237 research outputs found

    Organizational culture of civil servants as a project management

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    The article is devoted to a problem of management of organizational culture of the Russian public civil servants. The author analysed the main problems of management of organizational culture of the Russian public civil servants. It is revealed that in modern operating conditions of the public civil service, the organizational culture is fundamental. And that the key task of the organizational culture as management of the project is to identify ways to achieve the strategic objective.Статья посвящена проблеме управления организационной культурой российских государственных гражданских служащих. Автором проанализированы основные проблемы управления организационной культурой. Выявлено, что в современных условиях функционирования государственной гражданской службы организационная культура является основополагающей, а ключевая задача организационной культуры как управленческого проекта — определить пути достижения поставленной стратегической цели

    Raising of the functioning efficiency of the automated information systems by planning the procedure of their improvement

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    Розглянуто принципи підвищення ефективності функціонування автоматизованих інформаційних систем на основі аналізу часу початку їх реінжинірингу, а також планування процедур удосконалення в цілому. Побудовано комплекс марковських і напівмарковських моделей для визначення показників надійності й продуктивності укрупнених кластерів автоматизованих інформаційних систем.Both, the principles of raising the efficiency of automated information systems functioning by analyzing the starting time of their re-engineering and improvement planning procedures in general are taken into consideration. The complex of the Markov and semi-Markov models to determine the reliability and productivity indices of enlarged clusters of automated information systems is built. To choose the depth (level) of penetration of reengineering procedures the quantitative and qualitative estimation is used. The depth of reengineering penetration is defined by the penetration coefficient correlated with the possible automation level of a certain system element in particular or the whole system in general. To determine the re-engineering starting time for the AIMS two approaches are used. The first one determines the best reengineering starting time by estimating the expenses increase on the system service. The second approach determines the average cycle time of the system on the basis of the semi-Markov model construction. The paper contains the numerical simulation of the distribution functions mean cycle time of dataset service for the Erlang distribution under the conditions defined mathematical expectation and variance for the time between failures, processing unit recovery time, set collection and dataset processing time Results obtained in our work limit the efficiency level of AIMS subsystems. For the systems with clear structural differentiation the estimation of the minimal acceptable level of the system performance indicator for each structural unit is done. As a result, the constraints ensemble was obtained. Thus, the obtained expressions for the structural components of AIMS can be used as limits of the effectiveness of these subsystems, when making decision on the whole system re-engineering. The novelty of this approach realization is the accounting of investments at the stage of the system functioning after the beginning of moral obsolescence and correlation of these expenses with the efficiency of the system ongoing improvement by estimation changes in the mean time of the system cycles. The total amount of efforts (financial, intellectual, creative) on continuous improvement determines the particular starting time and penetration depth of re-engineering procedures, which make possible to save due to the same factors providing the revolutionary change of the system modernization

    Practice of formation of cognitive competence of a future manager

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    The article justifies a necessity of introduction of a cognitive component, which creates prerequisites of mastering technologies of generation of new knowledge by a graduate with the use of own original schemes and skills, into the system of competences that are formed by the higher school. The article shows the process of formation of the graduate’s cognitive competence in the form of a succession of such its getting more complicated variants as educational, educational and cognitive, intellectual and cognitive, research, and scientific and research. The article provides such elements as the goal, result, assessment criteria and the nature of pedagogical accompaniment in each variant of the structural and logic model of cognitive activity. It provides real examples of results of formation of educational competence taken from the disciplines of the curriculum of training managers. It identifies the final goal of the new technology of the educational process – formation of ability of a student on the basis of analysis of publications and practical experience to detect a new problem, draw up a gnoseological and ontological picture of the world that facilitate development of a constructive mechanism of its collective study, formulate hypotheses, find and realise methods of their examination and identify novelty of the obtained results

    The process of regionalization of the state-territorial structure in modern european countries : constitutional and legal forms

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    Purpose: The paper attempts to identify the constitutional and legal forms of the regionalization process on the example of individual European countries. Design / Methodology / Approach: The authors put forward a hypothesis according to which each type of regionalization of the state-territorial structure ends with the adoption of the relevant normative legal act of constitutional significance. Findings: As a result of the study, the authors concluded that each type of regionalization process is accompanied by the adoption of an appropriate regulatory legal act. Given the fact that regionalization is inextricably linked with the state structure, it as an internal process of changing the constitutional and legal status of territorial units. Practical implications: Authors' development could be applied to improve the legal framework of Russia and European countries. Originality/Value: The contribution of the article is the authors' comprehensive approach in studying the regionalization concept, applying the historical, legislative and territorial background.peer-reviewe

    People with mental disability as human rights carriers: the example of implementing the right to education in Russia

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    This study was aimed at investigating the realization of the right to education as a human right for people with mental disabilities in the context of Russi

    Strategizing the Development of the Socio-Economic Potential of Enterprise: Problems and Prospects

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    The article is aimed at analyzing the theoretical-methodical prerequisites of constructive strategizing in the development of socio-economic potential of enterprise, on the results of which the basis for substantiation of the whole paradigm of this process can be created. According to the results of generalization of a considerable number of scientific works, the main directions of development of researches on the topic are defined. Among them is updating of the terminological support for this scientific direction; formation of reliable technologies of information support and quantitative-qualitative technologies of measurement and modeling of development of the socio-economic potential of enterprise; increasing attention to social aspects of strategizing the development of the socio-economic potential of enterprises. Using the interdisciplinary approach, the essence and content of the concepts of «socio-economic potential of enterprise», «strategic management», «strategizing», «strategy» and «stratagem» have been clarified. Prospect for further researches in this direction is substantiation of a picture of the world together with educational-professional support of construction of practical methods for strategizing the development of the socio-economic potential of enterprise, usage of culturodigmatic ideas and the case-study method to research unique situations

    Речевой экстремизм в бытовой межличностной коммуникации

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    The extremist statements are diverse and can be classified in a range of aspects: semantic, pragmatic and rhetorical. Analysis of expert practice enables to distinguish two semantic classes: statements about national/religious group and statements about nationalist ideology. In terms of pragmatism the statements are divided into the following types: calls for action against a group; statements about actions against a group and negative attitude to it; humiliation of group members; threat to group members. Apart from that constative statements are divided into two subgroups depending on their rhetorical structure: evaluative statements and statements containing justification for negative judgments. The content and pragmatic signs of “extremist” contexts can be found in various combinations limited by the features of a communicative situation. The article summarises expert practice on the study of extremist statements uttered primarily during interpersonal domestic disputes. It is shown that the variety of statements can be reduced to a finite list of features which are a special subject of the research.Высказывания экстремистской направленности многообразны и могут быть классифицированы в нескольких аспектах: семантическом, прагматическом и риторическом. Анализ экспертной практики позволяет выделить два семантических класса: высказывания о национальной/ религиозной группе и высказывания о националистическом течении. С точки зрения прагматики высказывания делятся на следующие виды: побуждения к действиям против группы; утверждения о действиях против группы, негативном отношении к ней; унижение представителей группы; угроза представителям группы. При этом высказывания-констативы подразделяются на две подгруппы в зависимости от их риторической структуры: сугубо оценочные высказывания и высказывания, содержащие обоснование негативных суждений. Содержание и прагматические признаки «экстремистских» контекстов встречаются в разных комбинациях, многообразие которых ограничено особенностями коммуникативной ситуации. В работе обобщена экспертная практика по исследованию высказываний экстремистской направленности, произнесенных преимущественно в ходе межличностных бытовых конфликтов. Показано, что многообразие высказываний может быть сведено к конечному перечню признаков, являющихся специальным предметом исследования

    Особливості та напрямки правового регулювання сектору малого та середнього бізнесу в ЄС

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    Дороніна В. І. Особливості та напрямки правового регулювання сектору малого та середнього бізнесу в ЄС / В. І. Дороніна // Правові та інституційні механізми забезпечення розвитку держави та права в умовах євроінтеграції : матеріали Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (20 травня 2016 р., м. Одеса) : у 2 т. Т. 1 / відп. ред. М. В. Афанасьєва. - Одеса : Юридична література, 2016. - С. 372-374

    Inadmissibilidade de experimentos em pessoas: imperativos constitucionais dos países pós- soviéticos

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    The article revealed typical and peculiar contexts, based on the analysis of the constitutional texts of CIS countries concerning the reflection of compulsory experiments on people prohibition. The approaches of states concerning the forbidden types of experiments on people were studied and, taking this into account, the conclusion is made about the advisability of prohibitive formulations by the analogy with those that are implemented in constitutional provisions on the inadmissibility of discrimination on any grounds. It was noted that with all the differences in the approaches of this group of states, they are all determined by the constitutional imperative of experiments on people inadmissibility.El artículo reveló contextos típicos y peculiares, basados en el análisis de los textos constitucionales de los países de la CEI sobre el reflejo de los experimentos obligatorios y su prohibición con personas. Se estudiaron los enfoques de los estados sobre los tipos prohibidos de experimentos con personas y, tomando esto en cuenta, se llegó a la conclusión sobre la conveniencia de formulaciones prohibitivas por la analogía con aquellas que se implementan en disposiciones constitucionales sobre la inadmisibilidad de la discriminación por cualquier motivo. Se observó que con todas las diferencias en los enfoques de este grupo de estados, todos están determinados por el imperativo constitucional de los experimentos sobre la inadmisibilidad de las personas.O artigo revelou contextos típicos e peculiares, com base na análise dos textos constitucionais dos países da CEI sobre o reflexo de experimentos compulsórios sobre a proibição de pessoas. As abordagens dos estados sobre os tipos proibidos de experimentos em pessoas foram estudadas e, levando isso em conta, a conclusão é feita sobre a conveniência de formulações proibitivas pela analogia com aquelas que são implementadas em disposições constitucionais sobre a inadmissibilidade da discriminação por qualquer razão. Notou-se que, com todas as diferenças nas abordagens desse grupo de estados, elas são todas determinadas pelo imperativo constitucional de experimentos sobre inadmissibilidade de pessoas.&nbsp