72 research outputs found

    A comparison of the effects of integrating special education preschoolers with their nondisabled peers

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    This study examined developmental outcomes associated with services in inclusive and self-contained preschool classrooms. The growth of nine inclusive special education students and twelve self-contained students were investigated. These students were matched for chronological age and classification. Progress was measured with the Brigance Diagnostic Inventory of Early Development-Revised using a posttest only design in gross motor skills, fine motor skills, speech/language skills and general knowledge. Results show that there is a significant difference between these two groups on gross motor standing skills in the inclusive setting. There are no significant differences in other skill achievement


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    Bendungan urugan dibangun dengan cara menimbun berbagai material seperti: batu, kerikil, pasir, dan tanah pada komposisi tertentu dan berfungsi sebagai penahan atau pengangkat permukaan air dalam waduk disebut bendungan tipe urugan. Struktur bedungan urugan terdiri dari zona inti kedap air,zona random, zona filter, dan zona rip-rap . Material timbunan dilakukan analisis material sebelum dapat digunakan sebagai material penyusun timbunan bendungan, untuk mengetahui spesifikasi material telah sesuai dengan spesifikasi teknis yang dibutuhkan. Analisis material dilakukan dengan cara melakukan uji fisik dan mekanis material terlebih dahulu atau uji laboratorium sebelum melakukan pengujian langsung di lapangan dan dilakukan uji coba timbunan atau dalam bahasa teknis yaitu Trial Embankment. Trial Embankment bertujuan untuk mengetahui uji kepadatan relatif di lapangan yang disesuaikan dengan hasil pengujian pemadatan di laboratorium. Material bendungan yang akan digunakan sebagai bahan timbunan tubuh bendungan harus memenuhi persyaratan spesifikasi teknis. Hasil uji pengujian material seperti pengujian fisik material yang mencakup yaitu kadar air,berat volume, berat jenis, kadar lumpur, analisa saringan, gradasi material, pemadatan laboratorium dan opname boulder hasil yang keseluruhan hasil harus memenuhi spesifikasi dalam pembangunan bendungan urugan. Adapun nilai density yang sebagai syarat dalam pengujian Trial Embankment tanah nilai kepadatan relatif rata-rata harus > 95% sesuai dengan SNI 03-2828-1992

    La representación cinematográfica de la soledad en la vejez: Selección de films

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    La soledad es un problema de salud pública, que afecta a particularmente la población mayor por sus circunstancias vitales. Diferentes investigaciones muestran asociaciones entre soledad y depresión, problemas de salud y mortalidad. El cine es forma de representación y conocimiento, herramienta interesante para estudiar fenómenos psicosociales, como las manifestaciones de soledad en la vejez. Objetivos: Analizar aspectos psicosociales de los personajes mayores que aparecen en películas que tratan el tema de la soledad. Método: Búsqueda de películas registradas en Internet Movie Data Base, con las palabras-clave loneliness, elderly, aging y old age. Se identificaron 62 películas. Se realizó un análisis del discurso fílmico de las 12 más relevantes a través del estudio de las ideas contenidas. A partir de ahí se hizo un retrato psicosocial de los personajes mayores y se seleccionaron escenas y diálogos asociados al sentimiento de soledad y la vida solitaria. Resultados: Cuestiones como el apoyo social, las relaciones interpersonales, la familia y los cuidados son percibidos y representados. Conclusiones: La soledad no es una temática prioritaria en el cine, aunque sea un problema social de importancia fuera de las pantallas y los personajes femeninos de mayor edad son minoritarios.Loneliness is a public health problem, affecting particularly the population for their life circumstances. Different studies show associations between loneliness and depression, health problems and mortality. The cinema is a form of representation and knowledge interesting to study psychosocial phenomena, as manifestations of loneliness in old age tool. Objetives: Analyze psychosocial aspects of the major characters in films dealing with the theme of loneliness. Method: Search registered Internet Movie Database, with the keywords loneliness, elderly, aging and old age movies. 62 films were identified. an analysis of filmic discourse of the 12 most relevant through the study of the ideas was made. From there a psychosocial portrait of the main characters and scenes and dialogues became associated with the feeling of solitude and solitary life were selected. Results: Issues such as social support, interpersonal relationships, family and care are perceived and represented. Conclusions: Loneliness is not a priority theme in the film, even a social issue of importance outside screens and older female characters are minority.peerReviewe

    La soledad de las mujeres mayores que viven solas

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    España está entre los países más envejecidos del mundo y así como ocurre en otros países, los datos muestran una feminización del proceso de envejecimiento poblacional. Investigaciones recientes indican la preferencia de los españoles mayores por vivir en sus propias viviendas frente a mudarse a la casa de sus familiares o ser institucionalizados. A raíz de estos cambios sociodemográficos, se viene notando una creciente tendencia de los hogares unipersonales encabezados por personas mayores. Al ser más longevas, las mujeres tienen más probabilidad de vivir solas durante más años que los varones mayores. Desde el modelo de discrepancia cognitiva, la soledad es una sensación desagradable resultante de una discrepancia entre los niveles de contacto social deseado y la realidad que la persona ha logrado conquistar. Por lo tanto, la experiencia de soledad depende de una valoración subjetiva de la persona sobre sus relaciones sociales. Según Weiss (1983), hay dos tipos de soledad. La soledad del aislamiento emocional es la respuesta subjetiva a la falta de una figura generalizada de apego; la soledad del aislamiento social resulta de la pérdida de roles sociales (viudedad, jubilación, etc.) y la consecuente pérdida de contacto con las personas con quienes uno compartía sus preocupaciones. A más edad aumenta la probabilidad de que uno esté o viva solo debido a eventos normativos y comunes en la fase más avanzada de la vida, pero eso no significa que todas las personas mayores que están o que viven solas se sientan solas. Los grupos de mayor riesgo de sentirse solos son: mujeres, personas más mayores, sin una pareja confidente, que viven solos, con niveles más bajos de estudios y de ingresos económicos. Además, se ha detectado una importante asociación negativa de la soledad con la percepción de apoyo social recibido por las personas mayores. El objetivo general del estudio fue identificar la prevalencia del sentimiento de soledad y los factores que influyen en los sentimientos de soledad en mujeres mayores de 60 años. El estudio tuvo un diseño de metodología cuantitativa transversal. Los criterios de inclusión fueron: género femenino, tener 60 o más años de edad, vivir solas en la ciudad de Valencia y ser usuarias de un servicio privado de teleasistencia. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 267 mujeres, con edad media de 82,76 años (DT = 4,74). Se utilizó un instrumento compuesto por cuestionarios y escalas validadas, que fue aplicado a través de encuestas telefónicas. Se midieron variables sociodemográficas, conocimiento y uso de servicios de apoyo social formal, salud percibida, movilidad en el espacio de vida, frecuencia de contacto con la familia, satisfacción con la vida, tamaño de la red social y aislamiento social. Para evaluar la presencia y la intensidad de los sentimientos de soledad, se utilizó la de Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale. Los resultados del estudio muestran que efectivamente la soledad está más presente en el colectivo entrevistado que en otros grupos de personas mayores. Se ha comprobado que las características sociodemográficas juegan un papel menos importante que las variables psicosociales a la hora de explicar la varianza de soledad. Se confirmaron fuertes asociaciones entre la soledad y la salud, el tamaño de la red social, la frecuencia de contacto con los familiares y la satisfacción con la vida. Por lo tanto, concluimos que estas son condiciones claves que contribuyen al aumento o la disminución de sentimientos de soledad en mujeres mayores que viven solas.Spain is among the most aged countries in the world and in the same way that happens in other countries, data shows a feminization of the population aging process. Recent studies indicate that the Spanish older adults prefer to live in their own homes instead of moving to the house of a relative or being institutionalized. Due to these sociodemographic changes, an increasing trend of unipersonal homes headed by older people is been observed. As women live longer, they have higher chances of living alone during more years than older men. According to the cognitive discrepancy model, loneliness is a unpleasant feeling that results from a discrepancy between the levels of desired social contact and the reality achieved by a person. Therefore, the experience of loneliness depends on a subjective evaluation about a person's social relationships. According to Weiss (1983), there are two types of loneliness. The emotional loneliness is the subjective response to the lack of a general attach figure; the social loneliness results from the loss of social roles (widowhood, retirement, etc.) and the resulting loss of contact with people with whom one used to share their worries. At older ages it is more likely that one becomes or lives alone due to normative events that are common in later life, but this does not mean that all older adults who are or who live alone feel lonely. The group of people who are at higher risk of feeling lonely are: women, older people, without a confident partner, who live alone, with lower education level and less income. Moreover, an important negative association between loneliness and perceived social support has been detected in older adults. The general aim of this study was to identify the prevalence of feelings of loneliness and the factors that influence these feelings in women aged 60 or older. The study had a quantitative and cross-sectional methodology design. The inclusion criteria were: female gender, being 60 years old or older, living alone in the city of Valencia and being users of a private teleassistance service. The sample was composed of 267 women, with a mean age of 82,76 years old (SD = 4,74). A measuring instrument composed of questionnaires and scales was used, applied through telephone interviews. Measures included sociodemographic variables, knowledge and use of formal social support services, perceived health, life-space mobility, frequency of contact with family members, satisfaction with life, social network size and social isolation. In order to measure the presence and the intensity of feelings of loneliness, the de Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale was used. The results of the study show that loneliness is in fact more prevalent among the sample of people that were interviewed than in other groups of older adults. Sociodemographic characteristics were identified as playing a less important role than psychosocial variables in explanning the variance of loneliness. Strong associations between loneliness and health, social network size, frequency of contact with family members, and satisfaction with life were confirmed. Therefore, we conclude that these are key conditions that contribute for increasing or decreasing the feelings of loneliness in older women who live alone


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    AbstrakBuah ketapang mengandung zat pewarna tanin yang terdapat pada bagian kulit buahnya sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan dalam pembuatan pewarna alami. Pada penelitian ini buah ketapang yang digunakan adalah buah ketapang segar yang masih berwarna hijau dan diterapkan pada blus berbahan denim. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh jenis dan berat mordan terhadap hasil jadi pewarnaan menggunakan buah ketapang pada blus denim dan untuk mengetahui hasil terbaik. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen dengan variabel bebas jenis mordan yaitu tunjung dan kapur serta massa mordan 30 gram, 50 gram dan 70 gram. Variabel terikat dalam penelitian ini adalah hasil jadi pewarnaan buah ketapang yang dinilai dari aspek ketajaman warna dan daya serap warna. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik observasi yang kemudian data yang diperoleh diolah dengan metode analisis statistika anova ganda dengan menggunakan apliksi SPSS 22 dengan taraf signifikan α ≤ 0.05. Hasil analisis anava ganda diketahui bahwa interaksi berat dan jenis mordan tidak mempengaruhi hasil pengujian pada aspek ketajaman warna dan daya serap warna. Sedangkan jenis mordan mempengaruhi hasil pengujian aspek ketajaman warna dan daya serap warna, pada berat mordan hanya mempengaruhi pada pengujian aspek kartajaman warna dan tidak mempengaruhi pada pengujian daya serap warna. Hasil pewarnaan terbaik jika ditinjau dari ketajaman warna adalah mordan tunjung dengan berat 70 gram. Pada aspek daya serap diperoleh hasil pewarnaan terbaik pada jenis mordan tunjung.Kata Kunci: pewarnaan, buah ketapang, jenis mordan, berat mordan, denim.AbstractKetapang fruit contains tannin which are found on the skin of the fruit so that it can be used in making natural dyes. In this research the ketapang fruit used was fresh ketapang fruit which was still green and applied to denim blouses. The purpose of this research was to determine the type and weight effect of mordan on the results of eco dyeing with ketapang fruit on the denim blouse and determine the best result. The type of this research is experimental research with free variable in type of mordant that is tunjung and kapur and the other variabel is the weight of mordant that is 30 gram, 50 gram and 70 gram. The dependent variable in this research is the result of eco dyeing with ketapang fruit which is assessed from the aspect of the color sharpness and the absorption of color. Technique of collecting data using observation technique then the data obtained is processed by statistic analysis metode of multiple anova or two way anova by applying SPSS 22 with significant level α ≤ 0.05. The results revealed that the interaction of weight and type of mordan did not affect the results on aspects of color sharpness and color absorption. While the type of mordan affects the results of the aspect of color sharpness and color absorption, the weight of the mordan only affects of the color sharpness and does not affect the color absorption. The best results on the color sharpness aspect obtained mordan tunjung with weight 70 grams. On the aspect of absorption the best results obtained mordan tunjung.Keywords: eco dyeing, ketapang fruit, mordan type, mordan weight, denim

    El apoyo social y la soledad de las mujeres mayores usuarias de teleasistencia

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    Loneliness is a negative subjective experience based on the evaluation of the quality and the amount of the individual’s social interactions. Older adults’ social networks decrease because of losses associated to widowhood, retirement and an adaptive selection process; they eliminate those relations who are less intimate and the emotionally significant contacts are the only ones who remain. Because of these and other factors, elderly women who live alone were identified as being in major risk of feeling lonely. Objectives. 1. Learning about the prevalence of loneliness in a sample of older women who are users of a telecare service; 2. Identifying the characteristics of their social support network; 3. Establishing associations between loneliness and sociodemographic characteristics and between loneliness and social network. Method. Quantitative research with a cross-sectional design. Data was collected from a sample of 267 women (70-90 years old), who were users of a telecare service and lived alone in the city of Valencia. Researchers assessed feelings of loneliness, received social support and sociodemographic characteristics. Results. The mean loneliness score was 3.98 (SD = 2.827). Pearson correlation tests suggested negative and statistically significant associations between loneliness and received social support both from family members (r = -.401, p greater than .01) and from friends (r = -.416, p greater than .01). No significant differences were found in loneliness scores based on the sociodemographic variables. Conclusions. The prevalence of loneliness in this study was slightly higher than that of other elderly people’s samples, but the results confirmed the important association between loneliness and social support. In conclusion, the intervention programs intended to reduce loneliness should promote the interchange of social support and pay special attention to the older adults who are more isolated.La soledad es una experiencia subjetiva negativa que se basa en la evaluación de la calidad y la cantidad de las relaciones sociales del individuo. Como resultado de pérdidas asociadas a la viudedad, la jubilación y a un proceso adaptativo de selección, la red social de las personas mayores se ve reducida; se eliminan miembros menos cercanos y se mantienen solamente los contactos emocionalmente significativos. Por estos y por otros factores, se ha visto que las mujeres mayores que viven solas están en mayor riesgo de sentirse solas. Objetivos. 1. Conocer la prevalencia de soledad en una muestra de mujeres mayores usuarias del servicio de teleasistencia; 2. Identificar las características de su red de apoyo social; 3. Establecer asociaciones entre soledad y características sociodemográficas y de red social. Método. Investigación cuantitativa con diseño transversal. Se recogieron datos de una muestra de 267 mujeres (70-90 años), usuarias de un servicio de teleasistencia y que vivían solas en la ciudad de Valencia. Se midieron sus sentimientos de soledad, el apoyo social recibido y variables sociodemográficas. Resultados. La puntuación media de soledad fue de 3,98 (DT = 2,827). Las pruebas de correlación de Pearson sugieren asociaciones negativas y estadísticamente significativas entre soledad y apoyo social recibido tanto de familiares (r = -,401, p mayor que 0,01) como de amigos (r = -,416, p mayor que 0,01). No se encontraron diferencias significativas en la medida de soledad en función de las variables sociodemográficas. Conclusiones. La prevalencia de soledad en este estudio fue ligeramente más elevada que la de otras muestras de personas mayores, pero se ha confirmado la importante asociación entre soledad y apoyo social. Se concluye que los programas de intervención para paliar la soledad deberían promover el intercambio de apoyo social y tener especial atención con las personas mayores que están más aisladas

    A peptide-loaded dendritic cell based cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) vaccination strategy using peptides that span SIV Tat, Rev, and Env overlapping reading frames

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    CTL based vaccine strategies in the macaque model of AIDS have shown promise in slowing the progression to disease. However, rapid CTL escape viruses can emerge rendering such vaccination useless. We hypothesized that such escape is made more difficult if the immunizing CTL epitope falls within a region of the virus that has a high density of overlapping reading frames which encode several viral proteins. To test this hypothesis, we immunized macaques using a peptide-loaded dendritic cell approach employing epitopes in the second coding exon of SIV Tat which spans reading frames for both Env and Rev. We report here that autologous dendritic cells, loaded with SIV peptides from Tat, Rev, and Env, induced a distinct cellular immune response measurable ex vivo. However, conclusive in vivo control of a challenge inoculation of SIVmac239 was not observed suggesting that CTL epitopes within densely overlapping reading frames are also subject to escape mutations

    Screening and characterization of antimicrobial secondary metabolites from Halomonas salifodinae MPM-TC and its in vivo antiviral influence on Indian white shrimp Fenneropenaeus indicus against WSSV challenge

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    AbstractAntimicrobial secondary metabolites from extremophiles play a significant role in the pharmacological industry due to their stable and strong activity and it is used in the treatment of microbial infections. In the present work, Halomonas salifodinae MPM-TC (M. Peter Marian-T. Citarasu) was isolated from the solar salt works in India and identified by 16S rRNA sequencing. The secondary metabolites were extracted from H. salifodinae MPM-TC and tested for antibacterial activity against aquatic bacterial pathogens such as Vibrio harveyi, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Aeromonas hydrophila isolated from infected fish/shrimp, and it effectively controlled them with more than 10mm of zone of inhibition. The metabolites were purified through silica column chromatography and in vitro antiviral activity was performed against White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) using different fractions. Among the different tested fractions, fraction-III (F-III) was able to suppress WSSV replication. Shrimps challenged with a WSSV inoculum incubated with F-III and treated Fenneropenaeus indicus survived around twice as many as the controls. Gas chromatography–mass spectroscopic (GC–MS) analysis revealed that the antiviral active fraction contains around eight compounds including Perfluorotributylamine, Cyclopentane, 1-butyl-2-ethyl and 1,1′-Biphenyl]-3-amine. Further the active fraction F-III was incorporated in the artificial diets at the concentration of 200 (HS1), 400 (HS2) and 800 (HS3) μgkg−1 and fed to F. indicus for 30days. After 30days of culture, shrimps were challenged with virulent WSSV and studied for WSSV VP 28 gene expression, biochemical, haematological and immunological changes. Surprisingly, groups treated with lower concentrations of fraction F-III (HS1 or HS2) significantly (P<0.05) suppressed the viral replication. Different levels of protein and glucose, improved total haemocyte count (THC), coagulase activity and oxyhaemocyanin level all were comparable to controls. Also, immunological parameters such as prophenol oxidase and intracellular superoxide anion production were significantly increased (F=97.18; P⩽0.001 and F=5.70; P⩽0.05) in the groups treated with the three test concentrations. The presence of antiviral and immunostimulant active principles in the F-III fraction effectively suppressed the WSSV load and boosted F. indicus’s immune system. This research will help to develop novel antiviral drugs from plants against aquatic important pathogens

    Prevalence of GB virus type C in urban Americans infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1

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    GBV-C virus infection has been linked to improved clinical outcome in HIV-1 co-infected individuals. The epidemiology of GBV-C has, thus far, been limited to the gay male, HIV(+ )population. Here we describe the prevalence of antibodies against GBV-C envelope glycoprotein E2 and GBV-C viremia in an HIV(+ )inner city population. This study group is predominantly African-American; 41% of the participants are women. The major risk factor for HIV infection is intravenous drug use. Overall, 56% of the study population had evidence of current or past infection with GBV-C. GBV-C exposure was not associated with hepatitis C virus infection. The group of participants, who had GBV-C viremia and anti-E2 antibodies, had high percentage of patients with an undetectable HIV-1 viral load. These data provide increased insight into the prevalence of GBV-C co-infection in the HIV epidemic in this understudied population

    Análisis de predictores de síntomas ansiosos, depresivos y del estrés: Inteligencia emocional y afrontamiento

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    Marco teórico: La Inteligencia Emocional (IE), las estrategias de afrontamiento y la edad parecen jugar un papel importante en la aparición de sintomatología ansiosa, depresiva y de estrés, siendo todos ellos síntomas con una gran prevalencia y repercusión en España. Es por ello que estas variables se convierten en aspectos clave a considerar en relación a la salud mental. Por ello, el objetivo de este trabajo pretende comprobar si las habilidades de IE, el afrontamiento y la edad resultan predictores significativos de la psicopatología. Método: Participaron 256 españoles, evaluados en sintomatología ansiosa, depresiva y estrés (DASS-21), IE (TMMS-24) y afrontamiento (CAE). Se llevaron a cabo correlaciones de Pearson y modelos de regresiones jerárquicas (MRJ). Resultados: Los MRJ evidenciaron que una menor edad, menos claridad y altos niveles en atención, expresión emocional y autofocalización negativa predicen la ansiedad y el estrés, mientras que la depresión estuvo predicha por una alta atención y autofocalización y una baja claridad. Conclusiones: Señalamos la relevancia de la IE y el afrontamiento orientado a las emociones en la predicción de la psicopatología.Introduction: Emotional Intelligence (EI), coping strategies and age seem to play an important role in the appearance of anxious, depressive and stress symptoms, all of which are symptoms with a high prevalence and repercussion in Spain. This is why these variables become key aspects to consider in relation to mental health. Therefore, the aim of this study is to test whether EI skills, coping and age are significant predictors of psychopathology. Methods: 256 Spaniards aged 18 to 83 years old (M = 39,37; SD = 12,37), from which 74.60% were women participated in the study and were assessed on anxious, depressive and stress symptoms (DASS-21), EI (TMMS-24) and coping (CAE). Pearson correlations and hierarchical regression models (HRM) were carried out. Results: The younger participants, who presented higher levels of attention and emotional expression, lower levels of clarity and negative autofocalization presented a higher probability of having symptoms of anxiety and stress. Meanwhile, high scores in emotional attention and in autofocalization, and low scores in clarity increased the probability of depression. Conclusions: We point to the relevance of EI and emotion-oriented coping in relation to psychopathology, which results to be a valious data when it comes to designing interventions to prevent or reduce mental health problems