394 research outputs found

    Perkembangan Iptek Dalam Pengelolaan Lingkungan; Strategi Dalam Rangka Transfer Teknologi Lingkungan

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    Eko-teknologi merupakan strategi baru yang inovatif dalam menunjangpembangunan yang berkelanjutan. Hal ini merupakan prespektif pendekatan yang menjelaskan interdependensi sistem teknologi pengelolaan lingkungan dengan sistem biogeofisik. Pendekatan ini difokuskan pada peran teknologi lingkungan dalam meminimisasikan limbah dan memaksimalkan daur ulang bahan dan enerji. Sejauh mungkin sistem produksi mendekati sistem pencegahan kehilangan bahan yang bermanfaat maupun energi. Bersifat sistemaik, berorientasi ke masa depan, serta efisiensi sik1us melalui pemanfaatan sumber daya alam, energi dan limbahyang dibuang menjadi basis model pengintegrasian sistem biogeofisik kedalam sistem eko-teknologi atau sebaliknya Tuntutan akan kepedulian kerjasama warga masyarakat dan pengambil keputusan menegaskan bahwa eko- eknologi bukan sekedar suatu pendekatannn berpikir atau suatu alat analisis, namun harus ditumbuhkan sebagai etika bagi masyarakat industri, masyarakat luas dan pelaku dalam pengambilan keputusan untuk kelangsungan kehidupan masa depan. Perubahan pradigma dimana lingkungan alam sebagai penyedia sumber bahanbaku serta tempat pembuangan yang tidak terbatas menjadi keterpaduan antara sistem teknologi dan sistem ekologi dalam keberlajutan masa depan

    Maximizing the Contribution of Mining industry to Sustainable Development: Case Study at PT FREEPORT INDONESIA

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    Historically, mining has had a bad reputation of being destructive to the environment and social-cultural. Issues such as the depletion of resources, loss of biodiversity, lack of contribution to the local area's development, human rights violation, and the negative impacts on local communities are central to the mining industry’s operations. Despite mining industry claims that comprehensive environmental and corporate social responsibility programs have been fully implemented, the mining industry is still under high pressure to improve its economic, social and environmental performance. PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) one of the country's biggest recipients of foreign direct investment is located in the remote area in Papua and interacts with indigenous people. Despite PTFI is one of the largest taxpayers in Indonesia, and contributor of over US$60 billion to the country's national gross domestic product since 1992, the company is still demanded by stakeholder to contribute more to the local, regional, and national development. The objective of this final project is to analysis the source of the most problem and to define the proper solutions to resolve the problems faced by the mining company especially PTFI in order to be sustainable and to be part of sustainable development. The methodology used in this research project consists of assessment of current business situation started with external and internal environmental scanning, PESTEL analysis is used to study external factors, and then is combined with the SWOT situation analysis. Keyword: Sustainable Development, Mineral Mining, Root Cause Analysis, PESTEL, SWOT Analysi

    The Relationship of Leadership Styles and Organizational Culture Case Study of an Oil and Gas Company in Indonesia

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    This study explores relationship between leadership styles and organizational culture in an oil and Gas Company in Indonesia. The respondents are employees of an oil and Gas Company in Indonesia. This study  use  Multifactor  leadership  questionnaires  to  define  leadership  styles  and  Denison's Organizational Culture Model to measure Organizational Culture. These questionnaires were used to measure  leadership  styles  of  immediate  or  direct  supervisor  and  organizational  culture  of  unit  or division. The data were analyzed with descriptive and use correlational analysis.Arelationship exists between the leadership styles of immediate or direct supervisor and organizational culture. In three Leadership styles of Multifactor leadership, Positive correlation was found between Transformational Leadership Style and Organizational Culture. Transformational Leadership found as strong  predictor  of  organizational  culture. A positive  correlation  also  found  between Transactional Leadership  Style  and  Organizational  Culture  and  conversely,  Laissez-Faire  Leadership  style  has negative correlation with organizational culture. Transformational, Transactional Leadership and high level  of  organizational  culture  will  be make  good  impact  for maintaining  and  achieving  excellent organizational performance for company.Keywords:  Leadership  Styles,  Organizational  Culture, Transformational  Leadership,  Oil  and  gas Company in Indonesi

    Тезисы конференции молодых ученых “Холод в биологии и медицине 2011” 18–19 мая 2011, г. Харьков

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    Penile carcinoma is a relatively rare disease in the Western world. In this thesis it was shown that 25% of penile tumours in a Dutch cohort are associated with human papillomavirus (HPV). Patients with HPV-positive tumours had significantly better prognosis than those with non-HPV related tumours. Due to centralisation of penile carcinoma care in the Netherlands knowledge about diagnosis and treatment has improved. This thesis shows that survival of clinically node-negative patients has improved since the introduction of sentinel node biopsy to stage the inguinal nodes. Secondly, penile preserving therapies are increasingly used with time and can be safely performed. Although such therapies are associated with more local recurrences, survival of patients treated that way was not jeorpardised. Despite the introduction of multimodality treatments, survival of patients with advanced stage of disease has not improved. For this group new strategies are needed. Furthermore, the importance of tumour microenvironment in penile carcinoma is described in this thesis. Immune escape mechanisms, such as human leukocyte antigen (HLA) downregulation, occur frequently in penile carcinoma and show a link with prognosis. Knowledge about this and tumour microenvironment is important for development and efficacy of future immune therapies

    Effort to Increase Performance of Sub Directorate of State Revenue of Mineral and Coal in Optimizing Non Tax State Revenue General Mining

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    Non Tax State Revenue of Natural Resources of General Mining which managed by Sub Directorate of State Revenues of Mineral and Coal consist of Dues Remain and Royalty paid by Mining License Holder, consist of Contract of Work, Coal Mining Agreement and Mining Authority or Mining License. In managing Non Tax State Revenues divided two section with planning task, evaluation, verification and stipulation of result of Non Tax State Revenues task, with administration task as supporting. The bigger workload are evaluate and verify the Dues Remain and Royalty document. In line with demand increase of mining commodities the number of Business Permit of Mining especially Mining Authority (KP) and Mining License (IUP) had increased significantly, so workload of evaluating and verifying Dues Remain and Royalty also had increased. To know the needs of the number of employees first calculate the number of workload, or the number of Dues Remain and Royalty documents that will be sent by all Mining Authorities with quantitative method of regression analysis is supported by a survey to know employee productivity. Regression analysis showed that if the number of KP / IUP reaches 6951, the number of Dues Remain documents will reach 10535 and the sales transaction document (Royalties) 19539 units. Based on employee productivity in order to that the large number of documents of Dues Remain and Royalty of the Mining Authority or Mining License can be handled properly it is necessary addition 7 employees, for verification to the field required 14 employees and for the reconciliation in the framework production planning and the stipulation of Non Tax State Revenues required seven employees. Effectiveness of organization of Sub Directorate of State Revenues of Mineral and Coal, learned of whether the appear workload could be handled as well as whether every structure have done tasks in a focused and not mixed with other tasks. Based on that thing, in order to there is a separation of task well it is necessary addition become 4 organizational structure as level as section, that are the structure determination of the planning and realization of Non Tax State Revenues, the two structures recording, evaluation and verification of Non Tax State Revenues, as well as a structure administration

    Kinerja Bioreaktor Hibrid Anaerob dengan Media Batu untuk Pengolahan Air Buangan yang Mengandung Molase

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    Anaerobic hybrid bioreactor is a combination of suspended and attached growth systems. Stone was used as the microorganism attachment media. The feeding solution was made from molasses diluted to COD concentration of 10,000, 20,000, 30,000 and 40,000 mg/L. The hydraulic detention time was 30 hours and the height ratio between suspended and attached growth system was 0.5. The result shows that the organic concentration seems to be on of the determining factors. Furthermore, since the methane production was still low enough, it seems that the process has not achieved its optimum condition for methanogenic stage.

    The Relationship of Leadership Styles and Organizational Culture Case Study of an Oil and Gas Company in Indonesia

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    This study explores relationship between leadership styles and organizational culture in an oil and Gas Company in Indonesia. The respondents are employees of an oil and Gas Company in Indonesia. This study use Multifactor leadership questionnaires to define leadership styles and Denison's Organizational Culture Model to measure Organizational Culture. These questionnaires were used to measure leadership styles of immediate or direct supervisor and organizational culture of unit or division. The data were analyzed with descriptive and use correlational analysis.Arelationship exists between the leadership styles of immediate or direct supervisor and organizational culture. In three Leadership styles of Multifactor leadership, Positive correlation was found between Transformational Leadership Style and Organizational Culture. Transformational Leadership found as strong predictor of organizational culture. A positive correlation also found between Transactional Leadership Style and Organizational Culture and conversely, Laissez-Faire Leadership style has negative correlation with organizational culture. Transformational, Transactional Leadership and high level of organizational culture will be make good impact for maintaining and achieving excellent organizational performance for company

    Sustainable urban development in the Kampung Improvement Programme : a case study of Jakarta - Indonesia.

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    Recently, "sustainable development" has become the key concept in the integration of environmental and economic policy. However, little literature considers the links between sustainable development and urban development. This research focuses on these concepts and attempts to develop the term sustainable urban development through an investigation of the "Kampung Improvement Programme (KIP)", and particularly, a case study of Jakarta - Indonesia. The main objectives of the research are to examine the sustainability of KIPMIlT in Jakarta, specifically to analyse the physical, economic, social and environmental characteristics that positively affect urban systems and should be considered as a component of sustainable urban development as a means of improving quality of life and standards of living. The analysis is based on the data collected from two types of kampung areas: improved kampungs and unimproved kampungs. Moreover, each of these have two types of surveys: the household survey which examines the extent of movement of the people to the urban kampungs and their physical, social and economic living conditions; and the leadership survey which examines the extent to which kampungs settlers have participation, opinions, perception and satisfaction in the KIP. The study concludes that the impact of KIP of the kampung study areas in Jakarta has been to improve not only the physical and environment conditions but also the social and economic conditions of the people as a means of increasing the standards of living and improving the quality of life. In considering the implications of these findings on sustainable urban development in Jakarta, it is shown that the KIP has been concerned with the creation of balanced urban development which does not jeopardise future generations. It is based on social, economic, physical and environment activities, and integrated approach among the government, community participation and international agencies

    Metabolisme Pengelolaan Sampah Organik Melalui Teknologi Komposting Di Wilayah Internal Perkotaan

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    Composting of municipal solid waste activities generally do not run continuously because of market failure, lack of government support, poor management and inability of the techniques used. This study aims to develop the concept of the metabolism of organic waste management through composting technology in internal urban areas. Theresearch methodology was conducted by the method of quantitative and descriptive explorative through mathematical analysis, multicriteria decision analysis, material flow analysis, and financial analysis. The study concluded that the metabolism of organic waste management through composting technology in internal urban areas is themetabolism system of physical, social, economic and environmental of organic waste management activities characterized by anthropogenic metabolism to the sustainability of medium cities