95 research outputs found
Representaciones y corepresentaciones de posets 3-equipados
Se definen los posets 3-equipados, es decir conjuntos parcialmente ordenados equipados con tres tipos de relaciones binarias, y sus representaciones y corepresentaciones sobre una extensión cúbica inseparable de campos F С G, en característica 3. A través de los problemas matriciales determinados por dichas representaciones y corepresentaciones, se demuestra el criterio de un parámetro para posets 3-equipados, se establece la respectiva lista de posets sinceros, y se describen completamente, en forma matricial evidente, sus representaciones y corepresentaciones indescomponibles.Abstract. We deffine 3-equipped posets, i.e. partially ordered sets equipped with three kinds of binary relations, and their representations and corepresentations over an inseparable cubic field extension F С G, in characteristic 3. Through the matrix problems determined by these representations and corepresentations, we proof the one-parameter criterion for 3-equipped posets, establish the respective list of sincere posets, and completely describe, in evident matrix form, their indecomposable representations and corepresentations.Doctorad
Extracción con CO2 Supercrítico de Aceite de Semillas de Guanábana (Annona muricata): Cinética, Perfil de Ácidos Grasos y Esteroles
Se estudió la extracción de aceite de semillas de guanábana utilizando dióxido de carbono supercrítico a
presiones entre 20 y 35 MPa y temperaturas entre 313 y 333 K, con un flujo de dióxido de carbono
constante de 30 g.min-1 y un tiempo de extracción de 150 min. Se planteó un diseño experimental
compuesto central para estudiar el efecto de la presión (P) y la temperatura (T) sobre el rendimiento, el
perfil de ácidos grasos y esteroles. La composición en ácidos grasos y esteroles se analizó por
cromatografía de gases. La presión tuvo un efecto significativo (p<0,05) sobre el rendimiento alcanzando
un rendimiento óptimo del 12.9%. El ácido oleico es el ácido graso mayoritario, seguido del ácido palmítico
y linoleico. En menor proporción se encontraron el ácido esteárico, palmitoleico, linolénico y dodecanoico.
Además, se encontró la presencia de campesterol, estigmasterol y β-sitosterol. Por lo tanto, el aceite
obtenido libre de solventes muestra potencial para ser usado como ingrediente natural en diferentes
Interspecific acoustic recognition in two European bat communities
Echolocating bats emit echolocation calls for spatial orientation and foraging. These calls are often species-specific and are emitted at high intensity and repetition rate. Therefore, these calls could potentially function in intra- and/or inter-specific bat communication. For example, bats in the field approach playbacks of conspecific feeding buzzes, probably because feeding buzzes indicate an available foraging patch. In captivity, some species of bats recognize and distinguish the echolocation calls of different sympatric species. However, it is still unknown if and how acoustic species-recognition mediates interspecific interactions in the field. Here we aim to understand eavesdropping on bat echolocation calls within and across species boundaries in wild bats. We presented playbacks of conspecific and heterospecific search calls and feeding buzzes to four bat species with different foraging ecologies. The bats were generally more attracted by feeding buzzes than search calls and more by the calls of conspecifics than their heterospecifics. Furthermore, bats showed differential reaction to the calls of the heterospecifics. In particular, Myotis capaccinii reacted equally to the feeding buzzes of conspecifics and to ecologically more similar heterospecifics. Our results confirm eavesdropping on feeding buzzes at the intraspecific level in wild bats and provide the first experimental quantification of potential eavesdropping in European bats at the interspecific level. Our data support the hypothesis that bat echolocation calls have a communicative potential that allows interspecific, and potentially intraspecific, eavesdropping in the wild
Efetividade dos programas computorizados em reabilitação cognitiva de pacientes com esquizofrenia
The cognitive de
cits present in schizophrenia have been intervened through cognitive rehabilitation,
and the use of computerized software is a current trend. This intervention has been the focus of attention of
several studies, so, this investigation aims to give an account of the effectiveness of computerized software in
the cognitive rehabilitation of patients with schizophrenia.
To do this, the databases of MEDLINE,
PUBMED, ASSIA, PsycINFO and Journals@Ovid were examined from 2005 until 2017, in a search for
papers that include in their keywords virtual platforms or computers software and cognitive rehabilitation
or neuropsychological rehabilitation and Schizophrenia.
Of a total of 356 research papers, only 20
of them met inclusion criteria. These studies included cognitive rehabilitation that uses software improved
attention, memory, processing speed, executive functions, as well as social cognition, and affective functioning.
Even though the use of software in cognitive rehabilitation had proved to improve general cognitive
functioning of patients with schizophrenia, it is not clear that this kind of intervention assures the transfer of
learning and generalization of this improvement in the daily life of patients.Objetivo.
Establecer la e
cacia de los programas computarizados en la rehabilitación cognitiva de pacientes
con esquizofrenia.
Se revisaron los materiales bibliográ
cos publicados en las bases de datos Medline,
PubMed, Assia, PsycInfo y Journals@Ovid, entre 2005 y 2017, que incluyeran las palabras clave plataforma
virtual o programa computarizado y rehabilitación cognitiva o rehabilitación neuropsicológica y esquizofrenia.
De un total de 356 artículos, solo 20 de ellos cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. Se encontró
que la intervención con programas computarizados suele generar mejorías tanto en los procesos de atención,
memoria, velocidad de procesamiento y funciones ejecutivas como en la dimensión de cognición social y la
esfera afectiva.
Si bien la rehabilitación cognitiva a través de programas computarizados parece
efectiva para mejorar el funcionamiento cognitivo de pacientes con esquizofrenia, no es clara la transferencia
y generalización de esta mejora a la cotidianidad de los pacientes.Escopo.
Os dé
cits cognitivos presentes na esquizofrenia tem sido intervindos com a reabilitação cognitiva,
sendo o uso de programas computorizados uma tendência nos últimos tempos. Em esta pesquisa, foi
importante estabelecer a e
cácia de estes programas na reabilitação cognitiva de pacientes com esquizofrenia.
. Para isto, foram revisados os materiais bibliográ
cos publicados nas bases de dados MEDLINE,
PUBMED, ASSIA, PsycINFO e Journals@Ovid, entre 2005 e 2017, que incluíram nas suas palavras-chave
plataforma virtual ou programa computorizado e reabilitação cognitiva ou reabilitação neuropsicológica e
. De um total de 365 artigos, só 20 de eles cumpriram os critérios de inclusão.
Sua revisão encontrou que a intervenção com programas computorizadas normalmente gera melhoras nos
processos de atenção, memória, velocidade de processamento, funções executivas, assim como na dimensão
de cognição social e a esfera afetiva.
. Embora a reabilitação cognitiva a través de programas
computorizadas parece efetiva para melhorar o funcionamento cognitivo de pacientes com esquizofrenia, não
é clara a transferência e generalização de esta melhora na cotidianidade dos pacientes
Efectividad de los programas computarizados en rehabilitación cognitiva de pacientes con esquizofrenia
Objetivo. Establecer la eficacia de los programas computarizados en la rehabilitación cognitiva de pacientes con esquizofrenia. Método. Se revisaron los materiales bibliográficos publicados en las bases de datos Medline, PubMed, Assia, PsycInfo y Journals@Ovid, entre 2005 y 2017, que incluyeran las palabras clave plataforma virtual o programa computarizado y rehabilitación cognitiva o rehabilitación neuropsicológica y esquizofrenia. Resultados. De un total de 356 artículos, solo 20 de ellos cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. Se encontró que la intervención con programas computarizados suele generar mejorías tanto en los procesos de atención, memoria, velocidad de procesamiento y funciones ejecutivas como en la dimensión de cognición social y la esfera afectiva. Conclusión. Si bien la rehabilitación cognitiva a través de programas computarizados parece efectiva para mejorar el funcionamiento cognitivo de pacientes con esquizofrenia, no es clara la transferencia y generalización de esta mejora a la cotidianidad de los pacientes
Traffic noise exposure depresses plasma corticosterone and delays offspring growth in breeding zebra finches.
The impact of human activity on the acoustic environment is overwhelming, with anthropogenic noise reaching even remote areas of the planet. The World Health Organization has identified noise pollution as one of the leading environmental health risks in humans, and it has been linked to a myriad of short- and long-term health effects in exposed individuals. However, less is known about the health effects of anthropogenic noise exposure on animals. We investigated long- and short-term effects of traffic noise on zebra finches breeding in small communal aviaries, using a repeated measures design. Birds bred in both noise and no-noise conditions, and we measured baseline plasma glucocorticoid levels before, during and after breeding. In addition, we assayed immune function, measured reproductive success and offspring growth and compared rates of extra-pair paternity of breeding adults. Breeding birds had significantly lower baseline plasma corticosterone levels when exposed to traffic noise than when they were not exposed to noise playback. In addition, the nestlings reared during noise exposure were lighter than nestlings of the same parents when breeding in control conditions. Our results suggest that traffic noise poses a more severe hurdle to birds at more vulnerable stages of their life history, such as during reproductive events and ontogeny. While chronic exposure to traffic noise in our birds did not, by itself, prove to be a sufficient stressor to cause acute effects on health or reproductive success in exposed individuals, it did result in disruptions to normal glucocorticoid profiles and delayed offspring growth. However, animals living in urban habitats are exposed to a multitude of anthropogenic disturbances, and it is likely that even species that appear to be thriving in noisy environments may suffer cumulative effects of these multiple disturbances that may together impact their fitness in urban environments
Ambiente virtual de aprendizaje para mejorar la autoestima de los estudiantes del grado octavo, de la institución educativa comercial del norte de Popayán - Cauca
El presente trabajo está encaminado a demostrar el proceso de implementación de un ambiente virtual de aprendizaje, para intervenir en las competencias ciudadanas de un grupo de estudiantes de la Institución Educativa Comercial del Norte - Popayán, teniendo en cuenta que es de gran importancia que en las instituciones educativas existan proyectos que permitan a ellos mejorar su autoestima y se valoren como personas, aprovechando las TIC como medio para interactuar en la temática propuesta. En la actualidad las herramientas tecnológicas hacen parte relevante del proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje en la medida que contribuyen a construir y desarrollar procesos con calidad educativa
Airport noise predicts song timing of European birds
Anthropogenic noise is of increasing concern to biologists and medical scientists. Its detrimental effects on human health have been well studied, with the high noise levels from air traffic being of particular concern. However, less is known about the effects of airport noise pollution on signal masking in wild animals. Here, we report a relationship between aircraft noise and two major features of the singing behavior of birds. We found that five of ten songbird species began singing significantly earlier in the morning in the vicinity of a major European airport than their conspecifics at a quieter control site. As birds at both sites started singing before the onset of air traffic in the morning, this suggests that the birds in the vicinity of the airport advanced their activity to gain more time for unimpaired singing before the massive plane noise set in. In addition, we found that during the day, chaffinches avoided singing during airplane takeoffs, but only when the noise exceeded a certain threshold, further suggesting that the massive noise caused by the airport can impair acoustic communication in birds. Overall, our study indicates that birds may be adjusting their mating signals and time budgets in response to aircraft noise
A solid state fungal fermentation-based strategy for the hydrolysis of wheat straw
This paper reports a solid-state fungal fermentation-based pre-treatment strategy to convert wheat straw into a fermentable hydrolysate. Aspergillus niger was firstly cultured on wheat straw for production of cellulolytic enzymes and then the wheat straw was hydrolyzed by the enzyme solution into a fermentable hydrolysate. The optimum moisture content and three wheat straw modification methods were explored to improve cellulase production. At a moisture content of 89.5%, 10.2 ± 0.13 U/g cellulase activity was obtained using dilute acid modified wheat straw. The addition of yeast extract (0.5% w/v) and minerals significantly improved the cellulase production, to 24.0 ± 1.76 U/g. The hydrolysis of the fermented wheat straw using the fungal culture filtrate or commercial cellulase Ctec2 was performed, resulting in 4.34 and 3.13 g/L glucose respectively. It indicated that the fungal filtrate harvested from the fungal fermentation of wheat straw contained a more suitable enzyme mixture than the commercial cellulase
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