28 research outputs found

    Proton transfer in surface-stabilized chiral motifs of croconic acid

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    The structure and cooperative proton ordering of two-dimensional sheets of croconic acid were studied with scanning tunneling microscopy and first-principles calculations. Unlike in the crystalline form, which exhibits a pleated, densely packed polar sheet structure, the confinement of the molecules to the surface results in hydrogenbonded chiral clusters and networks. First-principles calculations suggest that the surface stabilizes networks of configurational isomers, which arise from direct hydrogen transfer between their constituent croconic acid monomers. Some of these configurations have a net polarization. It is demonstrated through constrained molecular dynamics simulations that simultaneous proton transfer between any two molecules can occur spontaneously. This finding is a prerequisite for the occurrence of in-plane ferroelectricity based on proton transfer in 2D sheets

    Surface state engineering of molecule-molecule interactions

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    Engineering the electronic structure of organics through interface manipulation, particularly the interface dipole and the barriers to charge carrier injection, is of essential importance to improved organic devices. This requires the meticulous fabrication of desired organic structures by precisely controlling the interactions between molecules. The well-known principles of organic coordination chemistry cannot be applied without proper consideration of extra molecular hybridization, charge transer and dipole formation at the interfaces. Here we identify the interplay between energy level alignment, charge transfer, surface dipole and charge pillow effect and show how these effects collectively determine the net force between adsorbed porphyrin 2H-TPP on Cu(111). We show that the forces between supported porphyrins can be altered by controlling the amount of charge transferred across the interface accurately through the relative alignment of molecular electronic levels with respect to the Shockley surface state of the metal substrate, and hence govern the self-assembly of the molecules

    Temperature Dependence of Metal-Organic Heteroepitaxy

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    The nucleation and growth of 2D layers of tetraphenyl porphyrin molecules on Ag(111) are studied with variable-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy. The organic/metal heteroepitaxy occurs by strict analogy to established principles for metal heteroepitaxy. A hierarchy of energy barriers for diffusion on terraces and along edges and around corners of adislands is established. The temperature is key to activating these barriers selectively, thus determining the shape of the organic aggregates, from a fractal shape at lower temperatures to a compact shape at higher temperatures. The energy barriers for the terrace diffusion of porpyrins and the molecule-molecule binding energy were determined to be 30 meV \u3c Eterrace \u3c 60 and 130 meV \u3c Ediss \u3c 160 meV, respectively, from measurements of island sizes as a function of temperature. This study provides an experimental verification of the validity of current models of epitaxy for the heteroepitaxy of organics and is thus expected to help establish design principles for complex metal-organic hybrid structures

    Bottom-up solution synthesis of narrow nitrogen-doped graphene nanoribbons

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    Large quantities of narrow graphene nanoribbons with edgeincorporated nitrogen atoms can be synthesized via Yamamoto coupling of molecular precursors containing nitrogen atoms followed by cyclodehydrogenation using Scholl reaction

    Large-scale solution synthesis of narrow graphene nanoribbons

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    According to theoretical studies, narrow graphene nanoribbons with atomically precise armchair edges and widths of(1.1 eV), which makes them potentially promising for logic applications. Different top–down fabrication approaches typically yield ribbons with width \u3e10nm and have limited control over their edge structure. Here we demonstrate a novel bottom–up approach that yields gram quantities of high-aspect-ratio graphene nanoribbons, which are only ~1 nm wide and have atomically smooth armchair edges. These ribbons are shown to have a large electronic bandgap of ~1.3 eV, which is significantly higher than any value reported so far in experimental studies of graphene nanoribbons prepared by top–down approaches. These synthetic ribbons could have lengths of \u3e100 nm and self-assemble in highly ordered few-micrometer-long ‘nanobelts’ that can be visualized by conventional microscopy techniques, and potentially used for the fabrication of electronic devices

    Modulating bond lengths via backdonation : a first-principles investigation of a quinonoid zwitterion adsorbed to coinage metal surfaces

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    First-principles calculations reveal that upon adsorption to the Cu(111) surface, the C–C single bonds within the <i>p</i>-benzo­quinone­monoimine zwitterion (ZI) contract by about 6%. A detailed analysis reveals that the bond shortening is primarily a result of backdonation from Cu orbitals of <i>s</i> and <i>d</i> symmetry to the lowest unoccupied orbital (LUMO) of the ZI. This LUMO is π*-antibonding across the molecule and π-bonding across the C–C bond that shortens. We illustrate that the level alignment between the Fermi level of the surface and the frontier molecular orbitals of the ZI, the topology of the LUMO, and the distance between the substrate and the adsorbate are important factors enabling bond strengthening via backdonation. An extended transition state–natural orbitals for chemical valence (ETS-NOCV) analysis is applied to molecular models for this system, and it confirms that the surface → LUMO backdonation on Cu(111) is larger than on Ag(111) and Au(111)