835 research outputs found

    Stress and Coping Stress on Motorcycle Driver

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    The imbalance increasing number of motorcycle every year compared to the increasing street development causing traffic jam. The traffic jam also cause stress on motorcycle driver. The aim of this study is to know the stress and the coping stress on motorcycle driver, with one research subject which is a man who usually drive motorcycle every day. The factors that can cause stress are physic stressor; such as weather and traffic jam, social stressor; such as busy hours, crowded streets and reckless drivers. The psychological symptomps are exhausted physic and easy to get angry or mad on the street. The subject uses emotion-focused coping and problem-focused coping to handle those conditions

    Otomatisasi Sistem Buka-tutup Atap Rumah Teleskop Dan Pengontrol Kelembaban Udara Menggunakan Raspberry Pi 3

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    Telah dirancang suatu sistem otomatisasi untuk buka tutup atap rumah serta pengontrol kelembaban udara menggunakan Raspberry Pi 3, motor DC, SHT30, limit switch, Fan dan Solenoid door lock. Tujuan utama dari perancangan sistem ini ialah untuk merancang sebuah sistem otomatisasi buka tutup atap rumah teleskop dan pengontrol kelembaban udara yang ada di dalam rumah teleskop. Sistem ini bekerja ketika mendapat input perintah dari user baik untuk membuka atap, menutup atap, maupun mengukur dan mengontrol suhu dan kelembaban di dalam rumah teleskop. Saat mendapat perintah buka atau tutup maka relay akan aktif sehingga motor akan membuka ataupun menutup atap. Demikian juga saat pengontrolan suhu dan kelembaban SHT akan mengukur suhu dan kelembaban dan hasil pengukurannya akan ditampilkan pada LCD ( Layar Monitor). Sistem otomatisasi  ini dapat bekerja dengan baik seperti yang diharapkan, baik dalam hal membuka dan menutup atap serta pengontrolan Suhu dan Kelembaban. Kata Kunci : Raspberry pi3, Sensor SHT30, Python, Motor DC

    Effects of Pax3 mutation and Neural Crest genetic ablation on congenital heart function and embryonic lethality

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    poster abstractCongenital heart defects (CHDs) occur in approximately one percent of births every year (American Heart Association, 2008). This makes it the most frequently occurring congenital defect in humans. My research is aimed at using two mutant cardiac neural crest (CNC) mouse models to study the mechanisms underlying congenital heart failure in utero with particular interests in understanding the processes of outflow tract (OFT) septation and myocardial homeostasis. The first mouse model is a Pax3 systemic knockout, which is lethal by mouse gestational day14, and has an insufficient number of migratory CNC cells. The second mouse model is a Wnt1Cre-mediated neural crest-ablated model, which is surprisingly viable and survives to birth, despite having no migratory CNC cells. My data indicates that both mouse models have similar heart structural anomalies including failure of the OFT to divide and interventricular septation defects. However, in utero heart function is significantly perturbed in Pax3 mutants when compared to that of the ablated mutant model. Via comparison of these two mutant mouse models, I have been able to assess the tissuespecific contribution of the CNC cell lineage during in utero heart morphogenesis, as well as to identify the beta-adrenergic pathway as the underlying mechanistic pathway that is important for the observed differences in myocardial function and subsequent congenital heart failure and lethality in the Pax3 mutants. By doing so, I am now able to demonstrate pharmacological rescue of the Pax3 mutants to birth, via bypassing or stimulation of the aforementioned pathway. By understanding the causes of congenital heart failure and subsequent lethality in the Pax3 genetic model, and successfully achieving pharmacological rescue to birth, I believe the results of my project will allow me to translate my findings into better treatment strategies for newborn patients with similar CHDs

    First-order structural transition in the magnetically ordered phase of Fe1.13Te

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    Specific heat, resistivity, magnetic susceptibility, linear thermal expansion (LTE), and high-resolution synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction investigations of single crystals Fe1+yTe (0.06 < y < 0.15) reveal a splitting of a single, first-order transition for y 0.12. Most strikingly, all measurements on identical samples Fe1.13Te consistently indicate that, upon cooling, the magnetic transition at T_N precedes the first-order structural transition at a lower temperature T_s. The structural transition in turn coincides with a change in the character of the magnetic structure. The LTE measurements along the crystallographic c-axis displays a small distortion close to T_N due to a lattice striction as a consequence of magnetic ordering, and a much larger change at T_s. The lattice symmetry changes, however, only below T_s as indicated by powder X-ray diffraction. This behavior is in stark contrast to the sequence in which the phase transitions occur in Fe pnictides.Comment: 6 page

    Isokinetic Peak Torque in Young Wrestlers

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    This is the publisher's version, also found at http://ehis.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?vid=3&sid=34ab1967-2aea-457b-b261-e90e7b05e38c%40sessionmgr11&hid=2&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=s3h&AN=20752369The purpose of the present study was to examine age-related changes in isokinetic leg flexion and extension peak torque (PT), PT/body weight (PT/ BW), and F*T/fat-free weight (PT/FFW) in young wrestlers. Male wrestlers (A^ = 108; age M ± SD = 11.3 + 1.5 years) volunteered to be measured for peak torque at 30, 180, and 300° • s'. In addition, underwater weighing was performed to determine body composition characteristics. The sample was divided into six age groups (8.1-8.9, n = 10; 9.0-9.9, n= 11; 10.0-10.9, n = 25; 11.0-11.9, n = 22; 12.0-12.9, n = 28; 13.0-13.9, n= 12), and repeated measures ANOVAs with Tukey post hoc comparisons showed increases across age for PT, PT/BW, and PT/FFW. The results of this study indicated that there were age-related increases in peak torque that could not be accounted for by changes in BW or FFW. It is possible that either an increase in muscle mass per unit of FFW, neural maturation, or both, contributes to the increase in strength across age in young male athletes

    Outcomes From A Peer Tutor Model For Teaching Technology To Older Adults

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    A key component of social work ethics is social justice and equitable access to resources. Increasingly, this includes access to technology. This study addresses issues related to the \u27digital divide\u27 by testing a peer tutor model (Technology and Aging Project, TAP2) to teach adults aged 60 and older how to use information and communication technologies (ICTs) such as email, the internet, online chat rooms and discussion groups, internet-based support groups, and voice technology and webcams. Participants from the control group of a previous programme, TAP1 (N = 19) participated in a six-month computer training programme. Six participants who had successfully completed the TAP1 training were selected to be peer tutors. Data were collected from tutors and learners at baseline, three months, six months and nine months (three months after the end of training). The current study reports on learner outcomes only. Measures include computer, social support, and mental health-related outcomes. Learners reported a significant and consistent increase over time in their confidence completing certain computer-related tasks and their overall use of ICTs. Mental health and social support outcomes did not change. Overall, the peer tutor model appeared to be at least as effective as the previous staff-directed model

    Anomaly-free scalar perturbations with holonomy corrections in loop quantum cosmology

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    Holonomy corrections to scalar perturbations are investigated in the loop quantum cosmology framework. Due to the effective approach, modifications of the algebra of constraints generically lead to anomalies. In order to remove those anomalies, counter-terms are introduced. We find a way to explicitly fulfill the conditions for anomaly freedom and we give explicit expressions for the counter-terms. Surprisingly, the "new quantization scheme" naturally arises in this procedure. The gauge invariant variables are found and equations of motion for the anomaly-free scalar perturbations are derived. Finally, some cosmological consequences are discussed qualitatively.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure, v2, new comments and references added, minor correction

    Systematic review protocol for assessing central auditory functions of Alzheimer\u27s disease and its preclinical stages

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    © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2020. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ. Introduction A number of studies have reported an association between peripheral hearing impairment, central auditory processing and Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD) and its preclinical stages. Both peripheral hearing impairment and central auditory processing disorders are observed many years prior to the clinical manifestation of AD symptoms, hence, providing a long window of opportunity to investigate potential interventions against neurodegenerative processes. This paper outlines the protocol for a systematic review of studies examining the central auditory processing functions in AD and its preclinical stages, investigated through behavioural (clinical assessments that require active participation) central auditory processing tests. Methods and analysis We will use the keywords and Medical Subject Heading terms to search the following electronic databases: MEDLINE, PsychINFO, PubMed, Scopus, EMBASE and CINAHL Plus. Studies including assessments of central auditory function in adults diagnosed with dementia, AD and its preclinical stages that were published before 8 May 2019 will be reviewed. This review protocol will be reported according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Protocols guidelines. Data analysis and search results will be reported in the full review. This manuscript has designed the protocols for a systematic review that will identify the behavioural clinical central auditory processing measures that are sensitive to the changes in auditory function in adults with AD and its preclinical stages. Such assessments may subsequently help to design studies to examine the potential impact of hearing and communication rehabilitation of individuals at risk of AD. Ethics and dissemination Ethical approval is not required as this manuscript only reports the protocols for conducting a systematic review as primary data will only be reviewed and not be collected. The results of this systematic review will be disseminated through publication and in scientific conferences. PROSPERO registration number CRD42017078272

    Impact of Zumba on Cognition and Quality of Life is Independent of APOE4 Carrier Status in Cognitively Unimpaired Older Women: A 6-Month Randomized Controlled Pilot Study

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    Objective: To investigate the association of a 6-month Zumba intervention with cognition and quality of life among older cognitively unimpaired apolipoprotein SMALL ELEMENT OF4 (APOE4) carrier and noncarrier women. Methods: Fifty-three women were randomly assigned to either twice-weekly Zumba group classes or maintenance of habitual exercise (control group) for 6 months. At baseline, 3, and 6 months, all participants underwent neuropsychological, physical activity, and quality-of-life assessments. Results: Overall, neuropsychological test scores and level of physical activity did not differ between intervention and control groups at any time. However, compared to the control group, quality of life was higher at 3 months, and visuospatial working memory and response inhibition improved more in the intervention group by 6 months. Apolipoprotein SMALL ELEMENT OF4 status did not affect the results. Discussion: Zumba may strengthen performance on visuospatial working memory among cognitively unimpaired older women but this needs to be tested in a larger clinical trial