151 research outputs found


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    The 35Cl/37Cl isotopic ratio in dense molecular clouds: HIFI observations of hydrogen chloride towards W3A

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    We report on the detection with the HIFI instrument on board the Herschel satellite of the two hydrogen chloride isotopologues, H35Cl and H37Cl, towards the massive star-forming region W3A. The J=1-0 line of both species was observed with receiver 1b of the HIFI instrument at 625.9 and 624.9 GHz. The different hyperfine components were resolved. The observations were modeled with a non-local, non-LTE radiative transfer model that includes hyperfine line overlap and radiative pumping by dust. Both effects are found to play an important role in the emerging intensity from the different hyperfine components. The inferred H35Cl column density (a few times 1e14 cm^-2), and fractional abundance relative to H nuclei (~7.5e^-10), supports an upper limit to the gas phase chlorine depletion of ~200. Our best-fit model estimate of the H35Cl/H37Cl abundance ratio is ~2.1+/-0.5, slightly lower, but still compatible with the solar isotopic abundance ratio (~3.1). Since both species were observed simultaneously, this is the first accurate estimation of the [35Cl]/[37Cl] isotopic ratio in molecular clouds. Our models indicate that even for large line opacities and possible hyperfine intensity anomalies, the H35Cl and H37Cl J=1-0 integrated line-intensity ratio provides a good estimate of the 35Cl/37Cl isotopic abundance ratio.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics (Herschel special issue


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    A formação histórico-social levou a figura do médico como detentor de conhecimento e da opinião final. O papel do médico para com a sociedade só logrará ser agente transformador quando consciente e pró ativo. Com o crescimento da validação e da legitimidade social adquiridos, permitiu-se, ao profissional, a livre autonomia e livre conduta. A formação exclusivamente técnica e a hierarquia da relação médico-paciente ficaram para trás para uma boa prática médica o uso racional de procedimentos e medicamentos. A qualidade do serviço é avaliada conforme a percepção do cliente, neste caso, o paciente. Cada paciente possui uma perspectiva diferente e todas as avaliações são influenciadas e dependem do conhecimento, da necessidade, dos interesses e dos valores de cada um. O ideal seria que o próprio paciente tivesse voz, dentro de determinados limites pois estes são a única fonte e o único objetivo dos serviços médicos prestados. Importa aos médicos serem conscientes dos papéis dinâmicos e importantes que a sociedade atual

    Wie das GOAL-Projekt nachhaltige Kollaborationen zwischen Menschen, Maschinen und Strukturen fördert

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    Das von swissuniversities geförderte Projekt GOAL fungiert als Drehscheibe in einem Netzwerk, das unterschiedliche Akteure (Autor:innen, Bibliotheken, Herausgeber:innen) zusammen- und verschiedene Kollaborationen voranbringt: Die Kooperation zwischen Menschen und zwischen Maschinen wird gefördert und es sollen kollaborative Strukturen entstehen. Ziel des Projekts ist es, Verlage zu kontaktieren und diese bei der Erstellung und Implementierung einer Green Policy zu unterstützen. Der Blick wird auf die Publikationslandschaft von FH’s und PH’s gerichtet. Häufiger als an Universitäten wird hier in Fachmedien und landessprachlichen Zeitschriften publiziert. Die jeweiligen Geschäftsmodelle sind jedoch schlecht mit einer Umstellung auf Gold Open Access vereinbar. Mit dem gezielten Fokus auf den Green-Open-Acess-Weg wird eine nachhaltige Lösung für alle involvierten Akteure gesucht, die helfen soll, das Ziel der nationalen Open Access Strategie der Schweiz zu erreichen; d. h. bis Ende 2024 100% der öffentlich geförderten, wissenschaftlichen Publikationen im Open Access (OA) verfügbar zu machen

    Interplay Between Bromine and Iodine in Oxidative Dehydrogenation

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    Oxidative dehydrogenation is a promising way to produce olefins, diolefins and aromatics. However, the product yield is limited by the consecutive oxidation of the product to oxygenated products. The highest yield reported for propane oxidative dehydrogenation is only about 30%. Alternatively, halogens can be used as oxidants in oxidative dehydrogenations. Although the iodine process is highly selective, it requires very high reaction temperatures (≈900K) to give a good yield of C3H6+C3H7I, and iodine is too expensive for industrial deployment. Bromine is a more reactive oxidant but less selective towards C3H6 and C3H7Br. We show that the use of bromine-iodine mixtures with low iodine content (no greater than 20%) results in up to 80% of C3H6+C3H7X single-pass yield at moderate reaction temperatures (<800K). The results are promising for developing a low temperature on-purpose propylene technology. Furthermore, the underlying chemistry might be extended to the synthesis of many other commercially desirable unsaturated hydrocarbons. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co

    Férfiképkonstrukciók a mai kultúrában

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    Die Konstruktion der Geschlechtsbilder und ihre wissenschaftliche Aufarbeitung bilden die Basis meiner Arbeit, in der ich auch die Frage nach der bestehenden männlichen Herrschaft in der Gesellschaft unter die Lupe nehme.MSc/MANémet nyelv, irodalom és kultúraB

    Physical Fitness and Physical Activity for Teacher Students of the Pedf UK in Prague. Comparison of first-year students of Physical Education and Sport and of Teacher Training for the 1. st. Elementary School

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    Physical fitness and physical activity for teacher students at Pedf UK This work describes the issues of physical fitness and physical activity. The teoretical part clarifies the basic concepts movement, physical fitness in global. Special attention will be paid to the definition of physical fitness - its components, significance, monitoring, testing, and measurement. Physical activity and its relationship to physical fitness and health are also elaborated in detail. The main objective of this work is to compare the physical fitness and physical activity of the full-time students of Specialization in Pedagogy, the field of Physical Education and Sport, with a focus on education, and students of Teacher Training for the 1. st. elementary school. The set of tests UNIFITTEST 6-60 is used as a comparison to their physical fitness. Physical activity of the students is assessed using the IPAQ questionnaire. The project of testing and investigation is the subject of the practical part, which introduces proposals, implementations and findings. Keywords IPAQ, movement, physical activity, UNIFITTEST 6-60, physical fitness, healt