13 research outputs found

    Cusp energetic particle events: Implications for a major acceleration region of the magnetosphere

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    The Charge and Mass Magnetospheric Ion Composition Experiment (CAMMICE) on board the Polar spacecraft observed 75 energetic particle events in 1996 while the satellite was at apogee. All of these events were associated with a decrease in the magnitude of the local magnetic field measured by the Magnetic Field Experiment (MFE) on Polar. These new events showed several unusual features: (1) They were detected in the dayside polar cusp near the apogee of Polar with about 79% of the total events in the afternoonside and 21% in the morningside; (2) an individual event could last for hours; (3) the measured helium ion had energies up to and many times in excess of 2.4 MeV; (4) the intensity of 1–200 KeV/e helium was anticorrelated with the magnitude of the local geomagnetic field but correlated with the turbulent magnetic energy density; (5) the events were associated with an enhancement of the low-frequency magnetic noise, the spectrum of which typically extends from a few hertz to a few hundreds of hertz as measured by the Plasma Wave Instrument (PWI) on Polar; and (6) a seasonal variation was found for the occurrence rate of the events with a maximum in September. These characterized a new phenomenon which we are calling cusp energetic particle (CEP) events. The observed high charge state of helium and oxygen ions in the CEP events indicates a solar source for these particles. Furthermore, the measured 0.52–1.15 MeV helium flux was proportional to the difference between the maximum and the minimum magnetic field in the event. A possible explanation is that the energetic helium ions are energized from lower energy helium by a local acceleration mechanism associated with the high-altitude dayside cusp. These observations represent a potential discovery of a major acceleration region of the magnetosphere

    Proximal tibial osteophytes and their relationship with the height of the tibial spines of the intercondylar eminence: paleopathological study

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    Tibial spiking (i.e., spurring of tibial spines), eburnation, and osteophytes are considered features of osteoarthritis. This investigation employed direct inspection of the medial and lateral tibial plateaus in paleopathological specimens to analyze the frequency and morphological features of osteoarthritis and to define any relationship between the size of osteophytes and that of the intercondylar tibial spines. A total of 35 tibial bone specimens were evaluated for the degree of osteoarthritis and presence of eburnation. Each plateau was also divided into four quadrants and the presence and size of bone outgrowths were recorded in each quadrant. The “medial/lateral tibial intercondylar spine index” for each specimen was calculated as follows: (medial/lateral intercondylar tibial spine height)/(anteroposterior width of the superior tibial surface). The relationships between medial and lateral tibial height indexes with the degree of osteoarthritis were then tested. Osteophytes were observed more frequently in the anterior quadrants of both tibial plateaus than in the posterior quadrants (29 vs 16 for the medial tibial plateau [p = 0.01] and 28 vs 20 for the lateral tibial plateau [p = 0.04]). Eburnation was seen more frequently in the posterior regions of both tibial plateaus than in the anterior regions (17 vs 5, p < 0.01). In specimens with no signs of osteoarthritis the lateral intercondylar tibial index was significantly lower than that in specimens with some degree of osteoarthritis (p = 0.02). The medial intercondylar tibial index of the specimens with no signs of osteoarthritis was not significantly different from that of the specimens with some degree of osteoarthritis (p = 0.45). There was a positive correlation between the lateral spine height index and the overall grading of osteoarthritis, (r = 0.6, p < 0.01). In the anteromedial and posteromedial quadrants of the lateral tibial plateau, the association between the lateral intercondylar tibial spine index and the grade of osteophytes was 0.5 (p < 0.01) and 0.7 (p < 0.01) respectively. Spiking of the lateral tibial intercondylar spine is associated with osteophyte formation and osteoarthritis. Eburnation occurs mainly in the posterior parts of the tibial plateaus while osteophytes arise mainly in the anterior parts. These findings suggest that stresses occurring in the flexed knee may contribute to many of the morphological abnormalities of osteoarthritis

    2006 Whole Earth Telescope observations of GD358 : a new look at the prototype DBV

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    We report on the analysis of 436.1 hr of nearly continuous high-speed photometry on the pulsating DB white dwarf GD358 acquired with the Whole Earth Telescope (WET) during the 2006 international observing run, designated XCOV25. The Fourier transform (FT) of the light curve contains power between 1000 and 4000 ÎĽHz, with the dominant peak at 1234 ÎĽHz. We find 27 independent frequencies distributed in 10 modes, as well as numerous combination frequencies. Our discussion focuses on a new asteroseismological analysis of GD358, incorporating the 2006 data set and drawing on 24 years of archival observations. Our results reveal that, while the general frequency locations of the identified modes are consistent throughout the years, the multiplet structure is complex and cannot be interpreted simply as l =l modes in the limit of slow rotation. The high-k multiplets exhibit significant variability in structure, amplitude and frequency. Any identification of the m components for the high-k multiplets is highly suspect. The k = 9 and 8 modes typically do show triplet structure more consistent with theoretical expectations. The frequencies and amplitudes exhibit some variability, but much less than the high-k modes. Analysis of the k = 9 and 8 multiplet splittings from 1990 to 2008 reveal a long-term change in multiplet splittings coinciding with the 1996 sforzando event, where GD358 dramatically altered its pulsation characteristics on a timescale of hours. We explore potential implications, including the possible connections between convection and/or magnetic fields and pulsations.We suggest future investigations, including theoretical investigations of the relationship between magnetic fields, pulsation, growth rates, and convection