47 research outputs found

    Genetic Drivers of Epigenetic and Transcriptional Variation in Human Immune Cells

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    Characterizing the multifaceted contribution of genetic and epigenetic factors to disease phenotypes is a major challenge in human genetics and medicine. We carried out high-resolution genetic, epigenetic, and transcriptomic profiling in three major human immune cell types (CD14+^{+} monocytes, CD16+^{+} neutrophils, and naive CD4+^{+} T cells) from up to 197 individuals. We assess, quantitatively, the relative contribution of cis\textit{cis}-genetic and epigenetic factors to transcription and evaluate their impact as potential sources of confounding in epigenome-wide association studies. Further, we characterize highly coordinated genetic effects on gene expression, methylation, and histone variation through quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping and allele-specific (AS) analyses. Finally, we demonstrate colocalization of molecular trait QTLs at 345 unique immune disease loci. This expansive, high-resolution atlas of multi-omics changes yields insights into cell-type-specific correlation between diverse genomic inputs, more generalizable correlations between these inputs, and defines molecular events that may underpin complex disease risk.This work was predominantly funded by the EU FP7 High Impact Project BLUEPRINT (HEALTH-F5-2011-282510) and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR EP1-120608). The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no 282510 (BLUEPRINT), the European Molecular Biology Laboratory, the Max Planck society, the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, ‘Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa 2013-2017’, SEV-2012-0208 and Spanish National Bioinformatics Institute (INB-ISCIII) PT13/0001/0021 co-funded by FEDER "“Una Manera de hacer Europa”. D.G. is supported by a “la Caixa”-Severo Ochoa pre-doctoral fellowship, M.F. was supported by the BHF Cambridge Centre of Excellence [RE/13/6/30180], K.D. is funded as a HSST trainee by NHS Health Education England, S.E. is supported by a fellowship from La Caixa, V.P. is supported by a FEBS long-term fellowship and N.S.'s research is supported by the Wellcome Trust (Grant Codes WT098051 and WT091310), the EU FP7 (EPIGENESYS Grant Code 257082 and BLUEPRINT Grant Code HEALTH-F5-2011-282510) and the NIHR BRC. The Blood and Transplant Unit (BTRU) in Donor Health and Genomics is part of and funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) and is a partnership between the University of Cambridge and NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) in collaboration with the University of Oxford and the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute. The T-cell data was produced by the McGill Epigenomics Mapping Centre (EMC McGill). It is funded under the Canadian Epigenetics, Environment, and Health Research Consortium (CEEHRC) by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and by Genome Quebec (CIHR EP1-120608), with additional support from Genome Canada and FRSQ. T.P. holds a Canada Research Chair

    Attentional Set-Shifting Deficit in Parkinson’s Disease Is Associated with Prefrontal Dysfunction: An FDG-PET Study

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    The attentional set-shifting deficit that has been observed in Parkinson’s disease (PD) has long been considered neuropsychological evidence of the involvement of meso-prefrontal and prefrontal-striatal circuits in cognitive flexibility. However, recent studies have suggested that non-dopaminergic, posterior cortical pathologies may also contribute to this deficit. Although several neuroimaging studies have addressed this issue, the results of these studies were confounded by the use of tasks that required other cognitive processes in addition to set-shifting, such as rule learning and working memory. In this study, we attempted to identify the neural correlates of the attentional set-shifting deficit in PD using a compound letter task and 18F-fluoro-deoxy-glucose (FDG) positron emission tomography during rest. Shift cost, which is a measure of attentional set-shifting ability, was significantly correlated with hypometabolism in the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, including the putative human frontal eye field. Our results provide direct evidence that dysfunction in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex makes a primary contribution to the attentional set-shifting deficit that has been observed in PD patients

    Consumption of pasteurized human lysozyme transgenic goats’ milk alters serum metabolite profile in young pigs

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    Nutrition, bacterial composition of the gastrointestinal tract, and general health status can all influence the metabolic profile of an organism. We previously demonstrated that feeding pasteurized transgenic goats’ milk expressing human lysozyme (hLZ) can positively impact intestinal morphology and modulate intestinal microbiota composition in young pigs. The objective of this study was to further examine the effect of consuming hLZ-containing milk on young pigs by profiling serum metabolites. Pigs were placed into two groups and fed a diet of solid food and either control (non-transgenic) goats’ milk or milk from hLZ-transgenic goats for 6 weeks. Serum samples were collected at the end of the feeding period and global metabolite profiling was performed. For a total of 225 metabolites (160 known, 65 unknown) semi-quantitative data was obtained. Levels of 18 known and 4 unknown metabolites differed significantly between the two groups with the direction of change in 13 of the 18 known metabolites being almost entirely congruent with improved health status, particularly in terms of the gastrointestinal tract health and immune response, with the effects of the other five being neutral or unknown. These results further support our hypothesis that consumption of hLZ-containing milk is beneficial to health

    Análise da cadeia de produção de verduras em Ribeirão Preto, SP Analysis of the vegele productive chain in Ribeirão Preto, SP

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    Com o objetivo de avaliar o risco cumulativo de contaminação de hortaliças, investigou-se 45 cadeias produtoras. Foi detectada a presença de coliformes a 45ºC, Salmonella e/ou parasitas em 69% delas, em todas as etapas de produção. Ressalta-se a necessidade de se intensificar o controle de qualidade ao longo da cadeia produtiva.<br>With the aim of assessing the cumulative risk of lettuce contamination, 45 production chains were investigated. The presence of thermotolerant coliforms, Salmonella and/or parasites was detected in 69% of these, in all steps of the production chain. Quality control in all steps of the lettuce production process should be intensified