1,815 research outputs found
Otimização do mix de produtos e clientes em um planejamento agregado de produção: estudo de caso Embraco
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção.Este trabalho apresenta uma aplicação ilustrativa, em uma empresa brasileira do setor metal-mecânico - a Embraco, da utilização de um modelo de programação linear para o problema de planejamento agregado da produção em dois estágios sobre múltiplos períodos. O modelo de otimização cria um plano de produção viável que otimiza os lucros marginais ao escolher o melhor mix de produtos e clientes. Os resultados obtidos através da utilização do modelo são comparados com os resultados do planejamento atual, sob a ótica do desempenho operacional, ou seja, os impactos na confiabilidade de entrega de produtos, e sob ótica do desempenho financeiro, calculando-se os impactos nos lucros marginais e na geração do fluxo de caixa. Considera-se que os objetivos da aplicação de tal modelo foram atingidos e que os resultados obtidos foram positivos e possuem utilidade prática como pré-estudo de viabilidade para a implantação de tal metodologia
Supressão de plantas espontâneas pelo uso de cobertura vegetal de crotalária e sorgo.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito dos adubos verdes na supressão de plantas espontâneas. O experimento foi instalado no Centro de Ciências Agrárias/UFSCar, Araras, São Paulo, em delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, sendo utilizados crotalária (Crotalaria spectabilis) e sorgo forrageiro (Sorghum bicolor) e dois manejos da fitomassa (incorporado e superficial), com quatro repetições. Foram obtidos os índices de valor de importância (IVI) das plantas espontâneas aos 15, 30 e 45 dias após o corte da fitomassa (DAC). Para crotalária incorporada, as espécies Ipomoea triloba (corda de viola), Euphorbia heterophylla (amendoim bravo) e Cenchrus echinatus (capim carrapicho) apresentaram alto IVI. No manejo em que a fitomassa da crotalária ficou em superfície, Cyperus rotundus (tiririca) se destacou, quanto ao IVI. No manejo com sorgo, a planta C. echinatus aos 15 DAC apresentou o IVI no manejo incorporado de 83,8 e em superfície foi zero. Já para C. rotundus, a incorporação da fitomassa resultou em menor IVI. Concluiu-se que a utilização de adubos verdes na supressão das plantas espontâneas, depende das espécies espontâneas e de adubos verdes e do manejo da fitomassa.
Relationship in the anatomical position of the greater palatine hole in patients with superior premolar exodonctic and orthodontic treatment
Antecedentes: la determinación de la relación entre el agujero palatino mayor (APM), la raíz distal del segundo molar y la sutura media palatina (SMP) permitirá en la población, generar el conocimiento necesario para poder realizar una planificación adecuada de los procedimientos quirúrgicos que involucren esta zona, disminuyendo así la tasa de iatrogenia y las complicaciones intra y posquirúrgicas en esta región anatómica, favoreciendo la toma de mayor cantidad de injerto del paladar. Objetivo: determinar la relación de la posición anatómica del agujero palatino mayor en pacientes con exodoncia de premolares superiores indicados por ortodoncia con tratamiento ortodóntico finalizado comparándolo con pacientes sin exodoncia de premolares y sin tratamiento ortodóntico, mediante tomografías computarizadas de haz de cono. Materiales y métodos: se incluyeron imágenes CBCT de 63 pacientes en este estudio, las cuales se dividieron en dos grupos; el grupo 1 incluyó 33 CBCT de pacientes con exodoncia de premolares y tratamiento ortodóntico finalizado, y el grupo 2 incluyó 30 CBCT de pacientes sin exodoncia de premolares ni tratamiento ortodóntico. Se analizaron las tomografías con el programa CS 3D Imaging Software tomando dos mediciones: a) raíz distal del segundo molar superior y b) sutura media palatina con respecto al agujero palatino mayor. Resultados: la edad promedio de los pacientes del grupo 1 fue de 30,76 y del grupo 2 fue de 44,2; predominó el sexo femenino en ambos grupos. En el grupo 1 la distancia del APM a la SMP del lado derecho fue de 14,16±0,80 mm y del lado izquierdo de 14,28±0,96 mm; respecto a la referencia anatómica de la raíz distal del segundo molar, del lado derecho fue 10,04±2,19 mm y del izquierdo de 10,40±2,53 mm. En el grupo 2 la distancia del APM a la SMP del lado derecho fue de 13,59±2,96 mm y del lado izquierdo de 14,32±1,04 mm. Respecto a la referencia anatómica de la raíz distal del segundo molar, del lado derecho fue 8,15±3,18 mm y del izquierdo de 8,14±3,83 mm en pacientes con exodoncia de premolares y tratamiento de ortodoncia finalizado. La referencia del agujero palatino mayor con respecto a la sutura media palatina, no varió en los pacientes sin exodoncia de premolares ni tratamiento de ortodoncia; mientras que en relación con la raíz distal del segundo molar si se presentó diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre la media de la distancia del APM a la raíz distal del segundo molar en el lado derecho del grupo 1 (M=10,04 DE=2,19) y la media de la distancia del APM a la raíz distal del segundo molar derecho del grupo 2 (M=8,15 DE=3,18) p<0,05. De igual manera, hubo una diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre la distancia del APM a la raíz distal segundo molar izquierdo en el grupo 1 (Me=10 RI=2) y el grupo 2 (Me=7,60 RI=6,1) p <0,05. Conclusión: es importante considerar las tomografías, como ayuda diagnóstica, para el estudio de estructuras anatómicas que a través de otras modalidades de imagen no pueden ser vistas. En procedimientos que requieran una toma extensa de injerto de tejido blando del paladar, el agujero palatino mayor puede ser un obstáculo anatómico, que con el uso de la tomografía puede proporcionarle al clínico una cirugía más segura. El presente estudio mostró una diferencia estadísticamente significativa con respecto a la distancia del APM a la raíz distal del segundo molar, del lado izquierdo y derecho, en pacientes con exodoncia de premolares y tratamiento ortodóntico finalizado.Facultad de Odontología, Pontificia Universidad JaverianaBackground: the determination of the relation between the greater palatine foramen, the distal root of the second upper molar and the middle maxillary suture will allow the population the necessary knowledge to be able to carry out an adequate planning of the surgical procedures that involve this area, thus decreasing the iatrogenic rate and intra and post-surgical complications in this anatomical region, favoring the taking of greater amount of palate graft. Objective: determine the relation of the anatomical position of the greater palatine foramen in patients with exodontic of upper premolar indicated by orthodontics with finished orthodontic treatment by comparing it with patients without premolar orthodontics and without orthodontic treatment, using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). Materials and methods: CBCT images of 63 patients were included in this study, which were divided into two groups; group 1 included 33 CBCT of patients with premolar exodontic and finished orthodontic treatment, and group 2 included 30 CBCT of patients without premolar exodontic or orthodontic treatment. The tomography were analyzed with the CS 3D Imaging Software program taking two measurements with respect to: a) distal root of the second upper molar and b) middle maxillary suture with respect to the greater palatine foramen. Results: the average age of the patients in group 1 was 30.76 and in group 2 it was 44.2; female sex prevailed in both groups. In group 1, the distance from the GPF to the MMS on the right side was 14.16 ± 0.80 mm and on the left side 14.28 ± 0.96 mm; With respect to the anatomical reference of the distal root of the second upper molar, the right side was 10.04 ± 2.19 mm and the left was 10.40 ± 2.53 mm. In group 2, the distance from the GPF to the MMS on the right side was 13.59 ± 2.96 mm and from the left side of 14.32 ± 1.04 mm. Regarding the anatomical reference of the distal root of the second upper molar, the right side was 8.15 ± 3.18 mm and the left was 8.14 ± 3.83 mm in patients with premolar exodontics and finished orthodontic treatment. The reference of the greater palatine foramen with respect to the middle maxillary suture does not vary in patients without premolar exodontics and orthodontic treatment; while in relation to the distal root of the second molar there was a statistically significant difference between the mean distance of the greater palatine foramen and the distal root of the second molar on the right side of group 1 (M = 10.04 SD = 2 , 19) and the mean distance of the greater palatine foramen than the distal root of the second right molar of group 2 (M = 8.15 SD = 3.18) p <0.05. Similarly, there was a statistically significant difference between the distance of the greater palatine foramen to the left second molar distal root in group 1 (Me = 10 RI = 2) and group 2l (Me = 7.60 RI = 6.1 ) p <0.05.Conclusion: it is important to consider the CBCT as a diagnostic tool for the study of anatomical structures that cannot be seen through other imaging modalities. In procedures that require an extensive palate graft, the greater palatine foramen can be an anatomical obstacle, which with the use of CBCT can provide the clinician a safer surgery. The present study showed a stadistically significant difference between the distance of the GPF to the distal root of the second upper molar, on the left and right side, in patients with premolar exodontics and finished orthodontic treatment.Especialista en PeriodonciaEspecializació
Relationship between nutrology and oral health: a systematic review of major clinical findings
Introduction: Food and nutrition are fundamental in maintaining the general and oral health of populations. Health status can be affected by nutrient deficiency and vice versa. Dietary guidelines were developed to provide evidence-based food and beverage recommendations to populations to promote a diet that meets nutritional needs and prevents diet-related illness. Objective: Aimed to carry out a concise systematic review to elucidate through clinical studies the real relationship between nutrition and oral health. Methods: The rules of the Systematic Review-PRISMA Platform. The research was carried out from August to October 2022 and developed based on Scopus, PubMed, Science Direct, Scielo, and Google Scholar, using scientific articles from 2005 to 2022. The quality of the studies was based on the GRADE instrument and the risk of bias was analyzed according to the Cochrane instrument. Results and Conclusion: A total of 125 articles were found. In total, 75 articles were fully evaluated and 35 were included and evaluated in this systematic review. It was concluded that food and nutrition are fundamental in maintaining the general and oral health of populations. Health status can be affected by nutrient deficiency and vice versa. Nutrology can promote a diet that meets nutritional needs and prevent diet-related diseases such as tooth decay. It was evidenced that malnutrition can significantly affect oral health and vice versa. A diet lacking in nutrients can lead to the progression of oral cavity disease by altering tissue homeostasis, reducing resistance to microbial biofilm, and decreasing tissue healing. It can also affect the development of the oral cavity
Implementação de um sistema de desempoeiramento para transporte de calcário entre transportadores / Implementation of a removal system for the transport of limestone between carriers
Os materiais particulados, quando lançados na atmosfera, causam danos à saúde da população se inalados. Para minimizar o impacto negativo e atender a legislação torna-se necessário realizar o tratamento do ar contaminado. O presente trabalho, tem por objetivo implementar um sistema de desempoeiramento em uma cimenteira localizada em Adrianópolis - PR. Para tanto, determinou-se os pontos de captura, posição de instalação dos equipamentos garantindo um ciclo eficiente no tratamento do ar
Análise visual e estudo das manifestações patológicas de uma edificação de concreto armado / Visual analysis and study of pathological manifestations of a reinforced concrete building
As manifestações patológicas trazem transtornos para os usuários, assim como para o construtor, pois os custos de uma intervenção após uma obra pronta são maiores se comparados aos custos de uma execução bem-feita. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo de caso de sobre manifestações patológicas caracterizadas por fissuras, trincas, rachaduras e umidade, ocorrendo com intensidades relevantes nas alvenarias da edificação. No desenvolvimento dessa pesquisa foram analisadas as manifestações por inspeção visual de uma edificação, de acordo com a norma do IBAPE (2012) visando identificar as causas e classificá-las de acordo com o seu grau de periculosidade. As fissuras e trincas presentes neste trabalho foram observadas em um intervalo de oito meses e durante este período foi construído um segundo pavimento aumentando a carga imposta à estrutura e, consequentemente, a tensão no solo. A avaliação das patologias na estrutura, neste caso, visa observar o comportamento da estrutura para este acréscimo de cargas, se haveria aumento da abertura das fissuras e trincas ou mesmo se surgiriam outras patologias. Por fim, a conclusão do trabalho se fundamenta que as patologias presentes na edificação foram classificadas com grau de risco baixo e não comprometem a estrutura
Prediction of Depression Scores From Aerobic Fitness, Body Fatness, Physical Activity, and Vagal Indices in Non-exercising, Female Workers
[EN] Background: Depression is associated with a decreased cardiorespiratory fitness,
and physical activity [PA] levels, higher rates of obesity, and dysfunction in autonomic
control of heart rate [HR]. However, these parameters were mostly recorded with indirect
methods. Thus, the aim of the current study was to investigate the relationships between
depression scores and objective measures of body fatness, autonomic indices (i.e. HRV
and HRR), cardiorespiratory fitness and PA levels; and subsequently to present the best
predictive models of depression scores for this population, based on these variables.
Methods: Thirty-five non-exercising women (26–43 years; maximal oxygen
consumption [VO2max] ∼ 17.4–38.3 mL/kg/min) volunteered for participation in
this study. All participants responded to the Beck Depression Inventory [DBI] and
were evaluated for body mass index [BMI], percentage of body fat, sum of skinfolds,
and VO2max. Subsequently, over four consecutive days, an orthostatic test and
a submaximal exercise on a cycle ergometer were performed to record HRV and
HRR, respectively. In addition, incidental PA was recorded during 5 consecutive days
using accelerometers.
Results: depression scores were related to VO2max (r = −0.446, p = 0.007) and
the sum of skinfolds (r = 0.434, p = 0.009). Several stepwise multiple linear regression
models were performed and only VO2max was revealed as an independent predictor of
the Beck scores (ß = −0.446, R² = 0.199, p = 0.007).
Conclusion: The present study revealed that VO2max and the sum of skinfolds were
moderately related to depression scores, while VO2max was the only independent
predictor of depression scores in female workers
Classificatory disputes and scientific controversies: society, nature, and culture in the Anthropocene
In general, the idea of Anthropocene refers to the set of socio-historical, ecological, economic, and technological transformations responsible for configuring a new stage of regulation and evolution of the planetary geological system. From its original proposition in the 2000s, this notion gained increasing repercussion, mobilizing different positions in multiple fields of scientific knowledge. This article aims to develop a critical analysis of some of the main concepts found in such debates, from the mobilization of three fundamental analytical categories: the concepts of Society, Nature, and Culture. In methodological terms, this is a literature review article based on qualitative and non-systematic bibliographic research. The analysis undertaken here indicates how the different approaches mobilized by the driving idea of Anthropocene result in theoretical movements that redefine the relationships between agency, structure, and social change in the historical context of modern industrial societies.In general, the idea of Anthropocene refers to the set of socio-historical, ecological, economic, and technological transformations responsible for configuring a new stage of regulation and evolution of the planetary geological system. From its original proposition in the 2000s, this notion gained increasing repercussion, mobilizing different positions in multiple fields of scientific knowledge. This article aims to develop a critical analysis of some of the main concepts found in such debates, from the mobilization of three fundamental analytical categories: the concepts of Society, Nature, and Culture. In methodological terms, this is a literature review article based on qualitative and non-systematic bibliographic research. The analysis undertaken here indicates how the different approaches mobilized by the driving idea of Anthropocene result in theoretical movements that redefine the relationships between agency, structure, and social change in the historical context of modern industrial societies.In general, the idea of Anthropocene refers to the set of socio-historical, ecological, economic, and technological transformations responsible for configuring a new stage of regulation and evolution of the planetary geological system. From its original proposition in the 2000s, this notion gained increasing repercussion, mobilizing different positions in multiple fields of scientific knowledge. This article aims to develop a critical analysis of some of the main concepts found in such debates, from the mobilization of three fundamental analytical categories: the concepts of Society, Nature, and Culture. In methodological terms, this is a literature review article based on qualitative and non-systematic bibliographic research. The analysis undertaken here indicates how the different approaches mobilized by the driving idea of Anthropocene result in theoretical movements that redefine the relationships between agency, structure, and social change in the historical context of modern industrial societies.In general, the idea of Anthropocene refers to the set of socio-historical, ecological, economic, and technological transformations responsible for configuring a new stage of regulation and evolution of the planetary geological system. From its original proposition in the 2000s, this notion gained increasing repercussion, mobilizing different positions in multiple fields of scientific knowledge. This article aims to develop a critical analysis of some of the main concepts found in such debates, from the mobilization of three fundamental analytical categories: the concepts of Society, Nature, and Culture. In methodological terms, this is a literature review article based on qualitative and non-systematic bibliographic research. The analysis undertaken here indicates how the different approaches mobilized by the driving idea of Anthropocene result in theoretical movements that redefine the relationships between agency, structure, and social change in the historical context of modern industrial societies
The partial inhibition of hypothalamic IRX3 exacerbates obesity
The Iroquois homeobox 3 (Irx3) gene has been identified as a functional long-range target of obesity-associated variants within the fat mass and obesity-associated protein (FTO) gene. It is highly expressed in the hypothalamus, and both whole-body knockout and hypothalamic restricted abrogation of its expression results in a lean phenotype, which is mostly explained by the resulting increased energy expenditure in the brown adipose tissue. Because of its potential implication in the pathogenesis of obesity, we evaluated the hypothalamic cell distribution of Irx3 and the outcomes of inhibiting its expression in a rodent model of diet-induced obesity. Methods: Bioinformatics tools were used to evaluate the correlations between hypothalamic Irx3 and neurotransmitters, markers of thermogenesis and obesity related phenotypes. Droplet-sequencing analysis in >20,000 hypothalamic cells was used to explore the types of hypothalamic cells expressing Irx3. Lentivirus was used to inhibit hypothalamic Irx3 and the resulting phenotype was studied. Findings: IRX3 is expressed predominantly in POMC neurons. Its expression is inhibited during prolonged fasting, as well as when mice are fed a high-fat diet. The partial inhibition of hypothalamic Irx3 using a lentivirus resulted in increased diet-induced body mass gain and adiposity due to increased caloric intake and reduced energy expenditure. Interpretation: Contrary to the results obtained when lean mice are submitted to complete inhibition of Irx3, partial inhibition of hypothalamic Irx3 in obese mice causes an exacerbation of the obese phenotype. These data suggest that at least some of the Irx3 functions in the hypothalamus are regulated according to a hormetic pattern, and modulation of its expression can be a novel approach to modifying the body's energy-handling regulation.39448460FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP2013/07607-8; 2017/02983-
Association between cardiorespiratory fitness and depressive symptoms in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Background: Higher cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) is associated with lower depressive symptoms in adults. However, no systematic review with meta-analysis assessed the cross-sectional associations between CRF and depressive symptoms in children and adolescents. Therefore, this meta-analysis assessed the relationship between CRF and depressive symptom in these populations. Methods: Cross-sectional data evaluating the correlation between CRF and depression were searched, from database inception through 21/05/2020, on PubMed, PsycINFO, Web of Science, and SPORTDiscus. Age, sex, CRF and depression assessments, and correlations were extracted. A random-effects meta-analysis was conducted, and the potential sources of heterogeneity were also explored through meta-regression analysis. Results: Across 14 effects of 11 unique studies, including a total of 7,095 participants (median age=12.49) with nearly equal sex distribution (median=53% females), it was found that higher CRF was associated with lower depressive symptoms in children and adolescents (r =-0.174, 95%CI -0.221 to -0.126, p<0.001, I2=75.09, Q value=52.19). No moderators were identified. Conclusion: Available evidence supports the notion that higher CRF is inversely associated with depressive symptoms in children and adolescents. Physical activity and exercise interventions targeting improving CRF should be promoted for these populations. Further studies, including clinical populations, should be conducted to assess objective measures of aerobic fitness and body composition, while controlling for puberty status, to better characterize this association
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