28 research outputs found

    [Analgesia in therapeutic dentistry: methodological and topographical aspects of the workshop]

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    The article presents the main methodological aspects of practical training at the training on «Analgesia in therapeutic dentistry». Attention is focused on the matters of classification methods and types of anesthesia of pathological processes of maxillofacial region and their advantages and disadvantages, indications and contraindications for anesthesia for therapeutic interventions on questions of select the most effective anesthetic injection systems and technology of injection itself. Citation: Dmitrieva EA. [Analgesia in therapeutic dentistry: methodological and topographical aspects of the workshop]. Morphologia. 2015;9(3):130-4. Russian

    On the methodology of practical lessons «Inflammatory diseases of lips – cheilitis»

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    The article presents the guidelines of the practical lessons on one of the topical issues of therapeutic stomatology – inflammatory lip diseases. The article is focuseed on completeness, consistency of clinical and laboratory examination of patients with cheilitis with subsequent analysis, generalization of identified symptoms and justification of the preliminary diagnosis as well as on the consistency of the differential diagnosis and administration of an effective comprehensive treatment. Citation: Dmitrieva EA. [On the methodology of practical lessons «Inflammatory diseases of lips – cheilitis»]. Morphologia. 2015;9(1):86-91. Russian

    Influence of plasma exposure on physical characteristics of thin films of SnO2 obtained from SnCl4 solutions with additives of NH4F and NH4OH

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    The electrical conductivity of tin dioxide is extremely sensitive to the state of the surface in the temperature range 300-800 K, at which oxidation-reduction reactions take place on its surface. Nanocrystalline films of tin dioxide are selectively sensitive to the presence of toxic gases, organic and certain biological molecules in the surrounding atmosphere [1]. SnO2-based films are also used as transparent conductive coatings [2]. To modify the properties of the films, alloying, heat treatment, plasma treatment is used

    IBD risk loci are enriched in multigenic regulatory modules encompassing putative causative genes.

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    GWAS have identified >200 risk loci for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). The majority of disease associations are known to be driven by regulatory variants. To identify the putative causative genes that are perturbed by these variants, we generate a large transcriptome data set (nine disease-relevant cell types) and identify 23,650 cis-eQTL. We show that these are determined by ∼9720 regulatory modules, of which ∼3000 operate in multiple tissues and ∼970 on multiple genes. We identify regulatory modules that drive the disease association for 63 of the 200 risk loci, and show that these are enriched in multigenic modules. Based on these analyses, we resequence 45 of the corresponding 100 candidate genes in 6600 Crohn disease (CD) cases and 5500 controls, and show with burden tests that they include likely causative genes. Our analyses indicate that ≥10-fold larger sample sizes will be required to demonstrate the causality of individual genes using this approach

    [Guidelines to prepare for practical classes on therapeutic dentistry]

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    The article highlights the main approaches to preparation of practical training on therapeutic stomatology and presents methodological recommendations on collecting and systematization of education materials. The article is focused on the role of practical training in educational process as one of the main forms of obtaining and consolidating theoretical knowledge and practical skills for students. Citation: Dmitrieva EA. [Guidelines to prepare for practical classes on therapeutic dentistry]. Morphologia. 2015;9(2):95-8. Russian


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    Within the framework of the general tendency for globalization, interstate and intergovernmental promotion of cooperation and increase in commercial and cultural relations require reliable channels of communication. The legal regulation of international intercourse is an integral part of the business activity and any misunderstanding, inadequate use of terms and concepts or inappropriate language style can cause financial problems, conflicts and other unexpected difficulties. Thus, in order to avoid abovementioned complications a good command of a foreign language of law, as well as the knowledge of legal systems of other countries and understanding of legal concepts are vital. The cornerstone of legal language is its terminology, representing a complex structure of notions. On the one hand, all aspects of everyday life are expressed in the concepts of jurisprudence, however, the meaning of these concepts varies significantly from the layman's use. On the other hand, the terms contain and preserve the long-time traditions of the country where this theory of law is applied. These two opposite tendencies are reflected in the language and particularly in the terms. Traditionally when it comes to the translation of legal concepts the interpreters are faced with some challenges. Firstly, there are some legal notions which exist only in common law counties, thus there are no equivalents in continental legal systems. Secondly, attention should be paid to the particular jurisdiction where the terms are used, as one word may have different connotations depending on its "nationality" even within one legal system. The purpose of this article is to reveal various shades of meaning and usage peculiarities of bankruptcy terminology in Canada, the UK and USA. The research is based on the analysis of the statutes, acts of parliament and codes. In addition, the article will attempt to single out the key terms in bankruptcy law and the lexemes which dominate this legal branch. The results presented in the article are vital for translators and interpreters, as legal translation should be precise and without any ambiguity. Moreover, the conceptual peculiarities, described in this work, may prove the fact that legal terminology of any state is a unique phenomenon

    Лингвокультурологический сравнительный анализ юридической терминологии в практике судопроизводства США и Канады

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    The purpose of the study is to determine the culture-specific features of legal terminology of the American and Canadian English varieties. A part of the study was devoted to analysing the historical context around the formation of judicial and legal systems in the USA and Canada. Scientific novelty lies in the fact that the comparative analysis of legal terms belonging to genetically similar judicial and legal systems was based on the principle of taking into account the influence of extralinguistic factors on the patterns of functioning of terms; the main parameters of comparison of legal terminology and its classification were determined. As a result of the comparative analysis, it has been proved that the discrepancies concern both the form and the content of the vocabulary in question.Цель исследования заключается в определении национально-специфических особенностей юридической терминологии американского и канадского национальных вариантов английского языка. Частью исследования стал анализ исторического контекста формирования судебно-правовых систем США и Канады. Научная новизна заключается в том, что в основу сравнительного анализа юридических терминов генетически схожих судебно-правовых систем был положен принцип учета влияния экстралингвистических факторов на закономерности функционирования терминов, а также были определены основные параметры сравнения юридической терминологии и ее классификации. В результате сравнительного анализа доказано, что расхождения касаются как формы, так и содержания данной лексики

    Сохранение старовозрастных деревьев и мониторинг их состояния в Летнем и Михайловском садах Санкт-Петербурга

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    The image of the Summer Garden is inseparable from the image of St. Petersburg. It was survived together with the city of the period of formation, rapid flourishing, change of rulers, change, economic systems, natural and military disasters. In June 2009, Russian Museum proceeded to largest restoration on the reconstruction of the memorial ensemble of the Summer garden. The article presents the results of inspection condition of old-growth trees in Summer and Mikhailovsky Gardens and analyze inventory data from 1962 to 2014, the dynamics of change in the number of trees.Образ Летнего сада неотделим от образа Санкт-Петербурга. Он пережил вместе с городом период становления, бурного расцвета, смену правителей, экономических формаций, стихийных и военных бедствий. В июне 2009 г. Русский музей приступил к крупнейшей реставрации по воссозданию ансамбля-памятника Летний сад. В статье приводятся результаты обследования состояния старовозрастных деревьев Летнего и Михайловского садов и анализ инвентаризационных данных с 1962 по 2014 г. динамики изменения количества деревьев

    Linguo-didactic fundamentals of grammar skills mastering: The structure and stages of the formation of a foreign language grammar skill (English and Chinese)

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    © 2020 Transilvanian Association for the Literarure and Culture of Romanian People (ASTRA). All rights reserved. Grammar skill is a component of the language competency that students must master as a result of receiving a basic general education. The methodology for the formation of each grammatical skill has its own specifics. The use of partitive expressions in English is the subject of frequent student mistakes. As part of the training, these categories are not given enough attention, they are not studied separately, but are included in the topics fractionally, which prevents the creation of an overall picture and the formation of grammatical skill. Textbooks do not give a classified system of counting words and partitive expressions, and skills automation exercises are present only in conjunction with the study of other grammatical topics, which does not allow focusing on working out the data of grammatical categories. The necessity for a methodological base for teaching partitive expressions in English, highlighting a separate topic devoted to the named grammatical categories and developing a set of exercises emphasises the relevance of the chosen topic. In general, the methods of forming a grammatical skill are well studied, but not specified for teaching counting words and partitive expressions, which means that they require further development. The aim of the paper is to study the methods of forming a grammatical skill and developing a set of exercises for the formation of a grammatical skill (based on the example of partitive expressions). As a result of the study, the concept and structure of the grammatical skill were studied, the stages of its formation were examined, the linguo-didactic fundamentals of teaching in both languages were identified, the process of selecting material for a set of exercises was described, a set of exercises for both languages was developed. As research methods, general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis and comparison were chosen, linguistic methods-descriptive, prescriptive and structural

    Salmonellosis Features in Children Today

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    There were studied the features of clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment of salmonella infection in 109 children aged from 4 months to 14 years, who were hospitalized in the Department of Infectious Diseases in Children’s Clinical Hospital № 2 in Kiev. Salmonellosis was found to occur mostly in children of the first three years of life have (51.4 %). In 95.4 % of patients food mode of transmission prevailed. All the patients had gastrointestinal form of salmonellosis; moderate forms of infection (94.4 %) prevailed. The clinical picture for all the children at the present stage was characte­rized by the acute onset with the development of intoxication syndrome within the first hours, gastrointestinal dysfunction, involving all gastrointestinal area in the process in half of the cases (50.5 %) and the presence of colitis syndrome in most patients (67.9 %). Ta­king into account the parameters of antibioticgram, ceftriaxone and nitrofuran cannot be the drugs of choice for the treatment of salmonellosis at the present stage