297 research outputs found

    Maintenance of Microbial Cooperation Mediated by Public Goods in Single- and Multiple-Trait Scenarios

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    Microbes often form densely populated communities, which favor competitive and cooperative interactions. Cooperation among bacteria often occurs through the production of metabolically costly molecules produced by certain individuals that become available to other neighboring individuals; such molecules are called public goods. This type of cooperation is susceptible to exploitation, since nonproducers of a public good can benefit from it while saving the cost of its production (cheating), gaining a fitness advantage over producers (cooperators). Thus, in mixed cultures, cheaters can increase in frequency in the population, relative to cooperators. Sometimes, and as predicted by simple game-theoretic arguments, such increases in the frequency of cheaters cause loss of the cooperative traits by exhaustion of the public goods, eventually leading to a collapse of the entire population. In other cases, however, both cooperators and cheaters remain in coexistence. This raises the question of how cooperation is maintained in microbial populations. Several strategies to prevent cheating have been studied in the context of a single trait and a unique environmental constraint. In this review, we describe current knowledge on the evolutionary stability of microbial cooperation and discuss recent discoveries describing the mechanisms operating in multiple-trait and multiple-constraint settings. We conclude with a consideration of the consequences of these complex interactions, and we briefly discuss the potential role of social interactions involving multiple traits and multiple environmental constraints in the evolution of specialization and division of labor in microbes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Abordaje clínico y comprensión de un trastorno de estrés: el mobbing

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    En este trabajo realizamos una valoración clínica del acoso moral en el trabajo, el denominado mobbing, señalando la pertenencia del mismo a la categoría de los trastornos de adaptación y su relación con otros problemas en el ámbito laboral, como el burnout, o el acoso sexual en el trabajo. Analizamos sus caracteres clínicos, sociales y laborales, su diagnóstico y su abordaje terapéutico desde un modelo de afrontamiento.In this paper we trie to understand analyze in a clinical line the mobbing, its relation with other stress disorders in working places, like bourn-out or sexual abuse in working places. We analyze this problem in a clinical line and we propose a treatment strategy in the line of cognitive coping skills training

    Plasmid Interactions Can Improve Plasmid Persistence in Bacterial Populations

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    It is difficult to understand plasmid maintenance in the absence of selection and theoretical models predict the conditions for plasmid persistence to be limited. Plasmid-associated fitness costs decrease bacterial competitivity, while imperfect partition allows the emergence of plasmid-free cells during cell division. Although plasmid conjugative transfer allows mobility into plasmid-free cells, the rate of such events is generally not high enough to ensure plasmid persistence. Experimental data suggest several factors that may expand the conditions favorable for plasmid maintenance, such as compensatory mutations and accessory genes that allow positive selection. Most of the previous studies focus on bacteria that carry a single plasmid. However, there is increasing evidence that multiple plasmids inhabit the same bacterial population and that interactions between them affect their transmission and persistence. Here, we adapt previous mathematical models to include multiple plasmids and perform computer simulations to study how interactions among them affect plasmid maintenance. We tested the contribution of different plasmid interaction parameters that impact three biological features: host fitness, conjugative transfer and plasmid loss - which affect plasmid persistence. The interaction affecting conjugation was studied in the contexts of intracellular and intercellular interactions, i.e., the plasmids interact when present in the same cell or when in different cells, respectively. First, we tested the effect of each type of interaction alone and concluded that only interactions affecting fitness (epistasis) prevented plasmid extinction. Although not allowing plasmid maintenance, intracellular interactions increasing conjugative efficiencies had a more determinant impact in delaying extinction than the remaining parameters. Then, we allowed multiple interactions between plasmids and concluded that, in a few cases, a combined effect of (intracellular) interactions increasing conjugation and fitness lead to plasmid maintenance. Our results show a hierarchy among these interaction parameters. Those affecting fitness favor plasmid persistence more than those affecting conjugative transfer and lastly plasmid loss. These results suggest that interactions between different plasmids can favor their persistence in bacterial communities.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Adaptation of the Electric Machines Learning Process to the European Higher, Education Area

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    In this paper the basic lines of a complete teaching methodology that has been developed to adaptthe electric machines learning process to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) arepresented. New teaching materials that are specific to Electric Machines have been created(textbooks, self-learning e-books, guidelines for achieving teamwork research, etc.). Working ingroups has been promoted, as well as problem solving and self-learning exercises, all of which areevaluated in a way that encourages students' participation. Finally, the students' learning process inthe lab has been improved by the development both of a new methodology to follow in the lab andnew workbenches with industrial machines that are easier to use and also enable the labexperiments to be automated. Finally, the first results obtained as a result of applying the proposedmethodology are presented

    Comunicação, participação e cultura na promoção da saúde: O campo da comunicação em saúde em contextos institucionais a partir da perspectiva construtivista (Estudo de caso na cidade de Córdoba, Argentina)

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    Artículo publicado en la Revista Eletrônica de Comunicação, Informação e Inovação em Saúde, vol. 6 (núm. 4), año 2012. La revista es editada por el Instituto de Comunicação e Informação Científica e Tecnológica em Saúde (Icict) da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz, Brasil).Focalizamos este trabalho no campo investigativo da promoção da saúde, rico em suas possibilidades de indagação a partir da articulação entre o social, o cultural e o comunicacional, e – paradoxalmente – pouco explorado através desse cruzamento tridimensional. Pesquisamos as experiências de promoção da saúde desenvolvidas entre 1998 e 2005 por mulheres promotoras da saúde em um centro de saúde municipal de um bairro de setores sociais vulneráveis da cidade de Córdoba, Argentina. Perguntamo-nos se a mudança das práticas comunicativas e de participação entre: equipe de saúde/população, equipe de saúde/promotoras e promotoras/população facilita ou não o surgimento de práticas transformadoras de promoção da saúde. Nosso objetivo geral foi dar conta de tais práticas – a partir de suas condições históricas de produção – bem como de suas transformações na trajetória dos agentes no campo social. A perspectiva Construtivista-Estruturalista de Bourdieu propiciou o enquadramento teórico geral. Complementamo-la com a Teoria da Estruturação de Giddens e a proposta sociológica cultural de Williams. A conceitualização específica originou-se dos estudos culturais da comunicação, da participação e da saúde.publishedVersio

    Una experiencia de trabajo en grupo de mujeres para la mejora de las habilidades de afrontamiento, en un Equipo de Salud Mental de Distrito

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    Evaluación como caso clínico de una experiencia de grupo de habilidades de afrontamiento, centrada en las estrategias de afrontamiento y reestructuración cognitiva a problemas cotidianos y de relación desarrollado en un Equipo de Salud Mental de Distrito. Ésta es realizada con una porción de la demanda femenina, con diagnósticos del ámbito de la ansiedad y depresión, que presenta pobre red social, aislamiento y conflictos en su relación de pareja.This paper is about the assesment of our experience in coping skill trainning group. It´s being made in the frame of a Community Mental Health Service. This experience is about women with anxiety and depressive disorders and severe problems of poor social net, isolation, sadness, and troubles in their marriage

    Mapping and quantifying medium-term soil loss rates in mountain olive groves using unmanned aerial vehicle technology

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    Olive groves are one of the main agroecosystems in the Mediterranean region, but water erosion, aggravated by inappropriate soil management, is compromising the environmental sustainability of these crops. National and international public organisations, including the European Union via its Common Agricultural Policy, have acknowledged the problem and recognise the need to quantify the effects of this process. However, the variability of currently available short-term soil erosion measurements, together with limited understanding of the underlying processes, mean there is considerable uncertainty about the long-term effects of soil erosion. This paper presents an innovative procedure called SERHOLIVE4.0 designed to measure and model long-term soil erosion rates in olive groves, by means of structure-from-motion (SfM) techniques by which im- age information is obtained from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). For the present study, the procedure was evaluated in mountain olive groves, where the erosion rate was calculated from historical surface reconstructions. Overall, this approach was found to be practical and effective. The method includes the following steps: [1] measure the current relief using UAV technology; [2] reconstruct the historical relief from field measurements; [3] calculate soil truncation (h) and obtain a soil erosion rate map; [4] determine the erosive dynamics of the slope and establish the relation between tree truncation, slope and mounds. The method we describe presents the following advantages: • it quantifies soil losses by reference to existing tree mounds; • it is straightforward to apply; • its application enhances the calibration of erosion modelsThis research has been funded by the Organismo Autónomo de Parques Nacionales (OAPN) under grant 2924S/2022, by the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) under grants TED2021-130031B-I00 and PID2020-437 113229RBC43/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the University of Malaga by grant B.1 of its own Research and Transfer Plan (B1-2022_19) and Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA. Thanks are due for the invaluable collabo- ration of the farmers of the Bajo Guadalhorce-Sierra de las Nieves Valley and to José Manuel Peña Barragán for providing the GPS instrumentation for the field measurements

    Reflexiones sobre la lealtad y deslealtad de abogados y procuradores: evolución histórica y su reflejo en el código penal

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    Programa de Doctorado en Derecho por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Jacobo Dopico Gómez-Aller.- Secretaria: Amparo Martínez Guerra.- Vocal: Emilio Daniel Cortés Bechiarell