519 research outputs found

    Evaluating cerium (IV) oxide nanoparticles membrane behaviour and related toxicity

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    Cerium (IV) oxide nanoparticles (CeO2 NPs or nano-ceria) are one of the most popular NPs used in both industry and medicine. Nowadays, CeO2 NPs could be considered as one of the NPs with better prospects for future applications in medicine. CeO2 NPs have the ability to change between oxidation states Ce(IV) and Ce(III) creating oxygen vacancies in their structure. This ability, in theory, could regulate oxidative stress (OS). However, there are many contradictory reports regarding the beneficial or adverse effects CeO2 NPs produce when internalised in the body. In addition, the mechanisms through which CeO2 NPs interact once internalised in the body are not yet totally understood. This thesis analyses the interaction between CeO2 NPs and phospholipids (DOPC, DOPG, DOPE, DOPA and DOPS) using a biosensor able to mimic the cellular membrane. The working electrode of the electrochemical sensing device (ESD) consists of a mercury coated platinum electrode (Hg/Pt electrode) where phospholipids are deposited. CeO2 NPs with different size and shapes (spheres, cubes, needles and dots) are synthesised using wet-chemical and hydrothermal methods. Also, coated CeO2 NPs were synthesised using PVP, PEG, dextran and the CeO2 NPs were treated with PBS. The NPs were characterised using TEM, SAED, EDX, XRD, DLS and Z-Potential. Results show the chemical behavior of the CeO2NPs is related to a large extent to the characteristics of the NPs surface, the characteristics of their dispersion media and the size of the NPs. CeO2 NPs (spheres, cubes, needles and dots) did not show an interaction with the phospholipid membrane (DOPC) when the system was under a continuous flow of phosphate saline buffer (PBS, pH 7.4) and citric-citrate buffer (CCB, pH 4.0, 5.0, 6.0). Nevertheless, an interaction was observed when the system was under a continuous flow of CCB (pH 3.0) and GLY (3.0). It was concluded that Ce3+ on the NPs surface can bind to the phosphate group of the phospholipid polar heads when the NPs are in GLY 3.0. Results also showed that citrate on the CeO2 NPs surface hampers the interaction with the phospholipid monolayer at pHs above 3.0. Additionally, at acidic pH (pH 3.0), the CeO2 NPs (spheres and cubes) were able to cross the phospholipid monolayer and directly interact with the Hg/Pt electrode showing a semiconductor effect. Needles, which were bigger in size, did not produce a semiconductor effect under the same conditions. The semiconductor effect decreases as size increases. The interaction of the coated CeO2 NPs with DOPC was found to be dependent on the coating agent. In this way, the interaction between DOPC and the NPs was produced by the coating agent, not the NPs. Finally, CeO2 showed to be inert when interacting with DOPA, DOPG and DOPE under a continuous flow of PBS. The only exception was the dots, which produced a significant interaction with DOPA under the same conditions

    Productivity, Digital Footprint and Sustainability in the Textile and Clothing Industry

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    [EN] In recent years, there has been a shift from the linear economic model on which the textile and clothing industry is based to a more sustainable model. However, to date, limited research on the relationship between sustainability commitment and firm productivity has focused on the textile and clothing industry. This study addresses this gap and aims to explore whether the digital footprint of small and medium-sized textile companies in terms of their sustainable performance is related to their productivity. To this end, the paper proposes an innovative model to monitor the companies’ commitment to sustainable issues by analyzing online data retrieved from their corporate websites. This information is merged with balance sheet data to examine the impact of sustainability practices, capital and human capital on productivity. The estimated firm’s total factor productivity is explained as a function of the sustainability digital footprint measures and additional control variables for a sample of 315 textile firms located in the region of Comunidad Valenciana, Spain.This work was partially funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 under grant PID2019-107765RB-I00.Domenech, J.; Garcia-Bernabeu, A.; Diaz-Garcia, P. (2023). Productivity, Digital Footprint and Sustainability in the Textile and Clothing Industry. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 319-326. https://doi.org/10.4995/CARMA2023.2023.1644631932

    La obra gráfica de Miguel Ángel Doménech: propuesta de catalogación

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    [ES] En el presente trabajo, se lleva a cabo una propuesta de catalogación sobre la producción artística del artista Miguel Ángel Doménech, compuesta por obra gráfica y pintura sobre lienzo. Realizaremos un inventario de su producción para, a continuación, desarrollar una propuesta de ficha de catálogo específica. En esta propuesta de ficha de catálogo se incluirá un análisis técnico de cada obra. La catalogación de la producción del artista serviría como instrumento de gestión para la salvaguarda, protección y puesta en valor de su obra. Finalmente, se hará un análisis de las condiciones de almacenamiento en las que se encuentras las obras estudiadas, en vistas de su optimización, proponiendo así unas pautas de conservación que garanticen su estabilidad futura.[EN] In this paper a proposal is carried out that catalogs the artistic production of the artist Miguel Ángel Doménech - which consists of graphic work and painting on canvas. The paper produced an inventory of the production and develops a proposal for a specific catalog card. A technical analysis of each work is included in the catalog sheets. This catalog aims to serve as a management instrument for the safeguarding, protection and enhancement of the author¿s work. Finally, an analysis is made of the storage conditions in which the studied works are found, in order to propose preventive conservation guidelines that guarantee their future stabilityDomenech Garcia, C. (2020). La obra gráfica de Miguel Ángel Doménech: propuesta de catalogación. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/165504TFG

    International institutions and domestic policy: assessing the influence of multilateral pressure on the European Union's agricultural policy

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    There is a debate in international relations on how, when, and why international institutions influence domestic policy. This article contributes to this debate by looking at the influence of the World Trade Organization (WTO) on the European Union's (EU) Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). It shows that the transfer of authority to international institutions may transform an external factor into a permanent influence on domestic policy. The transfer of authority in agriculture to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT - now included in the WTO) in 1994 led to the introduction of a dormant clause on export subsidies in all subsequent EU CAP regulations. This clause provided the legal foundation for the 2015 EU decision to remove export subsidies. Multilateral pressure (i.e. the demands of third countries in GATT/WTO negotiations) is not the only determinant of CAP, but it is important, and affected by the GATT/WTO having authority on agriculture

    Urban graphic representation in Leonardo Da Vinci's manuscripts

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    [EN] Parallel to the important Leonardo da Vinci’s artistic production, the innovations established to graphic representation systems by the numerous drawings of his manuscripts, have been treated traditionally in the background. Within this broad collection of graphics, his topographical and urban maps are even less studied. Firstly, this research, analyze graphic systems of representation used in Leonardo’s architectural studies. Then, it exposes its particular application to urban mapping. Perspective and orthogonal projection were already commonly used during the Renaissance period, but Leonardo improved its use by complementary mix between them, the particular development of bird’s eye view, and the use of colors and intensities in order to improve the quality of altimetric data and urban elements[ES] En paralelo a la importante producción artística de Leonardo da Vinci, las novedades aportadas a las técnicas y sistemas de representación gráfica por los numerosos dibujos de sus códices, han sido tradicionalmente tratadas en un segundo plano. Dentro de este amplio universo gráfico, todavía resultan menos estudiados sus levantamientos topográficos, cartográficos y urbanos. Esta investigación analiza previamente los sistemas de representación utilizados por Leonardo en sus estudios arquitectónicos, y posteriormente expone su particular aplicación a la forma de representar los levantamientos urbanos. Si bien tanto las técnicas de perspectiva como las de proyección ortogonal ya eran comúnmente empleadas durante el Renacimiento, Leonardo mejoraría su uso mediante la combinación complementaria entre las mismas, el particular desarrollo de la perspectiva a vista de pájaro, y el empleo de diferentes gamas e intensidades cromáticas para reforzar la representación altimétrica y los diferentes elementos urbanos.Hidalgo García, D.; García Doménech, S. (2017). La representación gráfica urbana en los manuscritos de Leonardo da Vinci. EGA. Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 22(29):128-135. doi:10.4995/ega.2017.7345SWORD1281352229Ackerman, J. S. (1977). The Madrid Codices Leonardo da Vinci Ladislao Reti. Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 36(1), 46-50. doi:10.2307/989156Bruschi, A., 1987. Bramante. Bilbao: Xarait.Docci, M., 1987. Il rilevamiento architettonico. Storia, metodi e disegno. Bari: Editori Laterza.Lotz, W., 1985. La arquitectura del Renacimiento en Italia. Estudios. Madrid: Hermann Blume (trad. s.n.).Mila, M.A., 2006. Leonardo: Dise-ador del futuro, en Conferencias arquitectura y naturaleza., pp. 1-8. Madrid: Universidad de Alcalá de Henares.Oberhummer, E. (1909). Leonardo Da Vinci and the Art of the Renaissance in Its Relations to Geography. The Geographical Journal, 33(5), 540. doi:10.2307/1777084Pedretti, C., 1988. Leonardo Architetto. Milano: Electa.Zollner, F., 2007. Leonardo da Vinci: obra pictórica completa y obra gráfica. Colonia: Taschen. (Translated to Spanish by Luis Mu-iz)

    Exploring the fate of cattle herds with inconclusive reactors to the tuberculin skin test

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    Bovine tuberculosis (TB) is an important animal health issue in many parts of the world. In England and Wales, the primary test to detect infected animals is the single intradermal comparative cervical tuberculin test, which compares immunological responses to bovine and avian tuberculins. Inconclusive test reactors (IRs) are animals that demonstrate a positive reaction to the bovine tuberculin only marginally greater than the avian reaction, so are not classified as reactors and immediately removed. In the absence of reactors in the herd, IRs are isolated, placed under movement restrictions and re-tested after 60 days. Other animals in these herds at the time of the IR result are not usually subject to movement restrictions. This could affect efforts to control TB if undetected infected cattle move out of those herds before the next TB test. To improve our understanding of the importance of IRs, this study aimed to assess whether median survival time and the hazard of a subsequent TB incident differs in herds with only IRs detected compared with negative-testing herds. Survival analysis and extended Cox regression were used, with herds entering the study on the date of the first whole herd test in 2012. An additional analysis was performed using an alternative entry date to try to remove the impact of IR retesting and is presented in the Supplementary Material. Survival analysis showed that the median survival time among IR only herds was half that observed for clear herds (2.1 years and 4.2 years respectively; p < 0.001). Extended Cox regression analysis showed that IR-only herds had 2.7 times the hazard of a subsequent incident compared with negative-testing herds in year one (hazard ratio: 2.69; 95% CI: 2.54, 2.84; p < 0.001), and that this difference in the hazard reduced by 63% per year. After 2.7 years the difference had disappeared. The supplementary analysis supported these findings showing that IR only herds still had a greater hazard of a subsequent incident after the IR re-test, but that the effect was reduced. This emphasizes the importance of careful decision making around the management of IR animals and indicates that re-testing alone may not be sufficient to reduce the risk posed by IR only herds in England and Wales

    Visibilidad estadística: Datos sobre población afrodescendiente en censos y encuestas de hogares de América Latina

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    Los autores del presente informe tomaron en consideración la totalidad de las encuestas y los censos realizados desde el año 2000 hasta los primeros meses de 2012 en países de América Latina. De este modo, reunieron información exhaustiva sobre los datos estadísticos que los censos y las encuestas de hogares brindan acerca de la población afrodescendiente de los países de la región, la cual nos permite conocer no sólo la cantidad de población, sino también la cobertura temática de los censos y las encuestas en lo que respecta a la población afrodescendiente.Fil: Cruces, Guillermo Antonio. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Departamento de Ciencias Económicas. Centro de Estudios Distributivos Laborales y Sociales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Garcia Domenech, Carolina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Departamento de Ciencias Económicas. Centro de Estudios Distributivos Laborales y Sociales; ArgentinaFil: Pinto, Florencia. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Departamento de Ciencias Económicas. Centro de Estudios Distributivos Laborales y Sociales; Argentin

    The use of tailings to make glass as an alternative for sustainable environmental remediation: the case of Osor, Catalonia, Spain

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    Tailings from the Osor fluorite mines release large amounts of potentially toxic elements into the environment. This work is a proposal to remove these waste materials and use them as a raw material in the manufacture of glass. The chemical composition of the tailings was determined by X-ray fluorescence and the mineralogy by X-ray diffraction. Waste materials have SiO2, Al2O3 and CaO contents suitable for a glass production, but Na as NaCO3 has to be added. Two glass formulations, with 80-90% of the residue and 10-20% Na2CO3, have been produced. The crystallization temperatures, obtained by differential thermal analysis, were 875 and 901 C, and the melting temperatures were 1220 and 1215 C for the G80-20 and G90-10 glasses, respectively. The transition temperatures of glass were 637 and 628 C. The crystalline phases formed in the thermal treatment to produce devitrification were nepheline, plagioclase and diopside in the G80-20 glass, and plagioclase and akermanite-gehlenite in the G90-10 glass. The temperatures for the fixed viscosity points, the working temperatures and the coeffcient of expansion were obtained. The chemical stability of the glass was tested and results indicate that the potentially toxic elements of the tailings were incorporated into the glass structure

    Response of two Citrullus amarus accessions to isolates of three species of Meloidogyne and their graft compatibility with watermelon

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    [EN] The response of two Citrullus amarus accessions, BGV0005164 and BGV0005167, was assessed against different Meloidogyne arenaria, Meloidogyne incognita, and Meloidogyne javanica isolates in pot experiments and against M. incognita in plastic greenhouse. In the pot experiments, plants were inoculated with a second-stage juvenile per cm(3) of sterile sand and maintained in a growth chamber at 25 degrees C for 50 days. The watermelon cv. Sugar Baby was included as a susceptible control for comparison. At the end of the experiments, the number of egg masses and eggs per plant was determined, and the reproduction index was calculated as the percentage of the number of eggs produced in the C. amarus accessions with regard to that produced in the susceptible cv. Sugar Baby. In the plastic greenhouse experiment, the ungrafted watermelon cv. Sugar Baby and watermelons grafted onto each of the C. amarus accessions and onto the watermelon rootstock cv. Robusta were cultivated from May to August 2016 in plots with nematode densities from 46 to 1392 J2 per 250 cm(3) of soil at transplantation. At the end of the experiment, the galling index and the number of eggs per plant were determined, and the reproduction index was calculated. Additionally, the compatibility of the two accessions with the watermelon cv. Sugar Baby and the effect on fruit quality (weight, size, shape, firmness, pH, total soluble solids, and flesh color) were assessed under a hydroponic system in a greenhouse. The commercial rootstocks cv. Cobalt and cv. Robusta were also included. All the Meloidogyne isolates produced less egg masses and eggs per plant on the accessions than on Sugar Baby. Both accessions performed as resistant against M. arenaria, and from highly to moderately resistant to M. incognita and M. javanica in pot experiments. In the plastic greenhouse experiment, both C. amarus accessions performed as resistant to M. incognita. Both C. amarus accessions were compatible with the watermelon cv. Sugar Baby, but only the BGV0005167 accession did not influence the fruit quality. Then, the BGV0005167 accession is a promising rootstock for managing the three tropical root-knot nematode species without influencing watermelon fruit quality.The authors thank MINECO and FEDER for funding projects AGL2013-49040-C2-1-R, AGL2014-53398-C2-2-R-AR, AGL2017-89785-R, and AGL2017-85563-C2-1-R-AR. H. A. Garcia-Mendivil acknowledges CONACYT for suport through a pre-doctoral grant.Garcia-Mendivil, HA.; Munera, M.; Giné, A.; Escudero, N.; Picó Sirvent, MB.; Gisbert Domenech, MC.; Sorribas, FJ. (2019). Response of two Citrullus amarus accessions to isolates of three species of Meloidogyne and their graft compatibility with watermelon. Crop Protection. 119:208-213. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cropro.2019.02.005S20821311