553 research outputs found

    Normalized Natural Gradient Adaptive Filtering for Sparse and Nonsparse Systems

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    This paper introduces a class of normalized natural gradient algorithms (NNG) for adaptive filtering tasks. Natural gradient techniques are useful for generating relatively simple adaptive filtering algorithms where the space of the adaptive coefficients is curved or warped with respect to Euclidean space. The advantage of normalizing gradient adaptive filters is that constant rates of convergence for signals with wide dynamic ranges may be achieved. We show that the so-called proportionate normalized least mean squares (PNLMS) algorithm, an adaptive filter that converges quickly for sparse solutions, is in fact an NNG on a certain parameter space warping. We also show that by choosing a warping that favors diverse or dense impulse responses, we may obtain a new adaptive algorithm, the inverse proportionate NLMS (INLMS) algorithm. This procedure converges quickly to and accurately tracks nonsparse impulse response

    Anomalous Diffusion in Infinite Horizon Billiards

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    We consider the long time dependence for the moments of displacement < |r|^q > of infinite horizon billiards, given a bounded initial distribution of particles. For a variety of billiard models we find ~ t^g(q) (up to factors of log t). The time exponent, g(q), is piecewise linear and equal to q/2 for q2. We discuss the lack of dependence of this result on the initial distribution of particles and resolve apparent discrepancies between this time dependence and a prior result. The lack of dependence on initial distribution follows from a remarkable scaling result that we obtain for the time evolution of the distribution function of the angle of a particle's velocity vector.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures Submitted to Physical Review

    The construction of masculinities and femininities in the Church of England:the case of the male clergy spouse

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    The ordination of women to the priesthood in the Church of England in 1994 signified great change. The impact of the new priests was well documented, and their integration became the focus of much research in the following years. One important area of change was the altered dynamics of gender identity. New roles had opened up for women, but new identities had also emerged for men. While women priests were a new historical emergence, so too were clergy husbands. This paper will consider the historical construction of masculinities and femininities within the church and will go on to look at this in the context of clergy spouses, specifically focusing on men occupying this role. Some provisional findings, acting as work in progress, will be considered

    Understanding Collaboration: Introducing the Collaborative Governance Case Databank

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    Studying collaborative governance has become a booming business. However, the empirical literature still struggles to produce robust generalizations and cumulative knowledge that link contextual, situational and institutional design factors to processes and outcomes. We still have not mustered the broad and deep evidence base that will really help us sort fact from fiction and identify more and less productive approaches to collaboration. The current empirical evidence in the study of collaborative governance consists chiefly of small-N case studies or large-N surveys. The challenge is to move from case-based, mid-range theory building to more large N-driven systematic theory-testing, while also retaining the rich contextual and process insights that only small-N studies tend to yield. This article, and the articles in the accompanying special issue, introduces an attempt to provide this middle ground – the Collaborative Governance Case Database. The database has been developed to serve as a free common pool resource for researchers to systematically collect and compare high-quality collaborative governance case studies. This article is an introduction to the database, exploring its design, opportunities and limitations. This article is also an invitation; inviting all researchers to freely use the cases in the database for their own research interest and to help strengthening the database by adding new cases there are eager to share with colleagues

    More on the Tensorial Central Charges in N=1 Supersymmetric Gauge Theories (BPS Wall Junctions and Strings)

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    We study the central extensions of the N=1 superalgebras relevant to the soliton solutions with the axial geometry - strings, wall junctions, etc. A general expression valid in any four-dimensional gauge theory is obtained. We prove that the only gauge theory admitting BPS strings at weak coupling is supersymmetric electrodynamics with the Fayet-Iliopoulos term. The problem of ambiguity of the (1/2,1/2) central charge in the generalized Wess-Zumino models and gauge theories with matter is addressed and solved. A possibility of existence of the BPS strings at strong coupling in N=2 theories is discussed. A representation of different strings within the brane picture is presented.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figures, 1 reference added, typos corrected, Sec. 9.3 expanded. Final version accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.

    An ALMA survey of CO in submillimetre galaxies: companions, triggering, and the environment in blended sources

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    We present ALMA observations of the mid-J 12CO emission from six single-dish selected 870-μm sources in the Extended Chandra Deep Field-South and UKIDSS Ultra-Deep Survey fields. These six single-dish submillimetre sources were selected based on previous ALMA continuum observations, which showed that each comprised a blend of emission from two or more individual submillimetre galaxies (SMGs), separated on 5–10 arcsec scales. The six single-dish submillimetre sources targeted correspond to a total of 14 individual SMGs, of which seven have previously measured robust optical/near-infrared spectroscopic redshifts, which were used to tune our ALMA observations. We detect CO(3–2) or CO(4–3) at z = 2.3–3.7 in 7 of the 14 SMGs, and in addition serendipitously detect line emission from three gas-rich companion galaxies, as well as identify four new 3.3 mm selected continuum sources in the six fields. Joint analysis of our CO spectroscopy and existing data suggests that 64(±18)percent of the SMGs in blended submillimetre sources are unlikely to be physically associated. However, three of the SMG fields (50 per cent) contain new, serendipitously detected CO-emitting (but submillimetre-faint) sources at similar redshifts to the 870 μm selected SMGs we targeted. These data suggest that the SMGs inhabit overdense regions, but that these are not sufficiently overdense on ∼100 kpc scales to influence the source blending given the short lifetimes of SMGs. We find that 21±12percent of SMGs have spatially distinct and kinematically close companion galaxies (∼8–150 kpc and ≲ 300 km s−1), which may have enhanced their star formation via gravitational interactions

    Epitope-specific antibody responses differentiate COVID-19 outcomes and variants of concern

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    BACKGROUND. The role of humoral immunity in COVID-19 is not fully understood, owing, in large part, to the complexity of antibodies produced in response to the SARS-CoV-2 infection. There is a pressing need for serology tests to assess patient-specific antibody response and predict clinical outcome. METHODS. Using SARS-CoV-2 proteome and peptide microarrays, we screened 146 COVID-19 patients’ plasma samples to identify antigens and epitopes. This enabled us to develop a master epitope array and an epitope-specific agglutination assay to gauge antibody responses systematically and with high resolution. RESULTS. We identified linear epitopes from the spike (S) and nucleocapsid (N) proteins and showed that the epitopes enabled higher resolution antibody profiling than the S or N protein antigen. Specifically, we found that antibody responses to the S-811–825, S-881–895, and N-156–170 epitopes negatively or positively correlated with clinical severity or patient survival. Moreover, we found that the P681H and S235F mutations associated with the coronavirus variant of concern B.1.1.7 altered the specificity of the corresponding epitopes. CONCLUSION. Epitope-resolved antibody testing not only affords a high-resolution alternative to conventional immunoassays to delineate the complex humoral immunity to SARS-CoV-2 and differentiate between neutralizing and non-neutralizing antibodies, but it also may potentially be used to predict clinical outcome. The epitope peptides can be readily modified to detect antibodies against variants of concern in both the peptide array and latex agglutination formats. FUNDING. Ontario Research Fund (ORF) COVID-19 Rapid Research Fund, Toronto COVID-19 Action Fund, Western University, Lawson Health Research Institute, London Health Sciences Foundation, and Academic Medical Organization of Southwestern Ontario (AMOSO) Innovation Fund

    An ALMA Survey of the SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey UKIDSS/UDS Field: Number Counts of Submillimeter Galaxies

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    We report the first results of AS2UDS, an 870 μm continuum survey with the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA) of a total area of ~50 arcmin2 comprising a complete sample of 716 submillimeter sources drawn from the SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey (S2CLS) map of the UKIDSS/UDS field. The S2CLS parent sample covers a 0.96 degree2 field at σ 850 = 0.90 ± 0.05 mJy beam−1. Our deep, high-resolution ALMA observations with σ 870 ~ 0.25 mJy and a 0farcs15–0farcs30 FWHM synthesized beam, provide precise locations for 695 submillimeter galaxies (SMGs) responsible for the submillimeter emission corresponding to 606 sources in the low-resolution, single-dish map. We measure the number counts of SMGs brighter than S 870 ≥ 4 mJy, free from the effects of blending and show that the normalization of the counts falls by 28% ± 2% in comparison with the SCUBA-2 published counts, but that the shape remains unchanged. We determine that 44−14+16{44}_{-14}^{+16}% of the brighter single-dish sources with S 850 ≥ 9 mJy consist of a blend of two or more ALMA-detectable SMGs brighter than S 870 ~ 1 mJy (corresponding to a galaxy with a total-infrared luminosity of L IR gsim 1012 L ⊙), in comparison with 28% ± 2% for the single-dish sources at S 850 ≥ 5 mJy. Using the 46 single-dish submillimeter sources that contain two or more ALMA-detected SMGs with photometric redshifts, we show that there is a significant statistical excess of pairs of SMGs with similar redshifts (<1% probability of occurring by chance), suggesting that at least 30% of these blends arise from physically associated pairs of SMGs

    Large-scale interaction profiling of PDZ domains through proteomic peptide-phage display using human and viral phage peptidomes

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    The human proteome contains a plethora of short linear motifs (SLiMs) that serve as binding interfaces for modular protein domains. Such interactions are crucial for signaling and other cellular processes, but are difficult to detect because of their low to moderate affinities. Here we developed a dedicated approach, proteomic peptide-phage display (ProP-PD), to identify domain-SLiM interactions. Specifically, we generated phage libraries containing all human and viral C-terminal peptides using custom oligonucleotide microarrays. With these libraries we screened the nine PSD-95/ Dlg/ZO-1 (PDZ) domains of human Densin-180, Erbin, Scribble, and Disks large homolog 1 for peptide ligands. We identified several known and putative interactions potentially relevant to cellular signaling pathways and confirmed interactions between fulllength Scribble and the target proteins β-PIX, plakophilin-4, and guanylate cyclase soluble subunit a-2 using colocalization and coimmunoprecipitation experiments. The affinities of recombinant Scribble PDZ domains and the synthetic peptides representing the C termini of these proteins were in the 1- to 40-μM range. Furthermore, we identified several well-established host-virus protein- protein interactions, and confirmed that PDZ domains of Scribble interact with the C terminus of Tax-1 of human T-cell leukemia virus with micromolar affinity. Previously unknown putative viral protein ligands for the PDZ domains of Scribble and Erbin were also identified. Thus, we demonstrate that our ProP-PD libraries are useful tools for probing PDZ domain interactions. The method can be extended to interrogate all potential eukaryotic, bacterial, and viral SLiMs and we suggest it will be a highly valuable approach for studying cellular and pathogen-host protein-protein interactions
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