531 research outputs found

    Synchronous parathyroid adenoma and thyroid papillary carcinoma: a case report

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    A 51-year-old female patient presented with atypical chest pain, laryngo-oesophageal reflux, increased levels of serum calcium and parathyroid hormone. Ultrasonography showed a multinodular goiter with a prominent solid nodule in the lower left thyroid lobe and a solid hypoechoic nodule outside this area

    Order of Presentation Effects in Learning Color Categories

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    Microorganisms involved in deep neck infection (DNIs) in Greece: detection, identification and susceptibility to antimicrobials

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    Background: To determine, from October 2010 to October 2018, the epidemiology of Deep Neck Infections (DNIs), regarding the detection, the identification and the susceptibility to antimicrobials of causative microorganisms, in Thessaly-Central Greece. Methods: An analysis of data from a prospective database was conducted on 610 consecutive patients with DNIs treated in the Otolaryngology / Head & Neck Surgery Department of University Hospital of Larissa. Demographics, clinical features and microbiological data were analyzed. Results: Among the 610 patients (1,9/1 male to female ratio, mean age: 39,24 ± 17,25) with DNIs, 579 had a single space (94,9%), while the remaining 31 had a multi-space (5,1%) DNI. The most common areas affected were the peritonsillar space (84,6%) followed by the submandibular space (6,5%). Clinical samples were obtained from 462 patients, and were tested by culture and by the application of 16S rRNA PCR. Two hundred fifty-five samples (55,2%) gave positive cultures, in which Streptococcus pyogenes and Staphylococcus aureus were predominant. The application of the 16S rRNA PCR revealed that 183 samples (39,6%) were positive for bacterial DNA; 22 of them, culture negative, were found to be positive for anaerobic (Fusobacterium necrophorum, Actinomyces israellii etc) and for fastidious microorganisms (Brucella mellitensis, Mycobacterium avium). Conclusion: DNIs represent a medical and surgical emergency and evidence-guided empirical treatment with intravenous infusion of antibiotics at the time of diagnosis is mandatory, highlighting the importance of epidemiological studies regarding the causative microorganisms. Although, in our study, the predominant pathogens were S. pyogenes and S. aureus, the combination of culture and molecular assay revealed that anaerobic bacteria play also a significant role in the pathogenesis of DNIs. Based on the local epidemiology, we propose as empirical therapy the intravenous use of a beta-lactam /beta-lactamase inhibitor; metronidazole or clindamycin can be added only in specific cases such as in immunocompromised patients

    A mechanism for the cortical computation of hierarchical linguistic structure

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    Biological systems often detect species-specific signals in the environment. In humans, speech and language are species-specific signals of fundamental biological importance. To detect the linguistic signal, human brains must form hierarchical representations from a sequence of perceptual inputs distributed in time. What mechanism underlies this ability? One hypothesis is that the brain repurposed an available neurobiological mechanism when hierarchical linguistic representation became an efficient solution to a computational problem posed to the organism. Under such an account, a single mechanism must have the capacity to perform multiple, functionally related computations, e.g., detect the linguistic signal and perform other cognitive functions, while, ideally, oscillating like the human brain. We show that a computational model of analogy, built for an entirely different purpose—learning relational reasoning—processes sentences, represents their meaning, and, crucially, exhibits oscillatory activation patterns resembling cortical signals elicited by the same stimuli. Such redundancy in the cortical and machine signals is indicative of formal and mechanistic alignment between representational structure building and “cortical” oscillations. By inductive inference, this synergy suggests that the cortical signal reflects structure generation, just as the machine signal does. A single mechanism—using time to encode information across a layered network—generates the kind of (de)compositional representational hierarchy that is crucial for human language and offers a mechanistic linking hypothesis between linguistic representation and cortical computatio

    ESONET LIDO Demonstration Mission: the Iberian Margin node.

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    The Gulf of Cadiz is one of two the test sites chosen for the demonstration of the ESONET - LIDO Demonstration Mission (DM) [1], which will establish a first nucleus of regional network of multidisciplinary sea floor observatories. The Gulf of Cadiz is a highly populated area, characterized by tsunamigenic sources, which caused the devastating earthquake and tsunamis that struck Lisbon in 1755. The seismic activity is concentrated along a belt going from this region to the Azores and the main tsunamigenic tectonic sources are located near the coastline. In the framework of the EU - NEAREST project [2] the GEOSTAR deep ocean bottom multi-parametric observatory was deployed for a one year mission off cape Saint Vincent at about 3200 m depth. GEOSTAR was equipped with a set of oceanographic, seismic and geophysical sensors and with a new tsunami detector prototype. In November 2009 the GEOSTAR abyssal station equipped with the tsunami prototype was redeployed at the same site on behalf of NEAREST and ESONET - LIDO DM. The system is able to communicate from the ocean bottom to the land station via an acoustic and satellite link. The abyssal station is designed both for long term geophysical and oceanographic observation and for tsunami early warning purpose. The tsunami detection is performed by two different algorithms: a new real time dedicated tsunami detection algorithm which analyses the water pressure data, and a seismic algorithm which triggers on strong events. Examples of geophysical and oceanographic data acquired by the abyssal station during the one year mission will be shown. The development of a new acoustic antenna equipped with a stand alone and autonomous acquisition system will allow the recording of marine mammals and the evaluation of environmental noise. ReferencesEGUPublishedVienna1.8. Osservazioni di geofisica ambientaleope

    Linked randomised controlled trials of face-to-face and electronic brief intervention methods to prevent alcohol related harm in young people aged 14–17 years presenting to Emergency Departments (SIPS junior)

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    Background: Alcohol is a major global threat to public health. Although the main burden of chronic alcohol-related disease is in adults, its foundations often lie in adolescence. Alcohol consumption and related harm increase steeply from the age of 12 until 20 years. Several trials focusing upon young people have reported significant positive effects of brief interventions on a range of alcohol consumption outcomes. A recent review of reviews also suggests that electronic brief interventions (eBIs) using internet and smartphone technologies may markedly reduce alcohol consumption compared with minimal or no intervention controls. Interventions that target non-drinking youth are known to delay the onset of drinking behaviours. Web based alcohol interventions for adolescents also demonstrate significantly greater reductions in consumption and harm among ‘high-risk’ drinkers; however changes in risk status at follow-up for non-drinkers or low-risk drinkers have not been assessed in controlled trials of brief alcohol interventions
