21 research outputs found

    The Case of Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis (Abt-Letterer-Siwe Disease) in Twin Girls

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    Abt-Letterer-Siwe disease is a form of Langerhans cell histiocytosis and occurs in 2–10 cases per 1 million of the child population per year. The Russian and foreign literature provide descriptions of this disease in children of different ages. Family cases of this pathology are described in a small number. The chapter presents a rare clinical observation of the Abt-Letterer-Siwe disease in twin girls


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    D. R. Worton, W. T. Sturges, L. K. Gohar {\em et al.\/T. Gabard, G. Pierre and M. Takami, {\em Mol. Phys.Ch. Wenger, V. Boudon, M. Rotger, M. Sanzharov and J.-P. Champion, {\em J. Mol. Spectrosc.D. Papousek, Z. Papouskova and D. P. Chong, {\em J. Phys. Chem.\/Author Institution: Institut Carnot de Bourgogne, UMR 5209 CNRS--Universite de Bourgogne, 9 Av. A. Savary, BP 47870, F-21078 Dijon Cedex, France; Institute of Physics, St. Petersburg University, 198504 St. Petersburg, Russia; Institut fur Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie der Technischen Universitat Braunschweig, D-38106 Braunschweig, Germany; Institut de Physique de Rennes, UMR 6251 CNRS--Universit de Rennes 1, 263 Av. General Leclerc, F-35042 Rennes Cedex, France; University of Arkansas, 226 Physics Building, Fayetteville AR 72701, USACF4_4 is a strong greenhouse gas of both anthropogenic and natural origin, {\em Environ. Sci. Technol.\/} {\bf 41}, 2184--2189 (2007).}. However, high-resolution infrared spectroscopy of this molecule has received only a limited interest up to now. The public databases only contain cross-sections for this species, but no detailed line list. We reinvestigate here the strongly absorbing ν3\nu_3 region around 7.3 μ\mum. Two new Fourier transform infrared spectra at a 0.003 cm1^{-1} resolution have been recorded: i) a room-temperature spectrum in a static cell with a 5 mb pressure and ii) a supersonic expansion jet spectrum at a 15 K estimated temperature. Following the work of Gabard {\em et al.\/} {\bf 85}, 735--744 (1995).\label{gab}}, we perform a simultaneous analysis of both the ν3\nu_3 and 2ν42\nu_4 bands since a strong Coriolis interaction occurs between them, perturbing the ν3\nu_3 RR-branch rotational clusters around J=20J=20. As in Ref. \ref{gab}, we also include ν3ν3\nu_3-\nu_3 microwave data in the fit. The analysis is performed thanks to the XTDS and SPVIEW programs, {\bf 251} 102--113 (2008).}. Compared to Ref. \ref{gab}, the present work extends the analysis up to higher JJ values (56 instead of 32). Absorption intensities are estimated thanks to the dipole moment derivative value of D.~Papousek {\em et al.\/} {\bf 99}, 15387--15395 (1995).} and compare well with the experiment. The rotational energy surfaces for the ν3/2ν4\nu_3/2\nu_4 dyad are also examined in order to understand the distribution of rovibrational levels


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    The Multiple Activities and the Plant Beneficial Potential of Bacillus spp. Derived from the Permafrost of Western Siberia

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    Agents of biological control are an important part of traditional agriculture, as well as organic farming. However, in the climatic conditions of countries that are located in cold and temperate regions, plant protection requires particular biocontrol agents that have adapted to environments with low and unstable temperatures. This work presents the biocontrol potential and plant-promoting activity of Bacillus spp. that was isolated from permafrost sediments in Western Siberia. It was found that all of the studied strains (n = 10) were able to produce indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and chitinolytic enzymes at low positive temperatures (5 °C). The antifungal activity of cold-tolerant bacilli against Microdochium sp., Fusarium spp., and Alternaria sp was recorded. In greenhouse and field conditions, the selected strains (B. simplex 948P-1 (IAA-producing) and B. megaterium 312 (with antifungal activity)) were assessed in comparison to a commercially available fungicide (tebuconazole) and biofungicide (B.subtilis 26D). It was found that the bacilli in the seed germination assay exhibited low phytotoxicity and there was no significant advantage over the conventional fungicides in the yield stimulation assay. However, the twin consortia of B. megaterium 312 and B. simplex 948P-1 was able to increase winter wheat yields by 50% (compared to the untreated group), and by 70% (compared to the commercial biofungicide-treated group). Moreover, applying the twin consortia of Bacillus spp. significantly reduced the infection rate of Fusarium spp. in first-generation wheat grain

    Microscopic Roots of Alcohol–Ketone Demixing: Infrared Spectroscopy of Methanol–Acetone Clusters

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    Infrared spectra of isolated methanol–acetone clusters up to tetramers are experimentally characterized for the first time. They show evidence for a nanometer-scale demixing trend of the cold species. In combination with quantum calculations, the mutual repulsion is demonstrated to start beyond three molecular units, whereas individual molecules still prefer to form a mixed complex

    High-resolution spectroscopy and global analysis of CF4 rovibrational bands to model its atmospheric absorption

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    International audienceCF4, or tetrafluoromethane, is a chemically inert and strongly absorbing greenhouse gas, mainly of anthropogenic origin. In order to monitor and reduce its atmospheric emissions and concentration, it is thus necessary to obtain an accurate model of its infrared absorption. Such models allow opacity calculations for radiative transfer atmospheric models. In the present work, we perform a global analysis (divided into two distinct fitting schemes) of 17 rovibrational bands of CF4. This gives a reliable model of many of its lower rovibrational levels and allows the calculation of the infrared absorption in the strongly absorbing ν3 region (1283 cm−1 / 7.8 μm), including the main hot band, namely ν3+ν2−ν2 as well as ν3+ν1−ν1; we could also extrapolate the ν3+ν4−ν4 absorption. This represents almost 92% of the absorption at room temperature in this spectral region. A new accurate value of the C–F bond length is evaluated to re=1.314860(21)Å. The present results have been used to update the HITRAN, GEISA and TFMeCaSDa (VAMDC) databases