952 research outputs found

    Bichromatic UV detection system for atomically-resolved imaging of ions

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    We present a compact and bichromatic imaging system, located outside of the vacuum chamber of a trapped ion apparatus, that collects the fluorescence of 230.6 nm and 369.5 nm photons simultaneously on a shared EMCCD camera. The system contains two lens doublets, consisting of a sphere and an asphere. It provides a numerical aperture of 0.45 and 0.40 at 230.6 nm and 369.5 nm, respectively, and enables spatially resolved state detection with a large field of view of 300 μ\mum for long 115^{115}In+^+/172^{172}Yb+^+ Coulomb crystals. Instead of diffraction limited imaging for one wavelength, the focus in this system is on simultaneous single-ion resolved imaging of both species over a large field with special attention to the deep UV wavelength (230.6 nm) and the low scattering rate of In+^+ ions. The introduced concept is applicable to other dual-species applications

    Ozone treatment of stored potato tubers

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    During storage, potato tubers are susceptible to different pathogen, which can attack the skin and flesh of the tubers. The most serious damage can be caused by rot inducing bacteria and fungi. A possible way to prevent microbial damage may be the use of ozone in the air ventilated through the stored tubers. However, the tubers can undergo qualitative changes, e.g. dehydration and loss of starch content. This article presents the results of a five-month experiment in which ozone concentration of 5 mg m-3 was periodically introduced in some of the stored potato tubers of the cultivar ‘Dali’. All potato tubers were stored in closed storage boxes with a metal frame and wood panels in the floor and walls (ground area 1.6×1.2 m, height 0.95 m) which were continuously aerated using the ambient air in a potato warehouse. There was 900 kg of tubers stored in the box. At the end of the experiment, the ozonated variant was compared with the control (not treated). The ozone-treated tubers had 2.95 times lower incidence of infection by rot and the number of microorganisms on healthy tubers was lower than the control. The ozone-treated tubers were less frequently dehydrated. The water loss was higher in control by 0.86 %. There was no significant difference in silver scurf manifestation or in the starch content between the two variants

    Sub-kelvin temperature management in ion traps for optical clocks

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    The uncertainty of the ac Stark shift due to thermal radiation represents a major contribution to the systematic uncertainty budget of state-of-the-art optical atomic clocks. In the case of optical clocks based on trapped ions, the thermal behavior of the rf-driven ion trap must be precisely known. This determination is even more difficult when scalable linear ion traps are used. Such traps enable a more advanced control of multiple ions and have become a platform for new applications in quantum metrology, simulation and computation. Nevertheless, their complex structure makes it more difficult to precisely determine its temperature in operation and thus the related systematic uncertainty. We present here scalable linear ion traps for optical clocks, which exhibit very low temperature rise under operation. We use a finite-element model refined with experimental measurements to determine the thermal distribution in the ion trap and the temperature at the position of the ions. The trap temperature is investigated at different rf-drive frequencies and amplitudes with an infrared camera and integrated temperature sensors. We show that for typical trapping parameters for In+\mathrm{In}^{+}, Al+\mathrm{Al}^{+}, Lu+\mathrm{Lu}^{+}, Ca+\mathrm{Ca}^{+}, Sr+\mathrm{Sr}^{+} or Yb+\mathrm{Yb}^{+} ions, the temperature rise at the position of the ions resulting from rf heating of the trap stays below 700 mK and can be controlled with an uncertainty on the order of a few 100 mK maximum.Comment: 18 page

    Magnetic structures and excitations in CePd2(Al, Ga)2 series: Development of the "vibron" states

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    CePd2Al2-xGax compounds crystallizing in the tetragonal CaBe2Ge2-type structure (space group P4/nmm) and undergoing a structural phase transition to an orthorhombic structure (Cmme) at low temperatures were studied by means of neutron scattering. The amplitude-modulated magnetic structure of CePd2Al2 is described by an incommensurate propagation vector k - =(dx, 12+dy, 0) with dx=0.06 and dy=0.04. The magnetic moments order antiferromagnetically within the ab planes stacked along the c axis and are arranged along the direction close to the orthorhombic a axis with a maximum value of 1.5(1) µB/Ce3+. CePd2Ga2 reveals a magnetic structure composed of two components: the first is described by the propagation vector k1 - =(12, 12, 0), and the second one propagates with k2 - =(0, 12, 0). The magnetic moments of both components are aligned along the same direction - the orthorhombic 100] direction - and their total amplitude varies depending on the mutual phase of magnetic moment components on each Ce site. The propagation vectors k1 - and k2 - describe also the magnetic structure of substituted CePd2Al2-xGax compounds, except the one with x=0.1.CePd2Al1.9Ga0.1 with magnetic structure described by k - and k1 - stays on the border between pure CePd2Al2 and the rest of the series. Determined magnetic structures are compared with other Ce 112 compounds. Inelastic neutron scattering experiments disclosed three nondispersive magnetic excitations in the paramagnetic state of CePd2Al2, while only two crystal field (CF) excitations are expected from the splitting of ground state J=52 of the Ce3+ ion in a tetragonal/orthorhombic point symmetry. Three magnetic excitations at 1.4, 7.8, and 15.9 meV are observed in the tetragonal phase of CePd2Al2. A structural phase transition to an orthorhombic structure shifts the first excitation up to 3.7 meV, while the other two excitations remain at almost the same energy. The presence of an additional magnetic peak is discussed and described within the Thalmeier-Fulde CF-phonon coupling (i.e., magnetoelastic coupling) model generalized to the tetragonal point symmetry. The second parent compound CePd2Ga2 does not display any sign of additional magnetic excitation. The expected two CF excitations were observed. The development of magnetic excitations in the CePd2Al2-xGax series is discussed and crystal field parameters determined

    Self-medication by orang-utans (Pongo pygmaeus) using bioactive properties of Dracaena cantleyi

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from Springer Nature via the DOI in this record.Animals self-medicate using a variety of plant and arthropod secondary metabolites by either ingesting them or anointing them to their fur or skin apparently to repel ectoparasites and treat skin diseases. In this respect, much attention has been focused on primates. Direct evidence for self-medication among the great apes has been limited to Africa. Here we document self-medication in the only Asian great ape, orang-utans (Pongo pygmaeus), and for the first time, to our knowledge, the external application of an anti-inflammatory agent in animals. The use of leaf extracts from Dracaena cantleyi by orang-utan has been observed on several occasions; rubbing a foamy mixture of saliva and leaf onto specific parts of the body. Interestingly, the local indigenous human population also use a poultice of these leaves for the relief of body pains. We present pharmacological analyses of the leaf extracts from this species, showing that they inhibit TNFα-induced inflammatory cytokine production (E-selectin, ICAM-1, VCAM-1 and IL-6). This validates the topical anti-inflammatory properties of this plant and provides a possible function for its use by orang-utans. This is the first evidence for the deliberate external application of substances with demonstrated bioactive potential for self-medication in great apes.We thank our financial supporters: the Wildlife Conservation Society, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Great Apes Conservation Fund, Primate Conservation Inc., Foundation UMI – Saving of Pongidae, the L.S.B. Leakey Foundation, NERC (Natural Environmental Research Council) and the University of Exeter. L.R. and K.D. were supported by the Ministry of Education Youth and Sports, Czech Republic (grant LO1204 from the National Program of Sustainability and Agricultural Research). We are also very grateful to grant No. P505/11/1163 from The Grant Agency of The Czech Republic and to Prof. Jitka Ulrichová for the kind gift of HUVEC cells


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    Underwater archaeological discoveries bring new challenges to the field, but such sites are more difficult to reach and, due to natural influences, they tend to deteriorate fast. Photogrammetry is one of the most powerful tools used for archaeological fieldwork. Photogrammetric techniques are used to document the state of the site in digital form for later analysis, without the risk of damaging any of the artefacts or the site itself. To achieve best possible results with the gathered data, divers should come prepared with the knowledge of measurements and photo capture methods. Archaeologists use this technology to record discovered arteacts or even the whole archaeological sites. Data gathering underwater brings several problems and limitations, so specific steps should be taken to get the best possible results, and divers should well be prepared before starting work at an underwater site. Using immersive virtual reality, we have developed an educational software to introduce maritime archaeology students to photogrammetry techniques. To test the feasibility of the software, a user study was performed and evaluated by experts. In the software, the user is tasked to put markers on the site, measure distances between them, and then take photos of the site, from which the 3D mesh is generated offline. Initial results show that the system is useful for understanding the basics of underwater photogrammetry

    Pressure-induced huge increase of Curie temperature of the van der Waals ferromagnet VI3

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    Evolution of magnetism in single crystals of the van der Waals compound VI3 in external pressure up to 7.3 GPa studied by measuring magnetization and ac magnetic susceptibility is reported. Four magnetic phase transitions, at T1 = 54.5 K, T2 = 53 K, TC = 49.5 K, and TFM = 26 K, respectively have been observed at ambient pressure. The first two have been attributed to the onset of ferromagnetism in specific crystal-surface layers. The bulk ferromagnetism is characterized by the magnetic ordering transition at Curie temperature TC and the transition between two different ferromagnetic phases TFM, accompanied by a structure transition from monoclinic to triclinic symmetry upon cooling. The pressure effects on magnetic parameters were studied with three independent techniques. TC was found to be almost unaffected by pressures up to 0.6 GPa whereas TFM increases rapidly with increasing pressure and reaches TC at a triple point at ~ 0.85 GPa. At higher pressures, only one magnetic phase transition is observed moving to higher temperatures with increasing pressure to reach 99 K at 7.3 GPa. In contrast, the low-temperature bulk magnetization is dramatically reduced by applying pressure (by more than 50% at 2.5 GPa) suggesting a possible pressure-induced reduction of vanadium magnetic moment. We discussed these results in light of recent theoretical studies to analyze exchange interactions and provide how to increase the Curie temperature of VI3.Comment: 20 pages, 16 figure

    Accession Site Does Not Influence the Risk of Stroke after Diagnostic Coronary Angiography or Intervention: Results from a Large Prospective Registry

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    INTRODUCTION: Periprocedural stroke represents a rare but serious complication of cardiac catheterization. Pooled data from randomized trials evaluating the risk of stroke following cardiac catheterization via transradial versus transfemoral access showed no difference. On the other hand, a significant difference in stroke rates favoring transradial access was found in a recent meta-analysis of observational studies. Our aim was to determine if there is a difference in stroke risk after transradial versus transfemoral catheterization within a contemporary real-world registry. METHODS: Data from 14,139 patients included in a single-center prospective registry between 2009 and 2016 were used to determine the odds of periprocedural transient ischemic attack (TIA) and stroke for radial versus femoral catheterization via multivariate logistic regression with Firth's correction. RESULTS: A total of 10,931 patients underwent transradial and 3,208 underwent transfemoral catheterization. Periprocedural TIA/stroke occurred in 41 (0.29%) patients. Age was the only significant predictor of TIA/stroke in multivariate analysis, with each additional year representing an odds ratio (OR) = 1.09 (CI 1.05-1.13, p < 0.000). The choice of accession site had no impact on the risk of periprocedural TIA/stroke (OR = 0.81; CI 0.38-1.72, p = 0.577). CONCLUSION: Observational data from a large prospective registry indicate that accession site has no influence on the risk of periprocedural TIA/stroke after cardiac catheterization

    Search for CP violation in the decays D(s)+KS0π+D^+_{(s)} \to K_S^0\pi^+ and D(s)+KS0K+D^+_{(s)} \to K_S^0K^+

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    We have searched for CP violation in the charmed meson decays D(s)+KS0π+D^{+}_{(s)}\to K^0_S\pi^+ and D(s)+KS0K+D^{+}_{(s)}\to K^0_S K^+ using 673 fb1^{-1} of data collected with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric-energy e+ee^+e^- collider. No evidence for CP violation is observed. We report the most sensitive CP asymmetry measurements to date for these decays: ACPD+KS0π+=(0.71±0.19±0.20)A_{CP}^{D^+\to K^0_S\pi^+}=(-0.71\pm0.19\pm0.20)%, ACPDs+KS0π+=(+5.45±2.50±0.33)A_{CP}^{D^+_s\to K^0_S\pi^+}=(+5.45\pm2.50\pm0.33)%, ACPD+KS0K+=(0.16±0.58±0.25)A_{CP}^{D^+\to K^0_S K^+}=(-0.16\pm0.58\pm0.25)%, and ACPDs+KS0K+=(+0.12±0.36±0.22)A_{CP}^{D^+_s\to K^0_S K^+}=(+0.12\pm0.36\pm0.22)%, where the first uncertainties are statistical and the second are systematic