1,050 research outputs found

    Effect of exchange interaction on superparamagnetic relaxation

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    We use Langer's approach to calculate the reaction rate of a system of two (classical) spins interacting via the exchange coupling JJ in a magnetic field HH, with uniaxial anisotropy of constant KK. We find a particular value of the exchange coupling, that is jJ/K=jc1h2j\equiv J/K = j_c\equiv 1-h^2, where hH/2Kh\equiv H/2K, which separates two regimes corresponding to a two-stage and one-stage switching. For jjcj\gg j_c the N\'eel-Brown result for the one-spin problem is recovered.Comment: 7 pages, 2 eps figures, fig.1 of better quality can be provided upon reques

    Composition dependent magnetic properties of iron oxide - polyaniline nanoclusters

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    Gamma - Iron Oxide prepared by sol -gel process was used to produce nanocomposites with polyaniline of varying aniline concentrations. TEM shows the presence of chain like structure for lower polyaniline concentration. The room temperature hysteresis curves show finite coercivity of 160 Oe for all the composites while the saturation magnetization was found to decrease with increasing polymer content. ZFC - FC magnetisation measurements indicate high blocking temperatures. It is believed that this indicates a strongly interacting system, which is also shown by our TEM results. Monte Carlo simulations performed on a random anisotropy model with dipolar and exchange inteactions match well with experimental results.Comment: 9 (nine) pages, 6 figures (jpeg and eps

    Role of dipolar interactions in a system of Ni nanoparticles studied by magnetic susceptibility measurements

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    The role of dipolar interactions among Ni nanoparticles (NP) embedded in an amorphous SiO2/C matrix with different concentrations has been studied performing ac magnetic susceptibility Chi_ac measurements. For very diluted samples, with Ni concentrations < 4 wt % Ni or very weak dipolar interactions, the data are well described by the Neel-Arrhenius law. Increasing Ni concentration to values up to 12.8 wt % Ni results in changes in the Neel-Arrhenius behavior, the dipolar interactions become important, and need to be considered to describe the magnetic response of the NPs system. We have found no evidence of a spin-glasslike behavior in our Ni NP systems even when dipolar interactions are clearly present.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, 3 table

    Phase transition in nanomagnetite

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    Recently, the application of nanosized magnetite particles became an area of growing interest for their potential practical applications. Nanosized magnetite samples of 36 and 9 nm sizes were synthesized. Special care was taken on the right stoichiometry of the magnetite particles. Mössbauer spectroscopy measurements were made in 4.2–300 K temperature range. The temperature dependence of the intensities of the spectral components indicated size dependent transition taking place in a broad temperature range. For nanosized samples, the hyperfine interaction values and their relative intensities changed above the Verwey transition temperature value of bulk megnetite. The continuous transition indicated the formation of dendritelike granular assemblies formed during the preparation of the samples

    Magnetic properties of polypyrrole - coated iron oxide nanoparticles

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    Iron oxide nanoparticles were prepared by sol -gel process. Insitu polymerization of pyrrole monomer in the presence of oxygen in iron oxide ethanol suspension resulted in a iron oxide - polypyrrole nanocomposite. The structure and magnetic properties were investigated for varying pyrrole concentrations. The presence of the gamma - iron oxide phase and polypyrrole were confirmed by XRD and FTIR respectively. Agglomeration was found to be comparatively much reduced for the coated samples, as shown by TEM. AC susceptibility measurements confirmed the superparamagnetic behaviour. Numerical simulations performed for an interacting model system are performed to estimate the anisotropy and compare favourably with experimental results.Comment: 11 pages,8 figure

    Magnetic relaxation in finite two-dimensional nanoparticle ensembles

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    We study the slow phase of thermally activated magnetic relaxation in finite two-dimensional ensembles of dipolar interacting ferromagnetic nanoparticles whose easy axes of magnetization are perpendicular to the distribution plane. We develop a method to numerically simulate the magnetic relaxation for the case that the smallest heights of the potential barriers between the equilibrium directions of the nanoparticle magnetic moments are much larger than the thermal energy. Within this framework, we analyze in detail the role that the correlations of the nanoparticle magnetic moments and the finite size of the nanoparticle ensemble play in magnetic relaxation.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure

    Particle size dependence of the magnetic properties of ultrafine granular films

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    Magnetic granular solids consist of ultrafine metal granules of nanometer sizes embedded in an insulating medium. The magnetic properties are dictated by the microstructure such as particle size, metal volume fraction, which are process controlled. We report the results of a series of granular Fe60(SiO2)40 films in which the particle size has been systematically varied. The magnetic coercivity, ranging from 500 to 2200 Oe, increases with particle size. The ferromagnetic-superparamagnetic transition had been studied by SQUID magnetometry and Mössbauer spectroscopy. The value of the magnetic anisotropy energy is found to be much larger than that due to magnetocrystalline anisotropy

    Large magnetic anisotropy in Ferrihydrite nanoparticles synthesized from reverse micelles

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    Six-line ferrihydrite(FH) nanoparticles have been synthesized in the core of reverse micelles, used as nanoreactors to obtain average particle sizes \approx 2 to 4 nm. The blocking temperatures TBmT_B^m extracted from magnetization data increased from 10\approx 10 to 20 K for increasing particle size. Low-temperature \MOS measurements allowed to observe the onset of differentiated contributions from particle core and surface as the particle size increases. The magnetic properties measured in the liquid state of the original emulsion showed that the \FH phase is not present in the liquid precursor, but precipitates in the micelle cores after the free water is freeze-dried. Systematic susceptibility \chi_{ac}(\emph{f},T) measurements showed the dependence of the effective magnetic anisotropy energies EaE_{a} with particle volume, and yielded an effective anisotropy value of Keff=312±10K_{eff} = 312\pm10 kJ/m3^3.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures. Nanotechnology, v17 (Nov. 2006) In pres

    Non-monotonic field-dependence of the ZFC magnetization peak in some systems of magnetic nanoparticles

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    We have performed magnetic measurements on a diluted system of gamma-Fe2O3 nanoparticles (~7nm), and on a ferritin sample. In both cases, the ZFC-peak presents a non-monotonic field dependence, as has already been reported in some experiments,and discussed as a possible evidence of resonant tunneling. Within simple assumptions, we derive expressions for the magnetization obtained in the usual ZFC, FC, TRM procedures. We point out that the ZFC-peak position is extremely sensitive to the width of the particle size distribution, and give some numerical estimates of this effect. We propose to combine the FC magnetization with a modified TRM measurement, a procedure which allows a more direct access to the barrier distribution in a field. The typical barrier values which are obtained with this method show a monotonic decrease for increasing fields, as expected from the simple effect of anisotropy barrier lowering, in contrast with the ZFC results. From our measurements on gamma-Fe2O3 particles, we show that the width of the effective barrier distribution is slightly increasing with the field, an effect which is sufficient for causing the observed initial increase of the ZFC-peak temperatures.Comment: LaTeX file 19 pages, 9 postscript figures. To appear in Phys. Rev. B (tentative schedule: Dec.97