170 research outputs found

    Characterization of endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) Immunomodulatory effects of erythropoietin (EPO)

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    Caratterizzazione di EPC in pazienti con malattia renale cronica. Background: Gli effetti del recettore della vitamina D (VDR)e dell'espressione dell' osteocalcina (OCN), così come VDR agonista terapia (VDRA) su circolanti cellule progenitrici endoteliali (EPCs) non è stato ancora chiarito. Metodi: sono state analizzat EPCs in 23 controlli sani e 53 pazienti sottoposti a dialisi. La percentuale di EPCs (CD34+KDR+CD133+/-CD45-) VDR+/- o OCN+/- è stata analizzata in citometria a flusso e correlata con molecole coinvolte nelle malattie. Risultati: EPCs aumentano nei pazienti con CKD trattati con VDRAs. EPCsOCN +/- in pazienti non trattati con VDRAs correlano positivamente con il calcio sierico e reticolociti, e negativamente con DKK1. La percentuale di EPCsVDR +/- correla negativamente con OPN.  EPCsOCN + nei pazienti trattati con VDRAs correla positivamente con la vitamina D. La percentuale di EPCsVDR +/- positivamente correla con IL-6. Conclusioni: la terapia VDRA influenza l'espressione VDR e di OCN su EPCs circolanti. Dal momento che l'espressione OCN può contribuire alla calcificazione vascolare, ipotizziamo un putativo effetto pro-calcificazione di VDRA. Effetti immunomodulatori di EPO. Background: Il cloruro di sodio spinge l'induzione di cellule TH17 patogeni e TH1. La correzione dell'anemia con eritropoietina (EPO) è associato ad un miglioramento della tolleranza del trapianto di rene. Prove emergenti indicano che queste osservazioni possano essere eritropoiesi-indipendente e che l'EPO presenta proprietà immunosoppressive. Metodi: esaminato gli effetti del trattamento con EPO e sale su cellule T umana, apoptosi e la produzione di INF-γ, l'effetto sulla iTh17 e iFoxP3. Le cellule sono state analizzate con l'analisi di citometria a flusso. Risultati: NaCl aumenta la proliferazione di CD4+ e CD8+, iTh17 e la produzione di INFγ. Questo effetto è prevenuto da EPO. EPO aumenta l'induzione di Foxp3. Non cambia l'apoptosi e la stabilità di FoxP3. EPO è in grado di contiene l'effetto pro infiammatorio del saleFirst project: Characterization of EPCs in patients with CKD. Background: The effects of vitamin D receptor (VDR) and osteocalcin (OCN) expression as well as VDR agonist (VDRA) therapy on circulating endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) has not been elucidated yet. Methods: we therefore analyzed EPCs in 23 healthy controls and 53 patients undergoing dialysis. The percentage of EPCs (CD34+CD133+/-KDR+CD45-) expressing VDR or OCN were analyzed using flow cytometry and correlated with molecules involved in diseases. Results: EPCs increase in CKD patients treated with VDRAs. EPCsOCN+/- in patients untreated with VDRAs correlated positively with serum calcium and reticulocytes, and negatively with DKK1. The percentage of EPCsVDR+/- correlated negatively with OPN. EPCsOCN+ in patients treated with VDRAs correlated positively with vitamin D. The percentage of EPCsVDR+/- correlated positively with IL-6. Conclusions: our data suggest that VDRA therapy influence VDR and OCN expression on circulating EPCs. Since OC expression may contribute to vascular calcification, we hypothesize a putative pro-calcifying effect of VDRA. Second project: Immunomodulatory effects of EPO. Background: Sodium chloride drives the induction of pathogenic TH17 cells and TH1. Correction of anemia with erythropoietin (EPO) is associated with improved kidney transplant outcomes. Emerging evidence indicates that these observations may be erythropoiesis-independent and that EPO exhibits immunosuppressive properties. Methods: examined the effects of treatment with EPO and salt on human T-cell alloimmunity, the apoptosis and the production to INF-γ, the effect on iTh17 and iFoxP3. The cells were analyzed with flow cytometry analysis. Results: NaCl increases the proliferation of CD4+ and CD8+ cells, iTh17 and the production of INFγ. This effect is prevented by EPO. EPO increases the induction of Foxp3. It does not change the apoptosis and stability of FoxP3. Epo contains the inflammatory effect of NaCl. EPO in the kidney, where NaCl is high, may have a tolerance effect

    The university extension as a dynamizer of the complex social function of the university

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    En los últimos años las universidades españolas han empezado a asumir la necesidad de redefinir su función social con respecto a los problemas vinculados al hábitat, preguntándose cómo integrar los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) en sus tres distintos ámbitos de acción: la investigación, la formación y la extensión universitaria. Si bien es necesaria una lectura crítica de los ODS, al estar estos vinculados todavía a la idea de ‘crecimiento sostenible’, lo cierto es que este compromiso internacional (así como otros que se alinean con sus Objetivos) ofrece una oportunidad para reflexionar sobre la docencia y la investigación arquitectónicas, vinculándolas a una revisión en profundidad de los modelos urbanos y territoriales que permitan avanzar en equidad social en el uso del espacio y hacia la recuperación del equilibrio territorial. La experiencia desarrollada en el marco del grupo de investigación Aula Digital de la Ciudad (ADICI) demuestra que efectivamente las escuelas de arquitectura pueden dar respuesta a los problemas socialmente relevantes que se les propongan o pueden ellas mismas formular problemas socialmente relevantes e involucrar a los distintos grupos sociales que constituyen una comunidad.In the last years, Spanish universities have begun to accept the need for redefining their social function regarding the problems related to the habitat, asking themselves how to integrate the Objectives of Sustainable Development (ODS in its Spanish acronym) in the three different spheres of action: research, education and university extension. Although it is neccessary a critical reading of the ODS since they are still linked to the idea of ‘sustainable growth’, the truth is that this international agreement (like others sided with its Objectives) offers an opportunity to think deeply about architectural teaching and researching, connecting them to an in-depth revision of the urban and territorial models that allow for moving forward in social equity regarding space use and recovering the territorial equilibrium. The experience developed within the framework of the Aula Digital de la Ciudad (ADICI) research group shows that schools of architecture can effectively respond to socially relevant problems proposed to them or they can formulate socially relevant problems themselves and involve the different social groups that make up a communit

    Icephobicity of Flame-Sprayed Polymer Coatings

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    Atmospheric ice accretes and accumulates outdoors on the surfaces of several engineering applications, representing a hazard for various industrial sectors, including power transmission, renewable energy, telecommunication and transportation (ground, sea and air). For instance, ice accumulation on power lines can compromise operational performance and mechanical stability, thus ultimately causing their collapse. Moreover, ice accretion on aircraft surfaces can alter aerodynamics, endangering flight operations and, most importantly, human life. Current methods to mitigate icing problems include manual operations, mechanical vibrations, compressed air, thermal heating and chemical fluids. However, these methods, known as active anti-icing and deicing methods, are not durable and cause additional costs, energy consumption and environmental pollution. Considering these drawbacks, passive methods, which can remove ice without external energy input, have been developed as more sustainable alternatives to active methods. These passive strategies mainly consist of coatings, which reduce ice adhesion and facilitate passive ice removal. The work presented in this thesis aims at fabricating novel polymer composite coatings with icephobic properties using flame spray technology. Flame spraying allows the fast processing of materials, fed in powder form, heated to a melt or semi-molten state using a combustive flame, and accelerated towards a substrate to form a coating. As a result, coatings can be produced on large surfaces using a single fabrication step. The first stage of the research focused on fabricating plain low-density polyethylene (LDPE) coatings. The flame spraying parameters were varied to study their effect on the properties and icephobic behaviour of coatings. Coatings were characterised by measuring thickness, roughness, surface chemical composition, wetting behaviour and thermal properties. In addition, the icephobicity of coatings was evaluated by accreting ice using an icing wind tunnel and measuring ice adhesion using a centrifugal ice adhesion test. The results showed that the selected process parameters and resulting heat input transferred to the polymer significantly affected the icephobicity of coatings. In particular, the higher the heat input, the higher the oxidation produced in the polymer and the lower was the icephobic behaviour of coatings. The second stage of the research aimed at developing novel composite coatings, named lubricated icephobic coatings (LICs), by adding a solid lubricating additive to the LDPE material. To produce the composite coatings, the flame spray process was modified to feed the additive and simultaneously spray it with LDPE. The modified flame spray process was named flame spraying with hybrid feedstock injection. The results demonstrated that the addition of lubricating additives improved the icephobic behaviour of plain flame-sprayed LDPE coatings. The third stage of the research focused on assessing the durability of LICs under various environmental stresses, such as exposure to repeated icing/deicing cycles, different corrosive media and ultraviolet radiation on laboratory scale. The results showed that stable icephobic behaviour could be obtained for LICs over the icing/deicing cycles. Moreover, the lubricated coatings demonstrated good chemical resistance in the studied corrosive environments and limited photo-oxidation during exposure to ultraviolet radiation. This research demonstrated the potential of lubricated icephobic coatings, which could be used as anti-icing solutions in the future. In addition, flame spraying allows the fast deposition of coatings on large surfaces, and these advantages are relevant to many industrial sectors facing icing problems. Therefore, further research is needed on the potential application of these coatings in various industrial sectors to limit the current inconveniences caused by ice formation

    El papel de la participación en la transición socio-ecológica de la ciudad

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    Despite the growing sensitivity about the effects of climate change, their more and more marked consequences demonstrate the risk of going on with the unilateral imperative of economic growth, characterized by a ‘consumer intoxication’ that has driven this society to the current situation of global chronic lack of resources  (Fernández Durán & González Reyes, 2014; Hessel & Morin, 2012). In this context, “the new approach cannot be reduced to a mere cosmetic repair of a paradigm in crisis” (Max Neef et al., 1994, p. 37), but it needs a change of paradigm to advance toward environmental sustainability and social equity. To that end, it is important to stress the fact that a population that is actively involved is a key element in order to activate a change in the way occidental society has to understand nature, and to build real alternatives to the current model of territory occupation that are based on the ecological paradigm. The approach of this article has its theoretical bases on the Social Production and Management of Habitat (henceforth PGSH), understanding by Social Transformation of Habitat those processes that tend to transform the existing habitat in which citizen initiative has an active role in the decision making.Pese a la creciente sensibilización a los efectos del cambio climático, sus cada vez más acusadas consecuencias demuestran el peligro que supone el seguir con el imperativo unilateral del crecimiento económico, caracterizado por una ‘intoxicación consumista’ que nos ha llevado a esta situación de carestía crónica global de recursos (Fernández Durán & González Reyes, 2014; Hessel & Morin, 2012). En este contexto, “el nuevo enfoque no puede reducirse a mero arreglo cosmético de un paradigma en crisis” (Max Neef, Elizalde, & Hopenhayn, 1994, p. 37), sino que requiere también un cambio de paradigma para avanzar hacia la sostenibilidad ambiental y la equidad social. Para ello se quiere incidir en el hecho de que la involucración activa de la población resulta elemento clave para activar un cambio en la forma que la sociedad occidental tiene de entender la naturaleza y para construir alternativas reales al actual modelo de ocupación del territorio, que estén basadas en el paradigma ecológico. Así, el planteamiento de este artículo encuentra sus bases teóricas en la Producción y Gestión Social del Hábitat (en adelante PGSH), entendiendo por Trasformación Social del Hábitat el conjunto de procesos tendientes a la transformación del hábitat existente en los cuales la iniciativa ciudadana tiene un papel activo en la toma de decisiones

    Sustainable urban mobility networks and the reactivation of the public space: Alcosa

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    There is a direct relationship between use of public space and mobility model. Facing the problems regarding the reactivation of public space at neighbourhood scale goes through a change of metropolitan mobility model in favor of the alliance between public transport and active mobility: cycling and pedestrian. In the framework of the Participatory Action Research (PAR) project “Barrios en Transición”, carried out at the Sevillian neighbourhood of Parque Alcosa, we have made a diagnosis about the relationship between mobility model and public space occupancy. From the problems and neighboring claims found we have developed a proposal to reduce the dependency on private transport and reduce its occupation of public space, based on the alliance between an efficient public transport network and the improvement of the network and resources for cycling. Improving the efficiency of public transport network brings us to propose a basic network of Bus Rapid Transit for Seville. At neighbourhood scale we made a proposal to improve accessibility, pedestrian and cycling mobility and to stimulate the use of public space.Existe una relación directa entre uso del espacio público y modelo de movilidad. Afrontar los problemas de reactivación del espacio público a escala de barrio, pasa por cambiar el modelo de movilidad metropoli- tano en favor de la alianza entre transporte público y la movilidad activa: ciclista y peatonal. En el marco del proyecto de Investigación Acción Participativa (I.A.P.) Barrios en Transición, llevado a cabo en el barrio sevillano de Parque Alcosa, hemos trabajado un diagnóstico sobre la relación entre modelo de movilidad y ocupación del espacio público. A partir de los problemas y demandas vecinales encontradas hemos desarrollado una propuesta para reducir la dependencia del vehículo privado y reducir su ocupación de espacio público, sobre la base de la alianza entre una red de transporte público eficiente y la mejora de la red y las dotaciones para la bicicleta. La mejora de la eficiencia de la red de transporte público nos lleva proponer una red básica de Bus de Rápido Tránsito para Sevilla. A nivel de barrio realizamos una propuesta para mejorar accesibilidad, la movilidad peatonal y en bicicleta y para activar el uso del espacio público

    Compressed Air Energy Storage in Offshore Grids

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    Contributions for the definition of a methodology for qualitative research in urban planning

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    Este artículo se propone como una herramienta útil para formular y planificar una investigación de tipo cualitativo en el ámbito de la investigación urbanística. No se trata de un catálogo completo y exhaustivo de métodos y herramientas sino más bien de un posible modo de aproximarse a una forma de investigar que no es propia de la disciplina de la arquitectura y del urbanismo y que ha requerido una inmersión por parte de la autora en otros campos disciplinares, y sobre todo en la sociología. Tres son las partes en la que se estructura este trabajo: la primera parte está dedicada a justificar la necesidad de integrar metodologías cualitativas en el ámbito del urbanismo; en la segunda parte se presentan de manera general los diferentes enfoques procedentes de las ciencias sociales y se identifican las técnicas y métodos principales para desarrollar una investigación cualitativa desde nuestro ámbito disciplinar; por último, en la tercera parte se expone una experiencia concreta en la cual fue necesario recurrir a este tipo de metodología investigativa para poder entender ciertas dinámicas generadas en el Proyecto de Investigación-Acción Participativa “Barrios en Transición” llevado a cabo en un barrio de Sevilla.This article is proposed as an useful tool to formulate and plan a qualitative research on the urban research sphere. It is not meant to be a complete and exhaustive catalog of methods and tools, but a possible approach to a way of researching which is not characteristic in architecture and urban planning and that has required the author to go deep into other disciplinary fields, mainly into sociology. The work is structured in three different parts: the first one is focused on justifying the need of integrating qualitative methodologies in the urban planning sphere; in the second part the author presents in a general way the diferent approaches that come from social sciences, and identifies the main techniques and methods to develop a qualitative research from her disciplinary sphere; lastly, the third part shows a specific experience in which it was necessary to resort to this kind of research methodology in order to be able to understand certain dynamics generated during the Participatory Action Research project “Barrios en Transición” that took place in a district of Sevill

    Research and application of ecotoxicological methodologies in marine coastal environment monitoring: development of new bioassays and biomarkers

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    Obiettivo del lavoro è stato lo sviluppo e la validazione di nuovi bioassay e biomarker quali strumenti da utilizzare in un approccio ecotossicologico integrato per il biomonitoraggio di ambienti marino-costieri interessati da impatto antropico negli organismi che vivono in tali ambienti. L’ambiente reale impiegato per l’applicazione in campo è la Rada di Augusta (Siracusa, Italia). Una batteria di bioassay in vivo e in vitro è stata indagata quale strumento di screening per la misura della tossicità dei sedimenti. La batteria selezionata ha dimostrato di possedere i requisiti necessari ad un applicazione di routine nel monitoraggio di ambienti marino costieri. L’approccio multimarker basato sull’impiego dell’organismo bioindicatore Mytilus galloprovincialis in esperimenti di traslocazione ha consentito di valutare il potenziale applicativo di nuovi biomarker citologici e molecolari di stress chimico parallelamente a biomarker standardizzati di danno genotossico ed esposizione a metalli pesanti. I mitili sono stati traslocati per 45 giorni nei siti di Brucoli (SR) e Rada di Augusta, rispettivamente sito di controllo e sito impattato. I risultati ottenuti supportano l’applicabilità delle alterazioni morfometriche dei granulociti quale biomarker di effetto, direttamente correlato allo stato di salute degli organismi che vivono in un dato ambiente. Il significativo incremento dell’area dei lisosomi osservato contestualmente potrebbe riflettere un incremento dei processi degradativi e dei processi autofagici. I dati sulla sensibilità in campo suggeriscono una valida applicazione della misura dell’attività di anidrasi carbonica in ghiandola digestiva come biomarker di stress in ambiente marino costiero. L’utilizzo delle due metodologie d’indagine (bioassay e biomarker) in un approccio ecotossicologico integrato al biomonitoraggio di ambienti marino-costieri offre uno strumento sensibile e specifico per la valutazione dell’esposizione ad inquinanti e del danno potenziale esercitato dagli inquinanti sugli organismi che vivono in un dato ambiente, permettendo interventi a breve termine e la messa a punto di adeguati programmi di gestione sostenibile dell’ambiente.The aim of the work was the development and validation of new bioassays and biomarkers as tools in an integrated ecotoxicological approach for the biomonitoring of impacted coastal marine environment environments. The Rada of Agusta (Syracuse, Sicily) was used as real environment for the field application of the proposed integrated approach. A battery of in vivo and in vitro bioassays was investigated as screening tool of the assessment of marine sediment toxicity. The battery has proven to have the necessary requirement for a routine application in marine coastal environment biomonitoring. The multimarker approach based on the use of bioindicator organism Mytilus galloprovincialis in translocation experiments allowed to evaluate the field application potential of new cytological and molecular biomarkers in parallel to standardized biomarkers of genotoxicity and heavy metal exposure. Mussels were caged for 45 days in Brucoli (SR) and Rada di Augusta, reference site and impacted site respectively. Results support the applicability of granulocytes morphometric alterations as effect biomarker, directly correlated to the health of the organism. Morphometric alterations were accompanied by a significative increase of the lysosomal compartment, which in turn could reflect the pollutant induced increase of the degradative and autophagic processes. Carbonic anhydrase activity in digestive gland proved to be a valuable biomarker of chemical stress in marine coastal environment. The functional role of carbonic anhydrase in the lysosomal compartment functioning was evaluated. The combined use of the two methodologies (bioassays and biomarkers) in an integrated ecotoxicological approach provides a sensitive and specific tool for the assessment of pollutant exposure and pollutant effects in biomonitoring of coastal marine environment, facilitating the application of monitoring data in risk-based decision makin

    Capillary Balancing: Designing Frost-Resistant Lubricant-Infused Surfaces

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    Slippery lubricant-infused surfaces (SLIPS) have shown great promise for anti-frosting and anti-icing. However, small length scales associated with frost dendrites exert immense capillary suction pressure on the lubricant. This pressure depletes the lubricant film and is detrimental to the functionality of SLIPS. To prevent lubricant depletion, we demonstrate that interstitial spacing in SLIPS needs to be kept below those found in frost dendrites. Densely packed nanoparticles create the optimally sized nanointerstitial features in SLIPS (Nano-SLIPS). The capillary pressure stabilizing the lubricant in Nano-SLIPS balances or exceeds the capillary suction pressure by frost dendrites. We term this concept capillary balancing. Three-dimensional spatial analysis via confocal microscopy reveals that lubricants in optimally structured Nano-SLIPS are not affected throughout condensation (0 °C), extreme frosting (−20 °C to −100 °C), and traverse ice-shearing (−10 °C) tests. These surfaces preserve low ice adhesion (10–30 kPa) over 50 icing cycles, demonstrating a design principle for next-generation anti-icing surfaces.publishedVersionPeer reviewe