network were quantified using time-lapse confocal microscopy. MCF10A cells organized the surrounding collagen fibers during the first twelve hours after seeding. Collagen fiber density and alignment relative to the epithelial surface significantly increased within the first twelve hours and were a major influence in the shaping of the mammary epithelium. The addition of Matrigel to the collagen fiber network impaired cell-mediated reorganization of the matrix and increased the probability of spheroidal acini rather than branching ducts. The mechanical anisotropy created by regions of highly aligned collagen fibers facilitated elongation and branching, which was significantly correlated with fiber organization. In contrast, changes in bulk stiffness were not a strong predictor of this epithelial morphology. Localized regions of collagen fiber alignment are required for ductal elongation and branching suggesting the importance of local mechanical anisotropy in mammary epithelial morphogenesis. Similar principles may govern the morphology of branching and budding in other tissues and organs

    1866-1867 Nominations of agents for the Passamaquoddy Tribe

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    Civilian casualties and public support for military action: Experimental evidence

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    In contrast to the expansive literature on military casualties and support for war, we know very little about public reactions to foreign civilian casualties. This article, based on representative sample surveys in the US and Britain, reports four survey experiments weaving information about civilian casualties into vignettes about Western military action. These produce consistent evidence of civilian casualty aversion: where death tolls were higher, support for force was invariably and significantly lower. Casualty effects were moderate in size but robust across our two cases and across different scenarios. They were also strikingly resistant to moderation by other factors manipulated in the experiments, such as the framing of casualties or their religious affiliation. The importance of numbers over even strongly humanizing frames points towards a utilitarian rather than a social-psychological model of casualty aversion. Either way, civilian casualties deserve a more prominent place in the literature on public support for war

    Extended Schmidt Law: Role Of Existing Stars In Current Star Formation

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    We propose an "extended Schmidt law" with explicit dependence of the star formation efficiency (SFE=SFR/Mgas) on the stellar mass surface density. This relation has a power-law index of 0.48+-0.04 and an 1-sigma observed scatter on the SFE of 0.4 dex, which holds over 5 orders of magnitude in the stellar density for individual global galaxies including various types especially the low-surface-brightness (LSB) galaxies that deviate significantly from the Kennicutt-Schmidt law. When applying it to regions at sub-kpc resolution of a sample of 12 spiral galaxies, the extended Schmidt law not only holds for LSB regions but also shows significantly smaller scatters both within and across galaxies compared to the Kennicutt-Schmidt law. We argue that this new relation points to the role of existing stars in regulating the SFE, thus encoding better the star formation physics. Comparison with physical models of star formation recipes shows that the extended Schmidt law can be reproduced by some models including gas free-fall in a stellar-gravitational potential and pressure-supported star formation. By implementing this new law into the analytic model of gas accretion in Lambda CDM, we show that it can re-produce the observed main sequence of star-forming galaxies (a relation between the SFR and stellar mass) from z=0 up to z=2.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures; Accepted for Publication In Ap
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