148 research outputs found

    Factors affecting lupin crop establishment in the northern agricultural region of Western Australia.

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    Lupin establishment, 89EC6. The effect of machine, depth of sowing, seed soil contact and herbicide incorporation on lupin establishment, 89GE8. The effect of phosphate application on lupin establishment, 89GE99. The effect of seeding technique, depth of sowing, seed soil contact and fungicide on lupin establishment on course sands, 89GE9. Integrated control strategy of Rhizoctonia hypocotyl root rot of lupins, 89GE11, 89GE12, 89GE12B, 89GE13, 89GE14. Strategies for lupin patch control, 89EC7 and 89GE15. The effect of seed size and sowing rate on lupin establishment, 89C1, 89GE6, 89GE7, 89EC5, 89BA34, 89TS49, 89GE10, 89EC4, 89GE4

    From Predicting Solar Activity to Forecasting Space Weather: Practical Examples of Research-to-Operations and Operations-to-Research

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    The successful transition of research to operations (R2O) and operations to research (O2R) requires, above all, interaction between the two communities. We explore the role that close interaction and ongoing communication played in the successful fielding of three separate developments: an observation platform, a numerical model, and a visualization and specification tool. Additionally, we will examine how these three pieces came together to revolutionize interplanetary coronal mass ejection (ICME) arrival forecasts. A discussion of the importance of education and training in ensuring a positive outcome from R2O activity follows. We describe efforts by the meteorological community to make research results more accessible to forecasters and the applicability of these efforts to the transfer of space-weather research.We end with a forecaster "wish list" for R2O transitions. Ongoing, two-way communication between the research and operations communities is the thread connecting it all.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, Solar Physics in pres

    An open access, integrated XAS data repository at Diamond Light Source

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    The analysis of reference materials is a fundamental part of the data analysis process, in particular for XAS experiments. The beamline users and more generally the XAS community can greatly benefit from the availability of a reliable and wide base of reference sample spectra, acquired in standard and well-characterized experimental conditions. On B18, the Core EXAFS beamline at the Diamond Light Source, in the past years we have collected a series of XAS data on well characterized compounds. This work constitutes the base for a reference sample database, available as a data analysis tool to the general XAS community. This data repository aims to complement the bare spectroscopic information with characterisation, preparation, provenance, analysis and bibliographic references, so improving the traceability of the deposited information. This integrated approach is the base of success and wide distribution of data repositories in other fields, and we hope it will provide on one side a precious facility for the training of students and researchers new to the technique, and at the same time encourage the discussion of best practices in the data analysis process. The database will be open to the contribution of experimental data from the user community, and will provide bibliographic reference information and access control

    Comparative analysis of NOAA REFM and SNB 3 GEO tools for the forecast of the fluxes of high-energy electrons at GEO

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    Reliable forecasts of relativistic electrons at geostationary orbit (GEO) are important for the mitigation of their hazardous effects on spacecraft at GEO. For a number of years the Space Weather Prediction Center at NOAA has provided advanced online forecasts of the fluence of electrons with energy >2 MeV at GEO using the Relativistic Electron Forecast Model (REFM). The REFM forecasts are based on real-time solar wind speed observations at L1. The high reliability of this forecasting tool serves as a benchmark for the assessment of other forecasting tools. Since 2012 the Sheffield SNB3GEO model has been operating online, providing a 24 h ahead forecast of the same fluxes. In addition to solar wind speed, the SNB3GEO forecasts use solar wind density and interplanetary magnetic field Bz observations at L1.The period of joint operation of both of these forecasts has been used to compare their accuracy. Daily averaged measurements of electron fluxes by GOES 13 have been used to estimate the prediction efficiency of both forecasting tools. To assess the reliability of both models to forecast infrequent events of very high fluxes, the Heidke skill score was employed. The results obtained indicate that SNB3GEO provides a more accurate 1 day ahead forecast when compared to REFM. It is shown that the correction methodology utilized by REFM potentially can improve the SNB3GEO forecast

    Play and Developmental Outcomes in Infant Siblings of Children with Autism

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    We observed infant siblings of children with autism later diagnosed with ASD (ASD siblings; nĀ =Ā 17), infant siblings of children with autism with and without other delays (Other Delays and No Delays siblings; nĀ =Ā 12 and nĀ =Ā 19, respectively) and typically developing controls (TD controls; nĀ =Ā 19) during a free-play task at 18Ā months of age. Functional, symbolic, and repeated play actions were coded. ASD siblings showed fewer functional and more non-functional repeated play behaviors than TD controls. Other Delays and No Delays siblings showed more non-functional repeated play than TD controls. Group differences disappeared with the inclusion of verbal mental age. Play as an early indicator of autism and its relationship to the broader autism phenotype is discussed

    Testing for taxonomic bias in the future diversity of Australian Odonata

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    Aim Invertebrates are often overlooked in assessments of climate change impacts. Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies) are a significant component of freshwater macroinvertebrate diversity and are likely to be highly responsive to a changing climate. We investigate whether climate change could lead to significant alteration of continental patterns of diversity and whether vulnerable species are taxonomically clustered. Location Australia. Methods Habitat suitability of 270 odonate species was modelled, and a simplified phylogeny was developed based on taxonomic relationships and expert opinion. These maps were then combined to compare species richness, endemism, taxonomic diversity (TD) and taxonomic endemism (TE) under climate change scenarios, and estimate turnover in species composition. Based on the concentration of vulnerable species in regions associated with Gondwanan relicts, we tested the possibility that a focus on species loss would underestimate loss of evolutionary diversity. Results Species richness of Australian Odonata is concentrated in the Wet Tropics, centralā€north Australia and southā€east Queensland. Several additional regions support endemic assemblages, including the Victorian alpine region, the Pilbara and far southā€western Australia. Major shifts in composition are expected across most of the east coast in response to climate change, and Tasmania has the potential to become a major refuge for mainland species. For many regions, the loss of TD is greater than expected based on the changes in species richness, and the loss of suitable habitat was unevenly distributed among families. However, the potential loss of evolutionary diversity among vulnerable species was not significantly different from random. Main conclusions The major shifts in the distribution of Australian odonate diversity predicted to occur under climate change imply major challenges for conservation of freshwater biodiversity overall. Although major evolutionary losses may be avoided, climate change is still a serious threat to Australia's Odonata and poses an even greater threat to Australian freshwater biodiversity as a whole
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