44 research outputs found

    Corrosiveness of Fuels During Storage Processes

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    Triumf estrady : w poszukiwaniu źródeł poetyki współczesnego społeczeństwa spektaklu

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    The presented historical review of genres of stage shows along with their familiar context of fairs and carnivals serves to show that performance art as a representative of popular culture, once an alternative to high culture, functions well in the circumstances of commodification, which characterize the contemporary consumption society. Today’s “topography” of performance has, of course, changed — the stage on a public/fair square has been replaced by the screens of TVs and laptops; however — as is indicated by an analysis of selected TV shows, Internet portals and websites — they have been appropriated by their creators, as well as “creative” users of these old, unofficial forms of popular culture. This process resulted not only in consolidation of a canon of genre and aesthetic stage tropes, recently enriched by new variants and executions (revue, cabaret, circus, buffoonery, etc.), but also widespread acceptance of “stage philosophy”. The stage today seems to be the most vital reservoir of aesthetic conclusions, for average viewers, producers of news programs, TV series, tabloids, Internet videos, press magazines on the one side, main actors on the political stage — on the other. While marginalizing official forms of public life, once current, expressive, and prone to violation only at amusement shows, it successively wins over the market of pop-cultural manifestations of the public sphere. While becoming a matrix of the postmodern consumer identity, it often serves the purposes of the public sphere, imposing attractive (and thus popular) forms of public life. These forms, while feeding off aesthetics and ethics of the stage, appropriate private lives of many people, contributing towards the vanishing of borders between the public and the private, or even intimate

    Clitoridectomy, excision, infibulation- female circumcision ritual and its consequences for women's health

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    The issue of female mutilation is important for modern gynecology and obstetrics. The article discusses the concepts of ritual, tradition and initiation as the moment of introduction into the world of adulthood. The approach to circumcision was explained for the sake of religion. The essence of the sense of one's sexuality and femininity is also shown. Describes the definition of female genital mutilation as a procedure contributing to the partial or complete elimination of the external genital organs in women. The paper presents recommendations for perinatal care for a circumcised patient developed by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist, the South Australian Perinatal Practice Guidelines and the London Safeguarding Children Board. The perspectives of protecting and stopping female mutilation practices that violate a number of human rights are explained

    On the origin of surfaces-dependent growth of benzoic acid crystal inferred through the droplet evaporation method

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    International audienceCrystal growth behavior of benzoic acid crystals on different surfaces was examined. The performed experiments documented the existence of very strong influence introduced by polar surfaces as glass, gelatin, and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) on the growth of benzoic acid crystals. These surfaces impose strong orientation effect resulting in a dramatic reduction of number of faces seen with x-ray powder diffractions (XPRD). However, scrapping the crystal off the surface leads to a morphology that is similar to the one observed for bulk crystallization. The surfaces of low wettability (paraffin) seem to be useful for preparation of amorphous powders, even for well-crystal-lizable compounds. The performed quantum chemistry computations characterized energetic contributions to stabilization of morphology related faces. It has been demonstrated , that the dominant face (002) of benzoic acid crystal, growing on polar surfaces, is characterized by the highest densities of intermolecular interaction energies determining the highest cohesive properties among all studied faces. Additionally, the inter-layer interactions, which stand for adhesive properties, are also the strongest in the case of this face. Thus, quantum chemistry computations providing detailed description of energetic contributions can be successfully used for clarification of adhesive and cohesive nature of benzoic acids crystal faces

    Effect of restoration of euthyroidism on visfatin concentrations and body composition in women

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    Dysregulation of thyroid function has known impact on body metabolism, however, data regarding metabolic outcome after restoration of thyroid function is limited. Therefore, the aim of the study was to investigate the effect of restoration of euthyroidism on serum visfatin, and its associations with insulin resistance and body composition. This is an observational study with consecutive enrollment. Forty-nine hyperthyroid (median age of 34 years) and 44 hypothyroid women (median age of 46 years) completed the study. Laboratory parameters and body composition analysis were assessed before and after the therapy. In the hyperthyroid group, visfatin concentrations increased (P \u3c 0.0001), while glucose concentrations decreased (P \u3c 0.0001). Total body mass and fat mass in the trunk and limbs significantly increased during the treatment. In the hypothyroid group, significant weight loss resulted from decrease of fat and muscle masses in trunk and limbs. Visfatin serum concentrations positively correlated with total fat mass (r = 0.19, P = 0.01) and insulin concentrations (r = 0.17, P = 0.018). In conclusion, restoration of thyroid function is not associated with beneficial changes in body composition, especially among hyperthyroid females

    Expression and cellular distribution of cyclin-dependent kinase 4 (Cdk4) and connexin 43 (Cx43) in porcine oocytes before and after in vitro maturation

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    It is recognised that connexin 43 (Cx43) and cyclin-dependent kinase 4 (Cdk4) are involved in the cumulus cell-oocyte communication via gap junctions and the control of cell cycle progress. However, little is known about their mRNA expression pattern and encoded proteins distribution in porcine oocytes during in vitro maturation (IVM). Cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) were collected from 31 puberal crossbred Landrace gilts and analysed for their Cdk4 and Cx43 mRNA expression using RQ-PCR and for the respective protein expression by confocal microscopic observations. An increased Cdk4 and Cx43 mRNA expression was found in oocytes after IVM (P < 0.001 and P < 0.05, respectively). Confocal microscopic observations revealed a significant increase of Cdk4 protein expression in the cytoplasm of oocytes during the maturation process. The localisation of Cx43 changed from zona pellucida before to cytoplasm of oocytes after IVM. It is supposed that the increased expression of Cdk4 and Cx43 mRNA in oocytes after IVM is linked with the accumulation of a large amount of templates during the process of oocyte maturation. The translocation especially of Cx43 from the zona pellucida into the cytoplasm may be associated with a decrease in gap junction activity in fully grown porcine oocytes. Both Cdk4 and Cx43 can be used as ‘checkpoints’ of oocyte maturation

    Polska wieś na Syberii. Wierszyna w świetle historii mówionej, 330 s.

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    Wierszynianie są szczególnie predestynowani do roli „aktorów historii mówionej”, będąc grupą pod wieloma względami peryferyjną, jako jedna z wielu grup etnicznych Rosji, jako polska wspólnota na Syberii bez zesłańczego rodowodu, a także jako społeczność, której obraz został ukształtowany przez narracje i oczekiwania osób z zewnątrz – turystów, dziennikarzy i polityków. Zebrane w niniejszym tomie wypowiedzi pozwolą na weryfikację obiegowych poglądów i wyjaśnienie wątpliwości. Przedstawiane w narracjach informatorów wydarzenia historyczne, opisy tradycji i obyczajów, a także relacji z innymi grupami etnicznymi nie konkurują w naszym opracowaniu z wynikami dotychczasowych badań naukowych, lecz będą ich uzupełnieniem lub ilustracją. Zarys historii Wierszyny (rozdział II) oraz opis jej sytuacji kulturowej i językowej (rozdział III) stanowią stały punkt odniesienia dla zróżnicowania indywidualnych opowieści i ich cech wspólnych. Narracje prowadzone są przy pomocy języka/języków. Ich dobór oraz zmiana w trakcie wypowiedzi (przełączanie kodów) odzwierciedlają złożoną sytuację społeczno-kulturową Wierszyny. the Vershinians are particularly predestined for the role of "oral history actors", being a peripheral group in many respects, as one of many ethnic groups in Russia, as a Polish community in Siberia without exile descent, and as a community whose image was shaped by the narratives and expectations of people from the outside - tourists, journalists and politicians. The statements collected in this volume will allow for the verification of common views and clarification of doubts. Historical events, descriptions of traditions and customs, as well as relations with other ethnic groups presented in the informants' narratives do not compete in our study with the results of previous scientific research, but will complement or illustrate them. The outline of the history of Vershina (Chapter II) and the description of its cultural and linguistic situation (Chapter III) are a constant point of reference for the diversity of individual stories and their common features. Narratives are conducted using language/languages. Their choice and change during speech (code-switching) reflect the complex socio-cultural situation of Vershina. Вершининцы особенно предназначены для роли «актеров устной истории», будучи во многих отношениях периферийной группой, как одна из многих этнических групп в России, как польская община в Сибири без изгнанного происхождения, как община, образ которой формировался нарративы и ожидания людей со стороны - туристов, журналистов и политиков. Утверждения, собранные в этом томе, позволят проверить общие взгляды и развеять сомнения. Исторические события, описания традиций и обычаев, а также отношений с другими этносами, представленные в нарративах информантов, не конкурируют в нашем исследовании с результатами предыдущих научных исследований, а дополняют или иллюстрируют их. Очерк истории Вершины (глава II) и описание ее культурного и языкового положения (глава III) являются постоянным ориентиром для разнообразия отдельных историй и их общих черт. Рассказы ведутся с использованием языка/языков. Их выбор и изменение во время речи (кодовое переключение) отражают сложную социокультурную ситуацию Вершины

    Theoretical Description of Adsorption from Binary Liquid Non-Electrolyte Solutions with Unlimited Component Miscibility on to Microporous Solids

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    The ‘solution’ analogues of four single-gas adsorption isotherms [i.e. the Langmuir-Freundlich (LF), the generalized Langmuir (GL), the Toth (T) and the LF-GL equations] were examined. The derived expressions were applied to the description of the experimental adsorption data relating to the sorption of a binary liquid solution containing components of unlimited miscibility on to microporous solids. Optimization of the equation parameters, as well as a comparison of the results obtained with those determined earlier for sorption in systems where the components were of limited miscibility, was undertaken

    Eating disorders among men in the context of mental health and socio-cultural gender issues

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    The paper undertakes the issues of epidemiology, conditions, and treatment of eating disorders in men, which are not widely recognised both in Polish and international research. The text is based on desk research analysis of research reports on eating disorders. Authors discuss the issue of eating disorders in the context of gender, indicating that the clinical picture of them (including the perception of one's own body, the ways and motives for striving for a perfect figure) is mainly related to the stereotypical roles and tasks that society and culture impose on men and women. The empirical material analysis allows us to assume that ED symptoms in men are more often (than in the case of women) related to (self) stigmatisation, diagnosis difficulty, coexistent dimorphic disorders, substance addictions, and more significant physical activity.ty