986 research outputs found

    Community identity, life satisfaction, empowerment and health: suggesting a model for the immigrant population

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    The academic literature shows that studies in the fields of Community Psychology and Group Psychology have reached the same conclusion: belonging to and identifying with a group has an impact on health. However, when the studies are reviewed, there seems to be little communication between those engaged in these two lines of work, as contributions made from the perspective of Community are not compared with those made from that of Social Identity. Therefore, this study opts for an integrative perspective that makes possible progress towards a political/social viewpoint. Specifically, it is sought to understand the relationship between identification with the neighbourhood in which one lives (what has been called "community identity") and the mental health of Malaga's immigrant population, a model being proposed in which the relationship between health and identity is mediated by empowerment.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Government of Spain's Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, reference: PSI2013-40508-

    Hey children! Do you feel listened by your politicians? Evaluating a participative democratic programme

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate a participative democracy programme called Ágora infantil, carried out with students between the ages of 10 and 12. As in participatory budgets, the process is based on the research-action model (Lewin, 1946) and consists of the city council opening up decision-making on a part of the municipal budget or a concrete policy to the children of the municipality. This process of diagnosis, prioritization and decision-making was completed over the course of 5 to 7 sessions during school hours and implemented by the Coglobal association. Once the participants make a decision, the city council carries out the project selected in the municipality (the decision made is binding). The main goal of Ágora Infantil is to generate psychological empowerment and wellbeing amongst its participants, and to measure the effects of this programme on children’s psychological empowerment. To this end, we used Zimmerman´s model (Zimmerman, 1995; Zimmerman, 2000). The operationalization of the strengthening was based on: 1) knowledge of local politics (as a component of the interactional dimension of psychological empowerment) and 2) the self-perception of being able to influence the future of the municipality (component of the intrapersonal dimension of psychological empowerment). In addition, wellbeing was evaluated through the perception of being heard (Casas y Bello, 2012) and trust in the city council.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Empowering children in politics: evaluating a participative democratic programme

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate a participative democracy programme called Ágora infantil, carried out with students between the ages of 10 and 12. As in participatory budgets, the process is based on the research-action model (Lewin, 1946) and consists of the city council opening up decision-making on a part of the municipal budget or a concrete policy to the children of the municipality. This process of diagnosis, prioritization and decision-making was completed over the course of 5 to 7 sessions during school hours and implemented by the Coglobal association. Once the participants make a decision, the city council carries out the project selected in the municipality (the decision made is binding). The main goal of Ágora Infantil is to generate psychological empowerment and wellbeing amongst its participants, and to measure the effects of this programme on children’s psychological empowerment. To this end, we used Zimmerman´s model (Zimmerman, 1995; Zimmerman, 2000). The operationalization of the strengthening was based on: 1) knowledge of local politics (as a component of the interactional dimension of psychological empowerment) and 2) the self-perception of being able to influence the future of the municipality (component of the intrapersonal dimension of psychological empowerment). In addition, wellbeing was evaluated through the perception of being heard (Casas y Bello, 2012) and trust in the city council.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Community social identity as a health protective factor for immigrant people

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    This study aims at determining if community social identity is able to predict vital satisfaction and to act as a health protective factor. The academic literature shows that studies in the fields of Community Psychology and Group Psychology have reached the same conclusion: belonging to and identifying with a group has an impact on health. However, there is very few literature devoted to the analysis of this relationship in the population having experienced migration. At the same time, when the studies are reviewed, there seems to be little communication between those engaged in these two lines of work, as contributions made from the perspective of Community are not compared with those made from that of Social Identity. Therefore, this study opts for an integrative perspective that makes possible progress towards a political/social viewpoint. Specifically, it is sought to understand the relationship between identification with the neighbourhood in which one lives (what has been called "community social identity") and the mental health of Malaga's immigrant population, a model being proposed in which the relationship between health and identity is mediated by life satisfaction.Government of Spain's Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, reference: PSI2013-40508-P Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Percepción de la ley integral 2/2014 por parte de las personas transexuales que residen en Andalucía

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    El presente artículo es fruto de una investigación centrada en la percepción que las per-sonas trans de Andalucía tienen sobre lo que se articula en la Ley integral 2/2014, de 8 de julio, integral para la no discriminación por motivos de identidad de género y recono-cimiento de los derechos de las personas transexuales de Andalucía. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar el nivel de importancia que las personas trans conceden a las medidas propuestas en esta ley. Han participado un total de 100 personas trans de todas las provincias andaluzas a través de un cuestionario de valoración tipo Likert . Los resultados muestran que las personas participantes consideran de gran importancia todos los aspectos que se regulan en esta ley, aunque pese a ello, aparece un porcentaje significativo de personas que consideran que aún no están representadas en las leyes au-tonómicas. Estos resultados y sus implicaciones son analizados.This work is based on transgender's people perception that lives in Andalusia about the law number 2 of 8 July 2014, for non-discrimination and protection of transgender people from Andalusia. The aim of the study is to analyze the importance that individuals give to the measures proposed in this law. A total of 100 individuals participated in all Andalusia through a Likert scale. Results show that participants have attached great importance to the measures listed in this law but there are people that still feel unrepresented in the regional law. These re-search findings and their implications are discussed

    Serviços de sincronização e armazenamento de arquivos para ambientes educativos em caso de desastre

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    1 recurso en línea (páginas 81-91).Las nubes computacionales son una solución emergente que responden al concepto de Smart University, para proporcionar un entorno inteligente de continuidad del negocio para los actores de un centro educativo. Esta investigación propone un plan de recuperación de servicios educativos en caso de desastres, aplicando la metodología de Investigación-Acción, que incluye un análisis de nubes computacionales de software libre, al enfocarse en los sistemas de Sincronización y Uso Compartido de Archivos Empresariales (EFSS). Para llevarlo a cabo se diseñó e implementó un escenario local (Linux Apache, MySQL, y PHP, LAMP). Para su evaluación y validación se realizaron varias pruebas de estrés en tres aplicativos: Nextcloud, Seafile y Pydio. Entre los hallazgos se evidenció que Nextcloud tuvo resultados consistentes por encima de las dos opciones restantes; sin embargo, esta solución no tiene un sistema que le permita sincronizar dos instancias de Nextcloud. Para solucionarlo, se desarrolló una rutina con el objetivo de proporcionar un ambiente que monitoree un hot site donde está alojado el aplicativo en producción y, cada cierto tiempo, realice sincronizaciones de la instancia para evitar la pérdida de información en caso de desastres. Luego, se configuró un segundo aplicativo en un cold site que está atento ante una posible caída del servicio, para su respuesta y alerta inmediata. Por último, se evalúo la usabilidad de la rutina y se ensambló un plan de recuperación de desastres para las EFSS, a fin de ofrecer una continuidad de los servicios educativos que se gestan en estos entornos.Cloud computing is an emerging solution that responds to the concept of Smart University; it aims at offering an intelligent environment of business continuity for the actors of an educational center. This research offers a recovery plan of educational services in case of disaster, through an action research, which analyzed free software for cloud computing, focusing on Enterprise File Synchronization and Sharing (EFSS). To achieve this, the implementation was placed in a local scenario (Linux Apache, MySQL, PHP, LAMP), and stress tests were performed on three applications: Nextcloud, Seafile and Pydio. Nextcloud had more consistent and better results than the other two applications; however, it lacks a system that allows synchronizing two Nextcloud instances. To solve this, we developed a routine aimed at providing an environment that monitors the hot site where the application is hosted and, from time to time, synchronize the instance to avoid data loss during disaster events. Afterwards, we configured a second application on a cold site that is alert to a possible service breakdown, so it can respond and sent immediate alerts. Finally, the usability of the routine was evaluated, and the disaster recovery plan for the EFSS was assembled, to offer a continuity of the educational services that are running in these environments.As nuvens computacionais são uma solução emergente que respondem ao conceito de Smart University, para proporcionar um ambiente inteligente de continuidade do negócio para os atores de um centro educativo. Esta pesquisa propõe um plano de recuperação de serviços educativos em caso de desastres, aplicando a metodologia de Pesquisa-Ação, que inclui uma análise de nuvens computacionais de software livre, ao enfocar-se nos sistemas de Sincronização e Uso Compartilhado de Arquivos Empresariais (EFSS). Para levá-lo a cabo desenhou-se e implementou-se um cenário local (Linux Apache, MySQL, e PHP, LAMP). Para sua avaliação e validação realizaram-se várias provas de estresse em três aplicativos: Nextcloud, Seafile e Pydio. Entre os achados evidenciou-se que Nextcloud teve resultados consistentes acima das duas opções restantes; porém, esta solução não tem um sistema que lhe permita sincronizar duas instâncias de Nextcloud. Para solucioná-lo, desenvolveu-se uma rotina com o objetivo de proporcionar um ambiente que monitore um hot site onde está alojado o aplicativo em produção e, cada certo tempo, realize sincronizações da instância para evitar a perda de informação em caso de desastres. Logo, configurou-se um segundo aplicativo em um cold site que está atento ante uma possível queda do serviço, para sua resposta e alerta imediata. Por último, avaliou-se a usabilidade da rotina e elaborou-se um plano de recuperação de desastres para as EFSS, a fim de oferecer uma continuidade dos serviços educativos que se gestam nestes ambientes.Bibliografía: páginas 90-91

    Enterprise file synchronization and sharing services for educational environments in case of disaster

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    Cloud computing is an emerging solution that responds to the concept of Smart University; it aims at offering an intelligent environment of business continuity for the actors of an educational center. This research offers a recovery plan of educational services in case of disaster, through an action research, which analyzed free software for cloud computing, focusing on Enterprise File Synchronization and Sharing (EFSS). To achieve this, the implementation was placed in a local scenario (Linux Apache, MySQL, PHP, LAMP), and stress tests were performed on three applications: Nextcloud, Seafile and Pydio. Nextcloud had more consistent and better results than the other two applications; however, it lacks a system that allows synchronizing two Nextcloud instances. To solve this, we developed a routine aimed at providing an environment that monitors the hot site where the application is hosted and, from time to time, synchronize the instance to avoid data loss during disaster events. Afterwards, we configured a second application on a cold site that is alert to a possible service breakdown, so it can respond and sent immediate alerts. Finally, the usability of the routine was evaluated, and the disaster recovery plan for the EFSS was assembled, to offer a continuity of the educational services that are running in these environments

    The Origin of Kinematically Persistent Planes of Satellites as Driven by the Early Evolution of the Cosmic Web in ΛCDM

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    Kinematically persistent planes (KPPs) of satellites are fixed sets of satellites co-orbiting around their host galaxy, whose orbital poles are conserved and clustered across long cosmic time intervals. They play the role of “skeletons,” ensuring the long-term durability of positional planes. We explore the physical processes behind their formation in terms of the dynamics of the local cosmic web (CW), characterized via the so-called Lagrangian volumes (LVs) built up around two zoom-in, cosmological hydro-simulations of Milky Way–mass disk galaxy + satellites systems, where three KPPs have been identified. By analyzing the LV deformations in terms of the reduced tensor of inertia (TOI), we find an outstanding alignment between the LV principal directions and the KPP satellites’ orbital poles. The most compressive local mass flows (along the eˆ3 eigenvector) are strong at early times, feeding the so-called eˆ3 -structure, while the smallest TOI axis rapidly decreases. The eˆ3 -structure collapse marks the end of this regime and is the timescale for the establishment of satellite orbital pole clustering when the Universe is ≲4 Gyr old. KPP protosatellites aligned with eˆ3 are those whose orbital poles are either aligned from early times or have been successfully bent at eˆ3 -structure collapse. KPP satellites associated with eˆ1 tend to have early trajectories already parallel to eˆ3 . We show that KPPs can arise as a result of the ΛCDM-predicted large-scale dynamics acting on particular sets of protosatellites, the same dynamics that shape the local CW environment

    Instrumento de evaluación del programa de democracia participativa Ágora infantil

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    En el presente documento se detalla los instrumentos construidos para la evaluación del programa de democracia participativa Ágora Infantil (AI). Esta política es analiza para conocer sus efectos psicosociales por un equipo interdisciplinar de la Universidad de Málaga y de la Universidad de Huelva tal y como figura en el contrato 8.07/5.38.4408. En el presente documento se detallan los instrumentos utilizados por el equipo de investigación, asegurando así su registro. Por lo tanto, el uso parcial o total de los mismo requeriría la cita de la correspondiente autoría

    Enfermeros entre el personal de los Hospitales de la Universidad de Coímbra, de 1779 a 1797: particularidades e implicaciones

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    Context: Resulting from the integration of small hospitals, the Coimbra University Hospitals were, at this time, an institution of significant size. At the end of the 18th century, during the Age of Enlightenment, hospitals were undergoing a process of transition to modernity. Objectives: To describe the staff of the Coimbra University Hospitals in the last decades of the 18th century and analyze the evolution of the existing professions and compare their salaries and positions, while focusing on nurses. Methodology: A historical analysis based on published sources, considering the contexts and long-lasting evolutionary lines while building an interpretative summary. Results: Four professional groups were found and divided into treatment of the body - nurses, physicians, and surgeons; treatment of the soul - chaplains and sexton; support services - assistants, helpers, cooks, laundry maid, washerwoman, despenseiro; and security services - doorkeepers, guards, and tronqueiro. Conclusion: It was possible to observe the presence of nurses during the transition between medieval continuity, with the continuance of bloodletting nurses and cook nurses, and the ascending differentiation of the delivery nurse and the descending differentiation of ward assistants.Contexto: Os Hospitais da Universidade de Coimbra resultam da concentração de pequenos hospitais e são, nesta época, uma instituição de dimensões significativas. Nos finais do século XVIII, em pleno iluminismo, os hospitais vivenciaram um processo de transição para a modernidade. Objetivos: Descrever os funcionários que existiam nos Hospitais da Universidade de Coimbra nos finais do século XVIII. Analisar a evolução dos ofícios em presença e os seus posicionamentos relativos, com o foco nos enfermeiros. Metodologia: Análise histórica, partindo de fontes publicadas, considerando os contextos e as linhas evolutivas de longa duração, construindo uma síntese interpretativa. Resultados: Estamos em presença de quatro agrupamentos profissionais - cuidadores do corpo (enfermeiros, médicos e cirurgiões), cuidadores da alma (capelões e sacristãos), serviços de apoio (ajudantes, serventes, cozinheiros, roupeira, lavadeira, despenseiro), e Serviços de segurança (porteiros, guardas e tronqueiro). Conclusão: Verificou-se a presença de enfermeiros num processo de transição entre linhas de continuidade medieval, com enfermeiros-sangradores e enfermeiros-cozinheiros, e a diferenciação ascendente com enfermeira dos partos e descendente com ajudantes das enfermarias.Marco contextual: Los Hospitales de la Universidad de Coímbra son el resultado de la concentración de pequeños hospitales y son, en este momento, una institución de dimensiones significativas. A finales del siglo XVIII, en plena Ilustración, los hospitales experimentaron un proceso de transición a la modernidad. Objetivos: Describir al personal que existía en los Hospitales de la Universidad de Coímbra a finales del siglo XVIII. Analizar la evolución de los oficios en presencia y sus posicionamientos relativos, centrándose en los enfermeros. Metodología: Análisis histórico, a partir de fuentes publicadas, se consideraron los contextos y las líneas evolutivas de larga duración, y se construyó una síntesis interpretativa. Resultados: Se encontraron cuatro grupos profesionales, cuidadores del cuerpo (enfermeros, médicos y cirujanos), cuidadores del alma (capellanes y sacristanes), servicios de apoyo (ayudantes, sirvientes, cocineros, guardarropa, lavandera, mayordomo) y servicios de seguridad (porteros, guardias y tronqueiro – guardia del albergue). Conclusión: Se verificó la presencia de enfermeros en un proceso de transición entre líneas de continuidad medieval, con enfermeros-sangradores y enfermeros-cocineros, y la diferenciación ascendente con el enfermero de partos y descendiente con los ayudantes de enfermería