336 research outputs found

    Estratégias de implementação de um gerador solar fotovoltaico na empresa Motormac

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    Este trabalho aborda o desenvolvimento de um projeto de um sistema de microgeração fotovoltaica conectado à rede de distribuição de energia elétrica para a empresa Motormac. Localizada no município de Porto Alegre, tendo como objetivo diminuir os gastos com a conta de energia elétrica, gerar lucro a longo prazo e contribuir com meio ambiente adotando um sistema de geração com impacto ambiental praticamente nulo. Inicialmente é realizada uma contextualização e motivação para o desenvolvimento deste projeto. A seguir é feita uma revisão bibliográfica abordando diversos temas importantes relacionados a sistemas fotovoltaicos. Posteriormente é realizada uma análise do local onde será implementado o projeto onde a inclinação dos telhados foi obtida através de um medidor de ângulo e o azimute foi obtido utilizando o software Google Earth, com essas informações foi possível sintetizar a irradiação solar média do local com o software RADIASOL2 e com isso estimar a geração total do sistema proposto. Por fim, é calculado os custos com os equipamentos e materiais necessários para o projeto e estimado o tempo de retorno do investimento.This work addresses the development of a project for a photovoltaic microgeneration system connected to the electricity distribution network for the Motormac company. Located in the city of Porto Alegre, with the objective of reducing expenses with the electric energy bill, generating long-term profit and contributing to the environment by adopting a generation system with practically no environmental impact. Initially, a contextualization and motivation for the development of this project is carried out. Next, a bibliographical review is made, covering several important themes related to photovoltaic systems. Subsequently, an analysis of the place where the project will be implemented is carried out, where a large plan of the roofs was obtained through an angle meter and the azimuth was included in the Google Earth software, with information it was possible to synthesize the average solar irradiation of the place with the software RADIASOL2 and thus estimate the total generation of the proposed system. Finally, the cost of equipment and materials supplied for the project is profitable and the return on investment is estimated

    Estudo das repercussões do Programa Residência Pedagógica na formação de Professores de Matemática

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    The aim of this article is to analyze the repercussions of the Pedagogical Residency Program - PRP in the formation of Mathematics teachers. To this end, a qualitative metasynthesis was carried out based on 14 studies presented at the XIII National Meeting on Mathematical Education. In order to deepen the analysis of the repercussions, the studies were grouped into five categories, namely: innovative practices; reflections on the PRP; contributions to the initial training of the mathematics teacher; approach to the Basic Education school and training and integration of those involved in the PRP. The results made it possible to understand that the repercussions identified result from the characteristics of the PRP, as a Public Policy of teacher formation. Hence, the repercussions presented arise from the centrality of the Program (teacher formation), which was enabled by way of a partnership regime between university and school, mobilizing processes of insertion, immersion and conducting in the school context.El presente artículo tiene por objetivo analizar las repercusiones del Programa Residencia Pedagógica - PRP en la formación de profesores de Matemática. Para ello, se realizó una metasíntesis cualitativa a partir de 14 estudios presentados en el XIII Encuentro Nacional de Educación Matemática. Con vistas a ahondar el análisis de las repercusiones, los estudios fueron agrupados en cinco categorías, a saber: prácticas innovadoras; reflexiones sobre el PRP; contribuciones para la formación inicial del profesor de matemática; aproximación con la escuela de la Educación Básica y formación e integración de los involucrados en el PRP. Los resultados permitieron comprender que las repercusiones identificadas derivan de las características del PRP, en cuanto Política Pública de formación. De ese modo, las repercusiones presentadas resultan de la centralidad del Programa (formación de profesores), que fue dinamizada en régimen de convenio entre universidad y escuela, movilizando procesos de inserción, inmersión y de dirección en el contexto escolar.O presente artigo tem por objetivo analisar as repercussões do Programa Residência Pedagógica - PRP na formação de professores de Matemática. Para tanto, realizou-se uma metassíntese qualitativa a partir de 14 estudos apresentados no XIII Encontro Nacional de Educação Matemática. Com vistas a aprofundar a análise das repercussões, os estudos foram agrupados em cinco categorias, a saber: práticas inovadoras; reflexões sobre o PRP; contribuições para a formação inicial do professor de Matemática; aproximação com a escola da Educação Básica e formação e integração dos envolvidos no PRP. Os resultados permitiram compreender que as repercussões identificadas decorrem das características do PRP, enquanto Política Pública de formação. Desse modo, as repercussões apresentadas são oriundas da centralidade do Programa (formação de professores), que foi dinamizada em regime de parceria entre universidade e escola, mobilizando processos de inserção, imersão e de regência no contexto escolar


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    This article seeks to understand, through the productions published in the Annals of the IX Mineiro Meeting of Mathematics Education, the process of implementing Mathematics subprojects within the scope of the public notice Public Notice no. 01/2020 of the PRP in Minas Gerais. Fourteen publications linked to the PRP were analyzed, which were grouped considering four analytical categories, namely: a) approximation with the Basic Education school during the pandemic; b) innovative practices; c) approximations between the PRP and the Supervised Curricular Internship, and d) PRP and the mobilization of teaching knowledge. The analysis revealed that the study carried out makes a contribution to teacher training, since the development of the PRP in the context of the pandemic required all its participants, especially residents, to mobilize and articulate themselves, which materialized in the advancement of the practices carried out, that is, the exceptionality of the moment demanded expertise and creativity.Este artículo busca comprender, a través de las producciones publicadas en los Anales del IX Encuentro Mineiro de Educación Matemática, el proceso de implementación de los subproyectos de Matemáticas en el ámbito del aviso público Aviso Público n° 01/2020 del PRP en Minas Gerais. Se analizaron catorce publicaciones vinculadas al PRP, las cuales fueron agrupadas considerando cuatro categorías de análisis, a saber: a) acercamiento con la escuela de Educación Básica durante la pandemia; b) prácticas innovadoras; c) aproximaciones entre el PRP y la Práctica Curricular Supervisada, y d) el PRP y la movilización del saber docente. El análisis reveló que el estudio realizado hace un aporte a la formación docente, ya que el desarrollo del PRP en el contexto de la pandemia requirió de todos sus participantes, en especial de los pobladores, movilizarse y articularse, lo que se materializó en el avance de las prácticas realizadas. fuera, es decir, la excepcionalidad del momento exigía pericia y creatividad.O presente artigo busca compreender, por meio das produções publicadas nos Anais do IX Encontro Mineiro de Educação Matemática, o processo de implementação de subprojetos de Matemática no âmbito do Edital n.º 01/2020 do PRP em Minas Gerais. Foram analisadas 14 publicações vinculadas ao PRP, as quais foram agrupadas, considerando 4 categorias analíticas, a saber: a) aproximação com a escola da Educação Básica durante a pandemia; b) práticas inovadoras; c) aproximações entre o PRP e o Estágio Curricular Supervisionado; e d) PRP e a mobilização de conhecimentos docentes. A análise revelou que o estudo realizado contribui para a formação de professores, pois o desenvolvimento do PRP no contexto da pandemia requereu de todos os seus participantes, em especial dos residentes, mobilizações e articulações que se materializaram no avançar das práticas realizadas, ou seja, a excepcionalidade do momento exigiu expertise e criatividade

    Photodynamic Therapy and possible action against Sars-Cov-2 / Terapia fotodinâmica e possível ação contra Sars-Cov-2

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    Photodynamic therapy is based on the selective photosensitization of a target tissue using a topically or systemically administered agent, which is activated by light, promoting an oxygen-dependent cytotoxic reaction. This study consisted of a literature review that selects articles that show the use of Photodynamic Therapy in health areas, contrsting its use as antimicrobial therapy and the use of action against Sars-Cov-2. In this bibliographic research, the use of photodynamic therapy used in microbial control has demonstrated high effectiveness because it does not cause negative effects or drug interactions. In addition to acting not only on the host's tissues, but also preventively, since the results obtained in sterilization processes are seen. Through this study, it is possible to use a series of benefits of using photodynamic therapy to combat the new Coronavirus (COVID-19), in addition to being an effective method of disinfecting contaminated instruments or suggesting as a method of action against Sars-Cov-2

    Classification of Urban Solid Waste Collected with the Use of Ecobarriers in Watercourses in the Municipality of Caçapava do Sul, RS

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    Urban solid waste is a serious problem in cities when disposed in inappropriate places or when there is a deficiency in its collection, which can cause several environmental problems. In periods of rain, these problems become more evident when these residues are transported to drainage networks and water courses, accumulating and creating obstacles to the flow, causing floods, floods, etc. In this regard, this work aimed to collect and classify urban solid waste in two water courses in the municipality of Caçapava do Sul, an ecological barrier made with recyclable materials called Ecobarrier, placed across water courses in order to retain floating waste that is transported by water. As a result, the vast majority of residues retained in the eco-barriers correspond to the category of organic matter, this is due to the vegetation around the water bodies studied, followed by the plastic, metal and textile category respectively. Thus, it can be seen that the presence of floating garbage in the water courses of the municipality partially reflects the lack of concern on the part of the population and governments with its effects on human and environmental health. It is in this context, to avoid the generation of floating waste, that the integration of public policies can play a fundamental role, with the help of environmental education

    Routing software utilization to analyze vehicle idleness: case study in a Distribution Center in Suzano

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    O transporte de carga é uma das atividades mais representativas em relação ao custo logístico. Assim, é imperativo que as empresas comprometidas com a redução de custos em busca de vantagem competitiva, atente para oportunidades de melhoria nesta atividade. A presente pesquisa foi desenvolvida com um estudo de caso em um Centro de Distribuição localizado na cidade de Suzano, que consistiu na simulação de rotas de entrega utilizando um software de roteirização permitindo a comparação de rotas criadas eletronicamente e manualmente. O período selecionado foi o mês de outubro de 2016. O estudo utilizou as informações reais das entregas realizadas no período e as separou diariamente, recriando uma rota para cada data permitindo a comparação da operação real com a operação sugerida criada pelo roteiro. Programas. Os resultados indicaram que a utilização de software proporciona redução de 26,4% na utilização de veículos e a economia de pagamento das diárias alcançaria 31,63%. O estudo mostra a intenção da empresa de adotar o software. Finalmente, recomenda-se realizar outros estudos utilizando outras variáveis

    Stem cells and bioengineering in the current context of dentistry and general health / Células-tronco e bioengenharia no contexto atual da odontologia e saúde geral

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    Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are undifferentiated cell structures with the ability to both renew themselves and differentiate into different specialized cell types. These can be found in some structures of the dental organ, such as in the dental pulp, in the periodontal ligament, in the dental follicle and in the apical papilla, changing to being called dental stem cells (DSC). When compared with other types of MSC, DSC have the benefit of being obtained in a minimally invasive and painless way. These particularities make them the ideal tool for applicability in dental and non-dental therapies. In this review was emphasize that, in an appropriate culture medium, DSC can be used for the restoration of dental structures, in the repair of nervous and bone tissue and in the treatment of neurodegenerative, hepatic and ocular deficits. In addition, in the current context of COVID-19, MSC are being investigated and applied to treat complications caused by the new coronavirus, which has been extended to DSC. In summary, this review article concludes that understanding the functioning of these cells and their properties may allow the development of more effective treatments or even the cure of several pathologies

    The factibility of the protocol of dysphagia in palliative care (PADICUP) / A factibilidade do protocolo de disfagia nos cuidados paliativos (PADICUP)

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    Patients in Palliative Care (PC) represent a public whose demand is great for speech therapy, and because there is no standardized instrument for assessing the swallowing of people in COP, the Protocol for Evaluation of Dysphagia in Palliative Care (PADICUP) was elaborated. However, it had not been applied in patients. This study aimed to analyze the feasibility of PADICUP in patients of a palliative care clinic in the city of Belém, PA. A quantitative cross-sectional approach was carried out with 30 participants from April to October 2019. The data obtained in the evaluations through the protocol were organized in spreadsheets and submitted to the percentage and statistical analysis using the correlation of Pearson. Among the studied public, as the main complaints observed during screening were weight loss (97%), xerostomy (77%) and clearing during feeding (68%). Regarding the evaluation with PADICUP, only 77% of the patients were able to be evaluated with oral diet in some consistency, being oral transit time decreased, vocal quality altered, reduced laryngeal elevation, multiple swallowing and oral cavity residue, the most altered manifestations. Patients with PC present significant changes in swallowing and need a qualified and assertive speech therapy support, and PADICUP is a feasible instrument to be used for this purpose, since it covers the demands and needs of patients receiving this care

    Stock Management and Control in a Local Shop of Animal Products

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    Due to globalization, the achievement of competitiveness has become fundamental to the organizations that try to be leaner each day, reducing costs, and thus allowing other investments. Thereby, stocks are achieving each day more importance due to its relevance in the company economic stability. A great management allows products never miss in stock and a great management also avoids excess in leftovers. In this project, the importance of stock management carries the objective of optimizing the investments over stocks and of decreasing losses caused by obsolescence in a retail micro company that sells goods for animals. For that purpose, the ABC Classification has been applied in which the main products referred to demand and profits were identified. The supply policy adopted for those products was the Economic Lot Size, calculating the safety stock and the resupply point. It was possible to calculate order costs, maintenance and material through collected data during meetings with the company owners and this way it was possible to realize that the economic buying batch applicability would generate savings relating to the current company model. In addition to the decreasing of the risk of losing items and keeping the safety stock in order to face the demand fluctuations


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    Sex Education in Science Education was the theme we have chosen to work in a Municipal School of St. Peter Cipa. The work has been started with the coordinator and science teacher at the School, who told us that this school related content sexuality was presented as a lecture. From the science teacher, were forwarded to the ninth graders to which we engage in the intervention. Initially, we conducted a dialogue twenty minutes with sixteen (16) students, arguing in a person's sexuality to work in the classroom. We conducted the dynamics of "secret box", which dealt each student asking your question on sexuality. After examining the questions and curiosities presented by the students, we return to this school for performing dialogic lecture, discussing issues about changes in the body, male and female internal sex organ, menstruation, ejaculation, types of sex, contraception and STDs in order to address the questions presented. After this lecture, we conducted socialization in dialogue the subject matter. Then apply evaluative questionnaire to ascertain. We note that the results of the questionnaire dialogic lecture helped to open dialogue and knowledge regarding sexuality and to help the teacher build a primer from the doubts raised by the students.Educação Sexual no Ensino de Ciências foi o tema escolhido para trabalhar em uma Escola Municipal de São Pedro da Cipa. O trabalho deu-se início com a coordenadora e professor de ciências da Escola, que nos relatou que nesta escola o conteúdo relacionado à sexualidade era apresentado em forma de palestra. A partir do professor de ciências, houve-se o primeiro contato com os alunos do nono ano que envolvemos na intervenção. Inicialmente, realizamos um diálogo de vinte minutos com 16 (dezesseis) alunos, argumentando a educação sexual no ensino de ciências. Realizou-se a dinâmica da “caixinha sigilosa”, que versava cada aluno fazer sua pergunta referente ao tema proposto. Após análise das perguntas e curiosidades apresentadas pelos alunos, realizou-se aula expositiva dialogada, discorrendo assuntos sobre transformações no corpo, órgão sexual interno masculino e feminino, menstruação, ejaculação, tipos de sexo, métodos contraceptivos, DST’s, entre outros a fim de sanar as dúvidas apresentadas. Após esta aula, realizou-se socialização dialogando o assunto abordado. Em seguida, aplicou-se questionário avaliativo. Constatou-se no resultado do questionário que a aula expositiva dialogada contribuiu para abertura ao diálogo e o conhecimento em relação ao corpo e para auxiliar o professor construiu-se uma cartilha a partir das dúvidas apresentadas pelos alunos