739 research outputs found

    Revisión del Mieloma Múltiple IgD a propósito de un caso con buena evolución tras trasplante autóloogo

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    El mieloma múltiple IgD es una forma rara de mieloma. Presenta unas características clínicas especiales que pueden dificultar su diagnóstico. Tradicionalmente se ha considerado una forma de mieloma con pronóstico adverso. Los últimos avances terapéuticos han conseguido revertir estos resultados. Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 50 años que ingresa en Mayo de 2011 con un síndrome constitucional, bicitopenia e insuficiencia renal. El diagnóstico inicial fue dificultoso. Finalmente se obtiene un mínimo pico monoclonal IgD junto con cifras elevadas de proteínas ligeras en orina y cociente kappa/lambda invertido, lo cual dirige el diagnóstico hacia mieloma IgD. La respuesta al tratamiento no fue satisfactoria con dos fármacos quimioterápicos, por lo que fue necesario utilizar una triple combinación, con la que se consigue una remisión parcial y posterior trasplante autólogo. El paciente obtiene respuesta completa que ha mantenido hasta la actualidad.OtroGrado en Medicin

    Transformación de la humanidad: rasgos para una práctica docente innovadora

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    The main objective of this document is to analyze the features of a teaching practice, based on educational innovation, for the transformation of humanity. For this, a study was carried out based on documentary analysis and the reflection of different primary and secondary sources. Establishing that, in the face of global and local transformations, under current conditions and demands, educational innovation is presented as an ideal strategy to respond to the singular and particular; to the situations and problems that emerge in the classroom and outside of it.El presente documento tiene por objetivo principal analizar los rasgos de una práctica docente, basada en la innovación educativa, para la transformación de la humanidad. Para ello, se realizó un estudio con base en análisis documental y la reflexión de distintas fuentes primarias y secundarias. Estableciendo que, ante las transformaciones de lo global y lo local, bajo las condiciones y exigencias actuales, la innovación educativa se presenta como una estrategia idónea para dar respuesta, de lo singular y particular; a las situaciones y problemáticas que emergen en el aula y fuera de ésta. El presente documento tiene por objetivo principal analizar los rasgos de una práctica docente, basada en la innovación educativa, para la transformación de la humanidad. Para ello, se realizó un estudio con base en análisis documental y la reflexión de distintas fuentes primarias y secundarias. Estableciendo que, ante las transformaciones de lo global y lo local, bajo las condiciones y exigencias actuales, la innovación educativa se presenta como una estrategia idónea para dar respuesta, de lo singular y particular; a las situaciones y problemáticas que emergen en el aula y fuera de ésta

    Reconocimiento, medición, presentación, información a revelar y tratamiento tributario del contrato de opción de venta de maíz blanco, utilizado por las Asociaciones Privadas de Interés Social del departamento de San Vicente, a implementarse en el año 2019.

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    La presente investigación está enfocada en proponer una guía de aplicación sobre el Reconocimiento, medición, presentación, información a revelar y el tratamiento tributario del contrato de opción de venta de maíz blanco, utilizado por las asociaciones privadas de interés social del departamento de San Vicente. La idea de una guía surge debido a que en El Salvador existe una limitada cantidad de información sobre las opciones financieras en cuanto al tratamiento financiero respecta. Es por ello que, como grupo de investigación se tomó como referente el contrato de opción de venta negociado en BOLPROS como objeto de estudio, si bien es cierto que no se cuenta con un mercado de derivados financieros en nuestro país, su naturaleza lo convierte en un instrumento financiero cuyo tratamiento es diferente al de los instrumentos financieros básicos. El primer capítulo contiene los fundamentos teóricos del contrato de opción de venta, las asociaciones y la comercialización del maíz blanco en El Salvador. El capítulo dos muestra el planteamiento del problema de investigación y la metodología empleada para la recopilación de datos que fundamentan la situación actual de los sujetos de estudio. El tercer capítulo presenta la situación actual de los sujetos de investigación. En este se muestra como las asociaciones realizan el tratamiento financiero y tributario de las operaciones que surgen del contrato de opción de venta; así como, las conclusiones y recomendaciones producto de los instrumentos administrados a las asociaciones privadas de interés social. En el cuarto capítulo se plantea una guía de aplicación que contiene las políticas contables basadas en la normativa financiera que deben aplicar las asaciones privadas de interés social; así como el tratamiento tributario del contrato de opción de venta de maíz blanco. También contiene el desarrollo de un caso práctico fundamentado en la política contable propuesta, con la finalidad de que los estados financieros muestren fielmente la realidad económica de las asociaciones que utilizan este tipo de contrato

    Pitx2 Differentially Regulates the Distinct Phases of Myogenic Program and Delineates Satellite Cell Lineages During Muscle Development

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    The knowledge of the molecular mechanisms that regulate embryonic myogenesis from early myogenic progenitors to myoblasts, as well as the emergence of adult satellite stem cells (SCs) during development, are key concepts to understanding the genesis and regenerative abilities of the skeletal muscle. Several previous pieces of evidence have revealed that the transcription factor Pitx2 might be a player within the molecular pathways controlling somite-derived muscle progenitors’ fate and SC behavior. However, the role exerted by Pitx2 in the progression from myogenic progenitors to myoblasts including SC precursors remains unsolved. Here, we show that Pitx2 inactivation in uncommitted early myogenic precursors diminished cell proliferation and migration leading to muscle hypotrophy and a low number of SCs with decreased myogenic differentiation potential. However, the loss of Pitx2 in committed myogenic precursors gave rise to normal muscles with standard amounts of SCs exhibiting high levels of Pax7 expression. This SC population includes few MYF5+ SC-primed but increased amount of less proliferative miR-106b+cells, and display myogenic differentiation defects failing to undergo proper muscle regeneration. Overall our results demonstrate that Pitx2 is required in uncommitted myogenic progenitors but it is dispensable in committed precursors for proper myogenesis and reveal a role for this transcription factor in the generation of diverse SC subpopulations.BFU2015-67131 (Spanish Ministery of Economy and Competitiveness)PID2019- 107492GB-100 (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation

    Regulation of Epicardial Cell Fate during Cardiac Development and Disease: An Overview

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    This work was partially supported by grants BFU2015-67131 (Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness) and PID2019-107492GB-100 (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation).The epicardium is the outermost cell layer in the vertebrate heart that originates during development from mesothelial precursors located in the proepicardium and septum transversum. The epicardial layer plays a key role during cardiogenesis since a subset of epicardial-derived cells (EPDCs) undergo an epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT); migrate into the myocardium; and differentiate into distinct cell types, such as coronary vascular smooth muscle cells, cardiac fibroblasts, endothelial cells, and presumably a subpopulation of cardiomyocytes, thus contributing to complete heart formation. Furthermore, the epicardium is a source of paracrine factors that support cardiac growth at the last stages of cardiogenesis. Although several lineage trace studies have provided some evidence about epicardial cell fate determination, the molecular mechanisms underlying epicardial cell heterogeneity remain not fully understood. Interestingly, seminal works during the last decade have pointed out that the adult epicardium is reactivated after heart damage, re-expressing some embryonic genes and contributing to cardiac remodeling. Therefore, the epicardium has been proposed as a potential target in the treatment of cardiovascular disease. In this review, we summarize the previous knowledge regarding the regulation of epicardial cell contribution during development and the control of epicardial reactivation in cardiac repair after damage.Spanish Government BFU2015-67131 PID2019-107492GB-10

    Economic profitability analysis of husk tomato (Physalis ixocarpa Brot. ex Hornem.) under different silicon dioxide concentrations

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    Objective: Evaluate doses of foliar and soil fertilization with silicon dioxide on the economic profitability of the cultivation of husk tomato cv. 'Querétaro' under plastic and macro-tunnel padding conditions. Design/Methodology/Approach: 10 treatments were evaluated under different concentrations of silicon dioxide soil and foliar application: T1: Treatment control (T), T2: Fertilization with silicon dioxide 20, 40, 60 g to the soil and 100, 150 and 200 ppm foliar (S20/100F), T3: S20/150F, T4: S20/200F, T5: S40/100F, T6: S40/150F, T7: S40/200F, T8: S60/100F, T9: S60/150F and T10: S60/200, distributed in random blocks. Economic profitability indicators such as Benefit | Cost Ratio (B/C), Net Present Value (VAN) and Internal Rate of Return (TIR) were determined. Results: The investigation established that S60/150F was the treatment with the highest economic profitability because it promoted the highest production per hectare, which was reflected in the VAN (336,932.97MN),theTIR(77.3 336,932.97 MN), the TIR (77.3 %) and a B/C of 1.16 MN. Also treatments S40/200F and S60/100F (where SiO2 was applied) presented positive cash flows unlike T. Limitations of the study/implications: With all research laboratories closed as a result of COVID-19 pandemic, no evidence related to the contribution of foliar and soil silicon bioassay has been verified. Findings/Conclusions: The use of SiO2 leads to an appreciable rebound in the financial aspect, being of vital importance to include economic studies to consummate an efficient management of the capital available to establish a crop whose productivity in the field is profitable for the producers.Objective: To evaluate the effect of different doses of foliar and soil silicon dioxide fertilization on the economic profitability of husk tomato (Physalis ixocarpa Brot. ex Hornem.) cv. 'Querétaro' cultivation under plastic paddings and macro-tunnel conditions. Design/methodology/approach: Ten treatments were evaluated at different concentrations of silicon dioxide fertilization on soil and foliar application: T1: Control treatment (T), T2: Fertilization with silicon dioxide 20, 40, 60 g on soil and 100, 150, and 200 ppm foliar (S20/100F), T3: S20/150F, T4: S20/200F, T5: S40/100F, T6: S40/150F, T7: S40/200F, T8: S60/100F, T9: S60/150F and T10: S60/200, distributed in random blocks. Economic profitability indicators such as Benefit/Cost ratio (B/C), Net Present Value (NPV), and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) were determined. Results: The research established that the S60/150F treatment was the one with the highest economic profitability because it promoted the highest production per hectare, which was reflected in the NPV (MX336,932.97pesos),theIRR(77.3 336,932.97 pesos), the IRR (77.3 %), and a B/C of MX 1.16 pesos. Also, treatments S40/200F and S60/100F (where SiO2 was applied) reported positive cash flow, unlike the T. Limitations of the study/implications: With all research facilities closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, no evidence related to the contribution of foliar and soil silicon bioassay has been verified. Findings/conclusions: Using SiO2 leads to a financial appreciable rebound of vital importance to be included in economic studies to facilitate the efficient management of the available capital to establish a crop whose field productivity is profitable for the producers

    Effect of emotional distress on disease emowerment in women living with diabetes.

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    El objetivo del estudio es explicar el efecto del malestar sobre el empoderamiento en mujeres que viven con diabetes. Diseño correlacional explicativo, con un muestreo a conveniencia a 387 mujeres. Se aplicó el instrumento Cuestionario de área de problemas en diabetes (α=0.90) y la Escala de empoderamiento en diabetes (α=0.89). Se realizó estadística descriptiva e inferencial como correlación de Spearman y modelo de ecuaciones estructurales. Se halló relación entre el malestar emocional y la glucosa capilar (p<0.05), y relación de la edad (r=p<0.05) y malestar emocional (p<0.05) con el empoderamiento en diabetes. En el modelo estructural el malestar emocional afecta negativamente el empoderamiento de la diabetes. Se concluye que el malestar emocional produce un efecto negativo en el empoderamiento de la diabetes, por lo que este grupo vulnerable requiere un abordaje especifico que mejore sus procesos emocionales, permitiendo un mejoramiento del control glucémico

    Colloidal Solutions with Silicon Nanocrystals: Structural and Optical Properties

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    In this work, colloidal solutions with silicon nanoparticles using different solvents were synthetized. Structural, morphological and optical characterizations were realized, and these were studied. X-ray diffraction (XRD) was used to measure the diffractograms of the colloidal solutions, which are composed of silicon nanocrystals (Si-ncs), with an average size of approximately 3 nm, and a preferential crystalline orientation (311). Atomic force microscopy (AFM) images show that the morphology of silicon nanoparticles (Si-nps) is agglomerated in a big amount, which is corroborated by means of the roughness. On the other hand, high resolution transmission electronic microscopy (HRTEM) images show on average size of the Si-nc ranging from 1.5 to 10 nm, which depends on the solvent used. Also, different preferential crystalline orientations of the Si-nc such as (311), (220) and (111) were obtained. A correlation between the optical and structural properties was realized in colloidal solutions with silicon nanoparticles and different solvents

    SARS-CoV-2 viral load in nasopharyngeal swabs is not an independent predictor of unfavorable outcome

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    The aim was to assess the ability of nasopharyngeal SARS-CoV-2 viral load at first patient’s hospital evaluation to predict unfavorable outcomes. We conducted a prospective cohort study including 321 adult patients with confirmed COVID-19 through RT-PCR in nasopharyngeal swabs. Quantitative Synthetic SARS-CoV-2 RNA cycle threshold values were used to calculate the viral load in log10 copies/mL. Disease severity at the end of follow up was categorized into mild, moderate, and severe. Primary endpoint was a composite of intensive care unit (ICU) admission and/or death (n = 85, 26.4%). Univariable and multivariable logistic regression analyses were performed. Nasopharyngeal SARS-CoV-2 viral load over the second quartile (≥ 7.35 log10 copies/mL, p = 0.003) and second tertile (≥ 8.27 log10 copies/mL, p = 0.01) were associated to unfavorable outcome in the unadjusted logistic regression analysis. However, in the final multivariable analysis, viral load was not independently associated with an unfavorable outcome. Five predictors were independently associated with increased odds of ICU admission and/or death: age ≥ 70 years, SpO2, neutrophils > 7.5 × 103/µL, lactate dehydrogenase ≥ 300 U/L, and C-reactive protein ≥ 100 mg/L. In summary, nasopharyngeal SARS-CoV-2 viral load on admission is generally high in patients with COVID-19, regardless of illness severity, but it cannot be used as an independent predictor of unfavorable clinical outcome