18 research outputs found

    Two distributions shedding light on supernova Ia progenitors: delay times and G-dwarf metallicities

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    Using a population number synthesis code with detailed binary evolution, we calculate the distribution of the number of type Ia supernovae as a function of time after starburst. This is done for both main progenitor scenarios (single degenerate and double degenerate), but also with various evolutionary assumptions (such as mass transfer efficiency, angular momentum loss, and common envelope description). The comparison of these theoretically predicted delay time distributions with observations in elliptical galaxies then allows to constrain the evolutionary scenarios and parameters. From the morphological shape of the distributions, we conclude that all supernovae Ia cannot be produced through the single degenerate scenario alone, with the best match being obtained when both scenarios contribute. Within the double degenerate scenario, most systems go through a phase of quasi-conservative, stable Roche lobe overflow. We propose stellar rotation as a possible solution for the underestimation of the observed absolute number of events, as is the case in many theoretical population synthesis studies. A brief comparison with these other studies is made, showing good correspondence under the nontrivial condition of equivalent assumptions. We also investigate the influence of different supernova Ia progenitors and evolutionary parameters on the theoretical distribution of the iron abundance of G-type dwarfs in the Galactic disk. These stars are good indicators of the entire chemical history of the Galaxy, and their predicted metallicity distribution can also be compared to the observational ones. This again limits the number of acceptable combinations of assumptions. Supporting previous results, the best correspondence is found in the case where both the single and double degenerate scenario contribute.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to appear in proceedings of "IAUS 281: Binary Paths to Type Ia Supernovae Explosions

    Close Pairs as Probes of the Galaxy's Chemical Evolution

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    Understanding the galaxy in which we live is one of the great intellectual challenges facing modern science. With the advent of high quality observational data, the chemical evolution modeling of our galaxy has been the subject of numerous studies in the last years. However, all these studies have one missing element which is the evolution of close binaries. Reason: their evolution is very complex and single stars only perhaps can do the job. (Un)Fortunately at present we know that a significant fraction of the observed intermediate mass and massive stars are members of a binary or multiple system and that certain objects can only be formed through binary evolution. Therefore galactic studies that do not account for close binaries may be far from realistic. We implemented a detailed binary population in a galactic chemical evolutionary model. Notice that this is not something simple like replacing chemical yields. Here we discuss three topics: the effect of binaries on the evolution of 14N, the evolution of the type Ia supernova rate and the effects on the G-dwarf distribution, the link between the evolution of the r-process elements and double neutron star mergers (candidates of short gamma-ray burst objects).Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, Invited paper at IAUS240, IAUXXVI GA Pragu

    Services for GNSS users within the ESA Space Situational Awareness Space Weather Service Network

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    Ionospheric Space Weather can adversely degrade the performance of radio systems in communication, space based navigation and remote sensing. Navigation signals transmitted by Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) are delayed, refracted and diffracted by the highly variable ionosphere affecting the accuracy, availability, continuity and integrity of GNSS signals which can be crucial in safety of life and precise positioning applications. Therefore detection, monitoring and prediction of ionospheric effects are important for mitigating such impact. In the frame of its Space Situational Awareness (SSA) programme, the European Space Agency (ESA) is establishing a Space Weather Service Network to support end-users, in a wide range of affected sectors, in mitigating the effects of space weather on their systems, reducing costs and improving reliability. In this paper we present an overview of the current status of the network, the targeted end user groups and Expert Service Centers (ESCs). Focusing on the ESC for Ionospheric Weather (I-ESC), we report on the currently available products and tools as well as on the recent and ongoing activities in expanding the network for this domain

    The detection of ultra-relativistic electrons in low Earth orbit

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    Aims. To better understand the radiation environment in low Earth orbit (LEO), the analysis of in-situ observations of a variety of particles, at different atmospheric heights, and in a wide range of energies, is needed. Methods. We present an analysis of energetic particles, indirectly detected by the large yield radiometer (LYRA) instrument on board ESA's project for on-board autonomy 2 (PROBA2) satellite as background signal. Combining energetic particle telescope (EPT) observations with LYRA data for an overlapping period of time, we identified these particles as electrons with an energy range of 2 to 8 MeV. Results. The observed events are strongly correlated to geo-magnetic activity and appear even during modest disturbances. They are also well confined geographically within the L = 4–6 McIlwain zone, which makes it possible to identify their source. Conclusions. Although highly energetic particles are commonly perturbing data acquisition of space instruments, we show in this work that ultra-relativistic electrons with energies in the range of 2–8 MeV are detected only at high latitudes, while not present in the South Atlantic Anomaly region

    Services for Space Mission support within the ESA Space Situational Awareness Space Weather Service Network.

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    Spacecraft operations are by nature complex and every satellite's operational environment poses a range of potential risks, often a unique combination for a given orbit. The implications of interruptions of operations, data transfer and service provision, are serious, both in terms of cost and capability, thus it is imperative to mitigate against all operational risks to the fullest extent possible. In the frame of its Space Situational Awareness (SSA) programme, the European Space Agency (ESA) is establishing a Space Weather Service Network to support end-users, in a wide range of affected sectors, in mitigating the effects of space weather on their systems, reducing costs and improving reliability. This service network is currently in a test and validation phase and encourages user engagement and feedback. The network is organised around five Expert Service Centres (ESCs) focusing on Solar Weather, Heliospheric Weather, Space Radiation Environment, Ionospheric Weather and Geomagnetic Conditions. Each ESC is connecting different expert groups, federating their space weather products, and ensuring the quality and consistency of the provided information. The service network also includes a central Data Centre and the SSA Space Weather Coordination Centre (SSCC). In this presentation we give an overview of the current status of the network (http://swe.ssa.esa.int/), the targeted end-user groups and Expert Service Centres with a focus on the space community

    Services for Space Mission Support Within The ESA Space Situational Awareness Space Weather Service Network

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    Spacecraft operations are by nature complex and every satellite's operational environment poses a range of potential risks, often a unique combination for a given orbit. The implications of interruptions of operations, data transfer and service provision, are serious, both in terms of cost and capability, thus it is imperative to mitigate against all operational risks to the fullest extent possible. In the frame of its Space Situational Awareness (SSA) programme, the European Space Agency (ESA) is establishing a Space Weather Service Network to support end-users, in a wide range of affected sectors, in mitigating the effects of space weather on their systems, reducing costs and improving reliability. This service network is currently in a test and validation phase and encourages user engagement and feedback. The network is organised around five Expert Service Centres (ESCs) focusing on Solar Weather, Heliospheric Weather, Space Radiation Environment, Ionospheric Weather and Geomagnetic Conditions. Each ESC is connecting different expert groups, federating their space weather products, and ensuring the quality and consistency of the provided information. The service network also includes a central Data Centre and the SSA Space Weather Coordination Centre (SSCC). In this presentation we give an overview of the current status of the network (http://swe.ssa.esa.int/), the targeted end-user groups and Expert Service Centres with a focus on the space community

    Services for GNSS users provided by the Expert Service Center Ionospheric Weather within ESA Space Situational Awareness Programme

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    The ionosphere impacts transionospheric radio signals by delay, refraction and diffraction. This includes navigation signals transmitted by Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). The highly variable ionosphere affects the accuracy, availability, continuity and integrity of GNSS signals. Since GNSS services are relevant in diverse safety of life and precise positioning applications, detection, monitoring and prediction of ionospheric effects are important for mitigating related threats to human life and economy. Within the Space Situational Awareness (SSA) Programme the European Space Agency (ESA) aims to help end-users in a wide range of affected sectors to mitigate the effects of space weather on their systems, reducing costs and improving reliability. Currently, a comprehensive system to monitor, predict and disseminate space weather information and alerts is being developed. Within this activity, a dedicated space weather network is organized around internationally distributed Expert Service Centres (ESCs). Being part of this network, the ESC Ionospheric Weather comprises the expertise concerning space weather effects in the upper atmosphere, including the ionosphere. This expertise is specifically applicable in the domains of transionospheric radio links and space surveillance and tracking. The requirements and design of the services to be provided in the SSA space weather network have been compiled based on intensive communication with end-users during the SSA Preparatory Phase. Now, initial services are available and we will show an overview on the currently operating ESC Ionospheric Weather. This includes the provided services and products, the targeted end-user groups and the contributing expert groups. We will start to show the current product delivery and describe the further developments as part of the currently active SSA Period 2. In order to improve the network support capabilities and the tailoring of its services we are keen to gather feedback and requirements from end-users within the navigation and positioning sector. All the products and tools within the SSA space weather network are accessible through the SSA Space Weather Portal at http://swe.ssa.esa.int/

    Quo vadis, European Space Weather community?

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    This paper was written by a group of European researchers believing that now is the right time to frame the Space Weather and Space Climate discipline in Europe for future years. It is devoted to openly discussing the organisation and sustainability of the European Space Weather community and its assets in the (near) future. More specifically, we suggest that the European Space Weather community lacks a uniting organisation to help the community to sustain and develop the successful efforts made thus far. Our aim is not to draw a complete and exhaustive panorama of Space Weather throughout the world, nor even throughout Europe. It is not a new white paper on the science and applications: there exist many (e.g. Tsurutani et al., 2020 Nonlinear Processes Geophys 27(1): 75-119); nor another roadmap: several important have been published recently (e.g. Schrijver et al., 2015. Adv Space Res 55(12): 2745-2807; Opgenoorth et al., 2019. J Space Weather Space Clim 9: A37). Our aim is to question our practices and organisation in front of several changes that have occurred in the recent years and to set the ground to provide coordinated answers to these questions being posed in Europe, and to make these answers discussed throughout the world. This group was assembled first through a series of sessions devoted to the sustainability of Space Weather research during the European Space Weather Week (ESWW) series of meetings, specifically: ESWW 14 (2017), ESWW 15 (2018), and ESWW 16 (2019). It then grew from discussions and personal contacts. The authors do not pretend to identify the full range of opinions in Europe, although they do come from 13 different European countries with a large span of ages (around half are below the age of 40 years old at the time of writing) with a good gender balance ending with a diverse mix of young and motivated scientists and senior people who have played a role in shaping the Space Weather community in Europe. The questions and the propositions to organise Space Weather in Europe in the future result from their discussions through these meetings and through remote meetings during the pandemic. We wish to share them with all those who consider themselves as members of the European Space Weather community and/or are interested in its future and to propose actions. We do this, bearing in mind that Europe plays a key international role in Space Weather which extends beyond the ESA and EU/EC geographic area.Peer reviewe