85 research outputs found

    Mainstreaming remotely sensed ecosystem functioning in ecological niche models

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    Part of this work was funded by the EU H2020 Project 641762 ‘ECOPOTENTIAL: Improving Future Ecosystem Benefits through Earth Observations’, from which many valuable thoughts originated. A.R. was funded by the Xunta de Galicia (post‐doctoral fellowship ED481B2016/084‐0) and currently by ‘Juan de la Cierva’ fellowship program funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (IJC2019‐041033‐I). J.G. was funded by the Individual Scientific Employment Stimulus Program (2017) by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT CEECIND/02331/2017/CP1423/CT0012). S.A‐C was funded by the PORBIOTA ‐ Portuguese e‐Infrastructure for Information and Research on Biodiversity (POCI‐01‐0145‐FEDER‐022127) project grant and is currently supported by the 'María Zambrano' program funded by the Spanish Ministry of Universities and the EU‐NextGenerationEU fund.Biodiversity is declining globally at unprecedented rates. Ecological niche models (ENMs) are one of the most widely used toolsets to appraise global change impacts on biodiversity. Here, we identify a variety of advantages of incorporating remotely sensed ecosystem functioning attributes (EFAs) into ENMs. The development of ENMs that explicitly incorporate ecosystem functioning will allow a more holistic and integrative perspective of the habitat dynamics. The synergies between the increasingly available open-access satellite images and cloud-based platforms for planetary-scale geospatial analysis offer an unprecedented opportunity to incorporate ecosystem processes and disturbances (such as fires, insect outbreaks or droughts) that have been so far largely neglected in ecological niche characterization and modelling. The most paradigmatic example of EFAs is the application of time series of spectral vegetation indices related to primary productivity and carbon cycle. EFAs related to surface energy balance and water cycles derived from remote sensing products such as land surface temperature or soil moisture enable a fine-scale characterization of the species' niche—eventually improving the predictive performance of ENMs. All these advantages confirm that a new generation of ENMs based on such EFAs would offer great perspectives to increase our ability to monitor habitat suitability trends and population dynamics. However, despite the technical advances and increasing effort of remote sensing community to develop integrative EFAs, ENMs have yet to make full profit of the most recent developments by integrating them in ENMs. A coordinated agenda for remote sensing experts and ecological modellers will be essential over the coming years to bridge the gap between remote sensing and ecology disciplines and to take full (and timely) advantage of the fast-growing body of Earth observation data and remote sensing technologies—with special emphasis on the development and testing of new variables related to key processes driving ecosystem functioning.EU H2020 641762Individual Scientific Employment Stimulus ProgramSpanish Ministry of Universitiese‐Infrastructure for Information and Research on BiodiversityFundação para a Ciência e a TecnologiaMinisterio de Ciencia e InnovaciónFundació Catalana de Trasplantament CEECIND/02331/2017/CP1423/CT0012, POCI‐01‐0145‐FEDER‐022127Xunta de Galicia ED481B2016/084‐

    A data-driven methodological routine to identify key indicators for social-ecological system archetype mapping

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    We thank R Romero-Calcerrada and J M Requena-Mullor for helpful discussions, and three anonymous reviewers for their constructive suggestions to improve this paper. We also thank the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Business (Project CGL2014-61610-EXP) for the financial support, as well as the Spanish Ministry of Education for the FPU Predoctoral Fellowship of MPR (FPU14/06782) and MTTG (16/02214). MPR gratefully acknowledges funding from Universidad de Almeria for a research stay at the Laboratory of Regional Analysis and Remote Sensing (LART) of University of Buenos Aires to develop this study. This research was done within the LTSER Platforms of the Arid Iberian South East-Spain (LTER_EU_ES_027) and Sierra Nevada/Granada (ES- SNE)-Spain (LTER_EU_ES_010), and contributes to the Global Land Programme.The spatial mapping of social-ecological system (SES) archetypes constitutes a fundamental tool to operationalize the SES concept in empirical research. Approaches to detect, map, and characterize SES archetypes have evolved over the last decade towards more integrative and comparable perspectives guided by SES conceptual frameworks and reference lists of variables. However, hardly any studies have investigated how to empirically identify the most relevant set of indicators to map the diversity of SESs. In this study, we propose a data-driven methodological routine based on multivariate statistical analysis to identify the most relevant indicators for mapping and characterizing SES archetypes in a particular region. Taking Andalusia (Spain) as a case study, we applied this methodological routine to 86 indicators representing multiple variables and dimensions of the SES. Additionally, we assessed how the empirical relevance of these indicators contributes to previous expert and empirical knowledge on key variables for characterizing SESs. We identified 29 key indicators that allowed us to map 15 SES archetypes encompassing natural, mosaic, agricultural, and urban systems, which uncovered contrasting land sharing and land sparing patterns throughout the territory. We found synergies but also disagreements between empirical and expert knowledge on the relevance of variables: agreement on their widespread relevance (32.7% of the variables, e.g. crop and livestock production, net primary productivity, population density); relevance conditioned by the context or the scale (16.3%, e.g. land protection, educational level); lack of agreement (20.4%, e.g. economic level, land tenure); need of further assessments due to the lack of expert or empirical knowledge (30.6%). Overall, our data-driven approach can contribute to more objective selection of relevant indicators for SES mapping, which may help to produce comparable and generalizable empirical knowledge on key variables for characterizing SESs, as well as to derive more representative descriptions and causal factor configurations in SES archetype analysis.Spanish Government CGL2014-61610-EXP FPU14/06782 16/02214Universidad de AlmeriaLTSER Platforms of the Arid Iberian South East-Spain LTER_EU_ES_027Sierra Nevada/Granada (ES- SNE)-Spain LTER_EU_ES_01

    Environmental and Human Controls of Ecosystem Functional Diversity in Temperate South America

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    The regional controls of biodiversity patterns have been traditionally evaluated using structural and compositional components at the species level, but evaluation of the functional component at the ecosystem level is still scarce. During the last decades, the role of ecosystem functioning in management and conservation has increased. Our aim was to use satellite-derived Ecosystem Functional Types (EFTs, patches of the land-surface with similar carbon gain dynamics) to characterize the regional patterns of ecosystem functional diversity and to evaluate the environmental and human controls that determine EFT richness across natural and human-modified systems in temperate South America. The EFT identification was based on three descriptors of carbon gain dynamics derived from seasonal curves of the MODIS Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI): annual mean (surrogate of primary production), seasonal coefficient of variation (indicator of seasonality) and date of maximum EVI (descriptor of phenology). As observed for species richness in the southern hemisphere, water availability, not energy, emerged as the main climatic driver of EFT richness in natural areas of temperate South America. In anthropogenic areas, the role of both water and energy decreased and increasing human intervention increased richness at low levels of human influence, but decreased richness at high levels of human influence

    Digital conservation in biosphere reserves: Earth observations, social media, and nature’s cultural contributions to people

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    In the “digital conservation” age, big data from Earth observations and from social media have been increasingly used to tackle conservation challenges. Here, we combined information from those two digital sources in a multimodel inference framework to identify, map, and predict the potential for nature’s cultural contributions to people in two contrasting UNESCO biosphere reserves: Doñana and Sierra Nevada (Spain). The content analysis of Flickr pictures revealed different cultural contributions, according to the natural and cultural values of the two reserves. Those contributions relied upon landscape variables computed from Earth observation data: the variety of colors and vegetation functioning that characterize Doñana landscapes, and the leisure facilities, accessibility features, and heterogeneous landscapes that shape Sierra Nevada. Our findings suggest that social media and Earth observations can aid in the cost-efficient monitoring of nature’s contributions to people, which underlie many Sustainable Development Goals and conservation targets in protected areas worldwide.European Union’sHorizon 2020 research and innovation programme,Grant/Award Number: 641762; Program for Excellent Units of the Plan Propio de Investigación of the University of Granada; European Union; University of Granada, Spain; Portuguese Science Foundation, Grant/Award Numbers: DL57/2016/ICETA/EEC2018/13, CEECIND/02331/201

    Bayesian Harmonic Modelling of Sparse and Irregular Satellite Remote Sensing Time Series of Vegetation Indexes: A Story of Clouds and Fires

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    We would like to thank the ReCAS Computing Center of the University of Bari, and, particularly, Stefano Nicotri and Giacinto Donvito for the use of facilities; in particular their Jupiter online access to the virtual environment for computation. The manuscript was proofread by Lena Rettori. We would like to thanks the contribution of the two anonymous reviewers.Vegetation index time series from Landsat and Sentinel-2 have great potential for following the dynamics of ecosystems and are the key to develop essential variables in the realm of biodiversity. Unfortunately, the removal of pixels covered mainly by clouds reduces the temporal resolution, producing irregularity in time series of satellite images. We propose a Bayesian approach based on a harmonic model, fitted on an annual base. To deal with data sparsity, we introduce hierarchical prior distribution that integrate information across the years. From the model, the mean and standard deviation of yearly Ecosystem Functional Attributes (i.e., mean, standard deviation, and peak’s day) plus the inter-year standard deviation are calculated. Accuracy is evaluated with a simulation that uses real cloud patterns found in the Peneda-Gêres National Park, Portugal. Sensitivity to the model’s abrupt change is evaluated against a record of multiple forest fires in the Bosco Difesa Grande Regional Park in Italy and in comparison with the BFAST software output. We evaluated the sensitivity in dealing with mixed patch of land cover by comparing yearly statistics from Landsat at 30m resolution, with a 2m resolution land cover of Murgia Alta National Park (Italy) using FAO Land Cover Classification System 2.We would like to acknowledge the support of H2020 Ecopotential project with Grant Agreement No. 641762 for the discussion and the set up of a first version of the algorithm not shown in this paperGeoessential an ERA-PLANET project, an action from ERA-NET-Cofund Grant, with Grant Agreement No. 689443 for the actual development of the algorithm and the writing of the paper

    Bidirectional recurrent imputation and abundance estimation of LULC classes with MODIS multispectral time series and geo-topographic and climatic data

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    Remotely sensed data are dominated by mixed Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) types. Spectral unmixing (SU) is a key technique that disentangles mixed pixels into constituent LULC types and their abundance fractions. While existing studies on Deep Learning (DL) for SU typically focus on single time-step hyperspectral (HS) or multispectral (MS) data, our work pioneers SU using MODIS MS time series, addressing missing data with end-to-end DL models. Our approach enhances a Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM)-based model by incorporating geographic, topographic (geo-topographic), and climatic ancillary information. Notably, our method eliminates the need for explicit endmember extraction, instead learning the input-output relationship between mixed spectra and LULC abundances through supervised learning. Experimental results demonstrate that integrating spectral-temporal input data with geo-topographic and climatic information significantly improves the estimation of LULC abundances in mixed pixels. To facilitate this study, we curated a novel labeled dataset for Andalusia (Spain) with monthly MODIS multispectral time series at 460m resolution for 2013. Named Andalusia MultiSpectral MultiTemporal Unmixing (Andalusia-MSMTU), this dataset provides pixel-level annotations of LULC abundances along with ancillary information. The dataset (https://zenodo.org/records/7752348) and code (https://github.com/jrodriguezortega/MSMTU) are available to the public

    A Multi-Temporal Object-Based Image Analysis to Detect Long-Lived Shrub Cover Changes in Drylands

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    Climate change and human actions condition the spatial distribution and structure of vegetation, especially in drylands. In this context, object-based image analysis (OBIA) has been used to monitor changes in vegetation, but only a few studies have related them to anthropic pressure. In this study, we assessed changes in cover, number, and shape of Ziziphus lotus shrub individuals in a coastal groundwater-dependent ecosystem in SE Spain over a period of 60 years and related them to human actions in the area. In particular, we evaluated how sand mining, groundwater extraction, and the protection of the area affect shrubs. To do this, we developed an object-based methodology that allowed us to create accurate maps (overall accuracy up to 98%) of the vegetation patches and compare the cover changes in the individuals identified in them. These changes in shrub size and shape were related to soil loss, seawater intrusion, and legal protection of the area measured by average minimum distance (AMD) and average random distance (ARD) analysis. It was found that both sand mining and seawater intrusion had a negative effect on individuals; on the contrary, the protection of the area had a positive effect on the size of the individuals’ coverage. Our findings support the use of OBIA as a successful methodology for monitoring scattered vegetation patches in drylands, key to any monitoring program aimed at vegetation preservation

    A Framework for Multi-Dimensional Assessment of Wildfire Disturbance Severity from Remotely Sensed Ecosystem Functioning Attributes

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    Wildfire disturbances can cause modifications in different dimensions of ecosystem functioning, i.e., the flows of matter and energy. There is an increasing need for methods to assess such changes, as functional approaches offer advantages over those focused solely on structural or compositional attributes. In this regard, remote sensing can support indicators for estimating a wide variety of effects of fire on ecosystem functioning, beyond burn severity assessment. These indicators can be described using intra-annual metrics of quantity, seasonality, and timing, called Ecosystem Functioning Attributes (EFAs). Here, we propose a satellite-based framework to evaluate the impacts, at short to medium term (i.e., from the year of fire to the second year after), of wildfires on four dimensions of ecosystem functioning: (i) primary productivity, (ii) vegetation water content, (iii) albedo, and (iv) sensible heat. We illustrated our approach by comparing inter-annual anomalies in satellite-based EFAs in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula, from 2000 to 2018. Random Forest models were used to assess the ability of EFAs to discriminate burned vs. unburned areas and to rank the predictive importance of EFAs. Together with effect sizes, this ranking was used to select a parsimonious set of indicators for analyzing the main effects of wildfire disturbances on ecosystem functioning, for both the whole study area (i.e., regional scale), as well as for four selected burned patches with different environmental conditions (i.e., local scale). With both high accuracies (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) > 0.98) and effect sizes (Cohen’s |d| > 0.8), we found important effects on all four dimensions, especially on primary productivity and sensible heat, with the best performance for quantity metrics. Different spatiotemporal patterns of wildfire severity across the selected burned patches for different dimensions further highlighted the importance of considering the multi-dimensional effects of wildfire disturbances on key aspects of ecosystem functioning at different timeframes, which allowed us to diagnose both abrupt and lagged effects. Finally, we discuss the applicability as well as the potential advantages of the proposed approach for more comprehensive assessments of fire severity.Portuguese national funds through FCT-Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., under the GreenRehab project PCIF/RPG/0077/2017Junta de Andalucia P18-RT-1927Project DETECTOR A-RNM-256-UGR18European Union Funds for Regional DevelopmentPortuguese Foundation for Science and Technology European CommissionMinistry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan (MEXT) European CommissionEuropean Social Fund, within the 2014-2020 EU Strategic Framework, through FCT SFRH/BD/99469/2014Individual Scientific Employment Stimulus Program (2017), through FCT CEECIND/02331/201

    Effects of species traits and environmental predictors on performance and transferability of ecological niche models

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    Supplementary information accompanies this paper at https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-40766-5.The ability of ecological niche models (ENMs) to produce robust predictions for different time frames (i.e. temporal transferability) may be hindered by a lack of ecologically relevant predictors. Model performance may also be affected by species traits, which may reflect different responses to processes controlling species distribution. In this study, we tested four primary hypotheses involving the role of species traits and environmental predictors in ENM performance and transferability. We compared the predictive accuracy of ENMs based upon (1) climate, (2) land-use/cover (LULC) and (3) ecosystem functional attributes (EFAs), and (4) the combination of these factors for 27 bird species within and beyond the time frame of model calibration. The combination of these factors significantly increased both model performance and transferability, highlighting the need to integrate climate, LULC and EFAs to improve biodiversity projections. However, the overall model transferability was low (being only acceptable for less than 25% of species), even under a hierarchical modelling approach, which calls for great caution in the use of ENMs to predict bird distributions under global change scenarios. Our findings also indicate that positive effects of species traits on predictive accuracy within model calibration are not necessarily translated into higher temporal transferability.This research was developed as part of the project ECOPOTENTIAL, which received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under agreement No. 641762. We thank everyone who contributed to the fieldwork: Xosé Pardavila, Adrián Lamosa (Sorex, Ecoloxía e Medio Ambiente SL), Marta Arenas, Alberto Toupa and Fernando Martínez-Freiría. Field surveys were funded by the project INTERREG-POCTEC (‘NATURA Xurés-Gerês’). A.R. was financially supported by the Xunta de Galicia (post-doctoral fellowship ED481B2016/084-0). Miquel Ninyerola and Meritxell Batalla (UAB) generated climate variables from data provided by the Spanish Meteorological Agency and the Spanish Ministry of Marine and Rural Environment within the MONTES-Consolider project (CSD2008-00040)