186 research outputs found


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    Objectives: to describe the development and validation of the Scale of Practices of Evaluation of Fall Risk Factors during Institutionalization of Elderly People and to describe the practices of evaluation of communication of fall risks to institutionalized elderly people. Methods: methodological study, which allowed construction and determination of the psychometric properties of the Scale of Practices of Evaluation of Fall Risk Factors during Institutionalization of Elderly People, which was carried out in six long-term care institutions for elderly people, in 2018. Results: the scale showed satisfactory internal consistency, with a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.949. It was designed to have three dimensions: practices of evaluation of biophysiological risk factors; practices of communication and training; and practices of evaluation of risks related to elderly people’s putting on clothing and footwear. Conclusions: the risk factors that had their value recognized were related to mobility. There is not proper recognition of the importance of information about fall risk factors and communication between elderly people and health teams during institutionalization.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Promoção da esperança nos cuidadores de pessoas com doença crónica e avançada: RSL

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    Introducción y objetivos: Esta revisión sistemática de la literatura (SRL) nos propone analizar la efectividad de las intervenciones sistemáticas para promover la esperanza entre los cuidadores de personas con enfermedad crónica avanzada. Métodos: Utilizando la metodología recomendada por el Centro Cochrane, la presente revisión se guía por la siguiente pregunta de investigación: ¿Cuál es la eficacia de una intervención para promover la esperanza entre los cuidadores de personas con enfermedad crónica avanzada? Los cinco estudios incluidos en esta revisión como resultado de la investigación de bases de datos como B-ON, EBSCO, CINAHL Plus With Full Text, Pubmed, Medline a texto completo, Cochrane, Scielo y las bibliotecas de enfermería de las Universidades y Escuelas de Enfermería. Resultados: Con un número de participantes entre 6 y las 8 en los estudios cualitativos, y entre 10 y 200 en la metodología mixta, se comprobó que todas las intervenciones que tienen por objeto promover la esperanza entre los cuidadores de personas con enfermedad crónica avanzada, fueron efectivos y promotores de salud, bienestar y calidad de vida, evitando la desesperación, por lo tanto, visto como una posible manera de salir del ciclo del sufrimiento. Conclusión: Este estudio demuestra que la promoción de la Esperanza, dirigida a los cuidadores de personas con enfermedad crónica avanzada, será pertinente y de gran importancia en el desarrollo de los conocimientos de enfermería.Introduction and aims: With this systematic review of literature (SRL) we intended to analyze the effectiveness of hope promoters systematic interventions in caregivers of people with chronic and advanced illness. Methods: Using the methodology recommended by the Cochrane Center, this review was guid- ed by the following research question: What is the effectiveness of a Hope promotion Intervention in Caregivers of People with Chronic and Advanced Illness? The five studies included in this review resulted on the research of data bases such as B-ON, EBSCO, CINAHL Plus With Full Text, PubMed, Medline With Full Text, Cochrane, Scielo and libraries of Nursing Universities and Nursing Colleges. Results: With a number of participants between 6 and 8 in the qualitative studies, and between 10 and 200 in the mixed methodology, it was found that all the interventions designed to promote hope to the caregivers of people with chronic and advanced illness, were effective and promoter of health, welfare and quality of life, avoiding despair, therefore, seen as a possible way out of the cycle of suffering as well as being experiemented as comfort. Conclusion: This study shows that the promotion of Hope, directed to the Caregivers of People with Chronic and Advanced Illness, will become relevant and of great importance for the development of nursing knowledge.Introdução e objectivos: com esta revisão sistemática da Literatura (RSL) pretendeu-se analizar a efectividade de intervenções sistematizadas promotoras de esperança nos cuidadores de pessoas com doença crónica e avançada. Métodos: Utilizando a metodologia recomendada pelo Centro Cochrane, esta revisão foi orientada pela seguinte questão de investigação: Qual é a efectividade de uma Intervenção Promotora de Esperança nos Cuidadores de Pessoas com Doença Crónica e Avançada? Os cinco estudos incluídos nesta revisão resultaram duma pesquisa na B-ON, EBSCO, CINAHL Plus With Full Text, PubMed, Medline With Full Text, Cochrane, Scielo e bibliotecas das Universidades e Escolas de Enfermagem. Resultados: Com um número de participantes entre 6 e 8 nos estudos qualitativos e entre 10 e 200 nos de metodologia mista verificou-se que todas as intervenções desenhadas para a promoção de esperança nos cuidadores de pessoas com doença crónica e avançada foram eficazes e promotoras da saúde, do bem-estar e da qualidade de vida, evitando o desespero, sendo, portanto, encarada como uma possível saída do ciclo do sofrimento e experienciada como um conforto. Conclusão: Este estudo evidencia que a Promoção da Esperança, direccionada aos Cuidadores de Pessoas com Doença Crónica e Avançada, se tornará pertinente e de importância relevante para o desenvolvimento do conhecimento em enfermagem.peerReviewe

    Prevalência das doenças do comportamento alimentar

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    Os principais objectivos deste estudo são: a) avaliar a prevalência das doenças do comportamento alimentar numa população não clínica de estudantes; b) identificar a população em risco para as doenças do comportamento alimentar. Metodologia: Para a concretização dos objectivos realizámos um estudo não experimental, transversal, correlacional de tipo quantitativo. O estudo realizado incidiu sobre 1388 estudantes do ensino secundário e superior da zona centro de Portugal. Todos os estudantes preencheram um questionário anónimo composto por dados sociodemográficos, história recente do peso, critérios do DSM IV para a anorexia e bulimia e EDI 1. Resultados: De acordo com os critérios do DSM IV não encontramos qualquer caso de anorexia. Nas raparigas dos 14 aos 17 anos, constatamos 3,4% de casos prováveis de situações parciais de anorexia e 6,3% de bulimia. Nas raparigas mais velhas (18 aos 25 anos) verificamos 1,4% de situações parciais de anorexia e 3,4% de bulimia. Quanto aos rapazes com idades compreendidas entre os 14 e os 17 anos relatam-se 1,1% de situações parciais de anorexia e 3,5% de bulimia. Nos rapazes mais velhos (18 aos 25 anos) esses valores são ligeiramente inferiores, ou seja, não se relatam situações parciais de anorexia, e apenas 0,6% dos jovens referiram comportamentos que os enquadram em situação de bulimia.The goals of this study is: a) to evaluate the prevalence of eating disorders in a non-clinic population of students; b) to identify the group at risk in this population. Methodology: In order to accomplish the goals we conducted a non experimental, transversal, correlational quantitative study. The population for this study is composed by 1388 High School and Undergraduate Students from the Central area of Portugal. All students filled in an anonymous questionnaire, consisting of socio-demographic, recent weight history, DSM IV criterion for bulimia and anorexia and EDI 1. Outcome: In accordance with the DSM IV criterion, we found no case of anorexia. In the case of the girls of the first group (14-17 years) we found 3.4% of partial situations of restrictive anorexia probable cases and 6.3% cases of bulimia. In the case of the older girls (18-25 years), we identified 1.4% of partial situations of anorexia and 3.4% of bulimia. In the case of the boys of the first group (14-17 years), we found 1.1% of sub-clinical situations of anorexia and 3.5% of bulimia. With the older boys (18-25 years) the values are slightly lower: we didn’t find any situations of partial anorexia and found only 0.6% behaviours that can be framed as situations of bulimia.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Quality of life of the elderly people with chronic pain

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    Aims: To determine the prevalence of Chronic Pain in Elderly People, to evaluate healthrelated quality-of-life of the elderly experiencing pain; and determine predictive factors of their quality-of-life

    Obesity, health habits, eating behaviour and lifestyles in the population from Leiria

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    Objectives: To determine the prevalence of obesity, determine health habits, eating habits and lifestyles in the population of the district of Leiria and determine some predictors of obesity in the same population. Methodology: We implemented a quantitative correlational cross-sectional non-experimental study. The sample for this study was composed of 36, 2% (183) man and 67, 4% (378) women with mean age of 39.4 years old (SD=6,7) who answered a questionnaire composed by: socio-demographic data, eating habits, life styles, anthropometric date and blood pressure. The participants of this study attended the community health centers in Leiria’s district during 2009. Results: 48, 3% (261) of the participants are overweight. Obese people are older and, most of them, have higher values of systolic and diastolic pressure and waist circumference when compared with those who had normal weight (p ≤0,01). BMI is not correlated with physical activity, emotional state and eating behaviour (p>0,05) except for the consumption of snacks at meals and breakfast. Conclusion: Obesity is an important public health problem that requires a continuous effort to control because it is an important risk factor for the development and worsening of other diseases

    A esperança e qualidade de vida dos doentes em cuidados paliativos

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    Identify the level of hope and quality of life (QOL) of patients living with chronic advanced illness; Determine relationship between hope and QOL in palliative patients; Correlate hope, QOL, family structure and spiritual /religious beliefs

    Cuáles son las práticas de los cuidadores para prevenir caídas entre ancianos institucionalizados?

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    To describe the practices of caregivers in managing the risk of falls of institutionalized elders, relating these practices with age, education, and the time the caregivers have been exercising this profession.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Practices of caregivers when evaluating the risk of falls in the admission of older adults to nursing homes

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    Falls are a complex problem for the older population residing in nursing homes. Despite recommendations, many difficulties remain in the evaluation of and systematic information on fall risk factors.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Prevalência das doenças do comportamento alimentar

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    Os principais objectivos deste estudo são: a) avaliar a prevalência das doenças do comportamento alimentar numa população não clínica de estudantes; b) identificar a população em risco para as doenças do comportamento alimentar. Metodologia: Para a concretização dos objectivos realizámos um estudo não experimental, transversal, correlacional de tipo quantitativo. O estudo realizado incidiu sobre 1388 estudantes do ensino secundário e superior da zona centro de Portugal. Todos os estudantes preencheram um questionário anónimo composto por dados sociodemográficos, história recente do peso, critérios do DSM IV para a anorexia e bulimia e EDI 1. Resultados: De acordo com os critérios do DSM IV não encontramos qualquer caso de anorexia. Nas raparigas raparigas dos 14 aos 17 anos, constatamos 3,4% de casos prováveis de situações parciais de anorexia e 6,3% de bulimia. Nas raparigas mais velhas (18 aos 25 anos) verificamos 1,4% de situações parciais de anorexia e 3,4% de bulimia. Quanto aos rapazes com idades compreendidas entre os 14 e os 17 anos relatam-se 1,1% de situações parciais de anorexia e 3,5% de bulimia. Nos rapazes mais velhos (18 aos 25 anos) esses valores são ligeiramente inferiores, ou seja, não se relatam situações parciais de anorexia, e apenas 0,6% dos jovens referiram comportamentos que os enquadram em situação de bulimia

    Famílias com e sem filhos autistas : funcionalidade, estratégias de coping familiar e bem-estar pessoal

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    Introduction and aims: Autism is considered a neurodevelopmental disorder with severe implications in behavior, communication and social interaction. The aim of this study was to determine the family's functioning, emotional states, coping strategies used by parents and life satisfaction among parents of children diagnosed with and without autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Methodology: A cross sectional co-relational study was conducted. The convenience sample for this study was composed by 50 parents of children with ASD and 44 parents of children without ASD. The instrument of data collection was composed by sociodemographic data, FACES III (Olson, Portner & Lavee, 1985); EDAS 21 (Pais-Ribeiro, Honrado & Leal, 2004), F-COPES de (McCubbin, Olson, & Larsen, 1987) and IBP (Pais-Ribeiro & Cummin 2008). Results The results didn’t evidence statistical significant differences between both sample (parents with and without children with autism) on the level of stress, anxiety, depression, personnel wellbeing and coping strategies (p>0,05). Families with children without autism report better levels of cohesion and adaptability than families with children with autism (p<0,05). Conclusions: We expect that a family with a child with autism would function differently than families without such children. However, the results of this study suggest that there are few differences between the types of families in this sample and a normative sample