75 research outputs found

    Psyllium and Laminaria partnership - An overview of possible food gel applications

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    Featured Application: Laminaria-psyllium gels with distinct texture and rheological features, designed for a wide range of food applicationsSeaweeds are a novel source of important nutritional compounds with interesting biological activities that could be processed into added-value products. In this study, two previously developed products obtained by Laminaria ochroleuca processing (liquid extract and a purée-like mixture) were processed with Psyllium gel to develop functional hydrogels. The optimization of the formulation and the characterization of the Laminaria-Psyllium gels in terms of their mechanical features have allowed the proposal of potential food applications. A beneficial interaction was found between Laminaria and Psyllium in terms of the reinforcement of texture and rheological properties. The obtained outcomes could provide new healthy gelling formulations with attractive properties to alleviate the growing market demand of eco-novel food matricesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sustainability literacy in older age groups: on the way to sustainable development

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    Conferência internacional realizada em Bogotá, Colombia, de 14-16 de junho de 2017The world is facing sustainability challenges for which actions and results are needed in a 10 to 15 years time frame. Sustainability Literacy or Education has a crucial role for the Sustainable Development and is a set of different forms of education aiming to create economic, social, cultural and environmental conditions for sustainable development. This study looks at Sustainability Literacy or Education for Sustainable Development as a potential tool to empower individuals and communities to make more informed decisions that are aligned with long-term sustainability goals and can produce the short-term results needed. Any Education for Sustainable Development initiative relies and can greatly benefit from a bottom-up approach in local communities. An active participation of individuals in the community initiatives generates more opportunities for formal and non-formal lifelong learning and creates relevance that is engaging for other community members. The traditional approach of investment in Sustainability Literacy focuses on youth. However, while this approach is important in the long run, it may not yield results for current sustainability challenges. Older age groups (i.e. 50 or older), usually overlooked because they are perceived as not being motivated by sustainability or as being too late in their life span to have a significant impact, may play a crucial role in promoting sustainability within communities. Our study addresses the importance of improved sustainability literacy in older age groups (i.e. 50 or older) as a driver for sustainability. Endorsing a new role for senior citizens, by leveraging their last active years for short term sustainability efforts, we also empower them with the knowledge and tools to raise the sustainability literacy in younger generations. This work is being carried out in a Lisbon suburban community of around 12000 people, half of which are over 50 years old, and analyses some reflections on the importance of sustainability literacy within this age group and its effects on other age groups. It should be stressed that this population of 50+ years of age is actively engaged with the local University of the 3rd Age (U3A), where topics are presented and discussed in the classroom, using videos to generate a guided discussion toward the construction of the concepts by the students. The results from a group attending a life science literacy class show that the students experience increased personal satisfaction and wellbeing, are motivated towards learning and knowledge sharing within families and communities, including younger generations. These students also expressed greater understanding of messages from the media, health professionals and care takers, as well as a more positive health self-assessment and a greater treatment adherence. These results, aligned with the targets for good health and well-being sustainable development goal (SDG) suggest that initiatives to increase literacy lead to immediate behavior changes and knowledge dissemination. Further studies are ongoing regarding other SDGs, such as climate action, responsible consumption and production or affordable and clean energy.FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino SuperiorN/

    Positive psychological functioning in a sample of portuguese students

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    Este estudo explora diferentes recursos pessoais associados ao bem-estar e funcionamento psicológico positivo de estudantes universitários portugueses, tomando na sua análise as variáveis área de curso e género. Foi aplicada a Escala de Funcionamento Psicológico Positivo (EFPP) a 1070 estudantes de diferentes cursos. Observa-se um efeito da interação do género e área científica em 5 dimensões da EFPP. O género diferencia Autonomia, Autoestima e Otimismo (pontuações mais favoráveis nos homens), enquanto a área científica diferencia Resiliência, Autoestima, Propósito na Vida, Desfrute e Otimismo (pontuações superiores nos estudantes de Saúde). Discutem-se implicações para a intervenção no contexto do Ensino Superior.This study explores different personal resources related to well-being and positive psychological functioning of Portuguese university students. The analysis considers the field of studies and gender. The positive psychological functioning scale (FPP) was applied to a sample of 1070 students, who were attending the 1st and 3rd years of different courses. The findings suggest an effect of the interaction of gender and field of studies in 5 of the 11 dimensions of FPP. Higher scores were found in men in Resilience, Self-Esteem and Optimism. The field of studies differentiates Resilience, Self-Esteem, Purpose in Life, Enjoyment, and Optimism, with higher scores in the group of students in health sciences courses. The results are discussed regarding implications for intervention in Higher Education.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Positive psychological functioning scale: adaptation and initial validation studies with portuguese college students

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    In the last decades research focused on well-being has been prominent, especially with the emergence of Positive Psychology. In this context, it is necessary to invest in the construction and validation of appropriate instruments to assess the dimensions of a healthy psychological functioning. This study aims to adapt and validate the Positive Psychological Functioning Scale (EFPP; Merino & Privado, 2015) with a sample of Portuguese university students. A total of 1131 students from two universities participated in the study, with an average age of 19.6 years. In addition to EFPP, Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS; Diener et al., 1985) was used for criterion validity. Results showed good psychometric properties of EFPP, both in terms of reliability and validity. Given the scarcity of positive functioning assessment instruments that have proved to be satisfactory in our country, the use of this scale may be recommended, particularly with young university students.In the last decades research focused on well-being has been prominent, especially with the emergence of Positive Psychology. In this context, it is necessary to invest in the construction and validation of appropriate instruments to assess the dimensions of a healthy psychological functioning. This study aims to adapt and validate the Positive Psychological Functioning Scale (EFPP; Merino & Privado, 2015) with a sample of Portuguese university students. A total of 1131 students from two universities participated in the study, with an average age of 19.6 years. In addition to EFPP, Satisfaction With Life Scale(SWLS; Diener et al., 1985) was used for criterion validity. Results showed good psychometric properties of EFPP, both in terms of reliability and validity. Given the scarcity of positive functioning assessment instruments that have proved to be satisfactory in our country, the use of this scale may be recommended, particularly with young university students

    Edible brown seaweed in gluten-free pasta: technological and nutritional evaluation

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    Seaweed is a novel source of important nutritional compounds with interesting biological activities that could be processed into added-value products, namely gluten-free foods. In this study, two previously developed products obtained from Laminaria ochroleuca processing (liquid extract and a purée-like mixture) were incorporated in gluten-free (GF) pasta in order to develop functional products especially designed for the celiac population. The raw and cooked pastas were characterized in terms of their cooking quality parameters, nutritional composition, texture and rheological properties, and antioxidant activity. It was found that the developed GF pastas had similar mechanical and texture characteristics to the control. Both supplemented GF pastas presented a significantly (p < 0.05) higher fibre and mineral content than the control pastainfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Biofertilizantes com fosfato natural, enxofre e Acidithiobacillus em solo com baixo P disponível

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    A produção de biofertilizantes é um processo prático e econômico que reduz o consumo de energia e a sua aplicação visa aumentar o fósforo (P) disponível no solo. Biofertilizantes fosfatados (B5, B10, B15, B20) produzidos em laboratório usando fosfato natural (FN) e enxofre em diferentes concentrações (5; 10; 15 e 20%), inoculado com Acidithiobacillus (S*) e enxofre (20%) sem Acidithiobacillus (S), com incubação por 30, 45 e 60 dias, foi utilizado em um experimento em vasos com solo da Zona da Mata de Pernambuco (Argissolo Amarelo), com baixo nível de P disponível, cultivado com jacatupé (Pachyrhizus erosus), por dois períodos consecutivos. Os tratamentos fosfatados foram: fosfato natural (FN); biofertilizantes (B5, B10, B15, B20), com Acidithiobacillus (FN+S*) e B20, sem Acidithiobacillus (FN+S); superfosfato triplo (ST); e um controle sem fósforo (P0). As plantas foram inoculadas com a mistura das estirpes de rizóbio NFB 747 e 748, e sem inoculação. Nos ensaios em laboratório analisou-se o pH e o P extraído dos biofertilizantes, em cada período de incubação, e nos experimentos em vasos com solo determinou-se a biomassa seca, o N e o P total acumulado da parte aérea, o pH e o P extraído do solo. O P disponível foi mais elevado para os biofertilizantes com Acidithiobacillus (FN+S*) e para o superfosfato triplo. A fertilização fosfatada, condicionou resposta positiva dos biofertilizantes (FN+S*) e do superfosfato triplo. Os rizóbios nativos foram tão eficientes quanto os do inoculante. Após os dois cultivos o P disponível foi maior com os biofertilizantes B15 e B20 com Acidithiobacillus.The production of mineral fertilizers is a expensive process, since it requires high energy consumption, and cannot be produced by small farmers. Laboratory assays were conducted to produce P-biofertilizers from natural phosphate (B5, B10, B15, B20), applying sulphur at different rates (5; 10; 15 and 20%) inoculated with Acidithiobacillus (S*) and testing increasing periods of incubation. A greenhouse experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect of the biofertilizers in a soil with low available P (Typic Fragiudult) from the "Zona da Mata" of Pernambuco State, grown with yam bean (Pachyrhizus erosus) in two consecutive harvests. The treatments were: Natural Phosphate (NP); biofertilizers produced in laboratory (B5, B10, B15, B20) with sulphur and Acidithiobacillus (NP+S*); natural phosphate with sulphur (20%) without Acidithiobacillus (NP+S); triple super phosphate (TSP) and a control without phosphorus. Plants were inoculated with a mixture of rhizobia strains (NFB 747 and NFB 748) or did not receive rhizobia inoculation. In bioassays pH and available P in the biofertilizers were analyzed. In the greenhouse experiment shoot dry matter, total N and total P in shoots, soil pH and available P were determined. Higher rates of available P were obtained in biofertilizers with sulphur and Acidithiobacillus (NP+S*) and in triple super phosphate (TSP), and biofertilizers with sulphur and Acidithiobacillus (FN+S*) and triple super phosphate (TSP) increased plant parameters. Native rhizobia were as effective as the strains applied in inoculation. After the two harvests soil presented lower pH values and higher rates of available P when the biofertilizers B15 and B20 with sulphur and Acidithiobacillus were applied

    Comunicação terapêutica na interação profissional de saúde e hipertenso na estratégia saúde da família

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    Objetivo: Analisar a comunicação terapêutica na interação profissional de saúde e hipertenso na Estratégia Saúde da Família.Métodos: Estudo descritivo com abordagem qualitativa. A amostra constituiu-se de 14 hipertensos e dois profissionais da ESF em um município do Estado do Ceará, Brasil, em 2016. Na coleta de dados, utilizou-se um checklist para observação sistemática não participante, contendo as estratégias de comunicação terapêutica: expressão, clarificação, validação e um diário de campo, sendo tratados pela análise de conteúdo.Resultados: Verificou-se que os profissionais da ESF não utilizam, de forma adequada, a comunicação terapêutica, reconhecendo a necessidade de investimento nesse dispositivo que atua como ponte de acesso aos usuários, potencializa as práticas assistenciais e abre caminhos que instrumentaliza as relações interpessoais.Conclusões: Desvelou-se que as estratégias de comunicação terapêutica são pouco exploradas pelos profissionais de saúde, necessitando, portanto, desenvolver habilidades para empregá-las, adequadamente, no cuidado ao hipertenso.Palavras-chave: Comunicação. Terapêutica. Relações interpessoais. Hipertensão. Atenção primária à saúde.


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    Introdução: Perda dentária constitui indicador prévio de envelhecimento acelerado, em particular nos idosos institucionalizados, sendo referencialmente tratada com reabilitações protéticas. Uma das manifestações patológicas do envelhecer que compartilha características com perdas dentárias é a síndrome da fragilidade.Objetivo: Avaliar relação entre uso de prótese total e síndrome da fragilidade em idosos institucionalizados. Métodos: Estudo transversal, com 69 idosos institucionalizados, realizado em João Pessoa-PB, Brasil. Foram utilizados formulário para avaliar saúde bucal, condição protética e testes específicos para variáveis do fenótipo de fragilidade. Na análise estatística foram aplicados testes t-Student e Qui-Quadrado.Resultados: A amostra caracterizou-se pelo predomínio de frágeis (49,3%) e usuários de prótese total (50,7%). Os pré-frágeis e frágeis apresentaram maior prevalência de edentulismo e de uso de prótese total (56,3% e 39,4%, respectivamente). Contudo, não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os grupos (p = 0,05). Conclusão: É sugerido que o uso de prótese total não influencia a fragilidade em idosos institucionalizados

    Pretreatment hemoglobin level as a prognostic factor in patients with locally advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinoma

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    AimEvaluate pretreatment hemoglobin values as a prognostic factor in patients with locally advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinoma treated with concurrent chemoradiotherapy.BackgroundAnemia is one of the most prevalent laboratory abnormalities in oncological disease. It leads to a decrease in cellular oxygen supply, altering radiosensitivity of tumor cells and compromising therapeutic outcomes.Materials and MethodsRetrospective evaluation of patients with HNSCC treated with cCRT. Primary and secondary endpoint was to evaluate the correlation of Hb levels (≥12.5g/dL o