434 research outputs found

    Alkaloids of Venezuelan apocynaceae

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    Montréal Trigonix inc. 201

    Management of floristic information on the Internet: the Anthos solution

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    Anthos is the name of a database and search system for quality-controlled chorological and taxonomic information on the vascular plants of Spain. It provides a trustworthy solution for the handling of accepted names and their synonyms, based on an analysis of nomenclatural relations. It is based on the MS SQL-Server relational database system. Information can be found on any plant, using its accepted name or synonyms or vernacular names. The geographical search options include lists of all plants of a given territory, a province, a region, or an area delimited by its UTM coordinates. Additional information is available in the form of photographs or drawings, chromosome numbers, vernacular names and synonyms.Peer reviewe

    Satisfacción del cliente en base a la normativa ISO 9001:2008, en los procesos de entrada y salida en el aeropuerto internacional de Nicaragua Augusto C.Sandino en el periodo Octubre-Diciembre de 2015

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    El presente trabajo realizado en el aeropuerto Augusto C. Sandino está inspirado en la calidad de los servicios brindado al cliente en los procesos de entrada y salida de pasajero. No obstante esta exigencia que hace unos años se ha ido implementando en las empresas mediante un SGC dicho sistema le ha permitido desarrollar sus procesos productivo y administrativos de manera más ágil y eficaz, debido a que la empresa administradora de aeropuerto cuenta únicamente con un sistema de gestión de seguridad operacional (SMS), que trata únicamente los procesos y actividades relativa a la seguridad operacional, no así de la seguridad ocupacional, protección del medio ambiente o calidad del servicio al cliente. Por esta razón el estudio trata de explicar las posibles mejoras puesto que el mercado aeroportuario exige una calidad contrastada, lo que requerirá el apoyo para la evaluación vía norma ISO (Organización de Normalización) las que regula exclusivamente la calidad de una empresa, tomando en cuenta algunos aspecto referenciado en la norma ISO 9001:2008 publicada en escala internacional, esto le permitirá a la empresa administradora de aeropuerto incursionar en mejora del sistema de calidad innovando a posible certificaciones futura en la institución, de tal manera que con el instrumento de evaluación aplicada a la muestra obtenida de una población que estará distribuido por un cronograma específico permitirá obtener una distribución adecuada acorde a vuelos ya sea de entrada o salida de pasajeros nacionales o internacionales para el estudio en curso. De esta manera cumpliendo con los objetivos se aplicó la técnica multivariante de análisis de componente principal (ACP), técnica que es muy utilizada para reducir la dimensionalidad de un conjunto de datos que facilitó la construcción de indicadores que influyen la satisfacción de los clientes, según los análisis realizados la calidad es un factor que actúa de manera eficiente en la institución que relacionado con las perspectivas del cliente la empresa esta acta para asumir un compromiso de mayor calidad en los servicios brindado. Como parte fundamental se recomienda a dar seguimiento a esta normativa ISO y llevarla con más profundidad a todas las organización gozando en el futuro de instalaciones más amplia y de personal más competent

    One Shot Learning with class partitioning and cross validation voting (CP-CVV)

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    Producción CientíficaOne Shot Learning includes all those techniques that make it possible to classify images using a single image per category. One of its possible applications is the identification of food products. For a grocery store, it is interesting to record a single image of each product and be able to recognise it again from other images, such as photos taken by customers. Within deep learning, Siamese neural networks are able to verify whether two images belong to the same category or not. In this paper, a new Siamese network training technique, called CP-CVV, is presented. It uses the combination of different models trained with different classes. The separation of validation classes has been done in such a way that each of the combined models is different in order to avoid overfitting with respect to the validation. Unlike normal training, the test images belong to classes that have not previously been used in training, allowing the model to work on new categories, of which only one image exists. Different backbones have been evaluated in the Siamese composition, but also the integration of multiple models with different backbones. The results show that the model improves on previous works and allows the classification problem to be solved, an additional step towards the use of Siamese networks. To the best of our knowledge, there is no existing work that has proposed integrating Siamese neural networks using a class-based validation set separation technique so as to be better at generalising for unknown classes. Additionally, we have applied Cross-Validation-Voting with ConvNeXt to improve the existing classification results of a well-known Grocery Store Dataset.The Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) and by the Instituto para la Competitividad Empresarial de Castilla y León - FEDER (Project CCTT3/20/VA/0003

    Hábitos lectores del alumnado y las familias

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    Reading is one of the fundamental pillars of education, as well as in culture and in everyday life, so we can say that it has become something essential and a social need. And in this time in which the presence, the settlement and the adequate domain of it are most required, it is when statistics point to another path. People don’t read as much as they should, despite having the circumstances for success, such as compulsory and free education for all. Therefore, we must reflect and look for another way to get reading across as a habit to more people. This work tries to take a step towards the promotion of reading habits, not only in the students but also in their families, through the proposal of workshops for both of them, having a medium-low economic area as a point of reference.La lectura constituye uno de los pilares fundamentales de la educación, así como en la cultura y en el día a día, por lo que podemos decir que se ha convertido en algo imprescindible y en una necesidad social. Y es en la época en que más se requiere la presencia, el asentamiento y el dominio adecuado de esta, donde las estadísticas apuntan hacia otro camino. No se lee todo lo que se debería, a pesar de tener las circunstancias para que se diera, como la educación obligatoria y gratuita para todos. Por lo tanto, se debe reflexionar y buscar otra forma de hacer llegar la lectura como hábito a más personas. Este trabajo trata de dar un paso hacia el fomento de los hábitos lectores, no solo en el alumnado sino también en las familias, a través de la propuesta de talleres para ambos, teniendo una zona económica media-baja como punto de referencia

    An inkjet-printed field-effect transistor for label-free biosensing

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    A flexible, biological field-effect transistor (BioFET) for use in biosensing is reported. The BioFET is based on an organic thin-film transistor (OTFT) fabricated mainly by inkjet printing and subsequently functionalized with antibodies for protein recognition. The BioFET is assessed for label-free detection of a model protein, human immunoglobulin G (HIgG). It is characterized electrically to evaluate the contribution of each step in the functionalization of the OTFT and to detect the presence of the target protein. The fabrication, structure, materials optimization, electrical characteristics, and functionality of the starting OTFT and final BioFET are also discussed. Different materials are evaluated for the top insulator layer, with the aim of protecting the lower layers from the electrolyte and preserving the BioFET electrical performance

    Innovation as the Backbone of Sustainable Development Goals

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    This paper focuses on the achievement of one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) through the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Social Economy enterprises. Specifically, this research studies which are the conditioning factors for the active use of ICT (technological innovation) in the second-degree of olive oil cooperativism in Spain. The reason for the importance of this sector is that it currently leads world oil production. Moreover, second-degree cooperativism overcomes one of the problems frequently pointed out by the literature on the olive sector, namely the lack of concentration and integration of supply. In order to achieve the objective established in this research study, the fuzzy set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) methodological technique has been used. The results obtained indicate that the degree of technological innovation is favored by the intensity of cooperative integration, diversification within the company, orientation towards the final market (packaged sales), ICT training of employees, the commercial importance of the foreign sector and the supply of ecological products

    The importance of websites for organic agri-food producers

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    Spanish agri-food producers, particularly organic producers, have faced commercial problems for years. Websites are able to combine informative, relational and transactional functions. This ability makes them attractive sales channels in sectors such as the organic agri-food sector, which has traditionally had major commercial shortcomings in these three areas. This study is built on this premise. The study explored whether organic agri-food producers and conventional producers differ in terms of their use of websites as a sales channel and their degree of interaction with users. The extended model of Internet commerce adoption (eMICA) and fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) were used. Other statistical techniques were also used. The fieldwork began with a sample of 998 producers (239 organic and 759 conventional). The results reveal differences between organic and conventional olive oil producers regarding website adoption and use. In terms of attracting website visits, the results also reveal the relevance of being an organic producer and having a capitalist or cooperative company structur

    El rol moderador de la eficacia percibida de las medidas de prevención frente al COVID-19 en la relación entre la percepción de riesgo y la salud mental percibida

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    The pandemic situation caused by COVID-19 led countries to adopt harsh and prolonged (over time) measures that—along with the high number of infections and deaths and continuous negative information—have affected the mental health of individuals. In this study, the impact on mental health of the COVID-19 health crisis in Spain was explored through the perceived efficacy of pandemic containment measures as a moderator of the relationship that COVID-19 perceived risk establishes with stress and depression. A questionnaire composed of scales conceived to measure COVID-19 perceived risk, perceived efficacy of COVID-19 prevention measures, stress, and depression was completed by 478 adults living in Spain (66.9% females, Mage= 36.30, SD= 15.32) between May 16, 2021, and June 6, 2021. The results confirmed the moderating role of per-ceived efficacy. Perceived efficacy acted as a protective factor for stress and depression by decreasing the negative impact that perceived risk had on both variables related to mentaldistress. Also, the perception that participants had about the effectiveness of prevention measures appeared to be a relevant protective factor regarding mental health during the pandemic. This study highlights the relevance of psychological interventions and government policies that improve positive risk communication and provide adequate information regarding the effectiveness of health-prevention measuresLa pandemia del COVID-19 ha llevado a los países a adoptar severas y prolongadas medidas que junto con el alto número de contagios y muertes y la continua información negativa ha afectado la salud mental de las personas. Este estudio analiza el impacto de la crisis sanitaria del COVID-19 en España explorando el rol moderador de la eficacia percibida de las medidas de contención en la relación que establece la percepción del riesgo del COVID-19 con el estrés y la depresión. Un total de 478 adultos residentes en España (un66.9% mujeres; Medad= 36.30, DT= 15.32) completaron un cuestionario con escalas concebidas para medir el riesgo percibido del COVID-19, la eficacia percibida de las medidas de protección, el estrés y la depresión entre el 16 de mayo y el 6 de junio de 2021. Los resultados confirmaron el rol moderador de la eficacia percibida, la cual actuó como un factor protector del estrés y la depresión al disminuir el impacto negativo que la percepción de riesgo del COVID-19 tiene en ambas variables relacionadas con el distrés mental. La percepción que tienen los individuos sobre la efectividad de las medidas de protección parece ser un factor protector relevante en relación con la salud mental durante una pandemia. Se subraya la relevancia de intervenciones psicológicas y de políticas gubernamentales que mejoren la comunicación positiva del riesgo y la información adecuada sobre la eficacia de las medidas de protección