138 research outputs found


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    National competitiveness, macro-competitiveness, and competitiveness of states; those seemingly simple and common terms, are actually highly controversial. The interpretation of historical backgrounds and basic postulates which have been the foundations of methods for the measurement of macro-competitiveness since the 1970s to the present, is a matter of interest in the first part of this paper. Just after this, we will provide critical observations on methods used so far - which is necessary if we want to make a contribution to the further development of theory (and practice). The second part of this work, which is smaller in quantity but larger in quality, is committed to the development of the theoretical foundation for the development of the new fourth generation of methods for measurement of macro-competitiveness. We entitled this method ULC + the method for measurement of national competitiveness and it is based on the synthesis of Michael Porter’s idea that productivity is a synonym for competitiveness and the direct (outputs) methods for measurement of national competitiveness. We have done this by using working hours as a common measuring unit which would enable us to sum “apples and oranges”, meaning the cost of labor and the cost of capital


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    Indeed, currently we are experiencing a difficult situation, but the process of admitting new students must also continue for the sustainability of the campus and also learning in Indonesia, especially on USB. With campus technology, it can facilitate the admission of new students, provide sophisticated services, such as PMB, payments, academics, learning etc. After simplifying the process of receiving and payment, what to do next is Promotion. Because in the current situation conventional promotion is not possible, one solution is to take advantage of digital technology that is easily accessible to many people. Here's what can be done with promotion with digital marketing: Use the website to be recognized more quickly, Make video ads on YouTube, Content marketing and SEO optimization, Take advantage of the campus search platform


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    Competitive advantage is the ability of an organization to formulate a strategy that places it in a favorable position with respect to other organizations. It is not easy to make HR a source of competitive advantage for a company because it is related not only to ability and expertise, but also to personal factors such as values, perceptions, attitudes, personality and individual willingness to advance. Human resources are said to have a competitive advantage if they have unique skills and personalities that match the company personality where they work. Innovations and strategies for developing human resources in managing organizations are a solution to the economic business challenges


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    The idea of the relation between the economic development level and the balance of payments position is not a new one. Yet, this idea was formalized for the first time in the early 1960s by Charles Kindlеberger in the form of the balance of payments evolution scheme. Although this is a rather “old” concept, all the aspects of this theory and all the possibilities for its usage have not been exhausted yet. For example, this theory explicitly includes an interesting (and provocative) idea that the underlying point of development, the point that separates developed economies from underdeveloped economies is actually the moment when a country reaches the full coverage of imports by exports. More implicitly, in the manner of a genuine liberal, who Kindleberger certainly was, this theory suggests the implementation of passive (pro-liberal) economic policies. This, in combination with our research on possible ways of measuring the level of economic development, has led us to the idea that, in circumstances of relatively liberal3 trade, the level of development and level of competitiveness could be measured by the export/import indicator. In the work we will show that this idea is not generally accepted, but still worth researching. Our intention with this work was to show that countries in South-East Europe, although facing serious economic difficulties, are developing and improving their competitiveness position in time, and to try to predict, for each country, the time when that country will join the club of lesserdeveloped, but yet developed countries. This would have reflections in the assessment of the adequacy of the economic polices implemented in those countries during the last twenty years, i.e. the quality of macromanagement in these countries

    Differential Settlement of Foundations on Loess

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    Experience gained during several decades shows that the loess soil in some cases undergoes structural collapse and subsidence due to inundation and that in some other cases the sensitivity of loess to the collapse is considerably less pronounced. In this paper the behaviour of three 12 story buildings A, B and C, of the same static system and the identical shapes have been analyzed. The measurement of settlements of building A over a period of 10 years indicate that the values were situated between the limits 9 cm to 13 cm, and that they are larger than the calculated values, but there was no damage reported in this case. However, the measured settlements of building B over the same period of time were considerably larger, reaching 46 to 51 cm, causing severe damages of the building. In order to find the explanation for such behaviour of loess subsoil, the additional field and laboratory testing of loess have been carried out. Some of the obtained results are presented in this paper


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    Investasi adalah penempatan dan pada berbagai asset untuk mendapatkan pengembalian dimasa depan secara optimal. Investor selalu mencari alternatif investasi yang memberikan return tertinggi dengan tingkat risiko tertentu. Untuk melakukan investasi dalam bentuk saham diperlukan analisis untuk mengukur nilai saham, yaitu analisis fundamental dan analisis teknikal. Informasi fundamental adalah informasi yang berhubungan dengan kondisi perusahaan yang umumnya ditunjukkan dalam laporan keuangan yang merupakan salah satu ukuran kinerja perusahaan. Informasi fundamental sering digunakan untuk memprediksi harga saham. Tujuan investasi adalah untuk memperoleh return (Tingkat keuntungan) yang optimal. Artinya membeli asset yang memberikan pendapatan paling tinggi dengan tingkat resiko yang tertentu. Tujuan Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak pengaruh faktor fundamental terhadap return saham pada perusahaan Farmasi yang terdaftar di BEI. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah perusahaan Farmasi yang terdaftar di BEI. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode sensus yaitu karena menggunakan semua populasi yang dipakai sebagai sampel, maka jumlah sampel perusahaan Farmasi yang dipakai sebanyak 9 perusahaan. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder yang diperoleh dari data laporan keuangan periode 2007-2010 yang diambil dari Bursa Efek Indonesia. Sedangkan untuk pengujian data menggunakan analisis regresi linear berganda dengan asumsi klasik menggunakan program SPSS Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa variabel Return On Asset mempunyai pengaruh Negatif signifikan terhadap return saham, Net Profit Margin mempunyai pengaruh Tidak signifikan positif terhadap return saham, Debt to Equity Ratio mempunyai pengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap return saham dan Price to Book Value mempunyai pengaruh negative signifikan terhadap return saham

    Je li Globalno izvješće o konkurentnosti prava mjera makro-konkurentnosti

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    The purpose of this paper is to research the effect of abandoning the assumption of long-term time horizon in terms of reliability of the Global Competitiveness Report (GCR) findings. In order to achieve this goal we will compare the GCR findings with the findings of a composite index of competitiveness, named 6 BIC (Basic Indicators of Competitiveness). We have developed this index on the theoretical basis provided by Krugman, Fagerbergs, Scott, Lodge, Aiginger and others. Economists are aware that any theoretical conception, including the GCR, relies on a number of assumptions and postulations. If some of those have been under scrutiny, then the whole construction and its findings would lose their credibility. One of the most significant assumptions rooted in the Global Competitiveness Report is its longevity. In the long-term, the change in productivity level through price competitiveness certainly brings out a change in outcome competitiveness level. However, the effects in short-to-middle term are not certain. Our findings show that there is a whole range of countries whose national competitiveness is either under-estimated by the GCR (for example Russia, Turkey, Estonia, Moldova) or overvalued (Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Portugal, Spain) in short-to-middle term. The basic conclusion from the obtained results of the research is that the GCR does not provide sufficiently good view of the current competitiveness of the countries, and that this indicator needs to be extended also with other competitiveness indicators, such as those selected in our paper.Cilj ovoga rada je istražiti može li se značajnije utjecati na pouzdanost nalaza Globalnog izvješća konkurentnosti (GCR) napuštanjem pretpostavke o dugoročnom vremenskom horizontu. Da bi se postigao ovaj cilj uspoređuju se nalazi GCR-a s nalazima koje smo dobili korištenjem kompozitnog indeksa konkurentnosti, nazvanog 6 BIC (Bazičnih indikatora konkurentnosti). Ovaj pokazatelj razvijen je oslanjajući se na teoretske osnove koje su utemeljili Krugman, Fagerberg, Scott, Lodge, Aiginger i drugi. Ekonomisti su svjesni da je svaka ekonomska konstrukcija, uključujući i Globalni indeks konkurentnosti temeljena na nizu pretpostavki i postulata. Ako se neka od tih pretpostavki relativizira tada i rezultati do kojih se dolazi korištenjem ove teoretske konstrukcije gube na snazi. Jedna od važnijih pretpostavki koja se nalazi u osnovi Globalnog izvješća o konkurentnosti je dugi rok. U dugom roku, rast produktivnosti svakako vodi prema poboljšanju konkurentnosti. Međutim u kratkom i srednjem roku taj utjecaj nije tako izvjestan. Rezultati do kojih se došlo pokazuju da postoji čitav niz zemalja čiji položaj ili je podcijenjen (Rusija, Turska, Estonija, Moldavija i druge) ili precijenjen (Finska, Irska, Island, Portugal, Španjolska i druge) po GCR-u u kratkom do srednjeg roka. Temeljni zaključak dobivenih rezultata istraživanja je da GIK ne pruža dovoljno dobru sliku tekuće konkurentnosti te da ovaj pokazatelj treba biti dopunjen drugim pokazateljima konkurentnosti, kao što su ovi korišteni u radu


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    The goal of this research is to describe the influence of leaderships and strategic planning toward local revenue at West Bandung Regency. Research method is Quantative research and collect data by quessioner, interview, observation and documentation. The variables were leaderships and strategic planning. as the independent variables, the dependent variable was local revenue. Data have been analyzed through (Multiple Regresion). The result of this research showed that leaderships and strategic planning. influence the local revenue The influence of leaderships and strategic planning toward local revenue is positive it means that the more higher leaderships and the strategic planning the more higher local revenue and it has mean in real rank p < 0.01. By this research, the hypothesis, which has been proposed, leaderships and strategic planning will influence local revenue. The result has showed that the mean of local revenue is 0. 4570 or the grade variation of local revenue is 45,70 percent depending on leaderships and strategic planning


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    Efforts to support product business progress at the Cibaduyut shoe center currently need to be supported by technology, not only in production but also in marketing. Companies can take advantage of technological advancements by marketing products produced online. This system makes it easy for consumers to be used in choosing the desired product according to their needs. Anticipating competition among producers and achieving customer satisfaction, including the need to see good product quality and competitive prices, so that purchasing decisions occur. This study aims to determine the picture of product quality, price, purchasing decisions and customer satisfaction and the effect of the influence of product quality and price on purchasing decisions both simultaneously and partially. The research method used in this research is descriptive verification method with data collection techniques through questionnaires. The results showed that the quality of Golfer shoes was quite good on the model but was judged to be poor in terms of its durability. An assessment of the price is considered quite expensive, this can be due to tiered prices, consumer purchasing decisions on Golfer shoes products are considered less fast and customers are less satisfied with their products. Product quality has a positive and significant impact on purchasing decisions and their implications for customer satisfaction. Prices have a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions and their implications for customer satisfaction. Simultaneously, product quality and price influence purchasing decisions. Purchasing decisions affect customer satisfaction. The direct influence of product quality on customer satisfaction and the direct effect of prices on customer satisfactio

    Tinjauan Permasalahan Teodise Kitab Ayub dan Relevansinya terhadap Penderita HIV/AIDS

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    Suffering is not by any means a new phenomenon for human beings. Human and suffering are of one reality in life throughout the world. In the light of religious views, the phenomenon of suffering inexplicitly affirms the position of God as central within human life. Job’s suffering in the Christian Scriptures was narrated to contradict directly the ancient laws of retribution in the Old Testament tradition. The Author of the Book of Job seems to insinuate that suffering is not so much an effect of sin as a mystery of God. God is not the cause of suffering. Job’s misfortune draws the attention of his friends who speak in line with the tradition that it is caused by his own sinfulness and to which God has rightly vindicated. Their discussions on sin and suffering did not reach an agreement, however, to the point that eventually God must conclude the debate. The issue of unresolved suffering could properly be related to the distressed victims of HIV/AIDS. This association is intended to recommend the appropriate disposition and approaches to individuals with HIV/AIDS and those who are considered ‘victims’ of the illness, since they have been infected indirectly