42 research outputs found

    Tjelesni odgoj i sport u engleskoj: dualizam, partnerstvo i uvjeti za realizaciju

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    In England, recent years have witnessed unprecedented central government policy commitment to in-vestment in physical education and sport. The rationale for investment variously lies with the state of the health of the nation, obesity levels with associated health care costs predicted at £2 billion annually, sedentary lifestyles and in high drop-out rates of young people from sport. At the same time, research into effects of physical activity and cognitive functioning, influence on development of positive psycho-social qualities, and studies showing rising levels of attendance and attentiveness when children engage in regular exercise while exclusions and disruptive behaviour fall, provide evidence that a sports (broadly defined) active life-style can improve health, counter anti-social behaviours and foster social inclusion. Such juxta-positioning of apparent opposites is rather paradoxical. The government’s investment commitment has resonance in such a context by attempting to reconcile the historical duality of physical education and sport in partnership approaches. This article addresses physical education/sport partnership issues along with government and quasi non-governmental agency interventions and the response of a higher education training provider, University of Worcester, to consequent occupational opportunities in present day England. Additionally, as a precursor to, and in order to provide a more informed contextual setting for the issues, interventions and provider response to be addressed, an overview of the evolution and subsequent development of physical education and sport is provided.Od 2002. godine središnja vlada u Engleskoj pokazuje jasno opredjeljenje za uspostavljanje partnerskog odnosa između tjelesnog odgoja i sporta tako što je u proračunu odredila investiciju od 459 milijuna funti za tjelesni odgoj u školama i ostale razvojne inicijative vezane uz sport te 750 milijuna funti koje je namijenila razvoju prateće infrastrukture. Razlozi za takovo, dosad nezabilježeno, ulaganje su raznoliki, a temelje se na spoznajama o zdravstvenom stanju nacije, razini pretilosti, sjedilačkom načinu života i visokoj stopi odustajanja od bavljenja sportom. Vladina politika snažno je odjeknula u stručnim krugovima zbog naglašavanja partnerskog odnosa između tjelesnog odgoja i spor-ta, čime se prevladava povijesni dualizam između ta dva područja ljudske aktivnosti. Evolucijski razvoj tjelesnog odgoja u školama i sporta u Engleskoj karakterizira pomak od dualizma (u 19. st. organizirane igre i natjecateljski sport povezivali su se s privatnim školama-internatima, dok su se kondicijski usmjereni treninzi prvo povezivali s vojnom obukom, a kasnije s Lingijskom terapijskom gimnastikom u državnim osnovnim školama od 1871. godine nadalje) ka partnerstvu. Od ranih desetljeća 20. stoljeća, kada je većina inicijativa bila povezana s disciplinom i dobrom tjelesnom kondicijom, tjelesni odgoj u engleskim školama razvio se od predmeta kojim dominira učiteljev rad u današnji suvremeni pristup kojemu je u središtu pozornosti učenik i vrlo široko definiran i uravnotežen okvirni plana i programa. Napredak je bio raznoliko obilježen pojavom engleskog sustava oblikovanog pod djelovanjem ‘uvoznih’ utjecaja u koji su se ugradile urođene ‘engleske igre’ i ostale natjecateljske sportske aktivnosti. Ti su se planovi i programi naknadno modificirali, uz pomoć inovativnih pedagoških i didaktičkih pristupa, u smjeru razvoja od ‘djeteta koje radi’ preko ‘djetetu koje misli i radi’ prema ‘refleksivnom djetetu’ u eri nacionalnog kurikuluma tjelesnog odgoja u kasnim 90-im godi-nama 20. stoljeća. Uključivanjem tjelesnog odgoja kao obaveznog osnovnog predmeta u četiri ključna razvojna razdoblja (5-7 godina, 7-11 godina, 11-14 godina i 14-16 godina) u okvir nacionalnog kurikuluma iz 1992. godine uspostavljena je njegova legitimnost kao predmeta i dan je kredibilitet njegovu statusu. Nacionalni kurikulum trebao je osigurati širi i uravnotežen okvir plana i programa odgoja i obrazovanja za učenike od 5 do 16 godina. Međutim, usprkos filozofskim i pedagoškim namjerama i retoričkom idealu o uravnoteženom kurikulumu, realnost je pokazala da je nastavom tjelesnog odgoja u školama dominiralo snažno nasljeđe proizašlo iz sportske tradicije ustanovljene u 19. st. u privatnim školama-internatima. To se nasljeđe očituje u dobro uhodanim izvannastavnim aktivnostima koje obuhvaćaju širok raspon sportskih aktivnosti i koje tradicionalno vode profesori na volonterskoj bazi, ali i u odluci države da osnuje specijalističke visoke sportske škole (SSC). Te bi škole trebale imati središnju ulogu u državnoj strategiji razvoja sporta gledano kroz prizmu razvoja talenata, no od njih se očekuje i da tijesno surađuju sa susjednim srednjim školama te da uspostave veze s osnovnim školama kao bazom iz koje mogu crpiti buduće sportaše, i to preko sastanaka sa sportskim koordinatorima i ciljanim vezama s nastavnicima u osnovnim školama. Tijekom povijesnog razvoja implicitno je oduvijek postojala ideja o partnerstvu između dualnih područja tjelesnog odgoja i sporta kako u školama tako i u široj zajednici. Novina je, međutim, (re)interpretacija ili moguća rekonstrukcija odnosa između njih u uzajamnom partnerstvu sa zajedničkim programom rada. Sadašnja vizija partnerstva nagovještava promjenjive koncepte tjelesnog odgoja i sporta, koji su dosad bili dualistički definirani. Imanentni terminološki pomaci primjećuju se u spremnosti ministara i predstavnika za medije da tretiraju tjelesni odgoj i sport kao nerazdvojive i međusobno zamjenjive sfere iste aktivnosti. Rekonstrukcija se percipira kao ‘sportska kultura’, za čije su aspiracije dva sata tjedno, određena planom tjelesnog odgoja, nedostatna da bi se postigli željeni učinci tjelesno aktivnog načina života zdravih mladih ljudi. Kako bi se tzv. ‘sportska kultura’ proširila i izvan granica škole, vladina je politika u potrazi za partnerskim pristupom identificirala institucije dopunskog obrazovanja i institucije visokoškolskog obrazovanja, sportske klubove, lokalne vlasti, službe za mlade, Nacionalni sportski savez i regionalne agencije, nacionalne sportske organizacije, kao i sponzorstva privatnog sektora kao partnere koji bi trebali djelovati u suradnji sa središnjom vlasti. Ova je vizija integralni partnerski odnos tjelesnog odgoja i sporta unutar širokog raspona edukacijskih i društveno-institucijskih agencija kojima je zadaća osigurati uvjete za realizaciju tog partnerstva. Tu viziju je podržala zajednička izjava Ministarstva obrazovanja i osposobljavanja i Ministarstvo za kulturu, medije i sport (2004) prema kojoj bi sportski voditelji, menadžeri, profesori i treneri trebali raditi zajedno kako bi pozitivno utjecali na razvoj tjelesno aktivnog ponašanja mladih ljudi. Koncept o partnerskom funkcioniranju tjelesnog odgoja i sporta imat će i neke posljedice za obrazovne programe i programe osposobljavanja na tržištu rada, gdje bi se mogle tražiti stručne kompetencije iz jednoga ili iz oba područja, čime bi se pomoglo premošćivanju jaza između tjelesnog odgoja i sporta. Jedan institucijski pokušaj da se premosti jaz između tjelesnog odgoja i sportskih ‘kultura’ jest strateška inicijativa realizirana na Sveučilištu Worcester, UK, prema kojoj bi se trebalo osigurati da budući ključni stručnjaci na području tjelesnog odgoja i sporta, kao što su profesori, treneri, stratezi razvoja sporta, koordinatori, upravljači i volontersko osoblje, ne samo da se međusobno dobro razumiju i podržavaju jedni druge, već da steknu i praktično iskustvo i razumijevanje te da postanu svjesni pravog stanja stvari prije no uđu u ‘stvarnost’ i počnu raditi na zadovoljavanju potreba mladih ljudi. Sveučilište Worcester pokrenulo je seriju studijskih programa kako bi na različite načine, ali s punim međusobnim razumijevanjem, pripremilo diplomande za doprinos razvoju mladih kroz tjelesni odgoj i sportske aktivnosti. Trosmjerni strateški pristup sadrži programe: a ) Tjelesni odgoj (status nekvalificiranog učitelja, QTS) kao zajednički studijski smjer za stjecanje zvanja trenera (Coaching Science) ili trenera određenog sporta (Sport Studies), što bi studentima trebalo omogućiti fleksibilnu radnu karijeru; b) studij primijenjene kineziologije u sportu (Sports Coaching Science), program koji studentima pruža sveobuhvatan uvid u konceptualna i praktična znanja potrebna sportskom treneru i nastoji diplomirane studente pripremiti za široki raspon zanimanja za visokoškolski educirane kadrove i c) opsežan program otvoren prema društvenoj zajednici u najširem smislu koji obuhvaća škole i fakultete (osnovne i srednje škole, visokoškolske institucije), klubove (svih kvalitetnih razina), brojne društvene grupe, vladajuća tijela iz područja sporta, kao i trenere i osoblje u širokom rasponu sportova i sportskih disciplina. Proaktivni pristup na Sveučilištu Worcester jamči da bi, u budućnosti, diplomirani studenti sportskih fakulteta mogli biti odgovarajuće osposobljeni za rad s mladima u tjelesnom odgoju i sportu, a uz očuvanje prepoznatljivih tradicionalnih vrijednosti.In den letzten Jahren sind in England zentrale Regierungsmaßnahmen zu beobachten, die zu beispiellosen Investitionsmaßnahmen in Sport und Sportunterricht geführt haben. Für diese Investition gibt es verschiedene Gründe: der aktuelle Gesundheitsstatus der Bevölkerung des Landes, der Anstieg von Adipositas mit den damit verbundenen Kosten für das Gesundheitssystem, die auf £2 Milliarden jährlich geschätzt werden, bewegungsinaktive Lebensstile und hohe Drop-out Zahlen von Kindern und Jugendlichen, die keinen Sport mehr treiben. Zeitgleich dazu belegen Forschungsstudien aber positive Auswirkungen des Sporttreibens auf kognitive Prozesse und Einflüsse auf positives psycho-soziales Verhalten und zeigen auf, dass die Konzentration und Aufmerksamkeit steigt, wenn Kinder regelmäßig an sportlichen Übungen teil-nehmen, während soziale Ausgrenzung und störendes Verhalten zurückgehen. All das belegt, dass Sport (in einem weiten Sinne) einen aktiven Lebensstil fördert und die Gesundheit verbessert sowie unsoziale Verhaltensweisen unterbindet und die soziale Integration fördert. Diese beiden offensichtlich gegensätzlichen Entwicklungstrends scheinen paradox zu sein. Die Regierungsmaßnahmen finden in diesem Kontext ihren Widerhall, den historischen Dualismus zwischen Sport und Leibeserziehung in Form einer gemeinsamen Partnerschaft zusammen zu führen. Dieser Artikel spricht Aspekte einer Partnerschaft zwischen dem Sport und dem Sportunterricht an im Zusammenhang der Interventionsmaßnahmen von Regierungsstellen und Nicht-Regierungsinstitutionen, die zu entsprechenden Hochschulkursen seitens der Universität Worchester geführt haben, die zu entsprechenden beruflichen Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten im heutigen England führen. In Ergänzung dazu, um mehr Hintergrundinformationen über diesen Zusammenhang zu geben und um Interventionsmaßnahmen und Rückmel-dungen der Anbieter zu thematisieren, wird ein Überblick über die Entwicklung des Sports und des Sportunterrichts gegeben

    The effect of acute fatigue on countermovement jump performance in rugby union players during preseason training

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    This study aims to capture and explore my personal experiences of trust whilst working as a performance analyst. I began working as a PhD research student and a high performance Paralympic sport performance analyst in April 2014. To critically analyse my role within the team as the sole sports performance analyst, an autoethnographic approach was adopted. Following ethical approval, I maintained a self-reflective diary drawing on my thoughts, opinions and experiences during a fifteen-month period between April 2014 and June 2015. I conducted an inductive thematic content analysis on the recorded reflections whereby the phenomenon of trust emerged as a key theme. To explore the importance of trust, I engage with key theoretical concepts (Hoy and Tschannen-Moran, 1999, Journal of School Leadership, 9, 184-208; Day, 2009, Journal of Educational Administration, 47 (6), 719-730; Sztompka, 2000, Trust: A sociological theory, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press; Hardin, 2002, Trust and Trustworthiness, New York: Russell Sage Foundation) and draw upon the key personality traits and characteristics identified for effective sport science practitioner to excel within their respected discipline (Partington and Orlick, 1987, The Sport Psychologist, 1, 309-317; Lubker et al., 2008, Journal of Sport Behaviour, 31 (2), 147-165). Four essential components for establishing trust between myself, and the athletes and staff were identified: appearance and visibility, confidence, honesty and integrity, and self-care. Stronger athlete-coach-analyst relationships were established once each team member articulated the four components. Athletes and coaches became attuned to the importance of performance analysis and a greater utilisation of the discipline was observed within the team’s practice. Trust therefore must be established by a performance analyst between athletes and coaches in order to advance the provision of performance analysis within a high performance sport system

    Selenocysteine Insertion Sequence Binding Protein 2L Is Implicated as a Novel Post-Transcriptional Regulator of Selenoprotein Expression

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    The amino acid selenocysteine (Sec) is encoded by UGA codons. Recoding of UGA from stop to Sec requires a Sec insertion sequence (SECIS) element in the 3′ UTR of selenoprotein mRNAs. SECIS binding protein 2 (SBP2) binds the SECIS element and is essential for Sec incorporation into the nascent peptide. SBP2-like (SBP2L) is a paralogue of SBP2 in vertebrates and is the only SECIS binding protein in some invertebrates where it likely directs Sec incorporation. However, vertebrate SBP2L does not promote Sec incorporation in in vitro assays. Here we present a comparative analysis of SBP2 and SBP2L SECIS binding properties and demonstrate that its inability to promote Sec incorporation is not due to lower SECIS affinity but likely due to lack of a SECIS dependent domain association that is found in SBP2. Interestingly, however, we find that an invertebrate version of SBP2L is fully competent for Sec incorporation in vitro. Additionally, we present the first evidence that SBP2L interacts with selenoprotein mRNAs in mammalian cells, thereby implying a role in selenoprotein expression

    AAPT Diagnostic Criteria for Chronic Cancer Pain Conditions

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    Chronic cancer pain is a serious complication of malignancy or its treatment. Currently, no comprehensive, universally accepted cancer pain classification system exists. Clarity in classification of common cancer pain syndromes would improve clinical assessment and management. Moreover, an evidence-based taxonomy would enhance cancer pain research efforts by providing consistent diagnostic criteria, ensuring comparability across clinical trials. As part of a collaborative effort between the Analgesic, Anesthetic, and Addiction Clinical Trial Translations Innovations Opportunities and Networks (ACTTION) and the American Pain Society (APS), the ACTTION-APS Pain Taxonomy (AAPT) initiative worked to develop the characteristics of an optimal diagnostic system.59, 65 Following the establishment of these characteristics, a working group consisting of clinicians and clinical and basic scientists with expertise in cancer and cancer-related pain was convened to generate core diagnostic criteria for an illustrative sample of 3 chronic pain syndromes associated with cancer (i.e., bone pain and pancreatic cancer pain as models of pain related to a tumor) or its treatment (i.e., chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy). A systematic review and synthesis was conducted to provide evidence for the dimensions that comprise this cancer pain taxonomy. Future efforts will subject these diagnostic categories and criteria to systematic empirical evaluation of their feasibility, reliability and validity and extension to other cancer-related pain syndromes

    Transgenic mouse models for ADHD

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    Observation of gravitational waves from the coalescence of a 2.5−4.5 M⊙ compact object and a neutron star

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    Search for eccentric black hole coalescences during the third observing run of LIGO and Virgo

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    Despite the growing number of confident binary black hole coalescences observed through gravitational waves so far, the astrophysical origin of these binaries remains uncertain. Orbital eccentricity is one of the clearest tracers of binary formation channels. Identifying binary eccentricity, however, remains challenging due to the limited availability of gravitational waveforms that include effects of eccentricity. Here, we present observational results for a waveform-independent search sensitive to eccentric black hole coalescences, covering the third observing run (O3) of the LIGO and Virgo detectors. We identified no new high-significance candidates beyond those that were already identified with searches focusing on quasi-circular binaries. We determine the sensitivity of our search to high-mass (total mass M>70 M⊙) binaries covering eccentricities up to 0.3 at 15 Hz orbital frequency, and use this to compare model predictions to search results. Assuming all detections are indeed quasi-circular, for our fiducial population model, we place an upper limit for the merger rate density of high-mass binaries with eccentricities 0<e≤0.3 at 0.33 Gpc−3 yr−1 at 90\% confidence level

    Ultralight vector dark matter search using data from the KAGRA O3GK run

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    Among the various candidates for dark matter (DM), ultralight vector DM can be probed by laser interferometric gravitational wave detectors through the measurement of oscillating length changes in the arm cavities. In this context, KAGRA has a unique feature due to differing compositions of its mirrors, enhancing the signal of vector DM in the length change in the auxiliary channels. Here we present the result of a search for U(1)B−L gauge boson DM using the KAGRA data from auxiliary length channels during the first joint observation run together with GEO600. By applying our search pipeline, which takes into account the stochastic nature of ultralight DM, upper bounds on the coupling strength between the U(1)B−L gauge boson and ordinary matter are obtained for a range of DM masses. While our constraints are less stringent than those derived from previous experiments, this study demonstrates the applicability of our method to the lower-mass vector DM search, which is made difficult in this measurement by the short observation time compared to the auto-correlation time scale of DM