561 research outputs found

    Navier-Stokes-alpha model: LES equations with nonlinear dispersion

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    We present a framework for discussing LES equations with nonlinear dispersion. In this framework, we discuss the properties of the nonlinearly dispersive Navier-Stokes-alpha model of incompressible fluid turbulence --- also called the viscous Camassa-Holm equations and the LANS equations in the literature --- in comparison with the corresponding properties of large eddy simulation (LES) equations obtained via the approximate-inverse approach. In this comparison, we identify the spatially filtered NS-alpha equations with a class of generalized LES similarity models. Applying a certain approximate inverse to this class of LES models restores the Kelvin circulation theorem for the defiltered velocity and shows that the NS-alpha model describes the dynamics of the defiltered velocity for this class of generalized LES similarity models. We also show that the subgrid scale forces in the NS-alpha model transform covariantly under Galilean transformations and under a change to a uniformly rotating reference frame. Finally, we discuss in the spectral formulation how the NS-alpha model retains the local interactions among the large scales, retains the nonlocal sweeping effects of large scales on small scales, yet attenuates the local interactions of the small scales amongst themselves.Comment: 15 pages, no figures, Special LES volume of ERCOFTAC bulletin, to appear in 200

    The Council of Europe’s Human Rights system after sixty years – Political evolution and continuance

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    "The sixtieth anniversary of the Council of Europe (hereinafter “CoE”) provides opportunity for reflection on the political developments in the field of human rights in Europe. The organization, which was established in order to promote such values as rule of law, human rights and democracy, created the most efficient mechanism of human rights protection worldwide. This regional system of human rights, being associated with the “West” during the Cold War era, today gathers forty seven member states. All of them, at least theoretically, comply with the highest standards of individual protection and recognize the authority of the European Court of Human Rights (hereinafter “ECtHR” or “the Court”)."(...

    Energy transfer in isotropic turbulence at low Reynolds numbers

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    Detailed measurements were made of energy transfer among the scales of motion in incompressible turbulent fields at low Reynolds numbers generated by direct numerical simulation. It was observed that although the transfer resulted from triad interactions that were non-local in k space, the energy always transferred locally. The results are consistent with the notion of non-uniform advection of small weak eddies by larger and stronger ones, similar to transfer processes in the far dissipation range at high Reynolds numbers

    DNA i jego metafory

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    The aim of the present paper is to describe the main metaphors presented in genetic discourse: DNA as text, information, language, book, code, project/blueprint, map, computer, music, and cooking. It also analyses the social implication of these metaphors. The author of this article argues that metaphors are double-edged swords: while they brighten difficult and abstract genetic concepts, they also lead to the misunderstanding and misinterpretation of the reality. The reason for this is that most of these metaphors are of deterministic, reductionist, and fatalistic character. Consequently, they shift the attention from complexity of genetic processes. Moreover, as they appeal to emotions, ascetics, and morality they may involve exaggeration: while they bring hope, they also create an atmosphere of fear over the misuse of genetic knowledge. The author of this article states that the genetic metaphors do not simply reflect the social ideas on DNA, but also shape our understanding of genetics and imagination on the social application of genetic knowledge. Due to this reason, DNA should be understood not only as a biological code, but as a cultural as well.Celem tekstu jest charakterystyka głównych metafor obecnych w dyskursie genetycznym: tekstu/informacji/języka/książki, kodu, projektu/matrycy, mapy, metafory komputerowej, muzycznej i kulinarnej. Podejmuję także próbę ukazania ich społecznych implikacji. Twierdzę, że metafory są mieczem obosiecznym: pomagając wyjaśnić abstrakcyjne koncepcje genetyki, utrudniają zarazem zrozumienie otaczającej nas rzeczywistości, co wynika z tego, że większość z nich ma charakter deterministyczny, redukcjonistyczny i fatalistyczny, przez co odwracają uwagę od złożoności procesów genetycznych. Nadto, odwołując się do emocji, zmysłu estetycznego i moralności, rozniecają towarzyszącą badaniom genetycznym atmosferę sensacji: rozbudzają nadzieje i kreują atmosferę strachu przed nadużyciami związanymi z rozwojem genetyki. Twierdzę także, że metafory genetyki nie są wyłącznie odbiciem społecznych idei na temat DNA, ale same kształtują nasze wyobrażenia o roli i społecznych zastosowaniach informacji genetycznej. To zaś sprawia, że DNA jest nie tylko kodem biologicznym, ale również kulturowym

    Defiance, Persuasion or Conformity? The Argument in Plato’s Apology and Crito

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    The present paper attempts to throw some light on the conundrum of Socrates’ political views in the Apology and Crito. The problem resides in that the Socrates of the Apology evidently undermines the authority of Athenian democracy, whereas the Socrates of the Crito argues that his escape from prison would be tantamount to disrespecting the state, which would in turn threaten the prosperity of the entire πόλις. The article suggests that in the two dialogues, the young Plato examines the possibility of steering a middle course between embracing relativism, on the one hand, and encouraging civil disobedience, on the other. Thus, the philosopher focuses primarily on investigating the two options, without either totally subordinating the citizen to the state, or unreflexively accepting any crude pragmatism

    Religion and american foreign policy: Contesting the obvious

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    From introduction: "The role of religion in U.S. foreign policy is a very complex issue. Dependent on the personal attitude of the researcher, religion can play a major or secondary role in analyzing the process of shaping American behavior in international relations. This topic is extremely difficult for political scientists (and I daresay for other scholarly approaches as well) due to its inherently internal nature. It is easier to research and analyze open, accessible and, even if controversial, publicly discussed topics. However, this is not the case with religion. When asked to contribute to the volume on this topic the first feeling was confusion. Undoubtedly, there is religious inclination in the deeds and actions of the following American administrations, but does that mean that all the actions are guided by religious principles? Does it mean that the point of relevance is the divine principles of Christianity? Is the Decalogue the driving force of American foreign policy? Ultimately, how can we measure this topic? I will risk saying no to these questions."(...

    Symbolic Poetry, Inspired Myths and Salvific Function of Allegoresis in Proclus’ Commentary on the Republic

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    The present article is concerned with Proclus’ highly original and profoundly influential account of the symbolic function of poetry, the pedagogic as well as the hieratic value of myths and the soteriological power of allegorical interpretation. Thus, the paper begins with a brief discussion of Plato’s dismissal of poetry as μέγιστον ψεῦδος. Subsequently, Proclus’ theory of three kinds of poetry is examined, upon which attention is paid to his revolutionary idea that σύμβολα rather than μιμήματα are the tools of the highest kind of poetry. Then, Proclus’ views on the difference between Plato’s and Homer’s μυθοποιΐα are considered. While the article concludes with an analysis of Proclus’ conviction about the functional similarity of symbols in myths and those in magic rites, allegoresis is shown to have the same salvational role that Proclus ascribes to theurgy

    Towards the Total Synthesis of (+/-)-Gephyrotoxin 287C

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    Studies directed toward the total synthesis of (+/-)-Gephyrotoxin 287C are described herein. Even though the target alkaloid has been synthesized four times to date, it still presents an interesting synthetic challenge. Our ultimate goal is to develop an efficient enantioselective synthetic route utilizing oxazolone chemistry in order to demonstrate its utility as a dienophilic component in intramolecular Diels-Alder reactions. This is part of a greater ongoing study aimed at a range of suitable alkaloid targets. Chapter 1 provides introduction to frog toxins as secondary metabolites and subsequently shifts to the target alkaloid. (+/-)-Gephyrotoxin 287C was originally described by Daly and Witkop in 1974 following isolation from the skin of the southwestern Columbian poison arrow frog Dendrobates histrionicus.29 Its discovery, isolation structure elucidation and biological activity are discussed. Chapter 2 delivers detailed accounts of four total and seven formal synthesis of the target alkaloid to date. Previous synthetic works were an abundant source of valuable ideas that expedited our synthetic efforts. Chapter 3 describes overall retrosynthetic approach to (+/-)-Gephyrotoxin 287C buoyed by successful completion of (+/-)-2-epi-Pumiliotoxin C in our lab.164 The initial stage of the synthesis (formation of cis-cycloadduct) mimics approach developed by Dr. Thongsornkleeb164, a post-doc in our laboratory, but diverges entirely afterwards. Chapter 4 presents the synthetic methods employed to tackle the challenge of (+/-)-Gephyrotoxin 287C synthesis. It begins with preparation of the key triene followed by experimental and theoretical studies of intramolecular [4 + 2] Diels-Alder cycloaddition to generate desired cis-decahydroquinoline framework. Afterwards it splits into a model study of formation of the pyrrolidine C-ring via tandem elimination/ring closure and cyclopropanation studies. The bulk of presented work, however, is dedicated to rather simple, one might say, cyclopropane rupture. In spite of numerous attempts and subsequent model studies which proved vain reiteratively the last to be or not to be struggle provided genuinely desired ring rupture in regiospecific manner. Chapter 5 concludes completed synthetic efforts and offers a detailed plan for future studies, partially completed, that would lead to the total synthesis of (+/-)-Gephyrotoxin 287C


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    The aim of the studies was to evaluate the herbicidal contaminations in soil. Monitoring tests were carried out in two periods: 2002–2008 and 2010–2013, on cereal plantations located in south-western Poland. The samples of soil were collected at harvest time. The determination of 2,4-D, MCPA, diflufenican, dicamba, chlortoluron, fluroxypyr, isoproturon, clopyralid residues were conducted using the chromatography GC/ECD and HPLC/UV. Comparing the research results from both periods, a decrease of several percent in the number of the samples with residues was observed. In the years 2010–2013, the average residues of herbicide determined in 27% of samples ranged from 0.0012 to 0.0052 mg kg-1.

    Sports Background and Selected Features of Biological Condition in Life Quality of Women over 55

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    Population aging is a trend of the 21st century. Correctly administered, physical exercise is believed to significantly influence and modify the aging process, and remarkably decrease deterioration of the psycho-physical condition. The aim of this study was to verify if (and how) competitive sports practiced by women in their youth have influence on their physical fitness and life-quality in adulthood and old age. The study included 94 women who declared leading or having lead a physically active lifestyle (49 women did sports in the past, while 45 of them were physically non-active in their youth). Physical fitness resulting from former sport activity was analyzed with the Rikli&Jones test. Significantly better results were obtained by the group of former competitors in the bending forward and walking test. There is a close correspondence between doing sport in the past and mineral bone density, good subjective health evaluation and motor organ diseases. The approach to subjective health evaluation was much better in women who did sport in the past despite their significantly higher prevalence to motor organ diseases. Osteoarticular and muscle disorders may be the negative results of sport performance in the past