58 research outputs found

    Ejercicios de léxico como material complementario para la traducción jurídica francés-español

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    This paper proposes a reflection on the interest to design and to use vocabulary exercises as complementary material for the teaching of legal translation. In this proposal exercises are classified in two main categories: according to the moment when they are suggested to the students, before or after translating the text, and according to the objectives, either to prepare the translation of the text or to review previous studied lexical/vocabulary units. Its usefulness is shown in a double sense: first of all, they contribute to enrich the lexical and cultural knowledge of the student in both languages, and secondly to develop cognitive abilities such as the deduction and the reformulation, both of them necessary to carry out not only a legal translation but any type of translation.El presente trabajo propone una reflexión sobre el interés de elaborar y utilizar ejercicios de léxico como instrumento complementario para la enseñanza de la traducción jurídica. En esta propuesta los ejercicios se clasifican en dos grandes categorías según el momento en que se propongan a los estudiantes, antes o después de la traducción del texto, y según los objetivos, ya sea preparar la traducción del texto o bien revisar unidades léxicas previamente estudiadas. Su utilidad se pone de manifiesto en un doble sentido: contribuyen a enriquecer el bagaje léxico y cultural del estudiante en ambas lenguas, y a desarrollar habilidades cognitivas como la deducción y la reformulación, necesarias para llevar a cabo no sólo una traducción jurídica sino cualquier tipo de traducción

    La premsa valenciana en la primera dècada del segle XXI

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    La premsa valenciana d'informació general en la primera dècada del segle XXI es caracteritza per l'aposta multimèdia dels grans diaris regionals, el domini del castellà com a llengua de comunicació i una forta expansió deis periódics gratuïts impresos i els diaris digitals. La premsa actual continua tenint la província com a límit. No hi ha una premsa regional de forta implantació en tot el territori valencià.In the first decade of the 21st century, the Valencian general press was characterised by the widespread use of multimedia contents in the large regional newspapers, the predominant use of Spanish and a strong growth in the number of free printed newspapers and digital newspapers. The press today is still limited to within the province. There is no regional press that is strongly established throughout the whole of the Valencian territory

    Validity of the DSM-oriented scales of the Child Behavior Checklist and Youth Self-Report

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    Background: The school-age versions of the ASEBA (Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment) incorporate the DSM-Oriented scales. These scales make it possible to quantify and normalize problems defined in the DSM. The objective was to study the incremental validity of the DSM-Oriented scales of the ASEBA inventories, the Child Behavior Checklist - CBCL, completed by parents of children aged 6-18 years, and the Youth Self-Report -YSR, a self-report for children/adolescents aged 11-18, over: (a) scores on the Syndromes Scales for making DSM-IV diagnoses; and (b) diagnoses obtained with structured interviews for the assessment of functioning. Method: A clinical sample of 420 children and adolescents (8-17 years) was assessed with the CBCL, and 108 adolescents were assessed with the CBCL and YSR questionnaires. All underwent a diagnostic interview, and interviewers completed a measure of global functional impairment. Results: The DSM-Oriented scales showed significant incremental validity in conjunction with the Empirical Syndrome scales for discriminating DSM-IV diagnoses, and considerable incremental validity in conjunction with the diagnoses obtained through the diagnostic interview for predicting the level of functional impairment. Conclusion: DSM-Oriented scales should be considered simultaneously with the Syndrome Scales of the ASEBA taxonomy, as they provide useful additional information in the clinical processAntecedentes: las formas escolares de ASEBA (Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment) incorpora las Escalas DSM. Estas dimensiones ofrecen la posibilidad de cuantificar y normalizar problemas que figuran en el DSM. El objetivo fue estudiar la validez incremental de las Escalas DSM de los inventarios ASEBA; Child Behavior Checklist - CBCL, contestado por padres de niños de 6-18 años, y Youth Self-Report - YSR, un autoinforme para niños/adolescentes de 11-18 años: a) mediante puntuaciones en las Escalas de Síndromes para realizar diagnósticos DSM-IV; y b) mediante diagnósticos obtenidos con entrevistas estructuradas para evaluar el funcionamiento. Método: se evaluó una muestra clínica de 420 niños y adolescentes (8-17 años) mediante el CBCL y 108 adolescentes fueron evaluados con el CBCL y YSR. Todos contestaron una entrevista diagnóstica y los evaluadores completaron una medida de deterioro funcional global. Resultados: las Escalas DSM suponen un incremento de la validez significativo en relación a las Escalas de Síndromes Empíricos para discriminar diagnósticos DSM-IV, y una considerable validez incremental con respecto a los diagnósticos DICA-IV en la estimación del deterioro funcional. Conclusión: las Escalas DSM deben ser consideradas simultáneamente con las Escalas de Síndromes de ASEBA, puesto que proporcionan información adicional en el proceso clínic

    Dating of Archaeological Gold by Means of Solid State Electrochemistry

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Doménech Carbó, Antonio, Scholz, Fritz , Domenech Carbo, Mª Teresa, Piquero-Cilla, Juan , Montoya, Noemí, Pasies -Oviedo, Trinidad, Gozalbes, Manuel , Melchor Montserrat, José Manuel , Oliver, Arturo . (2018). Dating of Archaeological Gold by Means of Solid State Electrochemistry.ChemElectroChem, 5, 15, 2113-2117. DOI: 10.1002/celc.201800435 , which has been published in final form at http://doi.org/10.1002/celc.201800435. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving[EN] In archaeology and history of art, age determination is a fundamental analytical problem. While several techniques for age determination of various materials, like radiocarbon dating, are established, these methods cannot be applied for metals, for which new techniques have to be developed. For the first time a dating method for archaeological gold objects is described which is based on a corrosion clock and electrochemical measurements, using the voltammetry of immobilized particles. Samples are prepared by one touch' with a graphite pencil, only transferring a few nanograms of the archaeological gold. The method has been calibrated with the help of a series of well-documented gold specimen from different prehistory museums covering the last 2600years. Our results prove that this corrosion clock is going on a constant pace, practically independent of the environment, making it most attractive for applications in archaeometry.Projects CTQ2014-53736-C3-1-P and CTQ2014-53736-C3-2-P, which are supported with Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad (MINECO) and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (ERDF) funds, as well as project CTQ2017-85317-C2-1-P supported with funds from, MINECO, ERDF and Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (AEI) are gratefully acknowledged. The authors also wish to thank Dr. Jose Luis Moya Lopez, Mrs. Alicia Nuez Inbernon and Mr. Manuel Planes Insausti (Microscopy Service of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia) and M. Teresa Minguez and Clara Yebenes (Seccion de Microscopia del SCSIE, Universitat deValencia) for technical support.Doménech Carbó, A.; Scholz, F.; Domenech Carbo, MT.; Piquero-Cilla, J.; Montoya, N.; Pasies -Oviedo, T.; Gozalbes, M.... (2018). Dating of Archaeological Gold by Means of Solid State Electrochemistry. ChemElectroChem. 5(15):2113-2117. https://doi.org/10.1002/celc.201800435S2113211751

    Emerging risk factors and the dose-response relationship between physical activity and lone atrial fibrillation: a prospective case-control study

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    A history of a parts per thousand yen2000 h of vigorous endurance training, tall stature, abdominal obesity, and OSA are frequently encountered as risk factors in patients with Ln-AF. Fewer than 2000 total hours of high-intensity endurance training associates with reduced Ln-AF risk

    Propostes d'acció per a un model col·laboratiu entre serveis sanitaris i serveis socials bàsics

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    Serveis sanitaris; Serveis socials bàsics; Model d'acció i col·laboracióServicios sanitarios; Servicios sociales básicos; Modelo de acción y colaboraciónHealth services; Basic social services; Action and collaboration modelDocument que recull models d'acció i col·laboració entre els serveis sanitaris i els serveis socials amb l'objectiu de promoure estratègies conjuntes de treball entre tots dos sistemes per poder abordar els problemes comuns detectats

    The Walnuts and Healthy Aging study (WAHA): Protocol for a Nutritional Intervention Trial with Walnuts on Brain Aging

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    Introduction: An unwanted consequence of population aging is the growing number of elderly at risk of neurodegenerative disorders, including dementia and macular degeneration. As nutritional and behavioral changes can delay disease progression, we designed the Walnuts and Healthy Aging (WAHA) study, a two-center, randomized, 2-year clinical trial conducted in free-living, cognitively healthy elderly men and women. Our interest in exploring the role of walnuts in maintaining cognitive and retinal health is based on extensive evidence supporting their cardio-protective and vascular health effects, which are linked to bioactive components, such as n-3 fatty acids and polyphenols. Methods: The primary aim of WAHA is to examine the effects of ingesting walnuts daily for 2 years on cognitive function and retinal health, assessed with a battery of neuropsychological tests and optical coherence tomography, respectively. All participants followed their habitual diet, adding walnuts at 15% of energy (≈30-60 g/day) (walnut group) or abstaining from walnuts (control group). Secondary outcomes include changes in adiposity, blood pressure, and serum and urinary biomarkers in all participants and brain magnetic resonance imaging in a subset. Results: From May 2012 to May 2014, 708 participants (mean age 69 years, 68% women) were randomized. The study ended in May 2016 with a 90% retention rate. Discussion: The results of WAHA might provide high-level evidence of the benefit of regular walnut consumption in delaying the onset of age-related cognitive impairment and retinal pathology. The findings should translate into public health policy and sound recommendations to the general population

    Cucumis metuliferus como potencial portainjerto de melón para el control de Meloidogine spp.

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    Se evaluó la eficacia de C. metuliferus sobre las densidades de población de M. incognita, la producción y calidad de melón, y la potencial selección de poblaciones virulentas. El melón cv. Paloma, sin injertar o injertado sobre C. metuliferus, se cultivó en primavera y verano en invernadero en rotación con tomate susceptible cv. Durinta, sin injertar o injertado en el portainjerto resistente Aligator, en suelo sin infestar e infestado con M. incognitaPostprint (published version