276 research outputs found

    Economical aspects of hull paint system

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    Mining activities produce large quantities of wastes which are highly contaminated with heavy metals. This can cause adverse effects on natural ecosystems, particularly on living organisms. The study reported here concerned the biomonitoring of pollution in the Sidi Kamber mining area, through the determination of various physiological mechanisms (bioaccumulation and translocation) and biochemical markers (chlorophyll (a) and (b), proline, total sugars and total proteins) active in resistance to heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn) contamination, using three plant species Cistus monspeliensis, Rumex bucephalophorus and Verbascum sinuatum as bioindicators

    Structure-activity approaches for prediction of chemical reactivity and pharmacological properties of some heterocyclic compounds

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    Benzodiazepine drugs are widely prescribed to treat many psychiatric and neurologic disorders. As its pharmacological action is exerted in a sensitive area of the brain; ''the central nervous system'', it is crucial to provide detailed reports on the chemistry of benzodiazepines, model the mechanism of action that occurs with GABAA receptors, identify the overlap with other modulators, as well as explore the structural requirements that better potentiate the receptor response to benzodiazepines. This dissertation consists of two original studies that consider the new lines of research related to benzodiazepines, particularly the identification of three new TMD binding sites. The first study provides, on the one hand, an overview of the chemistry of six Benzodiazepine basic rings starting from structural characteristics, electronic properties, Global/local reactivities, up to intermolecular interactions with long-range nucleophilic/electrophilic reactants. This was achieved by combining a DFT investigation with a quantitative MEP analysis on the vdW surface. On the other hand, the performed molecular docking simulations allowed identifying the best binding modes, binding interactions, and binding affinities with residues, which helped to validate the quantitative MEP analysis predictions. The second study was conducted on a dataset of [3H]diazepam derivatives. First, molecular docking simulation was used to initially screen the dataset and select the best ligand/target complexes. Afterwise, the best-docked complexes were refined by performing molecular dynamics simulation for 1000 picoseconds. For both simulations, the binding modes, binding interactions, and binding affinities were thoroughly discussed and compared with each other and with outcomes collected from the literature. Additionally, the good pharmacokinetic properties (ADME prediction) as well as compliance with all druglikeness rules were checked via in silico tools for all the dataset compounds. Finally, a QSAR analysis was carried out using an improved version of PLS regression. Briefly, the dataset is randomly split into 10 000 training and test sets that involve, respectively, 80% and 20% of chemicals. Subsequently, 10 000 statistical simulations were conducted that; after excluding outlying observations, yielded 10 000 best training models following the Bayesian Information Criterion. Among these 10 000 best models, the best predictors with the highest probability of occurrence were selected. As a consequence, the derived PLS regression equation explains 63.2% of the variability in BDZ activity around its mean. Furthermore, Internal and external validation metrics assure the robustness and predictability of the developed model. The developed model was interpreted based on literature investigations and a combination of implemented approaches

    The IMF and the World Bank in Ghana in the 1980’s Which solutions to the economic depression?

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    This article sheds light on an important period in the history of Ghana in the 1980’s, when the country was ruled by the Provisional National Defense Council (PNDC) of Jerry John Rawlings. Since 1966, the country witnessed a succession of political upheavals which plunged its economy into a severe crisis. When Rawlings took the reins of power after a military takeover on 31 December 1981, he found no other alternative than the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank to get the country from the crisis. These proposed a scheme that required a set of austerity measures of which many in the Ghanaian political class did not approve. The economic reconstruction programme imposed a drastic devaluation of the national currency and a significant curtailment of the state’s role in economy. This inevitably led to a substantial suppression of state subsidy on many necessary items. The situation was hard for Ghanaians but Rawlings finally triumphed to secure the necessary popular support to carry the scheme through, and to greatly stabilize the national economy and save it country from a total collapse

    ترجمة النص المالي

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    Financial Text Translation Nowadays, specialized translation has acquired a great importance in different fields, particularly in the domain of affairs and finance. The domains covered by financial translation are various. They range from simple economic research to the most complex accounting studies. It is thus necessary for this translation to have a deep knowledge of the issue to be tackled, and a total mastery of the mechanisms of finance. Translating the financial terminology is the greatest obstacle that a translator meets in his work. This is due to its technical nature as well as the different neologisms regularly used in the language of finance. The most important element of this piece of work is the importance of research in both documentation and terminology. If these two elements are properly carried out, they allow the translator to translate any specialized text in any field without necessarily being a specialist in the domain in question. Nevertheless, he must usually carry out continuous research and have a universal knowledge. He also has to enrich and update his databases and terminological files to make of his translation a driving force for the coming translations

    Characterisation of Mo–V–N Coatings Deposited on XC100 Substrate by Sputtering Cathodic Magnetron

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    The aim of this work is the characterization of ternary molybdenum–vana¬dium nitride (Mo–V–N) coatings deposited on silicon and XC100 steel substrates by the reactive radiofrequency dual magnetron sputtering with different contents of the Mo and V targets and nitrogen as reactive gas. The metal-target bias voltages are varied from 300 to 900 V. The hardness, surface morphology, microstructure and composition are studied by nanoindentation, scanning electron microscopy, atomic-force microscopy, and x-ray diffractometry. The Mo–V–N films manifest pyramidal surface morphology, high roughness (of 13.5 nm), but low mechanical properties. Hardness and Young’s modulus are found in the ranges of 10–18 GPa and 100–335 GPa, respectively. The residual stresses of coatings are compressive and varied between 0.8 GPa and 2.5 GPa (calculated with the Stoney formula).Целью этой работы является характеризация покрытий, изготовленных из трёхкомпонентного молибден-ванадиевого нитрида (Mo–V–N), которые наносились на кремниевые и стальные (ХС100) подложки с помощью реактивного радиочастотного магнетронного двухкатодного распыления мишеней с различным содержанием Mo и V с использованием азота в качестве реагирующего газа. Напряжения смещения металлической мишени варьировались от 300 до 900 В. Твёрдость, морфология поверхности, микроструктура и состав изучались при помощи наноиндентирования, сканирующей электронной микроскопии, атомно-силовой микроскопии и рентгеновской дифрактометрии. Плёнки Mo–V–N обладают пирамидальной морфологией поверхности, высокой шероховатостью (13,5 нм), но низкими механическими свойствами. Твёрдость и модуль Юнга находятся в диапазонах 10–18 ГПа и 100–335 ГПа соответственно. Остаточные напряжения в покрытиях (рассчитанные по формуле Стони) являются сжимающими и изменяются в пределах от 0,8 до 2,5 ГПаМетою даної роботи є характеризація покриттів із трикомпонентного молібден-ванадійового нітриду (Mo–V–N), що наносилися на кремнійові та сталеві (XC100) поверхні шляхом реактивного радіочастотного магнетронного двокатодного розпорошення цілей із різним вмістом Мо та V із використанням азоту в якості реакційноздатного газу. Відхили напруги зміщення металевої цілі варіювалися від 300 до 900 В. Твердість, морфологію поверхні, мікроструктуру та склад було досліджено за допомогою метод наноіндентування, сканувальної електронної мікроскопії, атомно-силової мікроскопії та рентґенівської дифрактометрії. Плівки Mo–V–N мають пірамідальну морфологію поверхні, високу шерсткість (13,5 нм), але низькі механічні властивості. Твердість і модуль Юнґа лежать у діяпазонах 10–18 ГПа та 100–335 ГПа відповідно. Залишкові напруження у покриттях (обчислені за формулою Стоні) є стискальними і лежать у межах між 0,8 і 2,5 ГПа

    Enseñanza del español en el sistema educativo argelino

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    Effect of organic extracts of Bunium incrassatum on the hematological, ovarian and uterine parameters of mature female rabbit

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    This work aims to evaluate the effect of the organic extracts of Bunium incrassatum roots on some hematological parameters and histological changes of the genital tract. The study was achieved on mature rabbits of the local breed for 15 days. The animals were divided into five groups, which have daily administered 0, 25, 50, 100 and 200 mg/kg/day doses, respectively. The group with dose 0 was taken as a control. After treatment, the rabbits were sacrificed. The rabbit blood was collected in heparin tubes and their ovaries and uterus were removed, fixed in 10 % formalin; and stained with hematoxylin-eosin. The treatment induces a significant decrease in the level of Triglyceride, Cholesterol and a significant increase in the number of growing follicles accompanied by a decrease in atretic follicles, compared to the control group. The study shows that the organic extract of B. Incrassatum has estrogenic effects.Keywords: Bunium incrassatum, Organic extract, Rabbits, Ovaries, Follicles, Liver, Uteru

    Effect of Heat Treatments on the Mechanical Properties of a Form Tool

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    During the follow-up of the cutting tools in the production workshops, we noticed that the cutting tools operate in severe conditions, for this we thought to improve their mechanical characteristics and increase their yield. Two key factors influencing these tools, namely geometry and heat treatment. In this study we chose the heat treatment, from a basic fast steel form tool, after making the milling cutter in the tool shop we proceeded to a revenue treatment to remove austenite residues. The purpose of our work is to increase the machining quota of a Z80WCV 18-04-01 high speed steel mill, for this reason our study is based on the reduction of residual austenite by incomes. cumulated after prior quenching for different austenitization temperatures (1240, 1260 and 1270 °C)

    Combined Conceptual-DFT, Quantitative MEP Analysis, and Molecular Docking Study of Benzodiazepine Analogs

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    In the present work, a combined approach based on conceptual-DFT formalism and molecular docking simulations were performed to investigate the chemical reactivity of six Benzodiazepine analogs. Chemical reactivity descriptors derived from the conceptual DFT were determined and discussed to explain the global and local reactivity of the six studied analogs. Also, long-range interactions were studied using the quantitative analyses of molecular electrostatic potential (MEP) on van der Waals surface to identify the nucleophilic and electrophilic sites. Moreover, a statistical analysis was performed to assess the robustness of atomic charges to the basis set. The results revealed that Hirshfeld population analysis (HPA) was the most efficient for this purpose. Molecular docking simulations were performed to predict the binding affinities of the issued molecules and estimate the binding poses into four binding sites, three of them were recently discovered, located in GABAA receptor. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v13i4.160