18 research outputs found

    Pancreatic ductal deletion of Hnf1b disrupts exocrine homeostasis, leads to pancreatitis and facilitates tumorigenesis

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The exocrine pancreas consists of acinar cells that produce digestive enzymes transported to the intestine through a branched ductal epithelium. Chronic pancreatitis is characterized by progressive inflammation, fibrosis and loss of acinar tissue. These changes of the exocrine tissue are risk factors for pancreatic cancer. The cause of chronic pancreatitis cannot be identified in one-quarter of patients. Here, we investigated how duct dysfunction could contribute to pancreatitis development. METHODS: The transcription factor Hnf1b, first expressed in pancreatic progenitors, is strictly restricted to ductal cells from late embryogenesis. We have previously shown that Hnf1b is crucial for pancreas morphogenesis but its postnatal role still remains unelucidated. To investigate the role of pancreatic ducts in exocrine homeostasis, we inactivated Hnf1b gene in vivo in mouse ductal cells. RESULTS: We uncovered that postnatal Hnf1b inactivation in pancreatic ducts leads to chronic pancreatitis in adults. Hnf1bΔduct mutants display dilatation of ducts, loss of acinar cells, acinar-to-ductal metaplasia (ADM) and lipomatosis. We deciphered the early events involved, with downregulation of cystic disease-associated genes, loss of primary cilia, upregulation of signaling pathways, especially Yap pathway involved in ADM. Remarkably, Hnf1bΔduct mutants developed pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia and promote PanIN progression in concert with KRAS. We further showed that adult Hnf1b inactivation in pancreatic ducts is associated with impaired regeneration after injury, with persistent metaplasia and initiation of neoplasia. CONCLUSION: Loss of Hnf1b in ductal cells leads to chronic pancreatitis and neoplasia. This reveals that Hnf1b deficiency may contribute to diseases of the exocrine pancreas and could gain further insight into the etiology of pancreatitis and tumorigenesis.Support to CH was received from theCentre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), the Universite Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC)- Sorbonne Université , the GEFLUC - Les entreprises contre le Cancer, the Societe Francophone du Diabete (SFD)-Ypsomed, the programme Emergence UPMC. EQ was supported by a PhD fellowship from the French Ministère de la Recherche et de la Technologie. MF is an assistant engineer of the CNRS. TD and AS were supported by Sorbonne Université. MDV was supported by a PhD student fellowship from the European Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN)-Biology of Liver and Pancreatic Development and Disease (BOLD). O. O. was supported by a Master1 fellowship. RCP was supported by a postdoctoral fellowship from the American Heart Association (14POST20380262). MG was supported by the National Institutes of Health (U01 DK089540) and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (1-2011-592). CH is a permanent senior researcher of the Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale (INSERM).S

    Anion transporter TAT1 (SLC26A8) : physiological role and involvement in human asthenozoospermia

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    La protéine TAT1 (Testis Anion Transporter 1 ; SLC26A8) appartient à la famille des SLC26, une famille de transporteurs d’anions qui contribuent dans différents épithelia à l’homéostasie cellulaire. La protéine TAT1 s’exprime exclusivement dans les cellules germinales mâles, chez l’homme et chez la souris. Sur le spermatozoïde mature, la protéine TAT1 est localisée à la jonction des pièces intermédiaire (PI) et principale (PP) du flagelle, au niveau de l’annulus, une structure en forme d’anneau composée de différents polymères de Septines (1, 4, 6, 7 et 12).Le modèle murin d’invalidation du gène Tat1 présente une infertilité mâle par asthénozoospermie totale (absence de mobilité des spermatozoïdes) et des défauts de capacitation associés à des anomalies structurales du flagelle (plicature du flagelle, disjonction entre la PI et la PP, atrophie de l’annulus). Ce modèle indique que la protéine TAT1 pourrait avoir un rôle structural dans le maintien de l’annulus et dans la mise en place du flagelle. Par ailleurs, la protéine TAT1 possédant une activité de transport d’anions, il est vraisemblable qu’elle puisse influer directement sur la régulation de la mobilité et de la capacitation puisqu’il est bien établi que les échanges ioniques sont essentiels au contrôle de ces deux processus.En effet, les ions chlorure, bicarbonate et calcium participent à l’activation de la voie de signalisation AMPc/PKA, au cours des processus de mobilité et de capacitation (i.e. processus de maturation ayant lieu dans le tractus génital féminin et conférant au spermatozoïde un mouvement hyperactivé et la capacité à interagir avec l’ovocyte).Plusieurs travaux ont montré une interaction physique et fonctionnelle des membres de la famille SLC26 avec le canal chlorure/bicarbonate CFTR (Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane conductance Regulator) dont les mutations sont responsables de la mucoviscidose. De manière intéressante des données récentes ont montré l’expression de CFTR dans le spermatozoïde et son rôle dans la régulation des flux de chlorure au cours de la capacitation. Au cours de ma thèse, nous avons testé la coopération entre les protéines TAT1 et CFTR ; nous avons pu montrer que la protéine TAT1 est capable d’interagir physiquement avec CFTR et de stimuler son activité de transport d’anions, suggérant qu’in vivo les deux protéines forment un complexe moléculaire impliqué dans la régulation des flux de chlorure et de bicarbonate dans le spermatozoïde.Tout comme TAT1, plusieurs membres de la famille SLC26 ont une expression tissulaire spécifique. Par ailleurs, les mutations génétiques de certains SLC26 sont associées à des pathologies humaines (surdité, diarrhée chlorurée congénitale et chondrodysplasie). De par le phénotype du modèle murin Tat1 et l’importance des SLC26 en pathologie humaine, TAT1 constitue un bon candidat dans la recherche des causes génétiques des asthénozoospermies humaines.Le laboratoire a mis en place au cours de ma thèse, un projet de recherche de mutations du gène TAT1 dans les asthénozoospermies humaines. Le séquençage des régions codantes du gène TAT1 dans une cohorte de 147 hommes infertiles par asthénozoospermie a ainsi permis d’identifier des variations de séquence inédites du gène chez 7 sujets. L’étude in vitro de certains variants indique pour trois d’entre eux une instabilité des formes mutantes associée à un défaut de stimulation du canal CFTR, in vitro. Par ailleurs, les spermatozoïdes de ces patients présentent d’importantes anomalies flagellaires dans la mise en place de la pièce intermédiaire, compatible avec un rôle de la protéine TAT1 et de ses partenaires (les septines) dans la genèse du flagelleTAT1 (Testis Anion Transporter 1 ; SLC26A8) belongs to the SLC26 family of anion transporters, which is implicated in cellular homeostasis of different epithelia. TAT1 is exclusively expressed in male germ cells, in human and mouse. On mature spermatozoa, TAT1 is located at the annulus, a ring-shaped structure composed of different septins polymers (1, 4, 6, 7 and 12), at the junction of the midpiece (MP) and principal piece (PP) of the flagellum.The knock-out mouse model of Tat1 gene shows a male infertility by complete asthenozoospermia (lack of sperm motility) and capacitation defects combined with flagellar structural abnormalities (flagella bending, MP and PP disjunction and atrophy of the annulus). This model suggests that the TAT1 protein could fulfill structural roles in the annulus and during flagellum biogenesis. Moreover TAT1 displayind an anion transport activity, it could also be implicated in the control of sperm motility and capacitation by regulating anions exchannges, which are well known to be essential for both processes.Indeed, chloride, bicarbonate and calcium ions are involved in the activation of the cAMP/PKA pathway, controlling sperm motility and capacitation processes (i.e. maturation events occuring in the female genital tract and providing the spermatozoa an hyperactivation movement and the ability to interact with oocyte).Several publications have reported a physical and functionnal interaction between SLC26 family members and the chloride/bicarbonate CFTR channel (Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane conductance Regulator), which mutations are responsible of cystic fibrosis. Interestingly, recent data showed CFTR expression in spermatozoa and its role in the regulation of chloride fluxes during capacitation. During my thesis, we tested TAT1 and CFTR cooperation; we showed that TAT1 can interact physically with CFTR and stimulate its anion transport activity, suggesting that in vivo they form a molecular complex involved in the regulation of chloride and bicarbonate fluxes during sperm capacitation.Like TAT1, several SLC26 family members have a tissue specific expression. Furthermore genetic mutations in several SLC26 members result in human pathology such as deafness, congenital chloride diarrhea and chondrodysplasia. According to the phenotype of the KO Tat1 mouse model and the role of SLC26 members in human pathology, TAT1 constitutes a good candidate for the search of genetic causes of human asthenozoospermia.During my thesis, the laboratory has set up, a research project aiming at identifying mutations in the TAT1 gene that are responsible for human asthenozoospermia.Sequencing of the TAT1 gene coding regions in a cohort of 147 infertile men presenting with asthenozoospermia allowed us to identify several new sequence variations in in the TAT1 gene. In vitro study of these variants shows that 3 of them are associated with protein instability and abrogate CFTR stimulation. Besides, patients sperm show important flagellar abnormalities in the midpiece, consistent with a role of TAT1 and its partners (septins) in flagellum biogenesis

    Le transporteur anionique TAT1 (SLC26A8) (rôle physiologique et implication dans les asthénozoospermies humaines)

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    La protéine TAT1 (Testis Anion Transporter 1 ; SLC26A8) appartient à la famille des SLC26, une famille de transporteurs d anions qui contribuent dans différents épithelia à l homéostasie cellulaire. La protéine TAT1 s exprime exclusivement dans les cellules germinales mâles, chez l homme et chez la souris. Sur le spermatozoïde mature, la protéine TAT1 est localisée à la jonction des pièces intermédiaire (PI) et principale (PP) du flagelle, au niveau de l annulus, une structure en forme d anneau composée de différents polymères de Septines (1, 4, 6, 7 et 12).Le modèle murin d invalidation du gène Tat1 présente une infertilité mâle par asthénozoospermie totale (absence de mobilité des spermatozoïdes) et des défauts de capacitation associés à des anomalies structurales du flagelle (plicature du flagelle, disjonction entre la PI et la PP, atrophie de l annulus). Ce modèle indique que la protéine TAT1 pourrait avoir un rôle structural dans le maintien de l annulus et dans la mise en place du flagelle. Par ailleurs, la protéine TAT1 possédant une activité de transport d anions, il est vraisemblable qu elle puisse influer directement sur la régulation de la mobilité et de la capacitation puisqu il est bien établi que les échanges ioniques sont essentiels au contrôle de ces deux processus.En effet, les ions chlorure, bicarbonate et calcium participent à l activation de la voie de signalisation AMPc/PKA, au cours des processus de mobilité et de capacitation (i.e. processus de maturation ayant lieu dans le tractus génital féminin et conférant au spermatozoïde un mouvement hyperactivé et la capacité à interagir avec l ovocyte).Plusieurs travaux ont montré une interaction physique et fonctionnelle des membres de la famille SLC26 avec le canal chlorure/bicarbonate CFTR (Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane conductance Regulator) dont les mutations sont responsables de la mucoviscidose. De manière intéressante des données récentes ont montré l expression de CFTR dans le spermatozoïde et son rôle dans la régulation des flux de chlorure au cours de la capacitation. Au cours de ma thèse, nous avons testé la coopération entre les protéines TAT1 et CFTR ; nous avons pu montrer que la protéine TAT1 est capable d interagir physiquement avec CFTR et de stimuler son activité de transport d anions, suggérant qu in vivo les deux protéines forment un complexe moléculaire impliqué dans la régulation des flux de chlorure et de bicarbonate dans le spermatozoïde.Tout comme TAT1, plusieurs membres de la famille SLC26 ont une expression tissulaire spécifique. Par ailleurs, les mutations génétiques de certains SLC26 sont associées à des pathologies humaines (surdité, diarrhée chlorurée congénitale et chondrodysplasie). De par le phénotype du modèle murin Tat1 et l importance des SLC26 en pathologie humaine, TAT1 constitue un bon candidat dans la recherche des causes génétiques des asthénozoospermies humaines.Le laboratoire a mis en place au cours de ma thèse, un projet de recherche de mutations du gène TAT1 dans les asthénozoospermies humaines. Le séquençage des régions codantes du gène TAT1 dans une cohorte de 147 hommes infertiles par asthénozoospermie a ainsi permis d identifier des variations de séquence inédites du gène chez 7 sujets. L étude in vitro de certains variants indique pour trois d entre eux une instabilité des formes mutantes associée à un défaut de stimulation du canal CFTR, in vitro. Par ailleurs, les spermatozoïdes de ces patients présentent d importantes anomalies flagellaires dans la mise en place de la pièce intermédiaire, compatible avec un rôle de la protéine TAT1 et de ses partenaires (les septines) dans la genèse du flagelleTAT1 (Testis Anion Transporter 1 ; SLC26A8) belongs to the SLC26 family of anion transporters, which is implicated in cellular homeostasis of different epithelia. TAT1 is exclusively expressed in male germ cells, in human and mouse. On mature spermatozoa, TAT1 is located at the annulus, a ring-shaped structure composed of different septins polymers (1, 4, 6, 7 and 12), at the junction of the midpiece (MP) and principal piece (PP) of the flagellum.The knock-out mouse model of Tat1 gene shows a male infertility by complete asthenozoospermia (lack of sperm motility) and capacitation defects combined with flagellar structural abnormalities (flagella bending, MP and PP disjunction and atrophy of the annulus). This model suggests that the TAT1 protein could fulfill structural roles in the annulus and during flagellum biogenesis. Moreover TAT1 displayind an anion transport activity, it could also be implicated in the control of sperm motility and capacitation by regulating anions exchannges, which are well known to be essential for both processes.Indeed, chloride, bicarbonate and calcium ions are involved in the activation of the cAMP/PKA pathway, controlling sperm motility and capacitation processes (i.e. maturation events occuring in the female genital tract and providing the spermatozoa an hyperactivation movement and the ability to interact with oocyte).Several publications have reported a physical and functionnal interaction between SLC26 family members and the chloride/bicarbonate CFTR channel (Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane conductance Regulator), which mutations are responsible of cystic fibrosis. Interestingly, recent data showed CFTR expression in spermatozoa and its role in the regulation of chloride fluxes during capacitation. During my thesis, we tested TAT1 and CFTR cooperation; we showed that TAT1 can interact physically with CFTR and stimulate its anion transport activity, suggesting that in vivo they form a molecular complex involved in the regulation of chloride and bicarbonate fluxes during sperm capacitation.Like TAT1, several SLC26 family members have a tissue specific expression. Furthermore genetic mutations in several SLC26 members result in human pathology such as deafness, congenital chloride diarrhea and chondrodysplasia. According to the phenotype of the KO Tat1 mouse model and the role of SLC26 members in human pathology, TAT1 constitutes a good candidate for the search of genetic causes of human asthenozoospermia.During my thesis, the laboratory has set up, a research project aiming at identifying mutations in the TAT1 gene that are responsible for human asthenozoospermia.Sequencing of the TAT1 gene coding regions in a cohort of 147 infertile men presenting with asthenozoospermia allowed us to identify several new sequence variations in in the TAT1 gene. In vitro study of these variants shows that 3 of them are associated with protein instability and abrogate CFTR stimulation. Besides, patients sperm show important flagellar abnormalities in the midpiece, consistent with a role of TAT1 and its partners (septins) in flagellum biogenesis.PARIS5-Bibliotheque electronique (751069902) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Assessment of the frequency of sperm annulus defects in a large cohort of patients presenting asthenozoospermia

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    International audienceBackground: The annulus is a ring-shaped structure located beneath the plasma membrane that connects the midpiece and the principal piece of mammalian sperm flagellum. It has been suggested that the annulus acts as a morphological organizer, guiding flagellum assembly during spermiogenesis, and as a diffusion barrier, confining proteins to distinct compartments of the flagellum in mature sperm. Previous studies on small cohorts of patients have attempted to correlate annulus defects with the occurrence of human asthenozoospermia. An absence of the annulus has been shown to be frequently associated with asthenozoospermia. Findings: We tried to obtain a more precise estimate of the frequency of annulus defects, by screening a large cohort of 254 men presenting asthenozoospermia (mean progressive motility of 24 %) by the immunodetection of SLC26A8, a transmembrane protein that has been shown to be specifically localized to the annulus. By contrast to previous reports, our results indicate that annulus defects are associated with asthenozoospermia in only 1.2 % of cases. Conclusions: We conclude that defects or an absence of the annulus are not frequently associated with asthenozoospermia. The use of annulus defects as a diagnostic endpoint in patients is therefore not appropriate

    Insights into the etiology and physiopathology of MODY5/HNF1B pancreatic phenotype with a mouse model of the human disease

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    Maturity‐onset diabetes of the young type 5 (MODY5) is due to heterozygous mutations or deletion of HNF1B. No mouse models are currently available to recapitulate the human MODY5 disease. Here, we investigate the pancreatic phenotype of a unique MODY5 mouse model generated by heterozygous insertion of a human HNF1B splicing mutation at the intron‐2 splice donor site in the mouse genome. This Hnf1bsp2/+ model generated with targeted mutation of Hnf1b mimicking the c.544+1G>T (<IVS2nt+1G>T) mutation identified in humans, results in alternative transcripts and a 38% decrease of native Hnf1b transcript levels. As a clinical feature of MODY5 patients, the hypomorphic mouse model Hnf1bsp2/+ displays glucose intolerance. Whereas Hnf1bsp2/+ isolated islets showed no altered insulin secretion, we found a 65% decrease in pancreatic insulin content associated with a 30% decrease in total large islet volume and a 20% decrease in total β‐cell volume. These defects were associated with a 30% decrease in expression of the pro‐endocrine gene Neurog3 that we previously identified as a direct target of Hnf1b, showing a developmental etiology. As another clinical feature of MODY5 patients, the Hnf1bsp2/+ pancreases display exocrine dysfunction with hypoplasia. We observed chronic pancreatitis with loss of acinar cells, acinar‐to‐ductal metaplasia, and lipomatosis, with upregulation of signaling pathways and impaired acinar cell regeneration. This was associated with ductal cell deficiency characterized by shortened primary cilia. Importantly, the Hnf1bsp2/+ mouse model reproduces the pancreatic features of the human MODY5/HNF1B disease, providing a unique in vivo tool for molecular studies of the endocrine and exocrine defects and to advance basic and translational research

    Missense mutations in SLC26A8, encoding a sperm-specific activator of CFTR, are associated with human asthenozoospermia.

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    International audienceThe cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) is present in mature sperm and is required for sperm motility and capacitation. Both these processes are controlled by ions fluxes and are essential for fertilization. We have shown that SLC26A8, a sperm-specific member of the SLC26 family of anion exchangers, associates with the CFTR channel and strongly stimulates its activity. This suggests that the two proteins cooperate to regulate the anion fluxes required for correct sperm motility and capacitation. Here, we report on three heterozygous SLC26A8 missense mutations identified in a cohort of 146 men presenting with asthenozoospermia: c.260G>A (p.Arg87Gln), c.2434G>A (p.Glu812Lys), and c.2860C>T (p.Arg954Cys). These mutations were not present in 121 controls matched for ethnicity, and statistical analysis on a control population of 8,600 individuals (from dbSNP and 1000 Genomes) showed them to be associated with asthenozoospermia with a power > 95%. By cotransfecting Chinese hamster ovary (CHO)-K1 cells with SLC26A8 variants and CFTR, we showed that the physical interaction between the two proteins was partly conserved but that the capacity to activate CFTR-dependent anion transport was completely abolished for all mutants. Biochemical studies revealed the presence of much smaller amounts of protein for all variants, but these amounts were restored to wild-type levels upon treatment with the proteasome inhibitor MG132. Immunocytochemistry also showed the amounts of SLC26A8 in sperm to be abnormally small in individuals carrying the mutations. These mutations might therefore impair formation of the SLC26A8-CFTR complex, principally by affecting SLC26A8 stability, consistent with an impairment of CFTR-dependent sperm-activation events in affected individuals