3,564 research outputs found

    Surgery for post-vitrectomy cataract

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    BACKGROUND: Cataract formation or acceleration can occur after intraocular surgery, especially following vitrectomy, a surgical technique for removing the vitreous which is used in the treatment of disorders that affect the posterior segment of the eye. The underlying problem that led to vitrectomy may limit the benefit from cataract surgery. OBJECTIVES: The objective of this review was to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of surgery for post-vitrectomy cataract with respect to visual acuity, quality of life, and other outcomes. SEARCH METHODS: We searched CENTRAL (which contains the Cochrane Eyes and Vision Group Trials Register) (The Cochrane Library 2013, Issue 4), Ovid MEDLINE, Ovid MEDLINE in-Process and Other Non-Indexed Citations, Ovid MEDLINE Daily Update, Ovid OLDMEDLINE (January 1946 to May 2013), EMBASE (January 1980 to May 2013, Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature Database (LILACS) (January 1982 to May 2013), PubMed (January 1946 to May 2013), the metaRegister of Controlled Trials (mRCT) (www.controlled-trials.com), ClinicalTrials.gov (www.clinicaltrial.gov) and the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) (www.who.int/ictrp/search/en). We did not use any date or language restrictions in the electronic searches for trials. We last searched the electronic databases on 22 May 2013. SELECTION CRITERIA: We planned to include randomized and quasi-randomized controlled trials comparing cataract surgery with no surgery in adult patients who developed cataract following vitrectomy. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Two authors screened the search results independently according to the standard methodological procedures expected by The Cochrane Collaboration. MAIN RESULTS: We found no randomized or quasi-randomized controlled trials comparing cataract surgery with no cataract surgery for patients who developed cataracts following vitrectomy surgery. AUTHORS\u27 CONCLUSIONS: There is no evidence from randomized or quasi-randomized controlled trials on which to base clinical recommendations for surgery for post-vitrectomy cataract. There is a clear need for randomized controlled trials to address this evidence gap. Such trials should stratify participants by their age, the retinal disorder leading to vitrectomy, and the status of the underlying disease process in the contralateral eye. Outcomes assessed in such trials may include gain of vision on the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) scale, quality of life, and adverse events such as posterior capsular rupture. Both short-term (six-month) and long-term (one-year or two-year) outcomes should be examined

    História e Trauma: sobre três pinturas de Frank Stella

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     Algumas Black Paintings de Frank Stella, a despeito do pertencimento aos primórdios do minimalismo – que buscava recusar uma narratividade externa à superfície da pintura, levavam títulos com referências ao nazismo (Arbeit Macht Frei, Reichstag e Die Fahne Hock). Este artigo visa refletir sobre as possibilidades de manuseio, em um dado contexto espacial e temporal, de referências que pertencem ao escopo da história e memória de eventos traumáticos, a partir da compreensão de que essas condições se transformam de acordo com o contexto social e político, permitindo diferentes formas de mobilização de um trauma social. Abstract Some Black Paintings by Frank Stella, despite belonging to the beginnings of minimalism – which sought to refuse an external narrative on the surface of the painting, carried titles with references to Nazism (Arbeit Macht Frei, Reichstag and Die Fahne Hock). This article aims to reflect on the possibilities of handling, in a given spatial and temporal context, references that belong to the scope of history and memory of traumatic events, from the understanding that these conditions are transformed according to the social and political context , allowing different ways of mobilizing social trauma

    Imagem, montagem e história em Videogramas de uma Revolução de Harun Farocki e Andrei Ujică

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    This article proposes to relate the analysis of the film Videograms of a Revolution (1992), by Harun Farocki and Andrei Ujică, with the discussion present in the works of Jacques Rancière and Georges Didi-Huberman on the relationship between image, montage and history. Both authors, each in their own way, mobilize the idea that the montage operations made with the images make it possible to elaborate discourses on history, as well as to problematize notions of historical time. The film chosen for this analysis, made from a compilation of records of the events that led to the fall of the communist regime in Romania, is permeated by elements pertinent to the debate, above all by the emphasis on the role of technical images in this process.Este artigo propõe relacionar a análise do filme Videogramas de uma Revolução (1992), de Harun Farocki e Andrei Ujică, com a discussão presente nas obras de Jacques Rancière e de Georges Didi-Huberman sobre a relação entre imagem, montagem e história. Ambos autores, cada um a sua maneira, mobilizam a ideia de que as operações de montagem realizadas com as imagens permitem elaborar discursos sobre a história, bem como problematizar noções de tempo histórico. O filme escolhido para esta análise, realizado a partir de uma compilação de registros dos eventos que levaram a queda do regime comunista na Romênia, é perpassado por elementos pertinentes ao debate, sobretudo pela ênfase no papel das imagens técnicas nesse processo


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    Increasingly the population adopts a healthy diet and becomes demanding about the nutritional value of food, which has increased the demand for dehydrated foods as a healthy and practical option for intermediate meals. Enzymatic browning is a phenomenon that induces changes in color, taste and nutritional losses and is related to the enzyme polyphenoloxidase, which uses phenolic compounds as substrates. The objective of this work was to evaluate the application of conservative solutions containing citric acid (AC), ascorbic acid (AA) and sodium chloride (NaCl), replacing sodium metabisulfite in preserving the color of dehydrated apples. Analyzes were performed to evaluate the stability of the apples, through the pH content, soluble solids and sensorial analysis. At the end of the 10 hrs drying process, the final humidity of the apples was 3.58%. The pH levels in all solutions remained similar, decreasing as the acid concentration increased. Soluble solids contents also presented few variations, explained due to the content of soluble solids present naturally in the fruits in natura. According to the analyzes performed, it can be seen that the conservative solution containing ascorbic acid, citric acid and NaCl was effective to control enzymatic browning, serving as a potential substitute for Sodium Metabisulfite

    Povos e comunidades tradicionais do Bico do Papagaio: estratégias de cuidados frente à COVID – 19

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    The presente work aims to show the care strategies of the traditional communities of the Bico do Papagaio micro-region in relation to the new pandemic of the new coronavírus. Through this pandemic, we analyzes the power relations interwoven in contemporary colonial processes that affected the lives of the people and communities that lived in the micro-region. These power relations are constantly reestablished and intensified through neoliberal capitalism. It used the pandemic to advance traditional territories using “development projects” that, for this people, are real projects of death.Este estudio tiene como objetivo resaltar las estrategias de atención de las comunidades tradicionales en la microrregión de Bico do Papagaio en relación a la pandemia de coronavirus. A través de esta pandemia, analizamos las relaciones de poder imbricadas en los procesos coloniales contemporáneos que afectan la vida de los pueblos y comunidades que habitan esta microrregión. Estas relaciones de poder se restablecen e intensifican constantemente a través del capitalismo neoliberal, habiendo, incluso, se utilizado de la pandemia para impulsar “proyectos de desarrollo” sobre territorios tradicionales que, para estos pueblos, son verdaderos proyectos de muerteO presente trabalho tem como objetivo evidenciar as estratégias de cuidado das comunidades tradicionais da microrregião do Bico do Papagaio em relação à pandemia do coronavírus. Por meio dessa pandemia, analisamos as relações de poder imbricadas nos processos coloniais contemporâneos que afetam a vida dos povos e comunidades que vivem nesta microrregião. Essas relações de poder são constantemente reestabelecidas e intensificadas por meio do capitalismo neoliberal, tendo, inclusive, usado da pandemia para fazer avançar sobre territórios tradicionais “projetos de desenvolvimento” que, para esses povos, são verdadeiros projetos de mort

    Reconstrução histórica do aporte de sedimentos terrígenos para o Complexo Estuarino de Paranaguá : uma abordagem Geoquímica

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    Orientadora: Renata Hanae NagaiMonografia (graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Campus Pontal do Paraná, Centro de Estudos do Mar, Curso de Graduação em Oceanografia.Inclui referênciasResumo : Estuários conectam o continente ao oceano, controlando a exportação de sedimentos para a plataforma continental. Estes ambientes dinâmicos possuem altas taxas de sedimentação influenciadas pelo regime de precipitação e por processos antrópicos de uso e ocupação do seu entorno. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo reconstruir o aporte de sedimentos terrígenos para o Complexo Estuarino de Paranaguá (CEP) ao longo dos últimos 200 anos, com base em parâmetros granulométricos e razões elementares (Fe/Ca, K/Ca, Ti/Ca, Fe/K e K/Rb) obtidos em registros sedimentares. As amostras utilizadas neste estudo provêm de dois testemunhos sedimentares coletados no eixo Leste-Oeste do CEP, localizados na porção mais interna (T4) e próximo à desembocadura do estuário (T5). A cronologia foi obtida por datação radiométrica, utilizando o radionuclídeo 210Pb. A quantificação de metais (Ca, Cr, Fe, K, Mn, Rb, Sr, Ti, V e Zn) foi realizada por meio da técnica de Fluorescência de Raios X (XRF) e as análises granulométricas foram realizadas com o auxílio de um granulômetro a laser. Os resultados obtidos sugerem três fases distintas de aporte continental, entre os anos de 1854 a 2017, com períodos de variação similares entre os testemunhos. Entre 1854 e 1940, os resultados apontam para um maior aporte continental (maiores valores das razões Fe/Ca, Ti/Ca), com sedimentos mais intemperizados (maiores valores da razão Fe/K e menores de K/Rb) e grãos mais grossos (areia fina), potencialmente associados à expansão das atividades de uso e ocupação do solo no entorno do CEP. Entre 1941 e 1981, nossos resultados sugerem diminuição do aporte de sedimentos terrígenos, com a chegada de sedimentos com menor grau de intemperismo e grãos relativamente mais grossos, evidenciando a importância da ação humana sobre mudanças nas condições de intemperismo físico e na hidrodinâmica local. Na fase mais recente, entre 1982 e 2017, é possível observar aumento relativo no aporte de sedimentos continentais, com menor grau de intemperismo e grãos mais finos, associados tanto a intensificação das atividades humanas quanto ao regime de precipitação

    A formação da biblioteca pessoal: efeitos refeitos

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    No cerne das atividades escolares, nas histórias de formação individual e coletiva, científica e profissional ou artística, habita a leitura. Que mais não precise ser mencionado aqui para dizer de sua relevância. Lembremo-nos apenas dos embates atuais entre os jovens estudantes – e os nem tão jovens – sobre o prazer ou o tédio que a atividade pode ocasionar. O território dos estudos sobre a leitura é vasto, muito já se falou, investigou e recomendou sobre a questão. Que, por excelência, interessa à maioria das ciências humanas e ocupa posição central para os trabalhos educacionais. Deixemos aos especialistas o domínio das peculiaridades da leitura. Interessa-nos investigar os efeitos da leitura na vida de cada pessoa. O Dossiê privilegia artigos que apresentam pontos de vista interessados nas posições de leitores e de professores, testemunhos de modos de ler, das ancoragens feitas na literatura (como modo de conhecimento e de constituição pessoal). Gostaríamos de reimaginar relações com o ler e seus objetos, a partir do diálogo com alguns teóricos, desde os momentos inaugurais do aprendizado da leitura até uma reflexão que pode se perguntar hoje sobre nossas bibliotecas vividas, constituídas pelas obras que nos marcaram, lidas em momentos especiais e que fazem frutificar nossos pensamentos e podem conduzir a nossa apreensão da realidade. Vale a pena pensar nos livros que não foram lidos, naqueles que são desejados, mas por qualquer razão são evitados, adiados ou explorados com exagerada timidez. Pensar nas obrigações escolares de leitura ou nos modos profissionais de ler.&nbsp

    Novos registros de duas espécies de insetos galhadores (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae) para o Brasil: New state record of two gall midge species (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae) in Brazil

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    Anisodiplosis waltheriae Maia, 2005 e Asphondylia sanctipetri Urso-Guimarães & Amorim, 2002 (Insecta, Diptera, Cecidomyiidae) são registradas pela primeira vez para o estado do Mato Grosso (Brasil). As galhas induzidas por esses mosquitos galhadores foram coletadas no Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Guimarães localizado nas cidades de Chapada e Cuiabá no estado do Mato Grosso. Galhas de A. waltheriae foram coletadas em setembro de 2011 e as de A. sanctipetri em julho de 2012

    Quantitatively Imaging Chromosomes by Correlated Cryo-Fluorescence and Soft X-Ray Tomographies

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    AbstractSoft x-ray tomography (SXT) is increasingly being recognized as a valuable method for visualizing and quantifying the ultrastructure of cryopreserved cells. Here, we describe the combination of SXT with cryogenic confocal fluorescence tomography (CFT). This correlative approach allows the incorporation of molecular localization data, with isotropic precision, into high-resolution three-dimensional (3-D) SXT reconstructions of the cell. CFT data are acquired first using a cryogenically adapted confocal light microscope in which the specimen is coupled to a high numerical aperture objective lens by an immersion fluid. The specimen is then cryo-transferred to a soft x-ray microscope (SXM) for SXT data acquisition. Fiducial markers visible in both types of data act as common landmarks, enabling accurate coalignment of the two complementary tomographic reconstructions. We used this method to identify the inactive X chromosome (Xi) in female v-abl transformed thymic lymphoma cells by localizing enhanced green fluorescent protein-labeled macroH2A with CFT. The molecular localization data were used to guide segmentation of Xi in the SXT reconstructions, allowing characterization of the Xi topological arrangement in near-native state cells. Xi was seen to adopt a number of different topologies with no particular arrangement being dominant

    Integrating monitor alarms with laboratory test results to enhance patient deterioration prediction

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    AbstractPatient monitors in modern hospitals have become ubiquitous but they generate an excessive number of false alarms causing alarm fatigue. Our previous work showed that combinations of frequently co-occurring monitor alarms, called SuperAlarm patterns, were capable of predicting in-hospital code blue events at a lower alarm frequency. In the present study, we extend the conceptual domain of a SuperAlarm to incorporate laboratory test results along with monitor alarms so as to build an integrated data set to mine SuperAlarm patterns. We propose two approaches to integrate monitor alarms with laboratory test results and use a maximal frequent itemsets mining algorithm to find SuperAlarm patterns. Under an acceptable false positive rate FPRmax, optimal parameters including the minimum support threshold and the length of time window for the algorithm to find the combinations of monitor alarms and laboratory test results are determined based on a 10-fold cross-validation set. SuperAlarm candidates are generated under these optimal parameters. The final SuperAlarm patterns are obtained by further removing the candidates with false positive rate>FPRmax. The performance of SuperAlarm patterns are assessed using an independent test data set. First, we calculate the sensitivity with respect to prediction window and the sensitivity with respect to lead time. Second, we calculate the false SuperAlarm ratio (ratio of the hourly number of SuperAlarm triggers for control patients to that of the monitor alarms, or that of regular monitor alarms plus laboratory test results if the SuperAlarm patterns contain laboratory test results) and the work-up to detection ratio, WDR (ratio of the number of patients triggering any SuperAlarm patterns to that of code blue patients triggering any SuperAlarm patterns). The experiment results demonstrate that when varying FPRmax between 0.02 and 0.15, the SuperAlarm patterns composed of monitor alarms along with the last two laboratory test results are triggered at least once for [56.7–93.3%] of code blue patients within an 1-h prediction window before code blue events and for [43.3–90.0%] of code blue patients at least 1-h ahead of code blue events. However, the hourly number of these SuperAlarm patterns occurring in control patients is only [2.0–14.8%] of that of regular monitor alarms with WDR varying between 2.1 and 6.5 in a 12-h window. For a given FPRmax threshold, the SuperAlarm set generated from the integrated data set has higher sensitivity and lower WDR than the SuperAlarm set generated from the regular monitor alarm data set. In addition, the McNemar’s test also shows that the performance of the SuperAlarm set from the integrated data set is significantly different from that of the SuperAlarm set from the regular monitor alarm data set. We therefore conclude that the SuperAlarm patterns generated from the integrated data set are better at predicting code blue events