661 research outputs found

    Metode pengurangan senyawa aromatik dari fraksi minyak singkong.

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang pengurangan senyawa hidrokarbon aromatik dengan menggunakan metode ekstraksi yang memakai Asam Sulfat sebagai pelarut dan metode adsorbsi yang memakai Silika Gel sebagai adsorbennya terhadap fraksi minyak bumi. Fraksi minyak bumi yang diteliti adalah :Avtur, Nafta dan Bensin sedangkan Asam Sulfat yang digunakan dengan konsentrasi 3 M , 5 M , dan 18 M ( pekat ) dan Silika Gel yang digunakan dengan j umlah 10 gram, 20 grain dan 30 gram. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstraksi dengan Asam Sulfat terhadap fraksi minyak bumi memberikan hasil serapan yang optimum pada konsentrasi 18 M ( pekat ). Dengan demikian semakin kecil konsentrasinya maka membutuhkan volume Asam Sulfat yang hanyak. Pada Adsorbsi. dengan menggunakan Silika Gel didapatkan hasil yang terbaik pada jumlah adsorben sebanyak 30 gram dari ketiga jumlah yang diteliti. A study af dearomatization from oil fractions has been observed by using extraction method sulfuric acid as solvent and also using adsorbtion method by using silica gel as adsorbent. Oil fractions has been used naptha, petrol oil, avtur and sulfuric acid we use with concentration 3M, 511, concentrated. Using silica gel 10 gramme, 20 gramme and 30 gramme. The result of observation showed that extraction method using sulfuric acid solvent was obtained the result maximal of dearomatization from oil fractions so the less concentration of sulfuric acid the more volume needed for the extraction. Adsorbtion method using silica gel asadsorbent needed 30 gramme of silica gel to obtained the maximal result of deoromatization from oil fractions

    Peran Kepemimpinan Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X dalam Manajemen Seni Pertunjukan di Kraton Yogyakarta.

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mendeskripsikan peran kepemimpinan Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X dalam manajemen seni pertunjukan yang dilakukan di Kraton Yogyakarta; (2) mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan manajemen seni pertunjukan, khususnya seni pertunjukan tari yang disajikan di Bangsal Sri Manganti Kraton Yogyakarta; dan (3) mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan bentuk kerja sama antara Kraton dengan lembaga seni formal dan non formal yang menyajikan pertunjukan di Kraton Yogyakarta. Dengan demikian penelitian ini akan mengarah pada faktor pemimpin yang mempengaruhi manajemen, dan penerapan fungsinya terutama pada tindakan perencanaan, pengorganisasian, penggerakan, dan pengawasan. Penelitian deskriptif kualitatif digunakan sebagai pendekatan dalam penelitian ini. Lokasi penelitian adalah lingkungan Kraton Yogyakarta terutama di Bangsal Sri Manganti, dengan pertunjukan tari untuk kepentingan pariwisata sebagai objek penelitian. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan studi pustaka, observasi partisipan, dan wawancara. Pengamatan menangkap pengertian dan perilaku dari sesuatu yang sedang diteliti, teknik wawancaranya terbuka, ditopang dengan referensi yang terkait langsung dengan objek penelitian, validasi data dalam bentuk diskusi informal dilakukan dengan melibatkan pelaku seni, pekerja seni, dan pemerhati seni/budayawan. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa kegiatan perencanaan, pengorganisasian, penggerakan, dan pengawasan seni pertunjukan di Kraton Yogyakarta konsep, pemikiran, dan tindakan merupakan rumusan Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X, dan hasil rumusan didelegasikan kepada Pengageng Tepas Pariwisata dan Pengageng Kawedanan Hageng Punakawan Kridha Mardawa. Kebijakan dan prosedur kerja tetap merealisasikan perintah raja sebagai penguasa tunggal, sedangkan sebagai abdi Dalem hanya menerima Dhawuh Dalem (perintah raja) atau sakersa Dalem (terserah raja). Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X sebagai pewaris dinasti Mataram, konsep kepemimpinannya meneladani konsep kepemimpinan falsafah Jawa, di antaranya konsep kepemimpinan Astha Brata, Serat Jayalengkara, dan Serat Sastra Gendhing, serta bercermin pada sikap kepemimpinan ayahandanya, dengan meneguhkan paradigma kepemimpinan “Tahta bagi kesejahteraan Sosial-budaya rakyat” sebagai aktualisasi dari “Manunggaling Kawula Gusti”

    Capacitance Measurements System Using RC Circuit

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    This article reports the technique of measuring capacitance using the concept of charging capacitors in the RC-series circuit. The proposed capacitance measuring system is built using 3 sub-systems: (1) Arduino M0 board (with 12-bit internal ADC) to control the process of discharging and charging capacitor voltages using the digitalWrite() function; (2) ERM20004FB-2 LCD wit


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    Abstrak. Penelitian adsorpsi terhadap Ni(II) oleh hibrida silika gel sekam padi hidroksiquinolin (SGSPHQ) telah dilakukan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gugus fungsional adsorben SGSPHQ, pH optimum adsorpsi, dan kapasitas adsorpsi SGSPHQ. Penelitian ini mengikuti rancangan eksperimental. Parameter-parameter yang diteliti adalah 1)identifikasi gugus fungsional SGSPHQ; 2)penentuan pH optimum adsorpsi; dan 3)penentuan kapasitas adsorpsi. Identifikasi gugus fungsional adsorben SGSPHQ dilakukan secara spektroskopi inframerah (IR). Konsentrasi Ni(II) di dalam larutan diukur menggunakan Spektrofotometer Serapan Atom (SSA). Kapasitas adsorpsi (b) dianalisis dengan model isotherm adsorpsi Langmuir dan Freundlich. Hasil-hasil penelitian yang diperoleh adalah: 1) identifikasi spektroskopi inframerah SGSPHQ menunjukkan bahwa terdapat beberapa daerah serapan karakteristik dari silika gel, aminopropiltrietoksisilan dan formil-8-hidroksiquinolin. Bilangan gelombang  1095,7 cm-1; 3389,3 cm-1; 1614,9-1470 cm-1; dan 1150 cm-1 masing-masing menunjukkan  gugus fungsional Si-O-Si, –OH fenolik, N-heterosiklik aromatik, dan Si-O-C2H5; 2) adsorpsi Ni(II) oleh SGSPHQ terjadi secara maksimum pada pH 7 sebesar 3,6352 mg/g, sedangkan oleh SGSP terjadi adsorpsi maksimum pada pH 5 sebesar 0,6591 mg/g, 3) Kapasitas adsorpsi (b) SGSPHQ dan SGSP terhadap Ni(II) masing-masing sebesar 1,3440x10-4mol/g dan  1,2545x10-4mol/g, mengikuti isoterm adsorpsi Langmuir. Kata Kunci: Adsorpsi, silika gel sekam padi, 8-hidroksiquinolin, Ni(II)   Abstract. The study of adsorption of Ni(II) by silica gel rice husk hidroksiquinolin hybrid (SGSPHQ) has been performed. The purpose of this study  to determine the functional groups, pH optimum adsorption, and adsorption capacity of adsorbent SGSPHQ. This study followed the experimental design. The  parameters studied were 1) the identification of functional groups SGSPHQ, 2) determination of optimum pH of adsorption, and 3) the determination of adsorption capacity. Identification of functional groups of the adsorbent SGSPHQ carried by infrared spectroscopy. Concentration of Ni(II) in solution was measured using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). Adsorption capacity (b) were analyzed by the adsorption isotherm models of Langmuir and Freundlich. The results were observed that: 1) Infrared spectra of SGSPHQ show that many specific wave number of  silica gel, aminopropyltriethoksisilane and formil-8-hydroxyquinoline. Wave number for each functional groups were 1095,7 cm-1; 3389,3 cm-1; 1614,9-1470 cm-1; dan 1150 cm-1 for Si-O-Si, –OH phenolic, N-aromatic heterocyclic, and  Si-O-C2H5 respectively. ; 2) maximum adsorption Ni(II) was occurred at pH 7 by SGSPHQ, equal to 3,6352 mg/g, while by SGSP was accured at pH 5, equal to 0,6591 mg/g, 3) The value of adsorption capacity (b) on SGSPHQ was 1,3440x10-4mol/g, while those on SGSP was 1,2545x10-4mol/g respectively, .following Langmuir adsorption isotherm. Keywords: adsorption, rice husk silica gel,8-hydroxyquinoline, Ni(II


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    Transformasi adalah proses perubahan dari satu ruang menjadi ruang baru secara bertahap sebagai respon dari pengaruh unsur internal dan eksternal. Semarang coastal city terletak di pantai utara jawa diapit dua kota besar Jakarta dan Surabaya. Sebagai coastal city dengan ciri adanya pelabuhan maka, Semarang sejak awal menjadi pusat perniagaan antar pulau dan negara ditandai dengan pertembuhan industri yang sudah ada sejak jaman kolonial hingga sekarang. Hasil peneitian kawasan pelabuhan Semarang mengalami tranformasi cukup signifikan yaitu mulai masa pertumbuhan abad XV, masa kolonial abad XIX, masa industri abad XX dan masa sekarang. Perubahan tersebut terjadi akibat faktor geografi, topografi, kolonial dan modernisasi. Dinamika pertumbuhan industri itu tercermin dalam wujud transformasi ruang kawasan pelabuhan Semarang. Makalah ini merupakan wacana untuk melihat bagaimana proses transformasi ruang di sekitar pelabuhan dengan analisis historis dan prespektif diakronis mulai jaman nusantara, kolonial sampai sekarang. Kata kunci : transformasi, pertumbuhan industri, coastal city


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    Unsur-unsur konsepsi ruang relasional mencakup kekuatan ekonomi dan politik yang mempengaruhi perubahan ruang sakral; persepsi dan respon masyarakat akibat dorongan dan kekuatan yang akan melakukan perubahan ruang sakral, pemahaman masyarakat tentang hakekat ruang sakral serta pola perubahan ruang sakral yang terbentuk. Selain itu, dapat diuraikan pula elemen-elemen berupa pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai ruang sakral dan aktivitas masyarakat dalam memanfaatkan ruang sakral tersebut sebagai elemen yang mempengaruhi persepsi dan respon masyarakat. Dalam konteks ruang relasional, faktor politik ekonomi diwujudkan dengan proses pemaknaan ruang yang berlandaskan pada aspek mental atau pemikiran ruang dari aktor pelaku usaha, profesional, dan pemangku kepentingan, yang dikenal sebagai conceived space/representation of space (representasi ruang). Sedangkan faktor budaya diwujudkan dengan proses pemaknaan ruang yang berlandaskan aspek fisik dan sosial atau pemikiran ruang berdasarkan pemaknaan dan pengalaman hidup warga adat, yang dikenal sebagai perceived space/spatial practice (praktek ruang) dan lived space/representational space (ruang representasional).&nbsp

    Fenomenologi Musik

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    The Kraftwerk music group from Dusseldorf, Germany, began to be famous since 1974. The prominent feature of the Kraftwerk is that they were trying to be the pioneer of the alteration from the acoustic and electric music into the electronic music. Their mission was dehumanizing the music to produce impersonal sounds and with the “musicians” which would rather be considered as machine tools than as human. The works of the Kraftwerk arguably became the blueprint for the sort of avantgarde music, the prototype for kinds of music that celebrated the shift from the sounds of the guitar strings and the human vocal into the sounds of strum combination. In sum, the main aim of the Kraftwerk was to fully merge with the technology, to stop playing the instruments, and let the instruments play themselves

    Experimental Investigation Into SWATH Ship Motions and Loadings

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    The main objectives of this thesis are firstly to present experimental data of SWATH (Small Waterplane Area Twin-Hull) ship motions and dynamic loadings, and secondly to compare the experimental data with the existing numerical modellings for validation purposes. The experiments were conducted by employing a model of tandem strut per hull configuration (SWATH1) . The basic idea of using this configuration is as the SWATH ship is a relatively new concept of advanced marine vehicle, and as there can be a wide range of configurations, experimental data on any particular configuration, such as the SWATH1 model, is very limited. The first and second chapters of this thesis will overview the basic concept of SWATH ships development and the theoretical background of SWATH ship motions. SWATH1 model motions in three different sea heading, namely beam, quartering and head seas are investigated. The experimental results are then presented together with the theoretical predictions based on two-dimensional strip theory and three-dimensional sink-source technique. The agreement amongst the three sources is then discussed. The usefulness of the experimental data from the previous work in improving SWATHL computer program is briefly described. Further experiments are set up to investigate the dynamic loads on the SWATH1 model in regular beam and quartering seas. The investigations are focused on the bending moment on the cross structure and vertical forces on the struts. The data generated is important for a study of SWATH structures. From a practical point of view, the motion and structural loading characteristics of a SWATH ship in regular seas are meaningful if the data generated can be used for predicting the motions and loadings in random seas. The only reliable method to accomplish this task is the application of spectral analysis. This is outlined in chapter seven, including evaluation by making use of SWATH seakeeping criteria. Recommendations for future experiments on SWATH model motions and loadings are outlined in the conclusions


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    This paper is arranged as part of ideas contribution to apply spiritual teaching strategies for vocational teachers in reculturing students’ character. As we all know, globalization changes affect all aspects of our live, including our schools. On the other hand, rapidly technological developments have an impact on students’ character shift in learning process at schools. The implementation of vocational education is always kept abreast of art, technology, science, and workforce development. Vocational teachers have an important role in achieving their success in teaching and learning. Teachers who can choice a teaching strategy appropriately to changes will able to improve the quality of students’ character. In teaching and learning process, teachers are not only working to build students’ intellectual and emotional intelligence but also their spiritual intelligence. The brain and the hands are used to enhance the intellectual and emotional intelligence in students learning process, while the heart is used to hone their spiritual intelligence. Those three intellectuals will get three kinds of capital: material, social, and spiritual. It means, intellectual and emotional capital orientation is very different than spiritual capital when they apply to students learning process. Spiritual capital reflects personal characters, what an individual exists for, believes in, aspires to, and takes responsibility for. So that, spiritual teaching strategies can be chosen as an alternative to culture students’ character, especially in vocational secondary schools. In spiritual teaching strategies, teachers are more emphasis in aspects of religious, humanism, and teacher leadership than other aspects. Keywords: spiritual teaching, vocational education, character educatio


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    This paper is written in order to contribute an ideas regarding to the importance of the Internet as a part of professional development of vocational school teachers. Teachers have a strategic role on empowering and learning in schools. Nowadays in Indonesia, teachers as a profession, consequently they should be aware to improve performance, competency, maintain and also their professionalism. On the other hand, rapidly information technology development allows the Internet can be used as an alternative medium for teachers’ professional development. Varied information can be retrieved openly and quickly via internet. But the question is, how can teachers convert information from internet into useful knowledge to: their self development, produce scientific papers, and to work innovatively. Those are a product of teacher professional development. To be effective information into knowledge, knowledge management is required to vocational secondary teachers, which can be briefly stated as “learning to know what we know”. This paper will describe knowledge management approach as a strategy to optimize the information from the Internet into useful knowledge for teachers’ professional development of vocational secondary schools
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