75 research outputs found

    Quantification of N20 and carbon/nitrogen removal in an anoxic aerobic algal-bacterial photobioreactor

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    El trabajo está relacionado con el tratamiento de aguas residuales con algas-bacterias y altas intensidades de luz en un reactor anóxico-aerobio con el fin de eliminar C/N. La recirculación de la biomasa desde el fondo del sedimentador al reactor anóxico proporciona un buen SVI en este tanque y en el fotobiorreactor obteniendo valores de SST del efluente próximos a los que indican las directivas europeas y permite disminuir el TRH a sólo dos días. La incorporación de un difusor de aire en el fotobiorreactor estabilizó la concentración de oxígeno disuelto y aumentó gradualmente la generación de nitritos y nitratos, por lo tanto, los procesos de nitrificación y desnitrificación en el tanque aerobio y anóxico, respectivamente. Por último, el tratamiento de las aguas residuales generan gases de efecto invernadero como el dióxido de carbono, metano y óxido nitroso, que causan un alto riesgo para el medio ambiente, por lo que sería necesario implementar tecnologías para reducir o eliminar estos gases.Departamento de Ingeniería Química y Tecnología del Medio AmbienteMáster en Ingeniería Ambienta

    Análisis de la humedad del suelo en riego localizado mediante sensores

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    El uso eficiente del agua de riego requiere varios tipos de información. Uno de los elementos de la programación eficiente del riego es monitorizar la humedad del suelo para asegurar que los objetivos del riego en los cultivos se están cumpliendo. Los sensores de humedad permiten determinar el contenido hídrico del suelo, pero falta ver cómo utilizarlos en riego por goteo para sistemas de control y automatización. Para usarlos de manera fiable y tomar decisiones es importante caracterizar un suelo y ver la dinámica del agua alrededor de un gotero. En el presente estudio se emplearon sensores de humedad 10HS Decagon en un cultivo de manzanos localizados en la Estación Experimental de Lleida (IRTA), en la región de Cataluña (España), que fueron sometidos a una monitorización en diferentes profundidades (15cm, 30cm y 60cm) y posiciones: bajo gotero (A), entre goteros (B), perímetro de zona mojada por gotero (C) y a 1m del tubo de riego (D). Se llevó a cabo el análisis de los diferentes sensores a la percepción del riego y precipitación. Los resultados obtenidos evidenciaron que la profundidad óptima es de 30 cm y las posiciones preferibles son las de bajo gotero (A) y entre goteros (B).The efficient use of irrigation water requires several kinds of information. One element of efficient irrigation scheduling is monitoring the soil moisture to assure the crop irrigation goals are being met. Soil moisture sensors allow to determine soil water content but not how to use them in control systems or automation. To relay on their use and making decisions its important to characterize the soil and see the water dynamic around the drip. Soil moisture sensors (10HS Decagon) were used in order to assess soil dynamic and water content of Apple tree crop located in Experimental Station of Lleida (IRTA), in Catalonia region (Spain). Apple trees were monitored at several depths (15cm, 30cm y 60cm) and positions: under drip (A), between drips (B), wet area perimeter (C) and 1m from the irrigation tube (D). The sensitivity of the different sensors of irrigation and rain was studied. The results showed that 30 cm was the ideal depth and the best position were under drip (A) and between drip (B).Fil: Domínguez Niño, J. Instituto de Investigación y Tecnología Agroalimentarias (Barcelona-España)Fil: Oliver, J. Instituto de Investigación y Tecnología Agroalimentarias (Barcelona-España)Fil: Casadesús, J. Instituto de Investigación y Tecnología Agroalimentarias (Barcelona-España

    La música como herramienta para trabajar la interculturalidad en Educación Primaria

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    El presente trabajo pretende poner de manifiesto la importancia que tiene la música para la mejora de la convivencia, respeto y cooperación en Educación Primaria trabajando desde un enfoque intercultural. Para ello, se tratarán los términos similares en torno a ese tema con el fin de evitar su confusión. Después se centrará en cómo lo abordan diferentes leyes educativas. Además, se tendrá en cuenta los principios y estrategias que pueden llevarse a cabo en Educación Musical. Asimismo, se expondrán las posibilidades que tiene el hecho de trabajar la música relacionándola con la interculturalidad. Finalmente, se desarrollará una propuesta de intervención para el sexto curso de Educación Primaria. Dicha propuesta consta de once sesiones y abarca diferentes culturas del mundo poniendo énfasis en la africana.The aim of this study is to show the importance of music to improve living together, respect and cooperation in Primary Education in an intercultural approach. To this end, terms related to this topic, which could lead to confusion because of being quite similar, will be explained. Then, we will focus on how music is approached by different education laws. Besides, some principles and strategies that can be carried out in Musical Education will be dealt with. Also, the possibilities of working with music in relation to interculturality will be presented. Finally, an educational intervention proposal for the 6th year in Primary Education will be developed. This (educational intervention) proposal consists of eleven sessions and covers different music cultures around the world, giving prominence to the African one.Grado en Educación Primari

    Differential irrigation scheduling by an automated algorithm of water balance tuned by capacitance-type soil moisture sensors

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    Automated software tools are required to undertake the routine tasks and decision-making involved in scheduling irrigation. A key issue in this topic is how to integrate sensors in the scheduling approach. The objectives of this research were to test, in the context of drip-irrigated orchards: (a) the suitability of FAO’s water balance method, locally adjusted by sensors, as the basis for the scheduling algorithm, (b) the suitability of capacitance-type soil moisture sensors, and an approach for their automated interpretation, for providing feedback to the scheduling algorithm, and (c) the performance of these combined approaches in the autonomous scheduling of irrigation in an apple orchard with heterogeneous vigour. The trial consisted of applying for two years the proposed approaches using an experimental web application, IRRIX, which scheduled irrigation of two irrigation sectors, which differed in tree size. The automated system was compared with manual scheduling by a classical water balance and with the actual evapotranspiration determined by a weighing lysimeter located in the same orchard. Results show that the irrigation applied by the automated approach in the sector of larger trees agreed with the ET determined by the lysimeter and, overall, with the scheduling by an experienced irrigator using a classical water balance. Meanwhile, as a result of a different feedback from soil moisture sensors, the same system reduced irrigation in the sector of smaller trees by a similar amount to that expected from the differences between the two sectors in the fraction of photosynthetically active radiation. This study illustrates that the method of water balance complemented with capacitance-type soil moisture sensors provides a sound basis for automated irrigation scheduling in orchards.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Analysis of the Variability in Soil Moisture Measurements by Capacitance Sensors in a Drip-Irrigated Orchard

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    Among the diverse techniques for monitoring soil moisture, capacitance-type soil moisture sensors are popular because of their low cost, low maintenance requirements, and acceptable performance. However, although in laboratory conditions the accuracy of these sensors is good, when installed in the field they tend to show large sensor-to-sensor differences, especially under drip irrigation. It makes difficult to decide in which positions the sensors are installed and the interpretation of the recorded data. The aim of this paper is to study the variability involved in the measurement of soil moisture by capacitance sensors in a drip-irrigated orchard and, using this information, find ways to optimize their usage to manage irrigation. For this purpose, the study examines the uncertainties in the measurement process plus the natural variability in the actual soil water dynamics. Measurements were collected by 57 sensors, located at 10 combinations of depth and position relative to the dripper. Our results showed large sensor-to-sensor differences, even when installed at equivalent depth and coordinates relative to the drippers. In contrast, differences among virtual sensors simulated using a HYDRUS-3D model at those soil locations were one order of magnitude smaller. Our results highlight, as a possible cause for the sensor-to-sensor differences in the measurements by capacitance sensors, the natural variability in size, shape, and centering of the wet area below the drippers, combined with the sharply defined variation in water content at the soil scale perceived by the sensors.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Parameterization of Soil Hydraulic Parameters for HYDRUS-3D Simulation of Soil Water Dynamics in a Drip-Irrigated Orchard

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    Although surface drip irrigation allows an efficient use of water in agriculture, the heterogeneous distribution of soil water complicates its optimal usage. Mathematical models can be used to simulate the dynamics of water in the soil below a dripper and promote: a better understanding, and optimization, of the design of drip irrigation systems, their improved management and their monitoring with soil moisture sensors. The aim of this paper was to find the most appropriate configuration of HYDRUS-3D for simulating the soil water dynamics in a drip-irrigated orchard. Special emphasis was placed on the source of the soil hydraulic parameters. Simulations parameterized using the Rosetta approach were therefore compared with others parameterized using that of HYPROP + WP4C. The simulations were validated on a seasonal scale, against measurements made using a neutron probe, and on the time course of several days, against tensiometers. The results showed that the best agreement with soil moisture measurements was achieved with simulations parameterized from HYPROP + WP4C. It further improved when the shape parameter n was empirically calibrated from a subset of neutron probe measurements. The fit of the simulations with measurements was best at positions near the dripper and worsened at positions outside its wetting pattern and at depths of 80 cm or more.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Inteligencia emocional y educación universitaria: una aproximación / Emotional intelligence and higher education: a closer view

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    We seek to stablish the importance and attention that is being paid today to emotional education in high educational institutions: it's worth for life and the student's formation, for their personal and professional success. Also the effort that has been made in the educational institutions to empower these set of competences. In the same way we are interested in the perception of social abilities that is reaching the academic and professional social agents. Aside all of this, we'll determine the origin of emotional intelligence as a concept and the evolution of the academic concept of intelligence, from the times in which it was determined by the mastering of academic subjects, to those characterized by IC and emotional intelligence tests. This way, we could be able to see what has been the criteria employed for the measurement of human intellect and compare them, so we can ask ourselves effectively about the degree of our own, today's ideas in the subject. Having a clearer idea about the global and historical evolutions in this field, we'll have a better position from which to judge the quality and quantity of work aimed to the measurement of both de Intellectual Capacity and the interaction abilities.Se busca establecer la importancia y atención que se presta actualmente a la educación emocional en las instituciones superiores: su valor para la vida y formación de los alumnos y para su éxito personal y profesional, así como el esfuerzo que se ha estado haciendo en las instituciones educativas para potenciar este juego de competencias. Igualmente nos interesa la percepción de las habilidades sociales de estos por parte de los agentes académicos y laborales. Antes de todo ello, determinaremos el origen de la inteligencia emocional como concepto y la evolución de la percepción académica de inteligencia, desde los tiempos en que lo determinaba el dominio de materias académicas, hasta los test de CI y la inteligencia emocional. De esta manera podremos comprobar cuáles han sido los criterios empleados para medir el intelecto humano y compararlos entre sí para poder preguntarnos de manera efectiva por el grado de validez de nuestras propias ideas actuales en la materia. Al tener una idea más clara de los esfuerzos que global e históricamente se han hecho en este campo, tendremos una mejor posición desde la cual juzgar la calidad y cantidad de esfuerzo destinado tanto a la medición de la capacidad intelectual como de la capacidad de interacció

    Implicaciones de la Covid-19 en la educación escolar; una revisión temprana de los artículos publicados en revistas académicas

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    Este trabajo corresponde a un estudio de revisión sobre las obras publicadas en revistas académicas, en torno al impacto de la COVID-19 en la educación escolar. Mediante la técnica de análisis interjueces se revisaron 60 artículos publicados en revistas académicas de diferentes partes del mundo. Se constató que la producción de artículos recoge problemáticas educativas surgidas principalmente en Estados Unidos de América, India y China; esta producción se enmarca sustancialmente en las áreas de Tecnología educativa, Ciencias de la Educación y Ciencias de la Salud. También se observó que la gran mayoría de publicaciones corresponde a artículos de opinión que sitúan la reflexión en torno a la educación superior. En conjunto, los artículos emiten recomendaciones educativas de mejora en cinco niveles: políticas públicas en educación, atención y seguimiento institucional en el nivel educativo superior, atención y seguimiento curricular, procesos de enseñanza y de aprendizaje, y reconfiguración del sentido de la educación

    Evaluation of the physicochemical properties of dehydrated artisanal cheese during storage

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    [EN] Artisanal fresh cheese is a type of cheese from Hispanic origin and one of the most consumed; however, its shelf life is short due to of its pH is close to neutrality, high aw and low salt content. The fluidized bed drying was employed as an efficient alternative to fresh cheese; however, in order to achieve the desired shelf life in a product, it is necessary to study different packaging and storage conditions that will depend on the specific characteristics of the product. A design of factorial experiments 23 was adopted, the storage study was carried out for 90 days, studying two qualitative variables: type of packaging and type of atmosphere in the packaging, and one quantitative variable: drying temperature.Calis-Pérez, C.; Domínguez-Niño, A.; Urrea-García, G.; Luna-Solano, G. (2018). Evaluation of the physicochemical properties of dehydrated artisanal cheese during storage. En IDS 2018. 21st International Drying Symposium Proceedings. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 911-918. https://doi.org/10.4995/IDS2018.2018.7609OCS91191