37 research outputs found

    On the simulation of space based manipulators with contact

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    An efficient method of simulating the motion of space based manipulators is presented. Since the manipulators will come into contact with different objects in their environment while carrying out different tasks, an important part of the simulation is the modeling of those contacts. An inverse dynamics controller is used to control a two armed manipulator whose task is to grasp an object floating in space. Simulation results are presented and an evaluation is made of the performance of the controller

    Development Diplomacy as a Part of Public Diplomacy in the Pursuit of Foreign Policy Aims: Case of European Union Aid to Africa

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    This paper examines how the European Union and other Western countries use the development aid to pursue their own interests. The paper presents an argument of how development aid is used to protect the citizens of donor countries and their properties in foreign countries. The argument details how the EU and the developed countries use development aid to promote their values and political ideologies linked with public diplomacy. The analysis focuses on the conditions given to beneficiary countries before receiving foreign aid. It also examines the behaviour of recipient nations in regard to supporting their donors. The researcher used the qualitative methodology by means of explanatory research to narrow the broad assumptions related to the research topic. The usefulness of the exploratory research approach relies on its appropriateness in analysing vast quantities of qualitative data by organising the data into specific themes that are recurrent in the data (Bearman, 2013). Exploratory research also helped the author to be creative in order to gain the most amount of insight on a subject as focused on theory building (Opoku, 2016). Secondary data from books, peer reviewed journals, and relevant government and OECD reports were applied to come out with the the findings. Data collected was analysed by applying a thematic approach due to the potential subjective nature of the qualitative data. Conclusion and recommendations were also given

    The application of NASREM to remote robot control

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    The implementation of a remote robot controller, wherein the distance to the remote robot causes significant communication time delays is described. The NASREM telrobot control architecture is used as a basis for the implementation of the system. Levels 1 through 4 of the hierarchy were implemented. The solution to the problems encounterd during the implementation and those which are unique to remote robot control are described

    Characterization of Fast-Scan Cyclic Voltammetric Electrodes Using Paraffin as an Effective Sealant with In Vitro and In Vivo Applications

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    Fast-scan cyclic voltammetry (FSCV) is a powerful technique for measuring sub-second changes in neurotransmitter levels. A great time-limiting factor in the use of FSCV is the production of high-quality recording electrodes; common recording electrodes consist of cylindrical carbon fiber encased in borosilicate glass. When the borosilicate is heated and pulled, the molten glass ideally forms a tight seal around the carbon fiber cylinder. It is often difficult, however, to guarantee a perfect seal between the glass and carbon. Indeed, much of the time spent creating electrodes is in an effort to find a good seal. Even though epoxy resins can be useful in this regard, they are irreversible (seals are permanent), wasteful (epoxy cannot be reused once hardener is added), hazardous (hardeners are often caustic), and require curing. Herein we characterize paraffin as an electrode sealant for FSCV microelectrodes. Paraffin boasts the advantages of near-immediate curing times, simplicity in use, long shelf-life and stable waterproof seals capable of withstanding extended cycling. Borosilicate electrode tips were left intact or broken and dipped in paraffin embedding wax. Excess wax was removed from the carbon surface with xyelenes or by repeated cycling at an extended waveform (-0.4 to 1.4V, 400 V/s, 60 Hz). Then, the waveform was switched to a standard waveform (-0.4 to 1.3V, 400 V/s, 10 Hz) and cycled until stable. Wax-sealing does not inhibit electrode sensitivity, as electrodes detected linear changes in dopamine before and after wax (then xylenes) exposure. Paraffin seals are intact after 11 days of implantation in the mouse, and still capable of measuring transient changes in in vivo dopamine. From this it is clear that paraffin wax is an effective sealant for FSCV electrodes that provides a convenient substitute to epoxy sealants

    Políticas Públicas: Uma analise mais apurada sobre Governança e Governabilidade

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    Este ensaio teórico analisou os conceitos e direcionamentos a estudos sobre políticas públicas, governabilidade e governança. O grande desafio do Brasil continua sendo a modernização e, o desenvolvimento econômico, social e político, com descentralização. Várias experiências inovadoras de governança no Brasil, ao longo das últimas décadas, revelaram um alto grau de eficiência na desprivatização do poder público, na democratização do processo decisório ou ainda na reversão de práticas clientelistas. Em todo o mundo, se percebe alta centralidade na vida política, econômica, social e cultural de seus respectivos países. Averiguou-se as características do despotismo aliando seu exercício às práticas políticas, bem como identificamos o termo “política”, sua forma de atuação nos diferentes palcos sociais através dos tempos

    A computer-based automated algorithm for assessing acinar cell loss after experimental pancreatitis

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    The change in exocrine mass is an important parameter to follow in experimental models of pancreatic injury and regeneration. However, at present, the quantitative assessment of exocrine content by histology is tedious and operatordependent, requiring manual assessment of acinar area on serial pancreatic sections. In this study, we utilized a novel computer-generated learning algorithm to construct an accurate and rapid method of quantifying acinar content. The algorithm works by learning differences in pixel characteristics from input examples provided by human experts. HE-stained pancreatic sections were obtained in mice recovering from a 2-day, hourly caerulein hyperstimulation model of experimental pancreatitis. For training data, a pathologist carefully outlined discrete regions of acinar and non-acinar tissue in 21 sections at various stages of pancreatic injury and recovery (termed the ''ground truth''). After the expert defined the ground truth, the computer was able to develop a prediction rule that was then applied to a unique set of high-resolution images in order to validate the process. For baseline, non-injured pancreatic sections, the software demonstrated close agreement with the ground truth in identifying baseline acinar tissue area with only a difference of 1%±0.05% (p = 0.21). Within regions of injured tissue, the software reported a difference of 2.5%± 0.04% in acinar area compared with the pathologist (p = 0.47). Surprisingly, on detailed morphological examination, the discrepancy was primarily because the software outlined acini and excluded inter-acinar and luminal white space with greater precision. The findings suggest that the software will be of great potential benefit to both clinicians and researchers in quantifying pancreatic acinar cell flux in the injured and recovering pancreas

    Impact of the Pan African Parliament in Promoting Gender Balance

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    This article is about the impact of the Pan African Parliament in promoting gender balance. It is obvious that the Pan-African parliament has had significant results in promoting gender balance and women representation across the African continent. Since its inauguration in 2004, the parliament has continuously instilled measures that ensure women are encouraged to participate in leadership roles, and their rights are respected. Although many nations in Africa are male-dominated when it comes to leadership, tides are changing to a gender-balanced society where both males and females are seen as equal. Through the efforts of the Pan African Parliament, more women in Africa are participating in both political and economic leadership including running international and regional institutions for the development of the African continent. The inclusion of women in political activities is a fundamental right. It fosters gender equity as well as a democracy. Engaging women in leadership goes against previous practice of dominant male society thus promotes gender balance. Further, the inclusion of women in political matters is seen to give rise to a series of benefits, both economically and politically. In terms of politics, the addition of women is seen to promote the inclusion of minority groups in public offices, widen the number of women in parliament, reduce and fight corruption in governments and enhance policy results. Hence, the Pan African Parliament should consistently push for gender balance until a time when both genders shall establish equity, which will help grow Africa as a whole.     

    El perfil de la empresa exportadora gaucha: estrategia y acción

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    [ES] La Tesis tiene por objetivo investigar el perfil de la empresa exportadora del Estado de Rio Grande do Sal en Brasil. Comienza con un estudio bibliográfico sobre el conjunto de factores que impulsan a la empresa a realizar una actividad exportadora y la estrategia de la empresa exportadora frente a la competencia internacional. A continuación se realiza un estudio empírico sobre una muestra de empresas exportadoras "gauchas" con el fin de definir su perfil, características relevantes, en base a su tamaño, estructura organizativa, ventajas competitivas, utilización de acuerdos o alianzas estratégicas, fuentes de información de los mercados exteriores, actuaciones de investigación y desarrollo, espíritu innovador, origen de la actividad exportadora, medios de pago de las operaciones exteriores, y políticas de comercialización (producto, promoción, distribución y publicidad) empleadas por estas empresas en los mercados exteriores. Los resultados obtenidos en la investigación empírica permiten caracterizar la empresa exportadora "gaucha" en su comportamiento en los mercados exteriores

    Sizing Reactive Compensation for a Steel Plant to Support a New Descaler With Large Motors

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