59 research outputs found

    Classroom Teacher and Adminstrators Perception of the Teacher Librarians\u27 Contribution to Student Academic Achievement

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    Library research studies have provided evidence that teacher-librarians (TLs) impact student academic success; nevertheless, TLs statewide and internationally are at a critical juncture due to stakeholder groups\u27 ambiguous perceptions regarding their influence on student achievement. The problem in this study involves a local independent school district\u27s lack of conclusive evidence to demonstrate TLs\u27 contribution to student achievement on standardized testing. The purpose of this study was to examine the perceptions of TLs, classroom teachers (CTs), and administrative staff (AS) concerning student achievement as instructed by local TLs. Using Piaget\u27s cognitive theory and Mezirow\u27s transformative learning theory, this qualitative case study explored the perceptions of 15 participants and acquired clarification regarding the TLs\u27 instructional practice. The interview questions focused on perceptions of 5 CTs, 5 AS, and 5 TLs regarding the instructional role of TLs on students\u27 academic success as well as the evidence provided by these stakeholders regarding the value of school libraries. Data collection with semi-structured interviews followed by an open coding thematic analysis revealed 7 themes: (1) involvement in curriculum, (2) flexibility of schedule, (3) preconceived misconceptions, (4) using an evidence-based practice approach, (5) collaboration, (6) access to materials, and (7) a conducive learning environment. The resulting project consisted of a policy recommendation created for augmenting stakeholder perceptions. The project contributes to social change by fostering an informed societal positive perception of the TLs\u27 instructional influence on student academic achievement and by offering a measurable interpretation of the TLs\u27 educational value to the learning community that may transform stakeholder perception locally and worldwide

    Introducing axonal myelination in connectomics: a preliminary analysis of g-ratio distribution in healthy subjects

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    Microstructural imaging and connectomics are two research areas that hold great potential for investigating brain structure and function. Combining these two approaches can lead to a better and more complete characterization of the brain as a network. The aim of this work is characterizing the connectome from a novel perspective using the myelination measure given by the g-ratio. The g-ratio is the ratio of the inner to the outer diameters of a myelinated axon, whose aggregated value can now be estimated in vivo using MRI. In two different datasets of healthy subjects, we reconstructed the structural connectome and then used the g-ratio estimated from diffusion and magnetization transfer data to characterise the network structure. Significant characteristics of g-ratio weighted graphs emerged. First, the g-ratio distribution across the edges of the graph did not show the power-law distribution observed using the number of streamlines as a weight. Second, connections involving regions related to motor and sensory functions were the highest in myelin content. We also observed significant differences in terms of the hub structure and the rich-club organization suggesting that connections involving hub regions present higher myelination than peripheral connections. Taken together, these findings offer a characterization of g-ratio distribution across the connectome in healthy subjects and lay the foundations for further investigating plasticity and pathology using a similar approach

    Negative trends in bird abundance are strongly correlated to rainfall decline in a Central American tropical forest

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    El cambio climático es considerado uno de los principales factores que amenazan a la biodiversidad. El clima es de gran importancia para la dinámica poblacional de las aves, pero las consecuencias del cambio climático no han sido abordadas sino hasta recientemente, especialmente en aves tropicales. Para el norte de América Central, los escenarios de cambio climático para 2050 predicen una reducción en las precipitaciones, con disminuciones de 4-19% de las precipitaciones actuales. En este trabajo se evalúa la relación entre los cambios temporales en la cantidad de precipitaciones y la dinámica de la comunidad de aves en el este tropical de Guatemala para un período de 18 años (1993-2010). Los datos consistieron en capturas y recapturas anuales en cuatro sitios ubicados a altitudes entre 100-750 msnm, con análisis para las capturas totales y para seis gremios de alimentación. Los análisis estadísticos consistieron en regresiones de Poisson en las cuales la abundancia estimada (tomando en cuenta la probabilidad de recaptura) fue modelada en función de las precipitaciones (de la época lluviosa, de la época seca y la anual) y la tendencia temporal. Se detectaron fuertes declinaciones en la abundancia total y en la abundancia de las aves nectarívoras, omnívoras, frugívoras y, en menor grado, insectívoras de follaje. Estas declinaciones estuvieron fuertemente asociadas a la disminución en la cantidad de precipitaciones, principalmente de la época lluviosa. Se necesita un conocimiento más profundo de los efectos del cambio climático sobre la abundancia de animales en los ecosistemas tropicales, con el fin de proponer acciones de conservación y manejo en estos sistemas altamente diversos.Climate change is considered one of the main factors threatening biodiversity. Weather is of major importance for bird population dynamics, but the implications of climate change have only recently begun to be addressed, especially for tropical birds. For Northern Central America, climate change scenarios for 2050 predict a reduction in precipitation across the region, with decreases ranging from 4-19% of current rainfall. In this work, we addressed the relationship between temporal changes in precipitation amount and bird community dynamics in eastern tropical Guatemala, for a time period of 18 years (1993-2010). Data consisted of yearly captures and recaptures in four sites, located at elevations between 100-750 masl, and analyses were carried out for total captures and for six foraging guilds. Statistical analyses consisted of Poisson regressions, where estimated abundance (taking into account recapture probability) was modelled as a function of wet-season, dry-season, and annual rainfall, and temporal trend. We detected strong declines in total abundance and in the abundance of nectarivores, omnivores, frugivores, and, to a lesser degree, foliage insectivores. These declines were strongly associated with declines in rainfall amount, generally during the rainy season. A more comprehensive understanding of the effects of climate change on animal abundance in tropical ecosystems is strongly needed to propose conservation and management actions in these biodiverse ecosystems

    Pediatric cochlear implantation: an update

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    Deafness in pediatric age can adversely impact language acquisition as well as educational and social-emotional development. Once diagnosed, hearing loss should be rehabilitated early; the goal is to provide the child with maximum access to the acoustic features of speech within a listening range that is safe and comfortable. In presence of severe to profound deafness, benefit from auditory amplification cannot be enough to allow a proper language development. Cochlear implants are partially implantable electronic devices designed to provide profoundly deafened patients with hearing sensitivity within the speech range. Since their introduction more than 30 years ago, cochlear implants have improved their performance to the extent that are now considered to be standard of care in the treatment of children with severe to profound deafness. Over the years patient candidacy has been expanded and the criteria for implantation continue to evolve within the paediatric population. The minimum age for implantation has progressively reduced; it has been recognized that implantation at a very early age (12–18 months) provides children with the best outcomes, taking advantage of sensitive periods of auditory development. Bilateral implantation offers a better sound localization, as well as a superior ability to understand speech in noisy environments than unilateral cochlear implant. Deafened children with special clinical situations, including inner ear malformation, cochlear nerve deficiency, cochlear ossification, and additional disabilities can be successfully treated, even thogh they require an individualized candidacy evaluation and a complex post-implantation rehabilitation. Benefits from cochlear implantation include not only better abilities to hear and to develop speech and language skills, but also improved academic attainment, improved quality of life, and better employment status. Cochlear implants permit deaf people to hear, but they have a long way to go before their performance being comparable to that of the intact human ear; researchers are looking for more sophisticated speech processing strategies as well as a more efficient coupling between the electrodes and the cochlear nerve with the goal of dramatically improving the quality of sound of the next generation of implants

    An Economic Model for Bioprospecting Contracts

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    This paper explores the use of a micro-economic model to analyse the provisions and parties of bioprospecting contracts. It focuses on the pharmaceutical industry as the representative biodiversity buyer, presenting an original theoretical framework that explains the main contract characteristics or stylised facts. Against this background, it considers the main contractors involved in these private contracts, i.e. biodiversity sellers and biodiversity buyers, analysing both the magnitude and distribution of the respective payoffs. Particular attention is devoted to the different, mixed impacts of bioprospecting contracts and patenting on social welfare. The positive welfare impacts delivered by bioprospecting contracts are associated with the potential discovery of a new drug product, i.e. productivity gains, non-monetary benefit-sharing or transfers and royalty revenues. The negative welfare impact results from the legal creation of a monopoly and the related well-known effect on the consumer surplus. Finally, the potential redistribution effects are limited, and a potential enforcement of this objective may jeopardise the desirability of the contracts since this action would lead to a significant increase in the transaction costs

    Uso de hábitats modificados por aves dependientes de bosque tropical en la región caribeña de Guatemala

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    A medida que las áreas de vegetación natural en los neotrópicos estén siendo reducidas a remanentes aislados, la importancia de la vegetación secundaria para la conservación de especies aumentará. Por lo tanto, debe determinarse el valor de los hábitats modificados o creados por el hombre para la conservación de especies dependientes de hábitats originales. En este estudio, evaluamos el valor para la conservación de tres hábitats asociados a la ganadería (bosque ribereño, cerco vivo y pastizal) para las aves típicas de bosque tropical en la región caribeña de Guatemala. Estudiamos las comunidades de aves de cinco sitios de bosque tropical bajo y bosque ribereño (río), tres sitios de cerco vivo y cuatro de pastizales, en cinco fincas ganaderas de la región, y comparamos los cuatro hábitats en función de los siguientes parámetros: número de especies, número de individuos, composición de especies, e índice de importancia. Una serie de 10 puntos de conteo se evaluó (seis repeticiones de cada serie) en cada hábitat, durante abril y mayo de 1998 y 1999. Aunque el número de especies fue similar en bosque, río y cerco vivo (111, 96 y 94 especies, respectivamente), y el río y cerco vivo superaron al bosque en el número de individuos (80 y 72, comparado a 56 individuos), el río y cerco vivo tuvieron números de especies e individuos de residentes de interior de bosque significativamente menores a los del bosque (56, 21 y 15 especies y 61, 19 y 8 individuos en bosque, río y cerco, respectivamente). El río y cerco vivo no se diferenciaron en el número de especies e individuos residentes de borde de bosque, pero la composición de las comunidades de este grupo de especies fue significativamente distinta entre estos dos hábitats y el bosque. Las especies de borde que fueron relativamente abundantes en bosque tuvieron abundancias muy bajas en los hábitats modificados, y aquellas que fueron abundantes en río y cerco vivo estaban prácticamente ausentes en el bosque tropical y fueron generalistas. Con respecto a las especies migratorias, tanto el río como el cerco vivo resultaron ser muy importantes para éstas, y el río incluso fue más importante que el bosque tropical. Concluimos que estos hábitats modificados tienen muy poco valor de conservación para las especies residentes típicas de bosque tropical, pero resultan ser muy importantes para las especies migratorias, particularmente para aquellas con hábitos arbóreos. Destacamos la importancia de evaluar la importancia de de los hábitas modificados particularmente en función de la composición de especies, y en función de las especies para las cuáles se desea evaluar la importancia de los hábitats modificados, en nuestro caso, para las especies típicas de bosque tropical.Modified-habitat use by tropical forest-dependent birds in the Caribbean region of Guatemala. As natural areas are reduced into isolated remnants, the importance of secondary habitats for species conservation will increase. Consequently, the conservation value of human-modified or created secondary habitats must be determined. in this study, we evaluated the conservation potential of three habitats associated to cattle ranching (riparian forest, live fence, and pasture) for tropical forest birds in the Caribbean region of Guatemala. We studied the bird communities of five tropical forest and riparian forest (henceforth river) sites, three live fence sites and four pasture sites, in five cattle ranches in the region, and compared the four habitats based on the following parameters: species richness, number of individuals, species composition and an index of conservation importance. A 10-point series was sampled (six repetitions of each series) in each habitat site using the point-count method, in march and april of 1998 and 1999. Although forest, river and live fence had similar mean species numbers, considering all species (111, 96 and 94 species, respectively), and river and live fence surpassed the forest in mean number of individuals (80 and 72 compared to 56 individuals), river and live fence had significantly fewer mean numbers of interior-forest resident species and individuals (56, 21 and 15 species, and 61, 19 and eight individuals in forest, river and live fence, respectively). River and live fence, when compared to forest, had no significant differences in the number of resident forest-edge species and individuals, but their edge-species composition was significantly different from forest. Those resident edge species that were relatively abundant in forest had very low abundances in the modified habitats, and those that were abundant in river and live fence were rare or absent in forest sites. With respect to migratory species, both river and live fence were very important, and the river was more important than forest, according to the conservation importance index. We conclude that these modified habitats have very little value for tropical forest-dependent resident species, but are extremely important for migratory species, particularly those of arboreal habits. We also stress that the conservation importance of alternative habitats should be based on species composition, as opposed to species richness and abundance, and defined as a function of species of particular conservation importance, in our locality, those dependent of tropical lowland forest. Rev. Biol. Trop. 57 (1-2): 401-419. Epub 2009 June 30

    Modified habitat use by tropical forest dependent birds in the Caribbean region of Guatemala

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    A medida que las áreas de vegetación natural en los neotrópicos estén siendo reducidas a remanentes aislados, la importancia de la vegetación secundaria para la conser- vación de especies aumentará. Por lo tanto, debe determinarse el valor de los hábitats modificados o creados por el hombre para la conservación de especies dependientes de hábitats originales. En este estudio, evaluamos el valor para la conservación de tres hábitats asociados a la ganadería (bosque ribereño, cerco vivo y pastizal) para las aves típicas de bosque tropical en la región caribeña de Guatemala. Estudiamos las comunidades de aves de cinco sitios de bosque tropical bajo y bosque ribereño (río), tres sitios de cerco vivo y cuatro de pastizales, en cinco fincas ganaderas de la región, y comparamos los cuatro hábitats en función de los siguientes parámetros: número de especies, número de individuos, composición de especies, e índice de impor- tancia. Una serie de 10 puntos de conteo se evaluó (seis repeticiones de cada serie) en cada hábitat, durante abril y mayo de 1998 y 1999. Aunque el número de especies fue similar en bosque, río y cerco vivo (111, 96 y 94 especies, respectivamente), y el río y cerco vivo superaron al bosque en el número de individuos (80 y 72, comparado a 56 individuos), el río y cerco vivo tuvieron números de especies e individuos de residentes de interior de bosque significativamente menores a los del bosque (56, 21 y 15 especies y 61, 19 y 8 individuos en bosque, río y cerco, respectivamente). El río y cerco vivo no se diferenciaron en el número de especies e individuos residentes de borde de bosque, pero la composición de las comunidades de este grupo de especies fue significativamente distinta entre estos dos hábitats y el bosque. Las especies de borde que fueron relativamente abundantes en bosque tuvieron abundancias muy bajas en los hábitats modificados, y aquellas que fueron abundantes en río y cerco vivo estaban prácticamente ausentes en el bosque tropical y fueron generalistas. Con respecto a las especies migratorias, tanto el río como el cerco vivo resultaron ser muy importantes para éstas, y el río incluso fue más importante que el bosque tropical. Concluimos que estos hábitats modificados tienen muy poco valor de conservación para las especies residentes típicas de bosque tropical, pero resultan ser muy importantes para las especies migratorias, particularmente para aquellas con hábitos arbóreos. Destacamos la importancia de evaluar la importancia de de los hábitas modificados particularmente en función de la composición de especies, y en función de las especies para las cuáles se desea evaluar la importancia de los hábitats modificados, en nuestro caso, para las especies típicas de bosque tropical.As natural areas are reduced into isolated remnants, the importance of secondary habitats for species conservation will increase. Consequently, the conservation value of human-modified or created secondary habitats must be determined. In this study, we evaluated the conservation potential of three habitats associated to cattle ranching (riparian forest, live fence, and pasture) for tropical forest birds in the Caribbean region of Guatemala. We studied the bird communities of five tropical forest and riparian forest (henceforth river) sites, three live fence sites and four pasture sites, in five cattle ranches in the region, and compared the four habitats based on the following parameters: species richness, number of individuals, species composition and an index of con- servation importance. A 10-point series was sampled (six repetitions of each series) in each habitat site using the point-count method, in march and april of 1998 and 1999. Although forest, river and live fence had similar mean species numbers, considering all species (111, 96 and 94 species, respectively), and river and live fence surpassed the forest in mean number of individuals (80 and 72 compared to 56 individuals), river and live fence had significantly fewer mean numbers of interior-forest resident species and individuals (56, 21 and 15 species, and 61, 19 and eight individuals in forest, river and live fence, respectively). River and live fence, when com- pared to forest, had no significant differences in the number of resident forest edge species and individuals, but their edge species composition was significantly different from forest. Those resident edge species that were relatively abundant in forest had very low abundances in the modified habitats, and those that were abundant in river and live fence were rare or absent in forest sites. With respect to migratory species, both river and live fence were very important, and the river was more important than forest, according to the conservation importance index. We conclude that these modified habitats have very little value for tropical forest-dependent resident species, but are extremely important for migratory species, particularly those of arboreal habits. We also stress that the conservation importance of alternative habitats should be based on species composition, as opposed to species richness and abundance, and defined as a function of species of particular conservation importance, in our locality, those dependent of tropical lowland forest
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