569 research outputs found

    Research on the Stability of the Grade Structure of a University Title

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    The evaluation of college teachers' title is an extremely important task in personnel management, and it is also the focus of college teachers and other professional and technical personnel. The work is policy-oriented and involves a wide range of issues. Whether it is scientific, fair and reasonable is related to whether it can mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of teachers. It is related to the construction of the teaching staff and the adjustment of the academic echelon, which is of great significance for promoting the sustainable development of higher education

    Diversity of Woodland Communities and Plant Species along an Altitudinal Gradient in the Guancen Mountains, China

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    Study on plant diversity is the base of woodland conservation. The Guancen Mountains are the northern end of Luliang mountain range in North China. Fifty-three quadrats of 10 m × 20 m of woodland communities were randomly established along an altitudinal gradient. Data for species composition and environmental variables were measured and recorded in each quadrat. To investigate the variation of woodland communities, a Two-Way Indicator Species Analysis (TWINSPAN) and a Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) were conducted, while species diversity indices were used to analyse the relationships between species diversity and environmental variables in this study. The results showed that there were eight communities of woodland vegetation; each of them had their own characteristics in composition, structure, and environment. The variation of woodland communities was significantly related to elevation and also related to slope, slope aspect, and litter thickness. The cumulative percentage variance of species-environment relation for the first three CCA axes was 93.5%. Elevation was revealed as the factor which most influenced community distribution and species diversity. Species diversity was negatively correlated with elevation, slope aspect, and litter thickness, but positively with slope. Species richness and heterogeneity increased first and then decreased but evenness decreased significantly with increasing elevation. Species diversity was correlated with slope, slope aspect, and litter thickness

    Optimierung zwangsgekühlter Energiekabel durch dreidimensionale FEM-Simulationen

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    Eine laterale Zwangskühlung kann die temporäre Überlastbarkeit einer Kabelanlage signifikant erhöhen. Der Entwurf solcher zwangsgekühlter Kabelanlagen erfordert jedoch eine zeitabhängige, dreidimensionale Analyse des nichtlinearen thermischen Verhaltens, da sich das Kühlwasser entlang der Trasse erwärmt und sich so eine orts- und zeitabhängige Wärmeaufnahme ergibt. Zu diesem Zweck wurde auf der Basis eines vorhandenen zweidimensionalen FEM-Programms ein neues Berechungsverfahren entwickelt, das die dreidimensionale Simulation zwangsgekühlter Kabelanlagen unter Berücksichtigung einer möglicherweise auftretenden partiellen Bodenaustrocknung und von thermischen Stabilisierungen erlaubt. Mit Hilfe dieses Berechnungsverfahrens wurde zuerst eine 110-kV-Kabelanlage zur Windenergie¬übertragung bei unterschiedlichen Anordnungen und unterschiedlichen Netzsituationen untersucht. Dabei zeigt sich, dass sich bei einer 110-kV-Kabelanlage mit lateraler Zwangskühlung zeitweise eine fünfzigprozentige temporäre Überlastbarkeit ergibt. Anschließend wurden das thermische Verhalten und die Grenzleistung einer zwangsgekühlten 380-kV-Kabelanlage überprüft. Nach den vorliegenden Ergebnissen eröffnet der Einsatz von lateralgekühlten Kabelsystemen neuartige Möglichkeiten der Betriebsführung mit Vorteilen z.B. bei Verfügbarkeit, Wirtschaftlichkeit und Flexibilität

    Study on rapid detection of degree of freshness of paddy rice in China: Poster

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    This paper describes research results and progress of rapid detection of the degree of freshness of paddy. We studied the changes of degree of freshness, fat acidity value and taste evaluated value of paddy under different storage conditions in the laboratory. The correlations between the degree of freshness, fat acidity value and taste evaluated value were analyzed. The results showed that there was a significant negative correlation (p < 0.01) between the degree of freshnessand fat acidity value. The correlation coefficient was -0.845. The degree of freshness was significantly positively correlated with the taste evaluated value, and most of the correlation coefficients were above 0.9. The nationwide investigation result of paddy’s degree of freshness showed that there was an obvious distinction in the degree of freshness between newly harvested rice and rice harvested in previous years. The degree of distinction of indica rice achieved 85%. Due to its special reasons, japonica rice had a lower degree of distinction, but it also reached 75%.This paper describes research results and progress of rapid detection of the degree of freshness of paddy. We studied the changes of degree of freshness, fat acidity value and taste evaluated value of paddy under different storage conditions in the laboratory. The correlations between the degree of freshness, fat acidity value and taste evaluated value were analyzed. The results showed that there was a significant negative correlation (p < 0.01) between the degree of freshnessand fat acidity value. The correlation coefficient was -0.845. The degree of freshness was significantly positively correlated with the taste evaluated value, and most of the correlation coefficients were above 0.9. The nationwide investigation result of paddy’s degree of freshness showed that there was an obvious distinction in the degree of freshness between newly harvested rice and rice harvested in previous years. The degree of distinction of indica rice achieved 85%. Due to its special reasons, japonica rice had a lower degree of distinction, but it also reached 75%

    EGTSyn: Edge-based Graph Transformer for Anti-Cancer Drug Combination Synergy Prediction

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    Combination therapy with multiple drugs is a potent therapy strategy for complex diseases such as cancer, due to its therapeutic efficacy and potential for reducing side effects. However, the extensive search space of drug combinations makes it challenging to screen all combinations experimentally. To address this issue, computational methods have been developed to identify prioritized drug combinations. Recently, Convolutional Neural Networks based deep learning methods have shown great potential in this community. Although the significant progress has been achieved by existing computational models, they have overlooked the important high-level semantic information and significant chemical bond features of drugs. It is worth noting that such information is rich and it can be represented by the edges of graphs in drug combination predictions. In this work, we propose a novel Edge-based Graph Transformer, named EGTSyn, for effective anti-cancer drug combination synergy prediction. In EGTSyn, a special Edge-based Graph Neural Network (EGNN) is designed to capture the global structural information of chemicals and the important information of chemical bonds, which have been neglected by most previous studies. Furthermore, we design a Graph Transformer for drugs (GTD) that combines the EGNN module with a Transformer-architecture encoder to extract high-level semantic information of drugs.Comment: 15 pages,4 figures,6 table

    A survey on application of information technologies in Chinese construction industry

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    The construction industry is a supportive industry in China. IT (information technolgy), including computer technology and communication technology, as a whole is regarded as the most important means to upgrade the construction industry so that research projects were organized by Chinese government to further the application of IT in the construction industry. This study originated from one of the projects and is aimed at grasping the general situation on the application of IT in the construction industry. A questionnaire was designed for the survey, which used stratified proportional sampling method, and was carried out under the help of a government agency. This study can not only provide sound foundation for the government to make relative policies, but also reveal references for the firms in construction industry to apply IT in their business. This paper presents the preliminary result of the survey

    Operation Warp Speed: Projects responding to the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic has profound socio-economic consequences. Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures, so this paper focuses on radical changes to accepted practice in project organizing in response. In particular, we focus on schedule compression to deliver outputs to mitigate the immediate impact of the pandemic on health. In the spirit of engaged scholarship, which is problem-driven rather than theory-driven, we address directly the evidence of what happened in two empirical vignettes and one more substantial case study – the CoronavirusUY app; emergency field hospitals; and vaccine development. We then suggest the implications for project management theory in discussion

    Large mass-independent sulphur isotope anomalies link stratospheric volcanism to the Late Ordovician mass extinction

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    Volcanic eruptions are thought to be a key driver of rapid climate perturbations over geological time, such as global cooling, global warming, and changes in ocean chemistry. However, identification of stratospheric volcanic eruptions in the geological record and their causal link to the mass extinction events during the past 540 million years remains challenging. Here we report unexpected, large mass-independent sulphur isotopic compositions of pyrite with Δ33S of up to 0.91‰ in Late Ordovician sedimentary rocks from South China. The magnitude of the Δ33S is similar to that discovered in ice core sulphate originating from stratospheric volcanism. The coincidence between the large Δ33S and the first pulse of the Late Ordovician mass extinction about 445 million years ago suggests that stratospheric volcanic eruptions may have contributed to synergetic environmental deteriorations such as prolonged climatic perturbations and oceanic anoxia, related to the mass extinction

    Asiakastyytyväisyystutkimus : Case: Recycling Oy R. Okkonen

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    Opinnäytetyössä tutkittiin Recycling Oy R. Okkosen asiakkaiden tyytyväisyyttä yrityksen palveluihin sekä pyrittiin saamaan tietoa asiakkaiden tarvitsemista palveluista. Tutkimukseen ryhdyttiin, koska tutkimuksella oli sekä tutkijaa että yritystä hyödyntävä näkökulma. Tutkijalla oli kokemusta yrityksen toiminnasta, jolloin opinnäytetyön toteuttaminen tuntui mielenkiintoiselta, ja lisäksi yrityksellä oli tarvetta tutkimukselle, koska sellaista ei oltu aikaisemmin tehty. Tutkimus käynnistyi aiheen valinnalla, jonka jälkeen laadittiin haastattelulomake ja se jaettiin tutkimussuunnitelman asettaman rajauksen mukaisesti taloyhtiöihin, joissa yrityksellä oli kuukausikohtainen huoltosopimus. Saadut vastaukset muokattiin sähköiseen muotoon ja tämän jälkeen alkoi tutkimuksen kirjallisen raportin toteuttaminen. Tutkimusta tarkasteltiin yrityksen näkökulmasta. Raportissa käytettiin kvantitatiivista tutkimustapaa, eli asiakastyytyväisyyttä mitattiin survey-tyyppisellä haastattelulomakkeella. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa oli havaittavissa kvalitatiivisen tutkimuksen piirteitä, kun saatuja vastauksia tulkittiin. Tutkimuksen tutkimusote oli kuvaileva. Teoreettisen lähdemateriaalin osuus jätettiin työssä pienemmälle painoarvolle, koska case-metodologialla toteutetussa työssä suurempi paino haluttiin antaa tutkijan omalle pohdinnalle ja syvemmälle analyysille yrityksestä. Tutkimus osoitti, että yrityksen palveluita ei tunnettu tarpeeksi hyvin. Näin ollen tunnettuutta olisi lisättävä. Yrityksen kotisivujen sisältöön saatiin myös paljon kehitysideoita. Vaikkei yritys kerännyt varsinaisesti palautetta, oli vastaajien mielestä palautteen antaminen helppoa. Jatkossa palautetta toivottiin kerättävän palautelaatikon muodossa. Yrityksen yhteystiedot koettiin olevan helposti saatavilla. Erityistä kiitosta annettiin puheluihin vastaamisesta sekä töiden toteuttamisesta nopeasti myös virka-ajan ulkopuolella.Tutkimus osoitti, että vastaajat olivat kokonaisuudessaan tyytyväisiä yrityksen palveluihin. Tutkimuksen avulla saatiin esiin uusia kehitettävissä olevia palveluja. Näin ollen tutkimus onnistui saamaan asiakkaiden mielipiteitä ilmi heidän tarvitsemistaan palveluista. Tutkimuksesta selvisi, että yksilöllisille palveluille löytyi kysyntää. Asiakkaat olivat myös valmiita maksamaan kiinteistönhuoltopalveluista. Myös isännöitsijä oli tyytyväinen kiinteistönhoitajan toimiin sekä kiinteistönhoitajan ja isännöitsijän väliseen toimeksiantosuhteeseen.The purpose of this thesis was to study a customer satisfaction and service about Recycling Oy R. Okkonen. The subject of thesis was chosen because it had mutual benefit for the company and researcher. The research was needed because company wanted to know their customers' needs and if there were something to improve in their operations. The research started from letter survey in January 2008. Letters were delivered to housing organizations which had monthly maintenance contract with the company. Received answers were later transferred in electrical form so that they were easier to process and analyze. The thesis was examined from the company's point of view. The research that was used was quantitative one. The thesis also used forms of qualitative research. Because of the case methodology, the amount of source material was minor. It gave opportunity for researcher to anylyze deeper the results of the study. The research pointed out that services of the company were not known well enough. Therefore research ended up in conclusion that the company has to improve its conspicuousness. The thesis managed to receive information that was needed to develop company's home pages. Opinions of respondents proved that feedback was easy to give to the company. The study revealed that company's contact information was easy to reach. Especially positive opinion was given to the company's work performance out of office hours. The results revealed that the customers of Recycling Oy R. Okkonen were highly satisfied with company's operations. The study managed to find out which were the customers needs for the services. The study also pointed out that there was demand for customer services. Customers were ready to pay for services of repair and maintenance of properties. Estate manager was satisfied for the assignment relationship between him and property manager. The study reached reliable research results from the author of the thesis point of view