28 research outputs found

    Varieties of Capitalism im Krankenhaussektor? Gewerkschaftsstrategien in Deutschland und Großbritannien

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    Dieser Artikel untersucht Gewerkschaftsstrategien im Krankenhaussektor in Deutschland und Großbritannien. Die Gesundheitssysteme der beiden Länder stehen vor ähnlichen Herausforderungen, z.B. demografischer Wandel, Privatisierung von Krankenhäusern und öffentlicher Spardruck. Die Arbeitsbeziehungen im Krankenhaussektor unterscheiden sich jedoch zwischen beiden Ländern und weichen außerdem von den jeweiligen Systemen der nationalen Arbeitsbeziehungen ab. Im (erodierenden) korporatistischen System Deutschlands mit einem hohen Grad an tarifpolitischer Koordinierung weist der Krankenhaussektor ein im weltweiten Vergleich hohes Niveau an Privatisierung auf, womit eine Fragmentierung der Arbeitsbeziehungen einhergeht. Im Gegensatz dazu sind im pluralistischen System Großbritanniens die nationalen Arbeitsbeziehungen stark dezentralisiert, während der Krankenhaussektor durch einen hohen Zentralisierungsgrad der Entgeltfindung geprägt ist. Die empirischen Befunde für den Krankenhaussektor verweisen auf relativ intakte Handlungslogiken der Koordinierung und Kooperation in Großbritannien, während gleichzeitig Organisierungsstrategien zum selbstverständlichen Handlungsrepertoire der Gewerkschaften gehören. In Deutschland sind neue Handlungsformen entstanden, die Organisierung und Tarifpolitik integrieren ("bedingungsgebundene Tarifarbeit").This article explores union strategies in the hospital sector in Germany and the United Kingdom (UK). We contend that in both countries health systems face similar challenges, e.g. demographic challenges, privatisation and austerity. However, not only do each country's industrial relations in the hospital sector differ comparatively but they are unlike their respective national systems of industrial relations, too. Within the corporatist (though eroding) system in Germany, marked by a high degree of collective bargaining coordination, the hospital sector displays a level of privatisation which is high compared internationally and goes hand in hand with a fragmentation of employment relations. In contrast whilst the pluralist system of British industrial relations is decentralized, the hospital sector is characterized by a high degree of centralized wage determination. The empirical findings for the hospital sector indicate a relatively intact logic of coordination and cooperation in the UK, while at the same time organizing strategies remain part of a standard repertoire of trade union action. In Germany, new forms of action have been developed that integrate both the organizing of members and collective bargaining ("conditional collective bargaining")

    The effect of NLO conformal spins in azimuthal angle decorrelation of jet pairs

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    Azimuthal angle decorrelation in inclusive dijet cross sections is studied analytically to take into account the next-to-leading corrections to the BFKL kernel while keeping the jet vertices at leading order. The spectral representation on the basis of leading order eigenfunctions is generalized to include the dependence on conformal spins. With this procedure running coupling effects and angular dependences are both included. It is shown how the angular decorrelation for jets with a wide relative separation in rapidity largely decreases at this higher order in the resummation.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Forces of reproduction and change in collective bargaining: A social field perspective

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    The paper addresses the endurance of sector collective bargaining despite many announcements of its demise. Bourdieusian social theory is used to interpret collective bargaining as a dominated social field that is distinct and relatively autonomous from other economic, political and transnational fields. Empirically, we trace the trajectories of German and Italian metal sector’s collective bargaining fields. In Germany, field agents contributed to a continuing erosion of collective bargaining, regional differentiation of membership strategies, and a reorientation of dominated employers’ associations towards their members. In Italy, some field agents resisted supranational and national liberalization demands and contributed to the adaptation and innovation of bargaining practices and hence, to the preliminary re-stabilization and re-balancing of collective bargaining between industry and company level.DFG, 172394079, Wie ausgeprägt ist die Solidarität zwischen den Bürgern und den Mitgliedsländern Europas

    A comparative study of small x Monte Carlos with and without QCD coherence effects

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    We compare two Monte Carlo implementations of resummation schemes for the description of parton evolution at small values of Bjorken x. One of them is based on the Balitsky-Fadin-Kuraev-Lipatov (BFKL) evolution equation and generates fully differential parton distributions in momentum space making use of reggeized gluons. The other one is based on the Catani-Ciafaloni-Fiorani-Marchesini (CCFM) partonic kernel where QCD coherence effects are introduced. It has been argued that both approaches agree with each other in the x -> 0 limit. We show that this is not the case for azimuthal angle dependent quantities since at high energies the BFKL approach is dominated by its zero conformal spin component while the CCFM gluon Green function receives contributions from all conformal spins even at very small x.Comment: 19 pages, 19 figure

    Disease- and sex-specific differences in patients with heart valve disease: a proteome study

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    Pressure overload in patients with aortic valve stenosis and volume overload in mitral valve regurgitation trigger specific forms of cardiac remodeling; however, little is known about similarities and differences in myocardial proteome regulation. We performed proteome profiling of 75 human left ventricular myocardial biopsies (aortic stenosis = 41, mitral regurgitation = 17, and controls = 17) using high-resolution tandem mass spectrometry next to clinical and hemodynamic parameter acquisition. In patients of both disease groups, proteins related to ECM and cytoskeleton were more abundant, whereas those related to energy metabolism and proteostasis were less abundant compared with controls. In addition, disease group-specific and sex-specific differences have been observed. Male patients with aortic stenosis showed more proteins related to fibrosis and less to energy metabolism, whereas female patients showed strong reduction in proteostasis-related proteins. Clinical imaging was in line with proteomic findings, showing elevation of fibrosis in both patient groups and sex differences. Disease- and sex-specific proteomic profiles provide insight into cardiac remodeling in patients with heart valve disease and might help improve the understanding of molecular mechanisms and the development of individualized treatment strategies

    Wirkungen des SGB II auf Personen mit Migrationshintergrund: Projekt IIa1 - 04/06 ; Jahresbericht zum 31.12.2008 - Hauptband

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    Auf Grundlage von Geschäftsdaten, von repräsentativen telefonischen Befragungen und von qualitativen Interviews mit Betroffenen und Fallmanagern wurden die Wirkungen der "Grundsicherung für Arbeitsuchende" auf Migrant/innen untersucht. Ihr Anteil an allen ALG-II Beziehenden beträgt im bundesweiten Durchschnitt 28 Prozent. Im Vergleich zu denjenigen ohne Migrationshintergrund sind sie im Durchschnitt jünger und haben häufiger keinen, aber auch häufiger höhere (Aus-)Bildungsabschlüsse. Die häufig fehlende Anerkennung ausländischer Abschlüsse wirkt sich auf die Arbeitsmarktchancen ebenso negativ aus wie das Fehlen jeglicher Ausbildung. Migrant/innen erhalten bei den Grundsicherungsstellen im Vergleich zu Deutschen ohne Migrationshintergrund mehr Beratungsgespräche, schließen jedoch seltener Eingliederungsvereinbarungen ab und nehmen seltener an Maßnahmen teil. Einige Herkunftsgruppen werden deutlich häufiger mit Sanktionen belegt, andere Herkunftsgruppen deutlich seltener

    The appreciation and understanding of value diversity' : an evaluation of a value diversity intervention at the University of Stellenbosch

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    Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2003.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa has made a remarkable transformation from an openly racist to a tolerant and democratic nation. The transformation process removed the legal barriers between subgroups that formerly postulated separate development for the various racial groups and restricted the contact between individuals to a major extent. In present day society, one can observe the transformation process in that South African citizens from different backgrounds have to develop new patterns of communication and interaction. This process was mirrored in the student culture of Stellenbosch. The first objective of this study was to research how individual students experienced their social and academic environment. Since student relations do not always conform to the University norm of mutual respect for human diversity, the University felt the need to facilitate an intervention for valuing human diversity. The second objective of this study was to evaluate the process of the intervention, focusing on the programme context, the programme activities and the program theory. In addition, the impressions of workshop participants were studied. In order to conceptualise the research objectives, the theoretical principles of valuing diversity were discussed in the form of a purposive literature review on the social psychology and sociology of stereotyping and related processes, which were examined as barriers to valuing diversity. The Value Diversity Intervention was implemented in August 2001. The intervention aimed to heighten students' awareness of the diversity of the student body and to improve the interaction among the various student subgroups. The intervention was designed as a workshop and included 50 students from various backgrounds who were living in the University residences. Two evaluation types were utilised in this study, i.e. the evaluation of perceived needs and the evaluation of the intervention process. The research questions were clarified and the specific methods for gathering and analysing the data were specified. In addition, the aspect of validity and the quality of the obtained data were reviewed. The evaluation of perceived needs showed that individual students perceived the student population to be divided into minority ('coloured', 'black') and majority ('white') groups. Even though group membership did not affect specific instances of intergroup relations (e.g. individual friendships), it had implications for the social atmosphere on campus, which was characterised by a lack of intergroup contact and a domination by the majority group. Accordingly, minority group members interpreted the social atmosphere more negatively than majority group members. Hence, minority group members perceived a need to improve intergroup interaction. This analysis indicates that a value diversity intervention may be beneficial. This corresponded to the view of the Department of Student Affairs, which arranged the Value Diversity Intervention. The evaluation of the intervention highlighted both negative and positive aspects. Firstly, the intervention design did not include the promotion of the intervention itself, which might have been essential making students interested in the diversity topic and in motivating students to participate. Secondly, the intervention did not address the specific diversity challenges as experienced by students of the University of Stellenbosch. Students expressed concerns regarding the applicability of the provided information in their daily life. Thirdly, the workshop focused mainly on stereotypes. Yet, the possible effects of stereotypes were not sufficiently discussed. In addition, a large number of stereotypes were listed, but these were often biased due to the lack of participants from diverse groups. Further, no workshop technique which questioned the presented lists of biased stereotypes was applied or generated. Besides these technical considerations, it should be noted that stereotypes in general perpetuate the division between subgroups. Thus, the workshop focused to a large extent on past and present aspects, which divide the student population, instead of focusing on uniting issues. The described negative aspects might have been balanced by one of the four observed workshops. This specific workshop was characterised by a small amount of participants and a positive presentation of one of the main facilitators. This resulted in a productive discussion, where the participants used the possibility to reflect on the current situation out of their perspective and reflected upon the contributions of the facilitator. Students might have been motivated to take positive impulses of this workshop in their daily life. Based upon this research, recommendations can be determined. Firstly, the promotion of the intervention should emphasize the desirability of diversity values and highlight the personal potential benefits to participants. Secondly, it might be useful to acknowledge differences between students, but to place a greater emphasis on similarities, i.e. on aspects that connect students. Thirdly, the curriculum of the intervention should be modified to cater especially for student needs. Fourthly, the selected workshop components should achieve an equal balance between lecture parts and interactive elements. Participants should have the possibility to take an active part in the intervention if they are interested in doing so. The final recommendation entails that future interventions should be based on a comprehensive, sustained strategy with long-term goals. These strategies should be integrated in the already existing infrastructure of an institution. This intervention has to be understood as a contribution to the transformation process that South Africa is currently undergoing. Based on the recent discussion at the University of Stellenbosch about the adoption of a comprehensive diversity strategy, it is hoped that this singular intervention will be linked to further contributions in this transformation process.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid Afrika het 'n merkwaardige transformasie vanaf 'n openlik rassistiese tot 'n tolerante en demokratiese nasie ondergaan. Voorheen het die wetlike skeiding tussen subgroepe aparte ontwikkeling en, vir verskeie rassegroepe, minimale kontak met individue in verskillende rassegroepe beteken. Die transformasieproses in Suid-Afrika het hierdie omstandighede verander en in die huidige Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing is die proses waardeur mense van verskillende agtergronde nuwe patrone van kommunikasie en interaksie moet ontwikkel, merkbaar. Die transformasieproses kan ook in die studentekultuur van Stellenbosch gesien word. Die eerste doel van die tesis was om ondersoek in te stel na hoe individuele studente hulle sosiale en akademiese omgewing ervaar. Aangesien studenteverhoudinge nie altyd tot die Universiteit se norm van wedersydse respek vir menslike diversiteit konformeer nie, het die Universiteit gevoel dat daar 'n behoefte is om 'n intervensie te fasiliteer om waardering vir menslike diversiteit skep. Die tweede doel van die tesis was om die proses van die intervensie te evalueer deur te fokus op die konteks van die program, die programaktiwiteite en die programteorie. Verder is die indrukke van die deelnemers aan die werkswinkelook bestudeer. Die teoretiese beginsels onderliggend aan die waardering van diversiteit is bespreek ten einde die navorsingsdoelwitte te konseptualiseer. Dit is verwesenlik deur 'n "doelgerigte" literatuurstudie oor die sosiale sielkunde en sosiologie van stereotipering en verwante prosesse wat gesien word as struikelblokke in die evaluering van diversiteit. Die intervensie vir die waardering van diversiteit is in Augustus 2001 deur die Universiteit van Stellenbosch geimplimenteer. Die intervensie het as doel gehad om studente 'n verhoogde gewaarwording van die diversiteit van die studenteliggaam te bied en ook om interaksie tussen die verskeie studente-subgroepe te bevorder. Die intervensie is ontwerp as 'n werkswinkel vir 50 studente van verskillende agtergronde wat van Universiteitsbehuising gebruik maak. Die tesis verduidelik hoe die navorsingsdoelwitte korrespondeer met die evalueringstipes wat gebruik is, nl. die evaluasie van waargenome behoeftes en die evaluasie van die proses. Die navorsingsvrae is duidelik gestel en die wetenskaplike metodes vir dataversameling en dataanalise word gespesifiseer. Verder word die aspek van die geldigheid en kwaliteit van die data ook bespreek. Die evaluering van waargenome behoeftes het gewys dat individuele studente die studentepopulasie sien as verdeel In 'n minderheidsgroep ('bruin' en 'swart') en 'n meerderheidsgroep ('wit'). Alhoewel lidmaatskap tot n betrokke groep rue intergroepverhoudings affekteer nie (bv. individuele vriendskappe), het dit tog implikasies vir die sosiale atmosfeer op kampus wat deur 'n tekort aan intergroepkontak en dominasie deur die meerderheidsgroep gekarakteriseer kan word. Vervolgens interpreteer minderheidsgroepe die sosiale atmosfeer meer negatief as lede van die meerderheidsgroep. Dit kan dan ook as die rede aangevoer word waarom lede van minderheidsgroepe 'n waargenome behoefte het om intergroepinteraksie te bevorder. Die persepsies van die respondente wat 'n onderhoud toegestaan het, het aangedui dat 'n intervensie vir die waardering van diversiteit voordelig sal wees en dit het ooreengestem met die siening van die Departement van Studentesake, wat die intervensie gereël het. Die evalusie van die intervensie beklemtoon albei die negatiewe en positiewe aspekte. Eerstens, het die intervensie intervensie-ontwerp, nie die promosie van die intervensie self behels nie, wat noodsaaklik sou gewees het om student geinteresseerd te maak in die diversiteit van die onderwerp en om die studente te motiveer om mee te doen. Tweedens, het die intervensie nie die spesifieke uitdagings soos deur die studente van die Universiteit van Stellnbosch ondervind is, aangespreek nie. Studente het hulle bekommernis uitgespreek oor die toepassing van die informasie in hulle daaglikse lewe. Derdens het die werkswinkel hoofsaaklik gefokus op stereotipes. Nogtans was die effekte van die stereotipes nie deeglik bespreek nie. Boonop was daar te groot aantal stereotipes gelys, maar dit was bevooroordeeld as gevolg van die gebrek van deelnemer van diverse groepe. Daar was ook geen werkswinkel tegnieke van toepassing wat die aangebode lyste van die bevooroordeelde stereotipes bevraagteken het nie. Naas die tegniese oorwegings, moet daar gelet word dat stereotipes in die algemeen die verdeling tussen subgroepe in stand hou van stereotipes in die algemeen. Dus het die werkswinkel tot 'n groot mate gefokus op huidige en vorige aspekte wat die studente verdeel het in plaas daarvan om te fokus op sake van ooreenstemming. Gegrond op hierdie navorsing, kan aanbevelings gemaak word. Eerstens moet daar klem gelê word op die bevordering van die verskeie behoeftes en waardes van die intervensie en die potensiaal waarby deelnemers kan baat. Tweedens, kan dit waardevol wees om verskille tussen studente te erken maar groter klem te lê op eendersheid, d.i. aspekte wat die studente tot mekaar verbind. Derdens moet die leerplan van die intervensie gewysig word om in die behoeftes van die student te voorsien. Vierdens, moet daar 'n balans gehandhaaf word tussen die lesings en interaktiewe elemente. Daar moet 'n moontlikheid bestaan vir deelnemers om 'n aktiewe rol in die intervensie te speel indien hulle dit verlang. Ten slotte word aanbeveel dat toekomstige intervensie gebaseer word op begrypende en volgehoue strategie met lang termyn doelwitte. Die bogenoemde strategie moet in die alreeds bestaande infrastruktuur verweef word. Hierdie intervensie kan beskou word as 'n bydrae tot die transformasie proses wat Suid-Afrika huidiglik ondergaan. Gebaseer op die onlangse gesprek by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch oor die aanneming van'n omvattende diversiteitstrategie, word daar gehoop dat die enkelvoudige intervensie kan inskakel by verdere bydraes in die transformasie proses

    The Restructuring of Wage-Setting Fields between Competition and Coordination

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    Dieser Aufsatz behandelt die Restrukturierung von Institutionen der Lohnfindung in den Sozialen Diensten in Österreich und Deutschland und zielt auf ein besseres Verständnis der treibenden Kräfte von deren Wandel und Kontinuität. Soziale Dienste umfassen ein breites Spektrum von Dienstleistungen, wie arbeitsmarktpolitische Maßnahmen oder Altenpflege, und werden durch staatliche, privat-gemeinnützige oder profitorientierte Organisationen bereitgestellt. Trotz ähnlicher Herausforderungen durch europäische und nationale Liberalisierungs- und Sparpolitiken, transnationale Unternehmen und Arbeitsmigration haben sich die Lohnfindungsinstitutionen in den sozialen Diensten unterschiedlich entwickelt. Dieser Aufsatz schlägt eine, über konventionelle Theorien hinausgehende, soziale Feldperspektive vor, die (institutionalisierte) Machtrelationen und Konfliktdynamiken in der Beeinflussung von Lohnfindungsinstitutionen betont. Während existierende Institutionen und besondere Machtrelationen zwischen regionalen und nationalen Akteuren die Schaffung eines österreichischen Feldes der Lohnverhandlungen in den sozialen Diensten unterstützt haben, trugen regionale und nationale Akteure, und in einem geringeren Ausmaß auch transnationale Akteure zu fragmentierten und weiterhin umkämpften Institutionen der Lohnfindung in den deutschen sozialen Diensten bei.This article addresses the restructuring of wage-setting institutions in social services in Austria and Germany and seeks to better understand the forces shaping their changes and continuities. Social services include a wide range of services such as labour market policies or elderly care provided by state, private for- and non-profit organisations. Despite similar pressures resulting from European and national politics of economic liberalisation and austerity and the emergence of transnational corporations and labour migration wage-setting in social services turned out to follow different institutional paths. This article expands conventional theorising by using a social field perspective to uncover the role of (institutionalised) power relations and conflict dynamics in shaping the wage-setting institutions. While existing institutions and particular power relations between regional and national actors helped create a common wage-setting field in Austrian social services, the interactions between national and regional, and, to a lesser extent, transnational field participants have led to fragmented and still contested institutions of wage setting in German social services.(VLID)340623

    Interessen und Anerkennung in der Lohnpolitik aus feldtheoretischer Perspektive

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    In der Forschung zu industriellen Beziehungen sind in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten zahlreiche Arbeiten zu Konflikten über Anerkennung und Umverteilung entstanden. Ein zentraler Befund lautet, dass ein reines Interessenkonzept zur Frage der Umverteilung seine Stärken vornehmlich dann entfalten könne, wenn die Grenzen der gesellschaftlichen Sphären stabil und Kollektivakteure respektiert sind, während in Umbruchsprozessen die Anerkennung von Interessen, Ansprüchen und interessenpolitischen Akteurinnen und Akteuren selbst zum Thema wird. Wir schlagen ein feldtheoretisches Rahmenkonzept vor, in dem Interessen und Anerkennung, und diesen zugrundeliegende Machtrelationen theoretisch integriert werden können. Der empirische Fokus liegt auf Konflikten im Feld der Tarifpolitik. Auf den Vergleich tarifpolitischer Konflikte in der deutschen und österreichischen Metallindustrie angewandt, bringt die Feldtheorie einige - gemessen an den etablierten Ansätzen - kontraintuitive Befunde hervor. In der deutschen Metallindustrie zeigt sich nach 2004 (Pforzheimer Abkommen) trotz der Erosion der Tarifbindung ein relativ hoher Grad an Stabilität der tarifpolitischen Praktiken und subjektiven Dispositionen machtvoller Akteurinnen und Akteure in einem schrumpfenden Feld, während der Zustand des tarifpolitischen Feldes in Österreich dynamischer und instabiler ist, als dies aufgrund der Pflichtmitgliedschaft aller Unternehmen in der Wirtschaftskammer anzunehmen wäre.In the last two decades industrial relations research has produced a large variety of studies about conflicts over recognition and redistribution. An important finding of this research is that a pure interest concept has its strength when societal boundaries are stable and collective actors are accepted, while during transformation processes the recognition of interests, claims and collective industrial relations actors themselves are put into question. We propose a field-theoretical framework that enables us to take account of both, interests and recognition and their underlying power relations within a single theory. The empirical focus lies on conflicts in the field of collective bargaining. By applying the framework to the comparison of industrial relations actors in the German and Austrian metal industry we reveal - on the basis of established theoretical approaches - some counter-intuitive findings. Since 2004 (Pforzheim Accord) and despite the erosion of collective bargaining coverage German wage bargaining routines and practices have displayed a relatively high degree of stability, while the Austrian wage policy field proves more dynamic and instable as would have been expected due to the compulsory membership of all companies in the Chamber of Commerce